Omnidata: A Scalable Pipeline for Making
Multi-Task Mid-Level Vision Datasets from 3D Scans

Ainaz Eftekhar†∗
   Alexander Sax‡∗
   Roman Bachmann
   Jitendra Malik
   Amir Zamir

This paper introduces a pipeline to parametrically sample and render multi-task vision datasets from comprehensive 3D scans from the real world. Changing the sampling parameters allows one to “steer” the generated datasets to emphasize specific information. In addition to enabling interesting lines of research, we show the tooling and generated data suffice to train robust vision models. Common architectures trained on a generated starter dataset reached state-of-the-art performance on multiple common vision tasks and benchmarks, despite having seen no benchmark or non-pipeline data. The depth estimation network outperforms MiDaS and the surface normal estimation network is the first to achieve human-level performance for in-the-wild surface normal estimation—at least according to one metric on the OASIS benchmark.

The Dockerized pipeline with CLI, the (mostly python) code, PyTorch dataloaders for the generated data, the generated starter dataset, download scripts and other utilities are available through our project website.

[Uncaptioned image]
Figure 1: Generating ‘steerable’ datasets of mid-level tasks from real-world 3D scans. (Left:) The proposed pipeline generates dense camera positions and points-of-interest in the input space and (right) renders 21 image-wise mid-level cues by default. Models trained on a starter dataset of this programmatically generated data roughly matches human performance for surface normal estimation on OASIS [13] (see Sec. 4).
Equal contribution.

1 Introduction

This paper introduces a pipeline to bridge the gap between comprehensive 3D scans and static vision datasets. Specifically, we implement and provide a platform that takes as input one of the following:

  • a textured mesh,

  • a mesh with images from an actual camera/sensor,

  • a 3D pointcloud and aligned RGB images,

and generates a multi-task dataset with as many cameras and images as desired to densely cover the space. For each image, there are 21 different default mid-level cues, shown in Fig. 1. The software makes use of Blender [17], a powerful physics-based 3D rendering engine to create the labels, and exposes complete control over the sampling and generation process. With the proliferation of reasonably-priced 3D sensors (e.g. Kinect, Matterport, and the newest iPhone), we anticipate an increase in such 3D-annotated data.

In order to establish the soundness for training computer vision models, we used our pipeline to annotate several existing 3D scans and produce a medium-size starter dataset of mid-level cues. Samples of the data and different cues are shown in Fig. 5. Standard models trained on this starter dataset achieve state-of-the-art performance for several standard computer vision tasks. For surface normal estimation, a standard UNet [50] model trained on this starter dataset yields human-level surface normal estimation performance on the in-the-wild dataset OASIS [13], even though the model never saw OASIS data during training. For depth estimation, our DPT-Hybrid [46] is comparable to or outperforms state-of-the-art models such as MiDaS DPT-Hybrid [47, 46]. The qualitative performance of these networks (shown in Figs. 6, 7) is often better than the numbers suggest, especially for fine-grained details.

We further provide an ecosystem of tools and documentation around this platform. Our project website contains links to a Docker containing the annotator and all necessary libraries, PyTorch [44] dataloaders to efficiently load the generated data, pretrained models, scripts to generate videos in addition to images, and other utilities.

We argue that these results should not be interpreted narrowly. The core idea of the platform is that the “sectors of the ambient [light-field] array are not to be confused with temporary samples of the array” (J. J. Gibson [22]). That is, static images only represent single samples of the entire 360-degree panoramic light-field environment surrounding an agent. How an agent or model samples and represents this environment will affect its performance on downstream tasks. The proposed platform in this paper is designed to reduce the technological barriers for research into the effect of data sampling practices and into the interrelationships between data distribution, data representation, models, and training algorithms. We discuss directions here and analyze a few illustrative examples in the final section of the paper.

First, the pipeline proposed in this paper provides a possible pathway to understand such sampling effects. That is, the rendering pipeline offers complete control over (heretofore) fixed design choices such as camera intrinsics, scene lighting, object-centeredness [45], the level of “photographer’s bias” [6], data domain, and so on. This makes it possible to run intervention studies (e.g. A/B tests), without collecting and validating a new dataset or relying on a post-hoc analysis. As a consequence, this provides an avenue for a computer vision “dataset design guide”.

