VRA: Variational Rectified Activation for Out-of-distribution Detection

Mingyu Xu1,2∗, Zheng Lian2 , Bin Liu2, Jianhua Tao3
1School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3Department of Automation, Tsinghua University
{xumingyu2021, lianzheng2016}@ia.ac.cn

Equal Contribution

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is critical to building reliable machine learning systems in the open world. Researchers have proposed various strategies to reduce model overconfidence on OOD data. Among them, ReAct is a typical and effective technique to deal with model overconfidence, which truncates high activations to increase the gap between in-distribution and OOD. Despite its promising results, is this technique the best choice? To answer this question, we leverage the variational method to find the optimal operation and verify the necessity of suppressing abnormally low and high activations and amplifying intermediate activations in OOD detection, rather than focusing only on high activations like ReAct. This motivates us to propose a novel technique called “Variational Rectified Activation (VRA)”, which simulates these suppression and amplification operations using piecewise functions. Experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing post-hoc strategies. Meanwhile, VRA is compatible with different scoring functions and network architectures. Our code can be found in Supplementary Material.

1 Introduction

Systems deployed in the real world often encounter out-of-distribution (OOD) data, i.e., samples from an irrelevant distribution whose label set has no interaction with the training data. Most of the existing systems tend to generate overconfident estimations for OOD data, seriously affecting their reliability [1]. Therefore, researchers propose the OOD detection task, which aims to determine whether a sample comes from in-distribution (ID) or OOD. This task allows the model to reject recognition when faced with unfamiliar samples. Considering its importance, OOD detection has attracted increasing attention from researchers and has been applied to many fields with high-safety requirements such as autonomous driving [2] and medical diagnosis [3].

In OOD detection, existing methods can be roughly divided into two categories: methods requiring training and post-hoc strategies. The first category identifies OOD data by training-time regularization [4, 5] or external OOD samples [6, 7]. But they require more computational resources and are inconvenient in practical applications. To this end, researchers propose post-hoc strategies that directly use pretrained models for OOD detection. Due to their ease of implementation, these methods have attracted increasing attention in recent years. Among them, React [8] is a typical post-hoc strategy that truncates abnormally high activations to increase the gap between ID and OOD, thereby improving detection performance. But is this operation the best choice for widening the gap?

To answer this question, we use the variational method to solve for the optimal operation. Based on this operation, we reveal the necessity of suppressing abnormally low and high activations and amplifying intermediate activations in OOD detection. Then, we propose a simple yet effective strategy called “Variational Rectified Activation (VRA)”, which mimics suppression and amplification operations using piecewise functions. To verify its effectiveness, we conduct experiments on multiple benchmark datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and the more challenging ImageNet. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing post-hoc strategies, setting new state-of-the-art records. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:

  • (Theory) From the perspective of the variational method, we find the best operation for maximizing the gap between ID and OOD. This operation verifies the necessity of suppressing abnormally low and high activations and amplifying intermediate activations.

  • (Method) We propose a simple yet effective post-hoc strategy called VRA. Our method is compatible with various scoring functions and network architectures.

  • (Performance) Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. VRA is superior to existing post-hoc strategies in OOD detection.

2 Methodology

2.1 Problem Definition

Let 𝒳 be the input space and 𝒴 be the label space with c distinct categories. Consider a supervised classification task on a dataset containing N labeled samples {x,y}, where y𝒴 is the ground-truth label for the sample x𝒳. Ideally, all test samples come from the same distribution as the training data. But in practice, the test sample may come from an unknown distribution, such as an irrelevant distribution whose label set has no intersection with 𝒴. In this paper, we use pin to represent the marginal distribution of 𝒳 and pout to represent the distribution of OOD data. In this paper, we aim to determine whether a sample comes from ID or OOD.

