Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction

Nicholas Popovic    Michael Färber
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
{popovic, michael.faerber}@kit.edu


We present FREDo, a few-shot document-level relation extraction (FSDLRE) benchmark. As opposed to existing benchmarks which are built on sentence-level relation extraction corpora, we argue that document-level corpora provide more realism, particularly regarding none-of-the-above (NOTA) distributions. Therefore, we propose a set of FSDLRE tasks and construct a benchmark based on two existing supervised learning data sets, DocRED and sciERC. We adapt the state-of-the-art sentence-level method MNAV to the document-level and develop it further for improved domain adaptation. We find FSDLRE to be a challenging setting with interesting new characteristics such as the ability to sample NOTA instances from the support set. The data, code, and trained models are available online111https://github.com/nicpopovic/FREDo.

1 Introduction

The goal of relation extraction is to detect and classify relations between entities in a text according to a predefined schema. The schema, defining which relation types are relevant is highly dependent on the specific application and domain. Supervised learning methods for relation extraction Soares et al. (2019); Zhou et al. (2021); Zhang et al. (2021); Xu et al. (2021); Xiao et al. (2022), which have advanced rapidly since the introduction of pretrained language models such as BERT Devlin et al. (2019), need large corpora of annotated relation instances to learn a schema. Since annotating data sets for relation extraction manually is expensive and time consuming, few-shot learning for relation extraction represents a promising solution for relation extraction at scale.

While the general N-way K-shot few-shot learning framework is relatively well defined and appears easy to apply to relation extraction, constructing realistic benchmark tasks has proven to be challenging. One of the core difficulties of establishing a realistic benchmark task for few-shot relation extraction is correctly modelling the most frequent situation a relation extraction system will encounter, none-of-the-above (NOTA) detection. NOTA refers to the case in which a candidate pair of entities does not hold any of the relations defined in the schema, a situation which is far more common than its reverse (for the document-level data set DocRED Yao et al. (2019), 96.84% of candidate entity pairs are NOTA cases). While initial benchmarks Han et al. (2018) ignored this scenario altogether, researchers working on few-shot relation extraction have pushed for more realistic NOTA modeling in tasks and developed methods that can better detect NOTA instances Gao et al. (2019); Sabo et al. (2021).

Parallel to the outlined efforts towards realistic few-shot relation extraction benchmarks, research into supervised relation extraction has moved from sentence-level tasks, relation extraction within single sentences, to document-level relation extraction. The push towards document-level relation extraction is motivated by (1) extracting more complex, cross-sentence relations and (2) information extraction at scale. The latter is driven by an inherent challenge when increasing the scope from single sentences to multiple sentences: The number of entities involved increases and with that comes a quadratic increase in candidate entity pairs. While sentence-level approaches typically evaluate each candidate entity pair individually, this strategy is infeasible at the document-level (DocRED contains an average of 393.5 candidate entity pairs per document, compared to only 2 for many sentence level-tasks). In addition to the increased computation requirements, this results in a drastic increase in the amount of NOTA examples in a given query, demanding new methods of handling the imbalances that come with this change of distribution Han and Wang (2020); Zhou et al. (2021).

All current few-shot relation extraction benchmarks are based on sentence-level tasks. We argue that moving few-shot relation extraction from the sentence-level to the document-level: (1) brings with it as an inherent characteristic the more realistic NOTA distribution which prior work has looked to emulate and (2) will make the resulting methods more suitable for large scale information extraction.

In this work, we therefore define a new set of few-shot learning tasks for document-level relation extraction and design a strategy for creating realistic benchmarks from annotated document corpora. Applying the above to the data sets DocRED Yao et al. (2019) and sciERC Luan et al. (2018), we construct a few-shot document-level relation extraction (FSDLRE) benchmark, FREDo, consisting of two main tasks, an in-domain and a cross-domain task requiring domain adaptation. Finally, building on the state-of-the-art few-shot relation extraction approach MNAV Sabo et al. (2021) and document-level relation extraction concepts Zhou et al. (2021), we develop two approaches for tackling the above tasks.

We begin by outlining key related work in section 2. In section 3 we give a description of the proposed tasks. Next, in section 4 we explain the construction of the benchmark, FREDo, followed by an overview of the proposed methods (section 5), an analysis and discussion of the observed results (section 6), and the conclusion (section 7).