Second, vision is about much more than semantic recognition, but our datasets are biased towards that as the core problem. The best-studied, most diverse and largest dataset (>10M images) generally contains some form of textual/class labels [19, 57] and only RGB images. On the other hand, datasets for most non-classification tasks remain tiny by modern standards. For example, the indoor scene dataset NYU [53], still used for training some state-of-the-art depth estimation models [70], contains only 795 training images—all taken with a single camera. The pipeline presents a way to generate datasets of comparable quality for non-recognition tasks.

Third, the generated data allows “matched-pair experimental design” that simplifies study into the interrelationships of different tasks, since the pipeline produces labels for every sample. In particular, it helps to avoid issues like the following: suppose a model trained for object classification on ImageNet transfers to COCO [36] better than a model trained for depth estimation on NYU [53]–is that due to the data domain, the training task, the diversity of camera intrinsics, or something else?

Existing matched-pair datasets usually focus on a single domain (indoor scenes [72, 53, 3, 56], driving [21, 18], block-worlds [28], etc.) and contain few cues [18, 53, 3, 56]. The provided starter dataset may be a better candidate for this research than these existing datasets, since it contains over 14.5 million images from different domains (more than the full ImageNet database), contains many different cues (e.g. for depth, surface normals, curvature, panoptic segmentation, and so on), and models trained on this dataset reach excellent performance for several tasks and existing benchmarks. We demonstrate the value of such matched-pairs data in Sec. 5.3,

Though our pipeline is designed to facilitate understanding the principles of dataset design, vision beyond recognition, the interrelationships between data, tasks, and models, this paper does not extensively pursue those questions themselves. It provides a few analyses, but these are merely intended as illustrative examples. Instead, the paper introduces tooling designed to facilitate such research as 3D data becomes more widely available and the capture technology improves. On our website, we provide a documented, open-sourced, and Dockerized annotator pipeline with a convenient CLI, runnable examples, a live demo, the starter dataset, pretrained models, PyTorch dataloaders, and code for the paper (including annotator and models).

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Overview of the generation pipeline. (I) Given a textured mesh (or other options discussed in Sec. 3.1), our pipeline (II) generates dense camera locations, (III) generates points-of-interest subject to multi-view constraints and (IV) produces 21 different mid-level cues for each (shown in Fig. 1).

2 Related Work

In this section we examine related datasets and other approaches. A thorough review would take more space than we have, so we restrict our attention to only the most relevant groupings.

Static 3D Datasets. The past few years have witnessed an uptick in the number of mesh-based datasets, thanks largely to the availability of reasonably-priced 3D scanners. Each dataset in the current crop, though, usually consists of scenes in a restricted domain. Prominent examples of indoor building datasets include Stanford Building Dataset (S3DIS) [5], Matterport3D [10], Taskonomy [72], Replica [56], 2D-3D-Semantic [4], Habitat-Matterport [40], and Hypersim [49]. Other datasets contain primarily outdoor scenes, usually driving–such as CARLA [21], GTA5 [48]–or other narrow domains such as the aptly-named Tanks and Temples [32] dataset. Models trained on such scene-level views often do not generalize to object-centric views (see Fig. 7), but existing datasets with high-resolution object meshes do not include 2D images samples [1, 9].

Other recent datasets aim to link diverse monocular 2D images and corresponding 3D meshes, but take the reverse approach of this paper by using hand-annotation to create meshes from single-view in-the-wild RGB samples [13, 14]. This labeling process is expensive and time-consuming, and crucially does not allow regenerating the image dataset. In Sec. 4.3, we consider our pipeline vs. OASIS, one of the largest and most diverse of these benchmarks, and demonstrate that models trained on our starter dataset already match human-level performance on OASIS—outperforming the same architectures models trained on OASIS itself.

Vision-Focused Simulators. Like our platform, simulators typically take a textured mesh as the representation of the scene and aim to produce realistic sensory inputs [40, 66]. While spiritually similar to the pipeline proposed in this paper, the current generation of simulators is designed first and foremost to train embodied agents. They prioritize rendering speed and real-time mechanics at the cost of photorealism and cue diversity [29, 43]. Extending such simulators to handle additional cues or to parametrically render out vision datasets often requires writing new components of the simulator codebase (usually in C++, CUDA, or OpenGL), a surmountable but unpleasant barrier to entry. In contrast, our platform extends Blender which “supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline” [16] and provides Python bindings that will be intuitive to most vision researchers, and we implement many of these cues and sampling methods out-of-the-box. In short, we provide a bridge between simulators and static vision datasets.