2.2 Motivation

Among all methods, ReAct is a typical and effective post-hoc strategy [8]. Suppose h(x)={zi}i=1m is the feature vector of the penultimate layer and m denotes the feature dimension. For convenience, we use z as shorthand for zi. ReAct truncates activations above a threshold c for each z:

g(z)=min(z,c), (1)

where c= is equivalent to the model without truncation. ReAct has demonstrated that this truncation operation can increase the gap between ID and OOD [8]:

𝔼in[g(z)]𝔼out[g(z)]𝔼in[z]𝔼out[z]. (2)

Despite its promising results, is this strategy the best option for widening the gap between ID and OOD? In this paper, we attempt to answer this question with the help of the variational method.

2.3 VRA Framework

To find the best operation, we should optimize the following objectives:

  • Maximize the gap between ID and OOD.

  • Minimize the modification brought by the operation to maximally preserve the input.

The final objective function is calculated as follows:

ming(g)=𝔼in[(g(z)z)2]2λ(𝔼in[g(z)]𝔼out[g(z)]), (3)

where λ controls the trade-off between two losses. To solve for Eq. 3, we first make a mild assumption to ensure the function space 𝒢 is sufficiently complex.

Assumption 1

We assume 𝔼in[|z|], 𝔼out[|z|], 𝔼in[z2], and 𝔼out[z2] exist. Let 𝒢 be a Hilbert space:

𝒢={g(z)|𝔼in[|g(z)|],𝔼out[|g(z)|],𝔼in[g(z)2],𝔼out[g(z)2]<}. (4)

This space is sufficiently complex containing most functions, such as identity functions, constant functions, and all bounded continuous functions. Then, we define the inner product of 𝒢 as follows:

<ga(z),gb(z)>=ga(z)gb(z)pin(z)𝑑z. (5)

Combining this assumption, the equivalent equation of Eq. 3 is:

ming𝒢(g)=(g(z)z)2pin(z)2λg(z)(pin(z)pout(z))dz. (6)

Then, we leverage the variational method to solve for the functional extreme value. We mark g() as the optimal solution. f()𝒢 and ϵ, we then have:

(g)(g+ϵf). (7)

It can be converted to:

(g(z)z)2pin(z)2λg(z)(pin(z)pout(z))dz (8)
(g(z)+ϵf(z)z)2pin(z)2λ(g(z)+ϵf(z))(pin(z)pout(z))dz. (9)

Then, we have:

ϵ2f2(z)pin(z)𝑑z+2ϵf(z)(g(z)zλ(1pout(z)pin(z)))pin(z)𝑑z0. (10)

Combining Assumption 1 and the arbitrariness of ϵ, we can get:

f(z)(g(z)zλ(1pout(z)pin(z)))pin(z)𝑑z=0. (11)

Considering Assumption 1 and the arbitrariness of f(z), we have:

g(z)zλ(1pout(z)pin(z))=0. (12)

Therefore, the optimal activation function is:

g(z)=z+λ(1pout(z)pin(z)). (13)

To verify its effectiveness, we compare the optimal function g() with the unrectified function g(z)=z. Since g() is the optimal solution, it should get a smaller value in Eq. 3:

𝔼in[(g(z)z)2]2λ(𝔼in[g(z)]𝔼out[g(z)])𝔼in[(zz)2]2λ(𝔼in[z]𝔼out[z]). (14)

The equivalent equation of Eq. 14 is:

(𝔼in[g(z)]𝔼out[g(z)])(𝔼in[z]𝔼out[z])12λ𝔼in[(g(z)z)2]. (15)

It shows that g() enlarges the gap between ID and OOD by at least 12λ𝔼in[(g(z)z)2]0.

Refer to caption
(a) empirical PDF on iNaturalist
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(b) empirical PDF on SUN
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(c) empirical PDF on Places
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(d) activation functions on iNaturalist
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(e) activation functions on SUN
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(f) activation functions on Places
Figure 1: Empirical PDFs for pin() and pout(), and visualization of different activation functions. We treat ImageNet as ID data and select multiple OOD datasets for visualization.

2.4 Practical Implementations

Through theoretical analysis, we have found the optimal operation g() that can maximize the gap between ID and OOD. But in practice, this operation depends on the specific expressions of pin and pout. Estimating these expressions is a challenging task given that OOD data comes from unknown distributions [9]. This drives us to look for more practical implementations.