2 Related Work

To the best of our knowledge, all current few-shot relation extraction benchmarks Han et al. (2018); Gao et al. (2019); Sabo et al. (2021) focus on extracting relations from single sentences. FewRel Han et al. (2018) introduces a relation extraction benchmark in the N-way K-shot setting Vinyals et al. (2016); Snell et al. (2017) in which a relation instance is to be assigned to one of N classes given only K examples for each of the classes. In this setting human performance was quickly surpassed Soares et al. (2019), leading Gao et al. Gao et al. (2019) to create FewRel 2.0 in an effort to increase the difficulty by adding a domain adaptation task, as well as a NOTA detection task. Sabo et al. Sabo et al. (2021) argue that the way FewRel 2.0 models NOTA cases is not realistic due to the way NOTA instances are sampled, develop a framework for creating more realistic benchmarks and propose building such a benchmark using the sentence-level data set TACRED Zhang et al. (2017). Tran et al. Tran et al. (2021) forego labeled training data altogether and focus on the one-shot and weakly-supervised classification setting without NOTA cases.

While multiple relation extraction data sets based on annotated documents, rather than single sentences, are available in the form of CDR Li et al. (2016), sciERC Luan et al. (2018), SciREX Jain et al. (2020), DialogRE Yu et al. (2020), and GDA Wu et al. (2019), the introduction of the large scale data set DocRED Yao et al. (2019) seems to have significantly increased research interest into supervised relation extraction at the document-level more recently Zhou et al. (2021); Zhang et al. (2021); Xu et al. (2021); Xiao et al. (2022).

Since documents contain considerably more entities than individual sentences and the amount of candidate entity pairs increases quadratically with the amount of entities, applying sentence-level methods to document-level tasks is not feasible. Document-level relation extraction approaches therefore use a different architecture Wang et al. (2019) than sentence-level approaches. Another challenge is the large imbalance in the amount of positive and negative examples of relations encountered during training. Some researchers approach the problem by resampling training examples to counteract the imbalance Han and Wang (2020), while others use more specialized solutions, such as modified loss functions Zhou et al. (2021).

3 Task Description

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Illustration of an episode in the Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction setting. Given a support document with annotated relation instances, the task is to return all instances of the same relation types for the query document. During testing a different corpus of documents, as well as a different set of relation types are used than during training.

In document-level relation extraction the task is to return a set S containing all valid triples of the format (eh, ri, et) for a document D. Here, eh and et are the head- and tail-entity of a relation instance, respectively, and riR is a relation type, with R being the set of relation types for which instances are to be extracted. The positions of any entity mentions, as well as any co-reference clusters are provided as part of the input222The setting in which no such annotations are given is typically referred to as joint entity and relation extraction and is out of scope of this paper.. In both supervised learning and few-shot learning the documents used at test time are sampled from a different corpus than those used at training time. The added complexity in few-shot learning is caused (1) by a change in the set of relation types R between training and test time, and (2) by a much smaller amount of annotated examples given for each relation type.

3.1 Document-Level Few-Shot Relation Extraction

In figure 1 we give an illustration of the proposed task setting. We define as few-shot document-level relation extraction (FSDLRE) the following: Given a set of support documents {DS,1,,DS,k}, the corresponding sets {TS,1,,TS,k} containing all valid triples for each support document, and a query document DQ, the task is to return the set TQ, containing all valid triples in the query document. The sets {TS,1,,TS,k} and TQ consist of triples for the relation types Repisode. Repisode is a subset of either Rtrain or Rtest, two disjoint sets of relation types used for training or testing, respectively. The annotations of the support documents are complete, meaning that any candidate entity pair for which no relation type has been assigned can be considered NOTA.

3.1.1 In-Domain vs. Cross-Domain

For in-domain FSDLRE training and test documents are taken from the same domain. For cross-domain FSDLRE the test documents are taken from a different domain. Consequently, text style, text content, entity types, and relation types will all differ from those seen in the training documents. While this increases the difficulty of the challenge, this also resembles a more realistic application of few-shot relation extraction methods: A key motivation for few-shot learning is to develop methods which can be applied to new data without the need for large-scale manual annotation. Restricting the applicability of a method to a specific domain and annotation procedure does not fit this idea.