Multi-Task Datasets. Vision-based multi-task learning (MTL), like computer vision in general, shows a general bias towards recognition. MTL datasets often take different shades of classification as the core problem of interest [34, 64, 39]. In particular, MTL literature often focuses on binary attribute classification in specialized domains, such as Caltech-UCSD Birds [65] or CelebA [38]. Visual MTL datasets that contain non-recognition tasks often contain only a single domain or a few tasks (NYU [53], CityScapes [18] or Taskonomy [72]). Sometimes, MTL papers take mix datasets for a “single” task and consider each dataset as a different task [37, 47, 35, 46].

In general, the multi-task learning literature has not converged on a standardized definition of the setting or dataset. Recent work has demonstrated that MTL methods developed on existing datasets seem to specialize to their respective developement set and do not perform well on large, realistic datasets, or on other tasks [62, 63, 73]. This underscores the importance of developing realistic training setting and datasets that generalizes to real-world scenarios.

Data Augmentation + Domain Randomization. Data augmentation is a way to modify the data or training regimen so that the trained model exhibits desirable invariances (or equivariances). During training, any transformation of sensor inputs that determines a unique (possibly identity) transformation on the label can be used as “augmented” data. For example, simple 2D augmentations such as 2D affine transformations, crops, and color changes that leave the labels unchanged are the common in computer vision [11, 23], since they can be used even when datasets lack 3D geometry information. In robotics and reinforcement learning where 3D simulators are more standard, data augmentation was introduced as “domain randomization” [59], and common augmentations include texture and background randomization on the scene mesh. Recently, [20] introduced a Blender-based approach for doing domain randomization and creating static datasets of RGB, depth, and surface normals from SunCG [58].

Our pipeline makes all these augmentations available for static computer vision datasets: not just flips/crops/texture randomization, but also dense viewpoints, multi-view consistency, Euclidean transforms, lens flare, etc.). We implement and examine depth-of-field augmentation in Sec. 5.1.

Auto Labeling is an umbrella term for a group of data labeling procedures that harness structure in the data as constraints in order to prune or propagate labels and save annotation labor. This is accomplished primarily by I) pre-trained models as noisy annotator (e.g. [2, 25, 52]), and/or II) aggregating and filtering annotations based on known constraints (e.g. backprojection error, bundle adjustment, temporal smoothness, or [26, 27, 3]). Our pipeline has connections to auto labeling in the sense that we make use of the strong structure present in 3D scanned data to compute and propagate labels across images and reduce the load of (automatically or manually) labeling each image.

3 Pipeline Overview

We call our pipeline Omnidata as it aspires to encapsulate comprehensive scene information (“omni”) in the generated “data”. Try a live example here to get acquainted with the pipeline. The example uses the CLI and a YAML-like config file to generate images from a textured mesh in Replica [56].

Inputs: The annotator operates upon the following inputs:

  • Untextured Mesh (.obj or .ply)

  • Either: Mesh Texture or Aligned RGB Images

  • Optional: Pre-Generated Camera Pose File

A 3D pointcloud can be used as well: simply mesh the pointcloud using a standard mesher like COLMAP [51]. An example of meshing and using a 3D pointcloud with the annotator, as well as a more complete description of inputs are available in the supplementary.

Outputs: The pipeline generates 21 mid-level cues in the initial release. All labels are available for all generated images (or videos). Fig. 1 provides a visual summary of the different types of outputs. A detailed description of the default mid-level cues and additional outputs provided by the Omnidata annotator is included in the supplementary.

3.1 Sampling and Generation

In this section we provide a high-level outline of the generation and rendering process (see Fig. 2), deferring full details to the supplementary.

First, the annotator generates camera locations (Fig. 2 II) and points-of-interest (Fig. 2 III) along the mesh.

Second, for each camera and each point-of-interest, it creates a view from that camera fixated on the point (three fixated views are depicted in the lower part of Fig. 3).

Third, for each space-point-view triplet, the annotator renders (Fig. 4) all the mid-level cues (Fig. 2 IV).