For this purpose, we treat ImageNet as ID data and select multiple OOD datasets. We first use histograms to approximate the probability density functions of pin and pout. Then, we compute g() and compare it with ReAct, whose threshold is set to the 90th percentile of activations estimated on ID data, consistent with the original paper [8]. Experimental results are shown in Figure 1. Compared with the model without truncation, we observe that ReAct suppresses high activations (see Figure 1(d)1(f)). Unlike ReAct, the optimal operation g() further demonstrates the necessity of suppressing abnormally low activations in OOD detection. To mimic such operations, we design a piecewise function called VRA:


where α and β are two thresholds for determining low and high activations. Obviously, α=0 and β= represent models without activation truncation; α=0 and β>0 represent models equivalent to ReAct. Therefore, our method is a more general operation. Since different features have distinct distributions, we propose an adaptively adjusted strategy to determine α and β. Specifically, we predefine ηα and ηβ satisfying ηα<ηβ. Then, we treat the ηα-quantile (or ηβ-quantile) of activations estimated on ID data as α (or β). Meanwhile, we observe that g() amplifies intermediate activations in Figure 1(d)1(f). Therefore, we propose another variant of VRA called VRA+, which further introduces a hyper-parameter γ to control the degree of amplification:


3 Experiments

3.1 Experimental Setup

Corpus Description

In line with previous works, we consider different OOD datasets for distinct ID datasets [8, 10]. For CIFAR benchmarks [11] as ID data, we use the official train/test splits for ID data and select six datasets as OOD data: Textures [12], SVHN [13], Places365 [14], LSUN-Crop [15], LSUN-Resize [15], and iSUN [16]; for ImageNet [17] as ID data, it is more challenging than CIFAR benchmarks due to larger label space and higher resolution images. To ensure non-overlapped categories between ID and OOD, we select a subset from four datasets as OOD data, in line with previous works [8, 10]: iNaturalist [18], SUN [19], Places [14], and Textures [12].


To verify the effectiveness of our method, we implement the following state-of-the-art post-hoc strategies as baselines: 1) MSP [20] is the most basic method that directly leverages the maximum softmax probability to identify OOD data; 2) ODIN [21] uses temperature scaling and input perturbation to increase the gap between ID and OOD; 3) Mahalanobis [22] calculates the distance from the nearest class center as the indicator; 4) Energy [23] replaces the maximum softmax probability with the theoretically guaranteed energy score; 5) ReAct [8] applies activation truncation to remove abnormally high activations; 6) KNN [24] exploits non-parametric nearest-neighbor distance for OOD detection; 7) DICE [10] leverages sparsification to select the most salient weights; 8) SHE [25] uses the energy function defined in the modern Hopfield network [26].

Implementation Details

Our method contains three user-specific parameters: the thresholds ηα and ηβ, and the degree of amplification γ. We select ηα from {0.5,0.6,0.65,0.7}, ηβ from {0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95,0.99}, and γ from {0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7}. Consistent with previous works [8], we use Gaussian noise images as the validation set for hyperparameter tuning. By default, we use DenseNet-101 [27] for CIFAR and ResNet-50 [28] for ImageNet. All experiments are implemented with PyTorch [29] and carried out with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. To compare the performance of different methods, we exploit two widely used OOD detection metrics: FPR95 and AUROC. Among them, FPR95 measures the false positive rate of OOD data when the true positive rate of ID data is 95%; AUROC measures the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.

3.2 Experimental Results and Discussion

Main Results

To verify the effectiveness of our method, we compare VRA-based methods with competitive post-hoc strategies. Experimental results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. We observe that our method generally achieves Top3 performance on different datasets and performs the best overall. Different from these baselines, we attempt to maximize the gap between ID and OOD by suppressing abnormally low and high activations and amplifying intermediate activations. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of such suppression and amplification operations in OOD detection. Meanwhile, we observe that VRA+ generally outperforms VRA, suggesting that the operation closer to the theoretical optimum solution generally can achieve better performance.