3.2 Differences to Existing Benchmarks

The tasks described above differ from existing few-shot relation extracting benchmarks in multiple ways. (1) Operating at document-level means the data now includes instances of relations expressed across multiple sentences and that models need to be able to evaluate candidate entity pairs more efficiently. (2) Like for FS-TACRED Sabo et al. (2021), the amount of candidate entity pairs for which no relation is to be extracted is significantly larger than in other benchmarks (96.4% compared to 15%/50% for FewRel 2.0 Gao et al. (2019)) and the distribution from which NOTA instances are sampled, is more realistic than in FewRel 2.0, where NOTA instances are always instances of other, valid relation types. (3) By requiring support annotations to be complete we have access to a support NOTA distribution, which is not the case for any existing benchmarks. (4) Our tasks do not follow the fixed N-way K-shot format that related work has followed. Instead, N and K are variable between documents and therefore between individual episodes.

4 FREDo: Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction Benchmark

4.1 Selected Data Sets

Data Set # Docs # RT333relation types # CP/Doc444candidate pairs per document # Words/Doc # Sents/Doc Domain
DocRED 4051 96 394 172 8 Non-specific
sciERC 500 7 187 118 5.4 Scientific Publications
Table 1: A comparison of DocRED Yao et al. (2019) and sciERC Luan et al. (2018), the datasets selected for the FREDo benchmark.

In order to construct a benchmark based on the tasks described in section 3 we require fully annotated data sets from two separate domains. For the training set and the in-domain test set we use DocRED Yao et al. (2019) due to it being, to the best of our knowledge, the largest and most widely used document-level relation extraction data set. For the cross-domain test set we use sciERC Luan et al. (2018) due to its domain (abstracts of scientific publications), which differs from DocRED (Wikipedia abstracts), and the fact that it contains annotations for 7 relation types. In table 1 we show a comparison of the selected datasets. Additional document-level relation extraction data sets, SciREX Jain et al. (2020), DialogRE Yu et al. (2020), GDA Wu et al. (2019), CDR Li et al. (2016), were considered but ultimately not used for the cross-domain set, due to the amount of relation types annotated (too few), missing coreference links, or differing relation format (SciREX annotations are based on N-ary relations, while the other datasets annotate only binary relations).

4.2 Training and Test Data

4.2.1 Document Corpora

We begin by building 3 separate corpora of documents, 1 for training and development and 1 for testing each task (in-/cross-domain). Since the annotated test corpus for DocRED is not publicly available we use the documents in the development corpus as the test corpus for our in-domain task (meta-test). The DocRED training corpus is therefore used as the basis for both our training, and development set (meta-train). For the cross-domain task we require only a test set. This is because the training and development set for this task are identical to that of the in-domain task. We therefore use all documents in sciERC as our cross-domain test set (meta-test).

4.2.2 Assigning Relation Types

For preprocessing, we begin by comparing the relation types annotated in sciERC to those in the DocRED corpus555The mapping can be found in appendix A.. We find 2 relation types (P279, P361) which are annotated in both DocRED and sciERC. We remove these from the DocRED corpus in order to prevent data leakage between train and test sets.

For DocRED, we split the remaining 94 relation types into 4 disjoint sets, a training set (62) Rtrain, development set (16) Rdev, and in-domain test set (16) Rtest. For the cross-domain test set we use all 7 relation types in the sciERC corpus. An overview of the relation types assigned to each set can be found in appendix A and B.

4.3 Test Episode Sampling

In few-shot learning, each training/testing step consisting of support documents and query documents is called an episode. Since evaluating every possible combination of support and query documents would result in too many episodes (approx. 1 million episodes for the in-domain and 250k episodes for the cross-domain test set) we need to sample a smaller amount of episodes from our corpora. We chose our sampling procedure with the goal of producing a representative measurement of the macro F1 score.