Each step is elaborated next.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Wide- and narrow-baseline dense view sampling. Each point-of-interest can be viewed by a guaranteed minimum number of cameras. We also provide an option for creating denser views with narrower baselines (e.g. similar to consecutive video frames) that is crucial for inverse rendering methods..
Refer to caption
Figure 4: DAG of processing pipeline. The pipeline uses some of the mid-level cues to produce others. The ordering of this process (for image-like cues) is shown by the DAG.
Refer to caption
Figure 5: Mid-level cues provided for the starter set. 12 out of 21 mid-level cues visualized for each component dataset in the starter set, which contains both scenes and objects. Images with red borders indicate cues that were not included in the original data. Fig. 1 visualizes all 21 cues.

Camera and Point Sampling: Camera locations can be provided (if the mesh comes with aligned RGB), or as in Fig. 2 II, the annotator generates cameras in each space so that cameras are not inside or overlapping with the mesh (default: cameras generated via Poisson-disc sampling to cover the space). Points-of-interest are then sampled from the mesh with a user-specified sampling strategy (default: uniform sampling of each mesh face and then uniform sampling on that face). Cameras and points are then filtered so that each camera sees at least one point and each point is seen by at least some user-specified minimum number of cameras (default: 3).

View Sampling: The annotator provides two default methods for generating views of each point. The first method (wide-baseline) generates images while the second, (smooth-trajectory mode) generates videos.

  • Wide-baseline multi-view: A view is saved for each space-camera-point combination where there is an unobstructed line-of-sight between the camera center and the point-of-interest. The camera is fixated on the point-of-interest, as shown in Fig. 3, bottom.

  • Smooth trajectory sampling: For each point of interest, a subset of cameras with a fixated view of the point are selected, and a smooth cubic-spline trajectory is interpolated between the cameras. Views of the point are generated for cameras at regular intervals along this trajectory (see Fig. 3, top).

Rendering mid-level cues: Since no single piece of software was able to provide all mid-level cues, we created an interconnected pipeline connecting several different pieces of software that are all freely available and open-source. We tried to primarily use Blender (a 3D creation suite), since it has an active user and maintenance community, excellent documentation, and python bindings for almost everything. Used by professional animators and artists, it is is generally well-optimized. The overall pipeline is fairly complex, so we defer a full description to the supplementary. The order of cue generation is shown in Fig. 4. The full code is available on our website.

Performance: The annotator generates labels in any resolution. Each space+point+view+cue label in the starter dataset (512×512) typically takes 1-4 seconds on server or desktop CPUs and can be parallelized over many machines.

3.2 Ecosystem Tools

To simplify adoption, the following tools are available on our website and the associated GitHub repository:

Pipeline code and documentation.

Docker containing the annotator and properly linked software (Blender [16], compatible Python versions, MeshLab [15], etc.).

Dataloaders in PyTorch for correctly and efficiently loading the resulting dataset

Starter dataset of 14.5 million images with associated labels for each task

Convenience utilities for downloading and manipulating data and automatically filtering misaligned meshes (description and sensitivity analysis in the supplementary).

Pretrained models and code, including the first publicly available implementation of MiDaS [47] training code.

4 Starter Dataset Overview

We provide a relatively large starter dataset of data annotated with the Omnidata annotator. The dataset comprises roughly 14.5 million images from scenes that are both scene- and object-centric. Fig. 5 shows sample images from the starter dataset along with 12 of the 21 mid-level cues provided. Cues that are not present in the original dataset are indicated with a red border. We evaluate this starter dataset on existing benchmarks in Sec. 4.3. Note that the dataset could be straightforwardly extended to other existing outdoor and driving datasets such as GTA5 [48], CARLA [21], or Tanks and Temples [33].

Refer to caption
Figure 6: Qualitative comparison with MiDaS on zero-shot OASIS depth estimation. The last 2 rows show the surface normals extracted from the depth predictions. Our model predicts more accurate depth (left), and also outperforms in recovering the fine-grained details (middle). As shown by the extracted surface normal in the last 3 columns (right), our depth predictions better reflect the curvature and true shape of the objects, while the same regions appear flat in the predictions by the MiDaS model. The red rectangles highlight the regions useful for comparison [best viewed zoomed in].

4.1 Datasets Included

The starter data was created from 7 mesh-based datasets:

Indoor scene datasets: Replica [56], HyperSim [49], Taskonomy [72], Habitat-Matterport (HM3D)

Aerial/outdoor datasets: BlendedMVG [69]

Diagnostic/Structured datasets: CLEVR [28]

Object-centric datsets: To provide object-centric views in addition to scene-centric ones, we create a dataset of Google Scanned Objects [1] scattered around buildings from the Replica [56] dataset (similar to how ObjectNet [8] diversified images for image classification). We used the Habitat [40] environment to generate physically plausible scenes, and generated different densities of objects. Examples of images are shown in Fig. 5, and a full description of the generation process is available in the supplementary.