We also compare with methods that require training. MOS [4] addresses OOD detection by training-time regularization. Experimental results in Table 2 show that our method outperforms MOS with the same backbone. Meanwhile, VOS [5] is a recently advanced strategy that synthesizes virtual outliers to regularize decision boundaries during training. According to their original paper, it achieves 95.33% in AUROC and 22.47% in FPR95 on CIFAR-10. Our method outperforms VOS under the same ID data, OOD data, and network architecture (see Table 1). Therefore, VRA-based methods do not require an expensive training process but can achieve better performance in OOD detection.

Table 1: Main results on CIFAR benchmarks. In this table, we compare detection performance with competitive post-hoc strategies. All methods are pretrained on ID data. We report the results for each dataset, as well as the average results across all datasets. “FR.” and “AU.” are abbreviations of FPR95 and AUROC. Top3 results are marked in red, and darker colors indicate better performance.
Method SVHN LSUN-C LSUN-R iSUN Textures Places365 Average
ID Dataset: CIFAR-10; Backbone: DenseNet-101 [27]
MSP [20] 47.27 93.48 33.57 95.54 42.10 94.51 42.31 94.52 64.15 88.15 63.02 88.57 48.74 92.46
ODIN [21] 25.29 94.57 04.70 98.86 03.09 99.02 03.98 98.90 57.50 82.38 52.85 88.55 24.57 93.71
Mahalanobis [22] 06.42 98.31 56.55 86.96 09.14 97.09 09.78 97.25 21.51 92.15 85.14 63.15 31.42 89.15
Energy [23] 40.61 93.99 03.81 99.15 09.28 98.12 10.07 98.07 56.12 86.43 39.40 91.64 26.55 94.57
ReAct [8] 41.64 93.87 05.96 98.84 11.46 97.87 12.72 97.72 43.58 92.47 43.31 91.03 26.45 95.30
KNN [24] 13.51 96.68 30.95 93.82 11.37 97.72 10.79 97.91 24.50 95.19 63.88 85.00 25.83 94.39
DICE [10] 25.99 95.90 00.26 99.92 03.91 99.20 04.36 99.14 41.90 88.18 48.59 89.13 20.84 95.25
SHE [25] 28.12 94.72 00.76 99.84 09.73 98.15 10.99 97.95 51.98 83.07 59.35 84.16 26.82 92.98
VRA 18.75 96.68 01.32 99.63 05.80 98.69 05.70 98.69 34.89 93.42 39.98 91.69 17.74 96.47
VRA+ 13.54 97.45 02.03 99.56 06.37 98.72 06.15 98.71 27.07 95.03 39.97 91.96 15.85 96.91
ID Dataset: CIFAR-100; Backbone: DenseNet-101 [27]
MSP [20] 81.70 75.40 60.49 85.60 85.24 69.18 85.99 70.17 84.79 71.48 82.55 74.31 80.13 74.36
ODIN [21] 41.35 92.65 10.54 97.93 65.22 84.22 67.05 83.84 82.34 71.48 82.32 76.84 58.14 84.49
Mahalanobis [22] 22.44 95.67 68.90 86.30 23.07 94.20 31.38 89.28 62.39 79.39 92.66 61.39 50.14 84.37
Energy [23] 87.46 81.85 14.72 97.43 70.65 80.14 74.54 78.95 84.15 71.03 79.20 77.72 68.45 81.19
ReAct [8] 83.81 81.41 25.55 94.92 60.08 87.88 65.27 86.55 77.78 78.95 82.65 74.04 65.86 83.96
KNN [24] 23.96 93.99 70.98 73.37 76.34 76.69 70.88 78.58 37.75 87.48 95.20 59.70 62.52 78.30
DICE [10] 54.65 88.84 00.93 99.74 49.40 91.04 48.72 90.08 65.04 76.42 79.58 77.26 49.72 87.23
SHE [25] 41.89 90.61 01.06 99.68 78.18 73.97 72.73 76.14 61.49 76.57 85.33 70.53 56.78 81.25
VRA 70.91 87.46 10.73 98.04 38.52 93.49 38.53 93.42 47.64 90.17 76.39 78.66 47.12 90.21
VRA+ 62.64 88.70 19.82 96.33 28.44 95.47 28.72 95.18 40.62 91.57 79.78 76.42 43.34 90.61
Table 2: Main results on ImageNet. All methods are pretrained on ImageNet.
Method iNaturalist SUN Places Textures Average
Backbone: ResNet-50 [28]
MSP [20] 54.99 87.74 70.83 80.86 73.99 79.76 68.00 79.61 66.95 81.99
ODIN [21] 47.66 89.66 60.15 84.59 67.89 81.78 50.23 85.62 56.48 85.41
Mahalanobis [22] 97.00 52.65 98.50 42.41 98.40 41.79 55.80 85.01 87.43 55.47
Energy [23] 55.72 89.95 59.26 85.89 64.92 82.86 53.72 85.99 58.40 86.17
ReAct [8] 20.38 96.22 24.20 94.20 33.85 91.58 47.30 89.80 31.43 92.95
KNN [24] 59.08 86.20 69.53 80.10 77.09 74.87 11.56 97.18 54.32 84.59
DICE [10] 25.63 94.49 35.15 90.83 46.49 87.48 31.72 90.30 34.75 90.78
SHE [25] 34.22 90.18 54.19 84.69 45.35 90.15 45.09 87.93 44.71 88.24
VRA 15.70 97.12 26.94 94.25 37.85 91.27 21.47 95.62 25.49 94.57
VRA+ 15.48 97.08 23.50 94.91 34.62 91.79 19.66 96.08 23.31 94.97
Backbone: ResNetv2-101 [28]
MSP [20] 63.69 87.59 79.98 78.34 81.44 76.76 82.73 75.45 76.96 79.54
ODIN [21] 62.69 89.36 71.67 83.92 76.27 80.67 81.31 76.30 72.99 82.56
Mahalanobis [22] 96.34 46.33 88.43 65.20 89.75 64.46 52.23 72.10 81.69 62.02
Energy [23] 64.91 88.48 65.33 85.32 73.02 81.37 80.87 75.79 71.03 82.74
ReAct [8] 49.97 89.80 65.30 87.40 73.12 85.34 80.82 70.53 67.30 83.27
MOS [4] 09.28 98.15 40.63 92.01 49.54 89.06 60.43 81.23 39.97 90.11
VRA 27.26 95.68 34.53 93.27 47.31 90.19 30.69 94.22 34.95 93.34
VRA+ 20.81 97.70 32.89 92.68 45.83 90.01 23.88 95.43 30.85 93.71

