MM-Vet: Evaluating Large Multimodal Models
for Integrated Capabilities

Weihao Yu1 Zhengyuan Yang2footnotemark: Linjie Li2 Jianfeng Wang2 Kevin Lin2
Zicheng Liu2 Xinchao Wang1 Lijuan Wang2footnotemark:
1National University of Singapore   2Microsoft Azure AI

Equal contribution.Corresponding authors.

We propose MM-Vet-1-1-1Short for “Multimodal Veterinarian.”, an evaluation benchmark that examines large multimodal models (LMMs) on complicated multimodal tasks. Recent LMMs have shown various intriguing abilities, such as solving math problems written on the blackboard, reasoning about events and celebrities in news images, and explaining visual jokes. Rapid model advancements pose challenges to evaluation benchmark development. Problems include: (1) How to systematically structure and evaluate the complicated multimodal tasks; (2) How to design evaluation metrics that work well across question and answer types; and (3) How to give model insights beyond a simple performance ranking. To this end, we present MM-Vet, designed based on the insight that the intriguing ability to solve complicated tasks is often achieved by a generalist model being able to integrate different core vision-language (VL) capabilities. MM-Vet defines 6 core VL capabilities and examines the 16 integrations of interest derived from the capability combination. For evaluation metrics, we propose an LLM-based evaluator for open-ended outputs. The evaluator enables the evaluation across different question types and answer styles, resulting in a unified scoring metric. We evaluate representative LMMs on MM-Vet, providing insights into the capabilities of different LMM system paradigms and models. Code and data are available at

[Uncaptioned image]

1 Introduction

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Required capabilities of different benchmarks. Different from conventional VL benchmarks only require one or two capabilities, MM-Vet focuses on the integration of different core VL capabilities, including recognition, OCR, knowledge, language generation, spatial awareness, and math.

The breakthroughs in large language models (LLMs) gpt3 ; openai2023gpt4 ; chowdhery2022palm ; anil2023palm ; touvron2023llama ; hoffmann2022training bring generalist AI models that can solve a wide range of complicated natural language tasks, many approaching the human-expert-level performance openai2023gpt4 ; bubeck2023sparks . Large multimodal models (LMMs) aim to achieve even stronger general intelligence via extending LLMs with multimodal inputs. Since more than 80% of our human being’s perception, learning, cognition, and activities are mediated through vision vision80 , it is natural to start the exploration by equipping LLMs with “eyes.” One main thread of LMM works, represented by Frozen tsimpoukelli2021multimodal , Flamingo alayrac2022flamingo , PaLM-E driess2023palme , GPT-4 openai2023gpt4 , extend LLMs with the visual understanding capability via end-to-end tuning. There also exists the exploration yang2022empirical ; zeng2022socratic ; yang2023mm ; shen2023hugginggpt ; gao2023assistgpt on the modular combination of LLMs and image-to-text vision-language models. Recently, thanks to the open-source of powerful LLMs like LLaMA touvron2023llama , more open-sourced LMMs are built, including OpenFlamingo anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 , LLaVA llava , MiniGPT-4 zhu2023minigpt , Otter li2023otter , InstructBLIP dai2023instructblip , and many more gong2023multimodalgpt ; liu2023visual ; ye2023mplug . These studies showcase the intriguing ability to solve various complicated multimodal tasks, such as open-world recognition, multimodal knowledge and commonsense, scene text understanding, and so on.

Despite the promising qualitative results on LMM’s capabilities, it remains unclear how to systematically evaluate those showcased complicated multimodal tasks and what are the relationships among evaluated tasks, which is the first step in developing a quantitative evaluation benchmark. As shown in Figure 1, existing vision-language benchmarks VQA_15 ; chen2015microsoft ; textvqa focus on simple Vision-Language (VL) tasks that require specific one or two capabilities, such as recognition, language generation, or OCR, but fall short in benchmarking more complicated tasks. Alternatively, we examine the arbitrary integration of core VL capabilities for complicated tasks, with the insight that the intriguing ability to solve complicated multimodal tasks can be achieved by a generalist model mastering and integrating different core capabilities. Following this insight, we propose a new benchmark for evaluating LMMs, namely MM-Vet. MM-Vet defines six core VL capabilities, including recognition, OCR, knowledge, language generation, spatial awareness, and math, which integrate to solve various complicated multimodal tasks. MM-Vet contains 16 tasks for quantitative evaluation. For example, in Figure 1(d), answering the question “What will the girl on the right write on the board?” in MM-Vet requires recognizing the genders of the three kids, locating queried girl spatially, recognizing the scene text written by the girl, and finally calculating the result.