4.2 Dataset Statistics

The starter dataset contains 14,601,449 images from 2,414 spaces. Views are both scene- and object-centric, and they are labeled with each modality listed in Fig.1. Camera field-of-view is sampled from a truncated normal distribution between 30 and 125 with mean 77.5, and camera roll is uniform in [10,10]. Tab. 1 contains data broken down to sub-datasets.

Images Spaces Points
Dataset Train Val Test Train Val Test
CLEVR 60,000 6,000 6,000 1 0 0 72,000
Replica 56,783 23,725 23,889 10 4 4 4,150
Replica + GSO 107,404 43,450 42,665 10 4 4 31,167
Hypersim 59,543 7,386 7,690 365 46 46 74,619
Taskonomy 3,416,314 538,567 629,581 379 75 79 684,052
BlendedMVG 79,023 16,787 16,766 341 74 73 112,576
Habitat-Matterport 8,470,855 1,061,021 - 800 100 - 564,328
Total (no CLEVR) 12,189,922 1,690,936 720,591 1,905 303 206 1,434,892

Table 1: Component dataset statistics. Breakdown of train/val/test split sizes in each of the components of the starter datset.

4.3 Soundness for Existing Computer Vision

We demonstrate that the generated dataset is capable of training standard, modern vision systems to state-of-the-art performance on existing benchmarks. Once we have established that the models can be trusted, we further provide a few transfer experiments to quantify how related the different component datasets are.

We show that the models trained on a 5-dataset portion of the starter dataset (4M images) for depth and surface normal estimation have state-of-the-art performance on the in-the-wild OASIS benchmark. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the pipeline for semantic tasks, we show that the predictions from a network trained for panoptic segmentation on a smaller 3-dataset portion (1M images) are of similar quality to models trained on COCO [36]. Full experimental details and more results are available in the supplementary.

Method Test Data L1 Error () δ>1.25 () δ>1.252 () δ>1.253 ()
XTC [71] 1.180 85.28 71.86 60.22
MiDaSv3 [46] OASIS [13] 0.8057 82.03 67.25 55.35
Omnidata 0.7901 81.00 65.22 52.93
XTC [71] 0.5279 70.41 49.90 36.28
MiDaSv3 [46] NYU [53] 0.3838 63.84 41.65 28.97
Omnidata 0.2878 51.73 30.98 20.86

Table 2: Zero-shot depth estimation. On NYU and OASIS, a DPT-Hybrid trained on the Omnidata starter dataset is comparable or better then the same model trained on existing depth datasets.
Anglular Error % Within t Relative Normal
Method Training Data Mean Median 11.25 22.5 30 AUCo AUCp
Hourglass [12] OASIS [13] 23.91 18.16 31.23 59.45 71.77 0.5913 0.5786
Hourglass [12] SNOW [14] 31.35 26.97 13.98 40.20 56.03 0.5329 0.5016
Hourglass [12] NYU [54] 35.32 29.21 14.23 37.72 51.31 0.5467 0.5132
PBRS [74] NYU [54] 38.29 33.16 11.59 32.14 45.00 0.5669 0.5253
UNet [50] SunCG [55] 35.42 28.70 12.31 38.51 52.15 0.5871 0.5318
UNet [50] Omnidata 24.87 18.04 31.02 59.53 71.37 0.6692 0.6758
Human (Approx.) - 17.27 12.92 44.36 76.16 85.24 0.8826 0.6514

Table 3: Zero-shot surface normal estimation on OASIS. A UNet trained on the Omnidata starter dataset matched or outperformed models trained on OASIS itself, and it matched human-level AUCp. Notice that the first row is not zero-shot since it’s trained on OASIS.
Refer to caption
Figure 7: Qualitative results of zero-shot surface normal estimation. The 3 models are trained on OASIS[13], Full Taskonomy[71, 72], and our starter set. Queries are from 3 different datasets (OASIS, Taskonomy, GSO+Replica) in addition to some external queries in the last 2 columns (no ground truth available) which show the generalization of the models to external data [best viewed zoomed in].