Compatibility with Scoring Functions

In Table 3, we investigate the compatibility of VRA-based methods with different scoring functions: MSP, Energy, and ODIN. Experimental results demonstrate that our method brings performance improvements for all scoring functions and generally achieves better performance than competitive post-hoc strategies. These results verify the compatibility and effectiveness of our method in OOD detection.

Table 3: Compatibility with different scoring functions. For each ID dataset, we report the average results of its OOD datasets. We use DenseNet-101 [27] for CIFAR and ResNet-50 [28] for ImageNet.
Method CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 ImageNet Average
MSP [20] 48.73 92.46 80.13 74.36 66.95 81.99 65.27 82.94
MSP + ReAct 48.00 92.77 77.69 76.22 55.63 87.85 60.44 85.61
MSP + DICE 43.72 92.92 76.86 76.39 67.41 82.24 62.66 83.85
MSP + VRA 42.31 93.50 79.69 75.94 47.09 89.62 56.36 86.35
Energy [23] 26.55 94.57 68.45 81.19 58.41 86.17 51.14 87.31
Energy + ReAct 26.45 94.67 62.27 84.47 31.43 92.95 40.05 90.70
Energy + DICE 20.83 95.24 49.72 87.23 34.75 90.77 35.10 91.08
Energy + VRA 17.74 96.47 53.24 88.74 25.49 94.57 32.16 93.26
ODIN [21] 24.57 93.71 58.14 84.49 56.48 85.41 46.40 87.87
ODIN + ReAct 21.00 95.98 54.17 88.62 42.21 91.28 39.13 91.96
ODIN + DICE 26.05 94.62 61.39 83.83 62.89 84.48 50.11 87.64
ODIN + VRA 17.38 96.52 47.12 90.21 32.75 93.39 32.42 93.37