Other than the evaluation category definition, the evaluation metrics are another challenge in benchmark development, given the diverse answer styles and question types. Specifically: (1) The desired outputs in different multimodal tasks have diverse formats, e.g., Figure 1(d)’s math problem can be answered by a single word, while outputs for the essay writing question are hundred-words long; (2) The core aspect to evaluate in different tasks varies, e.g., text generation focuses more on the text quality, recognition can be considered correct with the key concept recognized. Most integrated tasks would require comprehensive evaluations from multiple dimensions. Inspired by recent NLP studies chiang2023can ; liu2023gpteval ; fu2023gptscore that use LLMs for model evaluation, we propose an LLM-based evaluator as the evaluation metric for open-ended model outputs. As shown in Table 1, we prompt GPT-4 openai2023gpt4 with few-shot evaluation prompts to obtain an evaluation score ranging from 0 to 1. Instead of manually defining the possible answer styles and question types, we include different sample types as few-shot examples and let LLMs infer the scoring criteria automatically. Such metric design eases the future extension to more question types, such as box localization chen2021pix2seq ; yang2022unitab ; wang2023visionllm .

MM-Vet’s evaluation category and metric designs allow users to obtain capability insights for different LMMs. Such model analyses are more informative than a single overall ranking, which highly depends on the dataset sample composition and might be biased. We evaluate two sets of multimodal systems, i.e., the end-to-end tuned LMMs including OpenFlamingo anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 , LLaVA llava , MiniGPT-4 zhu2023minigpt , Otter li2023otter , InstructBLIP dai2023instructblip , etc, and the LLM-tool-using systems yang2023mm ; shen2023hugginggpt ; gao2023assistgpt ; transformers_agent such as MM-ReAct yang2023mm . Despite not knowing model details, we also evaluate industry solutions such as Bard bard . We first discuss the capability analyses of these two system paradigms and the representative models. We then dive deeper into the open-sourced LMMs and examine how the training data, vision encoder, and LLM selection influence the performance on different capabilities.

Our contributions are summarized as follows.

  • We propose MM-Vet to evaluate LMMs’ ability on complicated multimodal tasks. MM-Vet defines 16 emergent tasks of interest, integrated from the six defined core VL capabilities.

  • We propose an LLM-based evaluator for open-ended outputs of LMMs, which unifies the evaluation across different answer styles and question types. The evaluation metrics ensure the thorough evaluation of both the factual correctness and text quality of the responses.

  • We benchmark representative LMMs on MM-Vet, revealing the relative strengths and weaknesses of different system paradigms and models, as summarized in Section 4.5.

2 Related work

Multimodal models. Vision-language models chen2015microsoft ; vqav2 ; lu2019vilbert ; chen2019uniter ; li2020oscar ; kim2021vilt ; wang2021simvlm ; wang2022git ; yang2022unitab ; gan2022vision approach multimodal intelligence of jointly understanding and generating vision and language signals. Inspired by the impressive quality and genericity in recent large language models (LLMs) brown2020language ; openai2023gpt4 ; chowdhery2022palm ; touvron2023llama , researchers explore large multimodal models (LMMs) that seamlessly integrate different vision-language capabilities to solve complicated multimodal tasks. In approaching such multimodal generalist systems, one direction is to extend LLMs with the multi-sensory ability, such as pioneer works Frozen tsimpoukelli2021multimodal , Flamingo alayrac2022flamingo , PaLM-E driess2023palme , GPT-4 openai2023gpt4 . Recent open-sourced LLMs zhang2022opt ; touvron2023llama ; peng2023instruction also facilitate various research studies including OpenFlamingo anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 , LLaVA llava , MiniGPT-4 zhu2023minigpt , Otter li2023otter , InstructBLIP dai2023instructblip , and so on gong2023multimodalgpt ; liu2023visual ; ye2023mplug . On the other hand, multimodal agents yang2023mm ; shen2023hugginggpt ; transformers_agent ; gao2023assistgpt explore chaining different vision tools with LLMs brown2020language ; openai2023gpt4 to achieve integrated vision-language capabilities.