Monocular depth estimation: The current best approach for depth estimation is to aggregate multiple smaller datasets and train with scale- and shift-invariant losses [47, 46] to handle the different unknown depth ranges and scales. As of this writing, the DPT-based [46] models from “MiDaS v3.0” [46] define the state-of-the-art, especially on NYU [53]. We adopt a similar setting to MiDaS v3.0, but train on a 5-dataset portion of our starter dataset instead of their 10-dataset mix111 MiDaS v3.0 also uses MTAN [37] for dataset balancing, and though in Sec. 5.3 we examine MTAN (it indeed helped on our dataset), we used here a naive sampling strategy in order to be consistent with the majority of the other models in this paper. .

As in [46], we evaluate zero-shot cross-dataset transfer with test predictions and GT aligned in scale and shift in inverse-depth space. Tab. 2 shows that the DPT-Hybrid trained on our starter dataset outperforms MiDaS DPT-Hybrid on both the test set of NYU [53] and the validation split of OASIS (the test GT is not available). The error metrics use δ=max(dd,dd) where d and d are aligned depth and ground truth. Our model better recovers the fine-grained details and true shape of the objects—this is especially clear in the surface normals extracted from the predictions (last 2 rows of Fig. 6). Full details, code, and more qualitative results are available on our website.

Surface normal estimation: Similar to the existing models on the surface normal track of OASIS, we train a vanilla UNet [50] architecture (6 down/6 up, similar to [71]) with angular & L1 losses, light 2D data augmentation, and input resolutions between 256 and 512. We use Adam [30] with LR 104 & weight decay 2×106. The results in Tab. 3 indicate that our model matched human-level performance on OASIS AUCp. On most of the remaining metrics, it outperformed related models trained on other datasets (including OASIS itself) and models with architectures specifically designed for normals estimation (PBRS). Fig. 7 shows that our model qualitatively performs much better on selected images than is indicated by the numbers, which may be because the standard metrics do not align with perceptual quality as “uninteresting” areas (walls, floors) dominate the score [13]. Further details and results are available in the supplementary.

Panoptic segmentation: To demonstrate the pipeline’s ability to train models for non-geometric tasks, we train a PanopticFPN [31] on a 3-dataset subset of our starter dataset. Fig. 8 shows that on in-the-wild images of indoor buildings, the resulting model is of similar quality to one trained on COCO [36] (an extensive manually labeled dataset). Quantitative results, full experimental details, and code are available on our website.

Refer to caption
Figure 8: Qualitative results of panoptic segmentation with PanopticFPNs [31] trained on COCO [36] and Omnidata . The Omnidata model trained jointly on Taskonomy, Replica, and Hypersim shows good out-of-distribution performance on indoor scenes without people.

4.3.1 Dataset Relatedness

To estimate how the components of the starter dataset are related, we use zero-shot cross-dataset transfer performance for surface normal and panoptic segmentation models trained on different components. Tab. 4 shows that each single model performs well on its corresponding test set, but typically generalizes poorly. The models trained on larger splits perform better overall (see supplementary). The model trained on the largest set achieved the best average performance (harmonic mean 25.8% and 30.3% better than best single-dataset models for surface normal estimation and panoptic segmentation). The ranking of transfers depended on the task, which might be due to the sparse panoptic labels on Taskonomy (from the followup paper [2]), but we believe the dependency is true in general.

Surface normal estimation: L1 Error () Panoptic Quality (PQ) ()
Train/Test Taskonomy Replica Hypersim Replica+GSO BlendedMVG h. mean Taskonomy* Replica Hypersim h. mean
Taskonomy* 4.85 7.76 8.69 13.89 15.55 8.53 8.39 3.95 11.67 6.55
Replica 9.36 3.98 11.78 10.28 15.02 8.24 1.01 41.97 4.50 2.43
Hypersim 7.28 7.57 6.72 11.34 12.94 8.56 9.35 14.08 25.39 13.80
Replica+GSO 13.88 4.94 15.05 5.17 14.03 8.26 - - - -
BlendedMVG 17.1 14.23 16.93 14.87 8.85 13.58 - - - -
Omnidata 5.32 4.24 6.53 6.45 11.53 6.11 9.14 41.24 30.16 17.98

Table 4: Inter-dataset domain transfer performance for surface normal estimation and panoptic segmentation. Models trained on each individual dataset and Omnidata are evaluated on test splits of the starter set. The harmonic mean across datasets is shown in the last column. (* PQ on things classes only, as Taskonomy does not feature stuff labels.)