Performance Upper Bound Analysis

We propose VRA and VRA+ to approximate the optimal operation for OOD detection. But is it necessary to design other functions to get a better approximation? To answer this question, we need to reveal whether g() can reach the upper-bound performance. The core of estimating g() is to estimate the probability density functions of pin and pout. To this end, we consider two ideal cases: VRA-True and VRA-Fake-True. In the first case, we assume that all ID and OOD data are known in advance; in the second case, we randomly select 1% of ID and OOD data from the entire dataset. Both cases leverage histograms to estimate pin and pout and use Eq. 13 to calculate g(). Considering that histograms provide a piecewise form of g(), we directly use the piecewise function to represent g(). In Table 4, we observe that both ideal cases can achieve near-perfect results. Therefore, g() that increases the gap between ID and OOD can generate more discriminative features for OOD detection. In the future, we will explore other functions that can better describe the optimal operation for better performance.

Table 4: Performance upper bound analysis. For each ID dataset, we report the average results over multiple OOD datasets. We use DenseNet-101 [27] for CIFAR and ResNet-50 [28] for ImageNet.
ID Energy [23] VRA VRA-Fake-True VRA-True
CIFAR-10 26.55 94.57 17.74 96.47 13.27 97.75 00.96 99.81
CIFAR-100 68.45 81.19 47.12 90.21 23.62 94.20 01.58 99.69
ImageNet 58.41 86.17 25.49 94.57 13.09 96.89 03.50 99.31

Parameter Sensitivity Analysis

VRA uses two hyper-parameters (ηα and ηβ) to adaptively adjust thresholds for low and high activations. In this section, we conduct parameter sensitivity analysis and reveal their impact on OOD detection. In Figure 2, we observe that our method does not perform well when ηα and ηβ are inappropriate. A large ηα suppresses too many low activations, while a large ηβ suppresses too few high activations. Therefore, it is necessary to choose proper ηα and ηβ for VRA.

Refer to caption
(a) AUROC on CIFAR-10
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(b) AUROC on CIFAR-100
Refer to caption
(c) AUROC on ImageNet
Refer to caption
(d) FPR95 on CIFAR-10
Refer to caption
(e) FPR95 on CIFAR-100
Refer to caption
(f) FPR95 on ImageNet
Figure 2: Parameter sensitivity analysis. For each ID dataset, we report the average results over multiple OOD datasets. We use DenseNet-101 [27] for CIFAR and ResNet-50 [28] for ImageNet.

Role of Adaptively Adjusted Strategy

In this paper, we adopt an adaptive strategy to automatically determine α and β. To verify its effectiveness, we compare this adaptive strategy with another strategy that uses fixed α and β for different features. To determine these hyper-parameters, we use Gaussian noise images as the validation set, in line with previous works [8]. Experimental results in Table 5 demonstrate that our adaptive strategy outperforms this fixed strategy. The reason lies in that different features have distinct statistical distributions. Using fixed thresholds for different features will limit the performance of OOD detection.

Table 5: Role of adaptively adjusted strategy. We use DenseNet-101 [27] for CIFAR.
ID Strategy Hyper-parameters OOD Performance
α β ηα ηβ FPR95 AUROC
CIFAR-10 assign α, β 0.50 1.50 19.44 96.34
assign ηα, ηβ 0.60 0.95 17.74 96.47
CIFAR-100 assign α, β 0.50 1.50 56.35 86.09
assign ηα, ηβ 0.60 0.95 47.12 90.21