VL benchmarks. Classic VL benchmarks focus on specific capabilities of interest, such as visual recognition vqav2 , image description chen2015microsoft ; agrawal2019nocaps , as well as other benchmarks for specialized capabilities such as scene text understanding textvqa ; sidorov2020textcaps ; yang2021tap , commonsense reasoning zellers2019recognition , outside knowledge marino2019ok . The recent development of generalist LMMs posts a strong need for modernized VL benchmarks, which contain complicated multimodal tasks that require integrated VL capabilities.

Our MM-Vet is most related to the concurrent evaluation studies fu2023mme ; liu2023mmbench ; li2023seedbench ; xu2023lvlm such as MME and MMBench, which design comprehensive evaluation samples to facilitate the LMM evaluation. One major difference is that MM-Vet defines and studies the integrated VL capabilities, allowing the evaluation to provide insights beyond the overall model ranking.

LLM-based evaluation. MM-Vet adopts the open-ended LLM-based evaluator, allowing the evaluation across answer styles and question types without requiring binary or multiple answer choices. The technique of prompting LLMs for model evaluation is related to the explorations in NLP chiang2023can ; liu2023gpteval ; fu2023gptscore . We show that the technique extends well to multimodal tasks, and presents a unified prompt to evaluate samples with different answer styles and question types.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: MM-Vet proportion of capabilities. (a) The proportion of each capability. The sum of the proportion is larger than 100% because most samples have more than one capability. (b) The proportion of capability integrations. The sum of the proportion is equivalent to 100%.

3 MM-Vet

3.1 Data collection

Our aim is to develop a multimodal benchmark that requires comprehensive capabilities, corresponding to realistic scenarios an AI agent might encounter. Consider, for instance, this scenario: Awakening from slumber, you reach out for your smartphone (recognition capability) to check the current time (OCR capability). Today, your plan is to visit a new grocery that you have not been to. Guided by the information that the grocery is situated directly opposite the stadium and next to the cinema (spatial awareness), you manage to locate it successfully. Keeping in mind your doctor’s advice to shed some weight, you consciously steer clear of high-calorie food and choose milk, vegetables, and fruits instead (knowledge capability). In the dairy aisle, you’re faced with a choice between two types of pure milk. The first is 4 dollars for one liter with 20% discount, while the second is 7 dollars for 1.5 liter with 25% discount. After some quick arithmetic, you find the former is cheaper (math capability) and and opt for the one-liter package. After shopping, you walk past the cinema and find a person pointing to the poster to introduce a new movie (language generation).

From the scenarios of interest, we summarize the following six core VL capabilities for evaluation, with corresponding MM-Vet examples shown in Tables 8-13.

  • Recognition (Rec). Recognition refers to the general visual recognition capability, including recognizing scenes, objects, object attributes (color, material, shape, etc), counting, and various other high-level visual recognition tasks in computer vision.

  • Knowledge (Know). The knowledge category covers various knowledge-related capabilities, including social and visual commonsense knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge, and time-sensitive knowledge like news. This capability necessitates that the model not only possesses such knowledge, but also effectively utilizes it to solve complicated tasks as required.

  • OCR. Optical character recognition (OCR) refers to the scene text understanding and reasoning capability. The models are tested to read the scene text in images, and reason over the texts to solve various tasks.

  • Spatial awareness (Spat). Spatial awareness embodies a diverse spectrum of capabilities related to understanding space, including the comprehension of the spatial relationship among object and scene text regions.

  • Language generation (Gen). Language generation is a vital ability that empowers models to articulate their responses in a clear, engaging, and informative manner. We use questions that demand more extended answers for language generation capacity evaluation.

  • Math. Math evaluates the model’s arithmetic capability in solving either written equations or problems in the wild.

In real-world scenarios, various complicated multimodal tasks would require the integrations of different core VL capabilities. For instance, explaining visual jokes as shown in Table 8(a) requires recognition, knowledge of humor, and language generation; reading documents and solving math problems as shown in Table 9(a) takes OCR, spatial awareness and math; and answering exam questions given images as shown in Table 12(b) needs OCR, knowledge, spatial awareness. To solve these complicated tasks, LMMs are expected to seamlessly integrate different VL capabilities. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a benchmark that evaluates the performance of these integrated abilities within LMMs.