For few-shot learning tasks the episode sampling process can be split into 2 steps, the first step being the sampling of the support examples and the second step being the sampling of the query examples. Unlike the sentence-level scenario where each example contains exactly one relation instance, each document we sample contains multiple instances of different relation types. In order to balance the amount of times each relation type is seen as a support example during testing we use the following procedures for the first sampling step: We begin by selecting from the set Rtest the relation type rs which is currently least represented in the testing corpus. If there are multiple such relation types we randomly choose one. For this relation type we sample support documents which contain at least one instance of rs each. Since the selected support documents may contain instances of other relation types in Rtest we add all of the relation types contained in the support document666The first, if there are multiple support documents. to the episodes annotation schema. Following Sabo et al. Sabo et al. (2021), we randomly sample query documents from the test corpus777Note that we exclude the previously sampled support documents. to realistically represent the NOTA distribution of the entire corpus.

4.3.1 Choosing Test Set Sizes

In order to choose a sufficiently large amount of test episodes for a representative F1 score we evaluate a trained model for 50k episodes, logging the macro f1 score at intervals of 100 episodes. We repeat this for 5 different random seeds. Using the variance between the 5 measurements as a guide, we choose a number of episodes which we deem to satisfy a good balance between low variance and manageable test set size. For robustness we sample episodes with 3 different random seeds for the final test sets. The resulting test set sizes are: 15k episodes for the in-domain tasks and 3k episodes for the cross-domain tasks.

4.4 Characteristics of Resulting Tasks

Task N K (micro) K (macro)
1-Doc 2.18 2.36 2.24
3-Doc 3.47 4.30 4.31
1-Doc 4.26 2.73 2.40
3-Doc 6.08 5.55 5.27
Table 2: Average values for N and K across test episodes. K (micro) denotes the average across all episodes, K (macro) denotes the weighted average of mean K for each relation type.

Existing few-shot benchmarks typically set 2 tasks, a single-shot and a K-shot (3/5/10-shot) challenge, in order to determine the way performance may scale when adding annotated training data. Due to the nature of our tasks, N and K are variable from episode to episode, depending on the specific support documents and relation types. We measure the scalability of approaches by defining a 1-Doc and 3-Doc challenge.

Therefore, the proposed benchmark, FREDo, consists of 2 main tasks with a 1-Doc and a 3-Doc subtask each:

  • The in-domain tasks for which an approach which has been trained on documents sampled from DocRED is evaluated on 15k episodes generated using documents from DocRED.

  • The cross-domain tasks for which an approach which has been trained on documents sampled from DocRED is evaluated on 3k episodes generated using documents from sciERC.

In order to better characterize our tasks in relation to the common N-way K-shot format we measure the distribution of N and K across our test sets. All the average values for K and N are shown in table 2. We find that the mean values of N are (2.18/3.47) for the in-domain tasks (1-/3-doc) and (4.26/6.08) for the cross-domain task. For K we calculate both the mean values across all episodes (micro), as well as the mean across the different relation types (macro).

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Embedding space illustration of the different models used for evaluation at inference time. Shown in (a) are all data points available from support documents, as well as the query instance. Class prototypes in (b) are computed as mean of support relation instances. Learned NOTA vectors, shown in red, are not based on support NOTA instances but learned during training and do not change based on the support document. Dotted lines indicate distances affecting the classification of the query instance, shown in white. Background colors illustrate approximate classification boundaries. For the baseline model (5.1.1), decision boundaries are the same as in (d).

5 Experiments

5.1 Models

A common approach to relation extraction in general is to compute the similarity between embeddings produced by a fine-tuned language model such as BERT Devlin et al. (2019). In order to produce a relation embedding for a given pair of entities, most approaches concatenate embeddings corresponding to each entity. One way to generate an entity embedding from the output of a language model is to average the embeddings of all tokens belonging to an entity. Another way is the use of so called entity markers, introduced by Soares et al. Soares et al. (2019), which are tokens placed at the beginning and end of an entity mention within the input text. The embeddings of the tokens placed at the start of each entity mention are then used as the entity embeddings. In few-shot learning, a common way to use embedding similarity are prototypical networks Snell et al. (2017). Here, the embeddings of all K support examples are averaged into a so-called prototype. Given a query embedding, the similarity to the N class-prototypes is then used for classification.