5 Illustrative Data-Focused Analyses

Now that we have established that the annotator produces datasets capable of training reliable models, what analyses can we do with such datasets? We survey a few examples here, but they are not intended to be comprehensive (Sec. 1).

5.1 New 3D Data Augmentations

Data augmentation is used to address shortcomings in model performance and robustness. For example, models trained only on images captured with narrow apertures (e.g. NYU or Taskonomy) tend to perform poorly on images taken with a wide aperture (i.e. strong depth-of-field), and augmenting with 2D Gaussian blur is used to improve model performance on unfocused portions of images. The approach is common enough that 2D blur was included in the Common Corruptions benchmark [24]. Because the full scene geometry is available for our starter dataset, it is possible to do the data augmentation in 3D (image refocusing) instead of 2D (flat blurring). Fig. 9 shows an example of what 3D “image refocusing” augmentation on our dataset looks like. In the supplementary, we show that models trained for surface normal estimation using only 3D augmentation were more robust to both 2D blurring and 3D refocusing than those trained with 2D augmentation.

Refer to caption
Figure 9: Image refocusing augmentation on Taskonomy. Portions of the image that are in focus are highlighted in red [best viewed zoomed in].

5.2 Mid-Level Cues as Inputs: Are They Useful?

Is there an advantage in using multiple sensors or non-RGB representations of the environment? Instead of predicting mid-level cues as the downstream task (i.e. multi-task learning), multiple cues could also be used as inputs (if relevant sensors are available) or specified as intermediate representation (with the labels being used as supervision only during training, i.e. PADNet [68]).

Tab. 5 demonstrates that using these additional cues in the latter 2 ways can improve performance on the original test set and also on unseen data. In this experiment, we train HRNet-18 [58] backbones for semantic segmentation using a single component dataset (10 spaces from Replica) and evaluate them on Replica, Hypersim and Taskonomy (tiny split). Relative to using only RGB inputs and the semantic segmentation labels, cross-entropy performance improves across the board when treating the cues as sensors (23%, 34% and 30%) or using them as intermediate representations (13%, 17%, and 19%). Adding more cues seems to help. Full experimental settings in the supplementary.

Future work could further analyze how the effectiveness of these different methods change with dataset size, which cues to use, how many additional images a mid-level cue is worth, and on the relative importance of getting more data from the same scene vs. adding data from new scenes.

GT Mid-Level Predicted Mid-Level
Input/Supervised Domains Cross-Entropy () Cross-Entropy ()
Repl. H.Sim Task. Repl. H.Sim Task.
RGB 0.61 5.87 7.55 0.61 5.87 7.55
(All Above) + Normals 0.47 4.47 6.12 0.61 5.44 7.12
(All Above) + 3D Edges 0.46 4.47 6.75 0.54 5.06 6.49
(All Above) + (2D Edges, Z-Depth, 3D Keypts) 0.46 3.86 6.04 0.53 4.9 6.13
Table 5: Utility of mid-level cues. The table shows semantic segmentation results using models trained on Replica. The models (except for “RGB”) received (either predicted or GT) mid-level cues in their input in addition to the RGB. The results show they notably benefited from the mid-level cues.

5.3 Systematic Evaluation of Multi-Task Learning

Recent work [62] shows that existing MTL techniques for computer vision appear to be specialized to their development setting, and in general they do not outperform single-task or shared-encoder approaches on novel datasets or tasks. We extend those results for additional tasks (3D Keypoints) and add numbers on our dataset as a comparison point. Specifically, we follow [62] and train models for a fixed set of tasks (semantic segmentation, 3D keypoints, depth z-buffer, and occlusion edges) using different MTL methods (Tab. 6). On a 3-dataset split of the starter dataset, some methods naturally perform better and others do worse. One might hope that the ordering of these methods would be the same on different tasks (semantic segmentation vs 3D Keypoints), or at least when training for those same tasks on a different dataset (NYU [53], CityScapes [18], or Taskonomy [72]). Yet, Tab. 6 shows that MTL methods display no clear ranking in either case (i.e. Spearman’s ρ was always indistinguishable from 0). Ignoring the lack of significance, the cross-dataset correlation was still weak (ρ<0.45), and methods performance was actually anti-correlated across tasks (ρ=-0.4), suggesting that the models are indeed specialized to specific tasks. This anti-correlation was true even when controlling for dataset.