Compatibility with Backbones

In this section, we further verify the compatibility of our method with different backbones. For a fair comparison, all methods are pretrained on ImageNet, and we report the average results on four OOD datasets of ImageNet. Compared with competitive post-hoc strategies, experimental results in Table 6 demonstrate that our method can achieve the best performance under different network architectures. These results validate the effectiveness and compatibility of our method. Meanwhile, we observe some interesting phenomena in Table 6. ReAct [8] points out that mismatched BatchNorm [30] statistics between ID and OOD lead to model overconfidence on OOD data. In Table 6, VGG-16 and VGG-16-BN refer to models without and with BatchNorm, respectively. We observe that no matter with or without BatchNorm, ReAct cannot achieve better performance than Energy, consistent with previous findings [31]. Therefore, BatchNorm may not be the only reason for model overconfidence, and the network architecture also matters. Furthermore, Energy [23] generally outperforms MSP [20] with the exception of EfficientNetV2, which also reveals its limitation in compatibility. In the future, we will conduct an in-depth analysis to reveal the reasons behind these phenomena.

Table 6: Compatibility with different backbones. All methods are pretrained on ImageNet.
Backbone MSP Energy ReAct+Energy VRA+Energy
ResNet-18 [28] 69.70 80.61 58.59 80.40 36.36 92.17 34.87 92.58
ResNet-34 [28] 68.84 81.19 57.20 86.84 32.23 93.08 30.63 93.46
ResNet-50 [28] 66.95 81.99 58.40 86.17 31.43 92.95 25.49 94.57
ResNet-101 [28] 64.70 82.47 54.84 87.29 31.68 93.03 25.80 94.36
ResNet-152 [28] 61.35 83.74 50.39 88.61 26.57 94.22 22.21 95.20
VGG-16 [32] 67.94 81.60 54.33 88.17 67.81 83.68 32.99 92.59
VGG-16-BN [32] 65.92 82.00 50.49 89.03 59.02 86.34 35.12 92.05
EfficientNetV2 [33] 57.57 83.96 75.29 71.10 48.28 88.01 43.81 89.76
RegNet [34] 65.37 82.85 59.46 85.51 34.65 92.53 26.18 94.55
MobileNetV3 [35] 67.99 82.14 60.49 87.80 60.72 87.82 56.65 89.30

4 Further Analysis

Combining features with logit outputs can achieve better performance in OOD detection [36]. Therefore, we design another variant of VRA called VRA++, whose scoring function is defined as:

λvi=1mg(zi)+logi=1celi, (16)

where zi,i[1,m] represents the i-th feature and li,i[1,c] represents the i-th logit output. This scoring function consists of two items: (1) Since we have maximized the gap between ID and OOD 𝔼in[g(zi)]𝔼out[g(zi)], we directly use the sum of all rectified features i=1mg(zi) as the indicator; (2) We also calculate the energy score on logit outputs for OOD detection. These items are combined using a balancing factor λv. Unlike VRA using piecewise functions, we further test the performance of the quadratic function g(z)=z2+αvz. By choosing a proper αv, this quadratic function can also simulate suppression and amplification operations. Finally, our scoring function is defined as:

λvi=1m(zi2αvzi)+logi=1celi. (17)

Among all methods, ViM [36] is a powerful strategy that combines features and logit outputs. For a fair comparison with ViM, we use the same ID data (ImageNet), OOD data (OpenImage-O [36], Texture [12], iNaturalist [18], and ImageNet-O [37]), and network architecture (BiT [38]). Experimental results in Table 7 demonstrate that VRA++ achieves better performance than ViM, verifying the scalability and high potential of our method. Meanwhile, VRA++ generally achieves the best performance among all variants (see Table 8). These results further demonstrate the necessity of combining features and logit outputs in OOD detection.