In order to assess the difficulty of our challenges we measure the performance of 3 approaches. We set an initial baseline using the pretrained language model BERTBASE Devlin et al. (2019) without fine-tuning. Next, we adapt the state-of-the-art sentence-level few-shot relation extraction method MNAV Sabo et al. (2021) to the document-level (DL-MNAV). Finally, we make 2 modifications to DL-MNAV (SIE and SBN) to improve cross-domain performance. In figure 2 we show a comparison of how the different models handle decision boundaries with respect to support and query instances.

5.1.1 Baseline

We set an initial baseline using the pretrained language model BERTBASE Devlin et al. (2019) without fine-tuning in the following way: We encode each document using the language model and then average the output tokens of each entity mention. Following Han and Wang Han and Wang (2020), we then average the mention representations for each entity. The resulting entity mentions are then concatenated for each candidate pair of entities to form relation embeddings. The similarity between a relation embedding in a query document to a relation embedding in a support document is calculated via their dot product. The relation type of the support embedding producing the highest dot product is output as the predicted relation type.

5.1.2 Adapting MNAV to Document-Level (DL-MNAV)

The current state-of-the-art few-shot sentence-level relation extraction method MNAV Sabo et al. (2021) uses a combination of entity embeddings based on entity markers and prototypical networks. Furthermore, it introduces the idea of learning M prototypes to represent the NOTA class. In order to use MNAV at the document-level one key architectural change is required: Instead of only marking two entities, a head- and a tail-entity, with two different tokens we mark all spans with the same entity marker tokens. Furthermore, following other document-level approaches Han and Wang (2020); Zhou et al. (2021) we apply a pooling step888For the pooling step we use mean pooling as, during preliminary experiments, it performed better than the logsumexp pooling used by Zhou et al.. to create representations for entities which are mentioned more than once in a document.

One of the challenges in realistic relation extraction is the large imbalance in the amount of positive and negative examples of relations encountered during training. In document-level relation extraction this challenge is even more central to the task than in sentence-level relation extraction. Preliminary experiments showed that simply using cross-entropy loss, as is done for MNAV, yields sub-par results. To tackle this999We also examined the option of resampling the training samples such that the amount of negative examples in each training step roughly matches the amount of positive examples Han and Wang (2020), but found this to be less effective., we adopt the adaptive thresholding loss function used by Zhou et al. Zhou et al. (2021) which is an adaptation of categorical cross entropy loss designed specifically for classifiers which treat NOTA as a relation type during classification, as is the case for MNAV.

Finally, we modify the initialization procedure of the NOTA vectors. While Sabo et al. (2021) initialize the vectors using an averaged value of relation representations, we sample NOTA representations from the support documents during the first training step.

5.1.3 Support Instance Evaluation (SIE)

MNAV being based on prototypical networks Snell et al. (2017) means that the embeddings of all support instances of a relation type are averaged into a single prototype. While this has proven to be an effective strategy, we argue that it may not be ideal during inference in a cross-domain setting where the change in data distribution may break the assumption that the mean of support instances provides a good prototype. In SIE we therefore use all individual support instances during inference, instead of their average.

5.1.4 Support Based NOTA Vectors (SBN)

In treating NOTA as a relation type and learning a persistent set of vectors during training, MNAV works on the assumption that the NOTA distribution during testing will match that seen during training. While this assumption is warranted and seems to work well for in-domain few-shot learning, we argue that this may not be the case for cross-domain settings. For this reason, we additionally add NOTA instances from the support documents to our set of NOTA vectors during training and inference.101010The sampled NOTA representations do not persist across episodes. Instead of randomly sampling NOTA vectors from the support documents we sample the most similar k=5 NOTA instances measured via their dot product for each relation prototype111111Since, with SIE, we do not use prototypes at inference time, we then perform this sampling step for each relation instance rather than for prototypes and increase k to 20.. During inference in a new domain, we use only the NOTA vectors sampled from the support document and ignore the learned vectors.