Given that current MTL approaches do not outperform single-task baselines, predicting different mid-level cues poses a challenging setting for MTL. The Omnidata pipeline provides an avenue to create large and diverse multi-task mid-level benchmarks that could more systematically and reliably evaluate progress in multi-task learning.

Semantic Segmentation 3D Keypoints
Method Ours NYU [53] CityScapes. [61] Taskonomy [61] Ours Taskonomy [61]
IoU () Rank IoU () Rank IoU () Rank IoU () Rank L1 () Rank L1 () Rank
Single task 85.12 1 90.69 2 65.2 1 43.5 4 0.0439 4 0.23 1
MTL baseline 81.82 3 90.63 3 61.5 4 47.8 1 0.0429 3 0.34 2
MTAN [37] 83.00 2 91.11 1 62.8 3 43.8 3 0.0426 1 0.4 3
Cross-stitch [42] 80.69 4 90.33 4 65.1 2 44.0 2 0.0427 2 0.50 4
Spearman’s ρ Within task.: ρ=0.43. Between segm.-3D keypts.: ρ=-0.4 Within task: ρ=0.2.

Table 6: Multi-task training methods do not show a clear ordering. Within-task, rankings between different methods were indistinguishable from random orderings (i.e. ρ=0). Between tasks, rankings on Sem. Seg. were anti-correlated with rank on the 3D Keypts (ρ=-0.4). Both conclusions were strengthened after controlling for training setups.

6 Conclusion and Limitations

This paper introduces a pipeline to create steerable datasets from comprehensive scans of the environment. The resulting multi-task datasets can be large and diverse, and realistic enough that models trained on the data perform well in the real world. To demonstrate this, we annotated an example dataset and used it to train a few standard vision methods to state-of-the-art performance on multiple computer vision tasks. We believe this is capability is useful on its own, especially since it acts as a bridge between real-world 3D scans, simulators, and static vision datasets.

Our main intention for this tool is to better study properties of vision datasets, and their interaction with models and tasks. Crucially, the fact that the pipeline can be used to train strong models in real-world settings gives us hope that findings stemming from this pipeline here might hold true more generally. In particular, we believe that this “steerable dataset” method could bear fruit in fundamental lines of research such as how data sampling strategies and choice of cue/sensor impact representations and model reliability.

To close, we discuss some of important limitations of this pipeline and possibilities for future lines of work.

  1. 1.

    Studying steerability. The Omnidata pipeline provides a method to create steerable datasets, but we did not present any analysis of the effects of tuning the different steering ‘knobs’. I.e. our starter dataset used a fixed choice of generation settings and we did no tuning on that initial choice. Clearly, such choices do have important effects on the dataset (e.g. see our online demo) and on the resulting models [61, 60, 7, 67]). We believe rich insights lie in this direction, which is why we created this pipeline. This paper only provides a few sporadic experiments to illustrate the general idea, it does not represent a systematic study.

  2. 2.

    Limited capture information. The 3D scans used in this paper come from the output of standard structure-from-motion methods that stitch together many overlapping images from RGB and depth sensors. These scans are represented as meshes (with textures or aligned RGB images), but this representation leaves out important information about the scene. For example, the materials lack reflectance models (e.g. BRDF) and there is no information about scene lighting. Moreover, scans usually have limited reconstruction accuracy (e.g. commonly up to 2cm error in Taskonomy), which affects both the texture quality and the quality of the generated labels. Better sensing technology (e.g. light-field cameras, higher-resolution depth sensors), as well as algorithmic improvements (e.g. NeRF, below) can add more dimensions of control and reduce the gap between the resampled and real cues/images.

  3. 3.

    How to represent the ’complete capture’. The Omnidata pipeline uses 3D meshes to represent the scene, and samples images using that representation. Other representations, such as using light-field cameras and NeRF [41] could be used as implicit representations of the scene and similarly used for resampling the scene. The surprising effectiveness of NeRF makes this direction quite compelling.

  4. 4.

    Limited number of mid-level cues. The initial release of the Omnidata annotator provides 21 mid-level cues. Like most tasks in computer vision, the current mid-level cues are based more on human intuition than on demonstrably predictive theories of vision. As computer vision and vision science make new advancements, these can be integrated to the sampling pipeline as long as the required information is present in the capture information (e.g. new cues and augmentations).


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