Table 7: Performance of VRA++. All methods are based on BiT [38] and pretrained on ImageNet.
Method OpenImage-O Texture iNaturalist ImageNet-O Average
MSP [20] 73.72 84.16 76.65 79.80 64.09 87.92 96.85 57.12 77.83 77.25
ODIN [21] 72.83 85.64 74.07 81.60 70.75 86.73 96.85 63.00 78.63 79.24
Mahalanobis [22] 64.32 83.10 14.05 97.33 64.95 85.70 70.05 80.37 53.34 86.63
Energy [23] 73.42 84.77 73.91 81.09 74.98 84.47 96.40 63.59 79.68 78.48
ReAct [8] 54.97 88.94 50.25 90.64 48.60 91.45 91.70 67.07 61.38 84.52
ViM [36] 43.96 91.54 04.69 98.92 55.71 89.30 61.50 83.87 41.47 90.91
VRA++ 34.94 93.55 05.02 98.76 22.25 96.37 60.45 84.21 30.67 93.22
Table 8: Comparison of VRA variants. “Net1” and “Net2” refer to ResNet-50 and ResNetv2-101.
Method CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 ImageNet (Net1) ImageNet (Net2)
VRA 17.74 96.47 47.12 90.21 25.49 94.57 34.95 93.34
VRA+ 15.89 96.90 43.31 90.61 23.32 94.96 30.85 93.78
VRA++ 15.52 96.87 35.20 91.80 18.63 95.75 25.92 94.60

5 Related Work

Post-hoc Method

Post-hoc strategies are an important branch of OOD detection. Due to their ease of implementation, they have attracted increasing attention from researchers. Among them, MSP [20] was the most basic post-hoc strategy, which directly leveraged the maximum value of the posterior distribution as the indicator. Since then, researchers have proposed various post-hoc approaches. For example, ODIN [21] used temperature scaling and input perturbations to improve the separability of ID and OOD data. Energy [23] replaced the softmax confidence score in MSP [20] with the theoretically guaranteed energy score. Mahalanobis [22] used the minimum distance from the class centers to identify OOD data. KNN [24] was a nonparametric method that explored K-nearest neighbors. More recently, researchers have found that the reason behind model overconfidence in OOD data lies in abnormally high activations of a small number of neurons. To address this, Dice [10] used weight sparsification, while ReAct [8] exploited activation truncation. Different from these works, we further demonstrate that abnormally low activations also affect OOD detection performance. This motivates us to propose VRA to rectify the activation function.

Activation Function

Activation functions are an important part of neural networks [39, 40]. Previously, researchers found that neural networks with the ReLU activation function produced abnormally high activations for inputs far from the training data, harming the reliability of deployed systems [41]. To address this problem, ReAct used a truncation operation to rectify activation functions. In this paper, we propose a more powerful rectified activation function for OOD detection. Experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Variational Method

The variational method is often used to solve for the functional extreme value. Its most famous application in neural networks is the variational autoencoder [42], which solves for the functional extreme value by trading off reconstruction loss and Kullback–Leibler divergence. It has also been applied to other complex scenarios [43] and multimodal tasks [44]. In this paper, we use the variational method to find the operation that can maximize the gap between ID and OOD.

6 Conclusion

This paper proposes a post-hoc OOD detection strategy called VRA. From the perspective of the variational method, we find the theoretically optimal operation for maximizing the gap between ID and OOD. This operation reveals the necessity of suppressing abnormally low and high activations and amplifying intermediate activations in OOD detection. Therefore, we propose VRA to mimic these suppression and amplification operations. Experimental results show that our method outperforms existing post-hoc strategies and is compatible with different scoring functions and network architectures. In the ideal case of knowing a small fraction of OOD samples, we can achieve near-perfect performance, demonstrating the strong potential of our method. Meanwhile, we verify the effectiveness of our adaptively adjusted strategy and reveal the impact of different hyper-parameters.

In this paper, we treat maxg𝔼in[g(z)]𝔼out[g(z)] as the core objective function derived from ReAct and ming𝔼in[(g(z)z)2] as the regularization term. However, there may be better regularization terms that can not only guarantee the existence of the optimal solution but also ensure that the expression of the optimal solution is easy to implement and has good interpretability. Therefore, we will explore other regularization terms for OOD detection. Meanwhile, this paper uses simple piecewise functions to approximate the complex optimal operation. In the future, we will explore other functional forms that can better describe the optimal operation. We will also conduct an in-depth analysis to reveal the impact of BatchNorm and different backbones on OOD detection.


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