5.2 Sampling Training & Development Episodes

We compare 2 different ways of sampling episodes during training. First we sample training and development episodes in the same way as for the test sets. In order to get sufficient coverage to calculate representative macro F1 scores on the development set, we sample 4k episodes. As an alternative we modify the query sampling by ensuring that for each episode at least one of the query documents contains an instance of the relation type rs. This way we increase the amount of non-NOTA examples the model sees during training. Another effect is that we need fewer development episodes (we use 500) to calculate macro F1 scores.

macro F1 [%]
Model 1-Doc 3-Doc
Random Sampling 5.77 5.29
Ensure Positive 7.26 9.37
Table 3: Results for different query sampling strategies on the in-domain task
1-Doc 3-Doc
Model Precision [%] Recall [%] F1 [%] Precision [%] Recall [%] F1 [%]
Baseline 0.36 9.69 0.60 0.60 10.75 0.89
DL-MNAV 6.26±0.22 21.08±2.71 7.05±0.18 7.71±0.69 22.80±3.82 8.42±0.64
DL-MNAVSIE 5.57±0.04 23.12±1.69 7.06±0.15 5.16±0.19 33.61±2.68 6.77±0.21
DL-MNAVSIE+SBN 1.02±0.05 22.94±1.87 1.71±0.04 1.75±0.16 23.41±0.76 2.79±0.24
Table 4: Results for FREDo in-domain task. Reported results are macro averages across relation types.
1-Doc 3-Doc
Model Precision [%] Recall [%] F1 [%] Precision [%] Recall [%] F1 [%]
Baseline 1.34 3.04 1.76 1.84 2.47 1.98
DL-MNAV 2.30±0.45 0.58±0.12 0.84±0.16 3.02±2.38 0.29±0.13 0.48±0.21
DL-MNAVSIE 1.77±0.60 2.08±0.34 1.77±0.60 2.51±0.66 2.52±0.31 2.51±0.66
DL-MNAVSIE+SBN 2.26±0.11 4.37±0.13 2.85±0.12 3.47±0.14 4.24±0.21 3.72±0.14
Table 5: Results for FREDo cross-domain task. Reported results are macro averages across relation types.

6 Analysis of Results

6.1 Experimental Setup

All our models are based on BERTBASE Devlin et al. (2019) implemented using Huggingface’s Transformers Wolf et al. (2020) and trained using mixed precision. We follow Zhou et al. Zhou et al. (2021) in using AdamW Loshchilov and Hutter (2019) as optimizer (learning rates [1e5,3e5,5e5,1e4], of which 1e5 generally performs best) and training using linear warmup (1k/2k steps) Goyal et al. (2017) followed by a linear learning rate decay. We use gradient clipping of 1.0. We train each model for 50k episodes and perform early stopping based on the macro F1 score on the development set which we measure every 1k/2k steps (when random sampling/ensuring positive examples). Each 1-doc training episode consists of 1 support document and 3 query documents, 3-doc training episodes contain 3 support documents and 1 query document. During training we limit the size of Repisode to 1. We run each model 5 times using different random seeds and select the learning rate with the highest mean macro F1 score on the development set for testing. For test scores we report the mean and standard deviation of macro F1 scores for models trained using 5 different random seeds. For this model we report the macro F1 score on the test set. Results are shown in tables 3, 4, and 5. All models were trained on either NVIDIA V100 or NVIDIA 3090 GPUs.

6.2 Comparing Sampling Strategies

In table 3 we compare the test macro F1 scores of the best models (chosen according to development set) trained using the 2 sampling strategies described in section 5.2 on the 1-Doc challenge using the model DL-MNAV. We find that ensuring positive query documents during training and development helps increase the F1 scores. Due to the better performance, as well as the reduced computation time needed for validation (thanks to the smaller development set), we use the latter strategy in all following experiments.

6.3 Baseline Results

As expected for a baseline which is not fine-tuned to the task at hand, the resulting macro F1 scores are very low. We argue, however, that the baseline is nevertheless relevant for 2 reasons. For the in-domain challenge, the baseline proves that the tasks are not trivially solvable by using a pre-trained language model out of the box. For the cross-domain challenge, our baseline lets us see whether models overfit on the training domain.

6.4 In-Domain Setting

Test scores for the in-domain challenge are shown in table 4. We observe large improvements in F1 scores over the baseline, especially for DL-MNAV which reaches 7.05% in the 1-Doc and 8.42% in the 3-Doc task. SIE does not seem to affect the accuracy of the model in the 1-Doc task; in the 3-Doc task, however, the F1 score drops by 1.65 percentage points. SBN, on the other hand causes the F1 scores to drop by more than 5%. This performance drop following the removal of learned NOTA vectors clearly illustrates their effectiveness for in-domain tasks.

In table 6 we compare the best F1 scores of different few-shot relation extraction benchmarks. Overall, compared to scores for benchmarks such as FewRel Han et al. (2018) FewRel 2.0 Gao et al. (2019), the F1 scores are considerably lower, illustrating the difficulty of such a realistic challenge. When compared to the more realistic sentence-level benchmark FS-TACRED Sabo et al. (2021) for which Sabo et al. report F1121212The reported results are micro F1 scores scores of 12.39% (1-shot) and 30.04% (5-shot) MNAV, these results are in-line with our expectations for an even more realistic (and thereby evidently more difficult) challenge. Notably, the scaling behavior seen in FS-TACRED between the 1-shot and the 5-shot setting is not as pronounced for FREDo. We hypothesize that this is due the fact that the change in K is not as large (see table 2), meaning that (1) our 1-Doc setting does not correlate perfectly to the 1-shot setting, and (2) due to the way that additional support documents are sampled, the 3-Doc setting does not guarantee additional support examples for infrequently occuring relation types.

6.5 Cross-Domain Setting

Benchmark input realistic best
length NOTA F1 [%]
FewRel sentences 97.85
FewRel 2.0 sentences 89.81
FS-TACRED sentences 12.39
FREDo (ours) documents 7.06
Table 6: A comparison highlighting the levels of difficulty of different few-shot relation extraction benchmarks. For all sentence-level benchmarks, we report the highest F1 scores (at the time of writing) in the 5-way 1-shot setting. For FREDo we report the 1-Doc setting. For FewRel and FewRel 2.0, we report the highest scores found at the respective CodaLab competition websites.

Test scores for the cross-domain challenge are shown in table 5. For DL-MNAV we see a significant drop in F1 scores over the baseline, illustrating the problem with learned NOTA vectors in a cross-domain setting. SIE brings the scores back to the baseline level, illustrating that the distribution of support examples is no longer well represented by their mean values. Switching to SBN (DL-MNAVSIE+SBN), we find that our model exceeds the baseline scores, suggesting that the NOTA distribution on sciERC seems to be sufficiently different to cause an overfitting effect for learned NOTA vectors. While SBN improves the results over the naive baseline, even the improved F1 scores are extremely low. This is, however, unsurprising given the increase in difficulty over the previous setting.

6.6 Scalability of DL-MNAV

Although our methods show improvements over the proposed baseline in both tasks the results are currently severely lacking, especially compared to the state-of-the-art supervised learning approaches on both data sets (65.92% F1 for DocRED Xu et al. (2021) and 52.0% F1 for sciERC Ye et al. (2022)). This performance gap raises the question of whether our models will achieve similar performance if given enough support documents. In order to assess the scalability of DL-MNAV when given amounts of annotated data resembling the supervised setting, we initialize a trained model with the full DocRED training corpus as support documents (96 classes, 3053 documents) and evaluate the performance on the full development set (96 classes, 998 documents). We measure an increase in recall to 45.75% combined with a drop in precision to 5.75%, resulting in a F1 score of 8.86%.

While a direct comparison of this score with the few-shot settings assessed in FREDo is not appropriate, due to the nature of how the task is posed (different relation types are examined), the score can be compared to results obtained from supervised learning. Here we see clearly that, when trained in a few-shot setting, DL-MNAV does not scale well to the supervised setting. We hypothesize that a key factor inhibiting the scalability is that the learned NOTA vectors are independent from the support documents in DL-MNAV. As a result the NOTA representations of the model are unaffected by added support documents. We do not experiment with SIE or SIE+SBN, as the amount of support instances would result in prohibitively large model sizes.

6.7 Limitations

Regarding the limitations of the proposed benchmark, FREDo, we believe that while it represents a good basis for model development, it will be beneficial to add other cross-domain data sets from a greater variety of domains in the future. With the current, low F1 scores seen in our tests, overestimating the performance of approaches does not seem to be too critical a danger. We are, however, hopeful that new methods might achieve significantly better results. At that point we suggest a reassessment of how representative this benchmark is of cross-domain performance in general. For the time being, however, we are confident that our tasks represent a valuable contribution to advancing the field.

7 Conclusion

In order to encourage the development of few-shot relation extraction approaches which are useful in real world scenarios, we propose FREDo, a few-shot document-level relation extraction benchmark. By moving to the document-level, the settings become more realistic, a problem which existing benchmarks are struggling with. For both in-domain and cross-domain tasks we present an approach which performs better than a simple baseline. Our experiments confirm that, even though some existing benchmarks imply that impressive, even superhuman performance can already be achieved in few-shot relation extraction, realistic tasks are very difficult using current approaches and that significant advances are required for few-shot relation extraction approaches to be usable in a real word scenario. In providing a benchmark that reveals this performance gap, we look to pave the way towards new methods with a potentially high impact on domain-specific and cross-domain relation extraction at scale.


This work was partially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the project IIDI (01IS21026D) and the Smart Data Innovation Lab as part of the Smart Data Innovation Challenges (01IS19030A). The authors acknowledge support by the state of Baden-Württemberg through bwHPC.


Appendix A Overlap of DocRED and sciERC

sciERC ID Wikidata ID DocRED
hyponym-of P279
part-of P361
used-for P366
compare P2210
evaluate-for P5133
feature-of - -
conjunction - -
Table 7: Overlap of relation types in sciERC and DocRED

In table 7 we show the mapping of sciERC relation types onto Wikidata Vrandečić and Krötzsch (2014) properties and whether these relation types are contained in DocRED.

Appendix B Relation Types in in-domain dataset

In tables 8-11, we list the relation types in the different datasets based on DocRED.

Wikidata ID Description Number of instances
P131 located in the administrative territorial entity 4193
P577 publication date 1142
P175 performer 1052
P569 date of birth 1044
P570 date of death 805
P161 cast member 621
P264 record label 583
P527 has part 632
P19 place of birth 511
P54 member of sports team 379
P40 child 360
P30 continent 356
P69 educated at 316
P26 spouse 303
P607 conflict 275
P159 headquarters location 264
P22 father 273
P400 platform 304
P1344 participant of 223
P206 located in or next to body of water 194
P127 owned by 208
P170 creator 231
P178 developer 238
P20 place of death 203
P1412 languages spoken, written or signed 155
P155 follows 188
P710 participant 191
P6 head of government 210
P108 employer 196
P276 location 172
P156 followed by 192
P166 award received 173
P123 publisher 172
P800 notable work 150
P449 original network 152
P58 screenwriter 156
P706 located on terrain feature 137
P162 producer 119
P37 official language 119
P241 military branch 108
P31 instance of 103
P403 mouth of the watercourse 95
P580 start time 110
P585 point in time 96
P749 parent organization 92
P937 work location 104
P36 capital 85
P576 dissolved, abolished or demolished 79
P172 ethnic group 79
P205 basin country 85
P1376 capital of 76
Table 8: Relation types present in training data (continued on next page).
Wikidata ID Description Number of instances
P171 parent taxon 75
P740 location of formation 62
P840 narrative location 48
P676 lyrics by 36
P1336 territory claimed by 33
P551 residence 35
P1365 replaces 18
P737 influenced by 9
P190 sister city 4
P807 separated from 2
P1198 unemployment rate 2
Table 9: Relation types present in training data (continued).
Wikidata ID Description Number of instances
P27 country of citizenship 2689
P150 contains administrative territorial entity 2004
P571 inception 475
P50 author 320
P1441 present in work 299
P57 director 246
P179 series 144
P137 operator 95
P112 founded by 100
P86 composer 79
P176 manufacturer 83
P355 subsidiary 92
P136 genre 111
P488 chairperson 63
P1366 replaced by 36
P1056 product or material produced 36
Table 10: Relation types present in development/validation data.
Wikidata ID Description Number of instances
P17 country 2831
P361 part of 194
P495 country of origin 212
P102 member of political party 98
P463 member of 113
P3373 sibling 134
P1001 applies to jurisdiction 83
P118 league 56
P674 characters 74
P194 legislative body 56
P140 religion 82
P35 head of state 51
P364 original language of work 30
P272 production company 36
P279 subclass of 36
P25 mother 15
P582 end time 23
P39 position held 8
Table 11: Relation types present in test data.