To build the benchmark, we have gathered 187 images from various online sources and ask 205 questions, each of which requires one or more capabilities to answer. As shown in Tables 8-13, these questions are varied in type and entail open-ended responses of differing lengths. The ground truths for 155 questions are human-annotated, while the remainder of the answers for 50 questions were gathered from the Internet. In addition to the 187 images, ten extra images with high-quality questions are collected from VCR zellers2019recognition , with the questions and answers modified to an open-ended answering format. Another three images are from ChestX-ray14 wang2017chestx to obtain corresponding medical expert knowledge. In total, our MM-Vet contains 200 images, and 218 questions (samples), all paired with their respective ground truths. For each question, we have also identified the capacities required to answer them and displayed this information statistically in Figure 2.

Table 1: Few-shot prompt for evaluating model outputs using GPT-4, where 𝒬 is a sample’s question, 𝒢 is the ground truth and 𝒫 is the model output for the sample. In the prompt, there are examples with short and long open-ended answers, enabling the evaluation of diverse answer styles. Taking the prompt filled with 𝒬, 𝒢 and 𝒫, GPT-4 will generate a soft grading score from 0 to 1.

Compare the ground truth and prediction from AI models, to give a correctness score for the prediction. <AND> in the ground truth means it is totally right only when all elements in the ground truth are present in the prediction, and <OR> means it is totally right when any one element in the ground truth is present in the prediction. The correctness score is 0.0 (totally wrong), 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, or 1.0 (totally right). Just complete the last space of the correctness score.

Question | Ground truth | Prediction | Correctness

— | — | — | —

What is x in the equation? | -1 <AND> -5 | x = 3 | 0.0

What is x in the equation? | -1 <AND> -5 | x = -1 | 0.5

What is x in the equation? | -1 <AND> -5 | x = -5 | 0.5

What is x in the equation? | -1 <AND> -5 | x = -5 or 5 | 0.5

What is x in the equation? | -1 <AND> -5 | x = -1 or x = -5 | 1.0

Can you explain this meme? | This meme is poking fun at the fact that the names of the countries Iceland and Greenland are misleading. Despite its name, Iceland is known for its beautiful green landscapes, while Greenland is mostly covered in ice and snow. The meme is saying that the person has trust issues because the names of these countries do not accurately represent their landscapes. | The meme talks about Iceland and Greenland. It’s pointing out that despite their names, Iceland is not very icy and Greenland isn’t very green. | 0.4

Can you explain this meme? | This meme is poking fun at the fact that the names of the countries Iceland and Greenland are misleading. Despite its name, Iceland is known for its beautiful green landscapes, while Greenland is mostly covered in ice and snow. The meme is saying that the person has trust issues because the names of these countries do not accurately represent their landscapes. | The meme is using humor to point out the misleading nature of Iceland’s and Greenland’s names. Iceland, despite its name, has lush green landscapes while Greenland is mostly covered in ice and snow. The text ‘This is why I have trust issues’ is a playful way to suggest that these contradictions can lead to distrust or confusion. The humor in this meme is derived from the unexpected contrast between the names of the countries and their actual physical characteristics. | 1.0

𝒬 | 𝒢 | 𝒫 |

3.2 LLM-based evaluator for open-ended model outputs

Questions and expected responses in MM-Vet are designed to be open-ended to cover the diverse real-world scenarios. This naturally poses a great challenge in terms of model evaluation and metric design. Drawing inspiration from recent NLP studies chiang2023can ; zheng2023judging that utilize LLMs for open-ended evaluations, we leverage GPT-4 to assist evaluation. As shown in Table 1, we craft a few-shot prompt for model evaluation. The few-shot design allows us to define the scoring metrics via in-context examples and supports easy extension onto new problem sets. Specifically, our implemented prompt incorporates five in-context examples with open-ended short answers and two examples with long answers. We cover examples that are fully correct (i.e., 1.0) or incorrect (i.e., 0.0), as well as examples used to define different types of “partially correct” responses. The LLM-based evaluator allows any style of model outputs to be evaluated with a unified consistent metric. Furthermore, it also supports easy adaptation to diverse question types and answer styles by simply modifying the evaluation examples.

By inputting the prompt, GPT-4 automatically generates scores for each sample, conditioned on each sample’s input question, ground truth, and model output. The score for each sample ranges from 0 to 1. The total scores are computed by

S=i=1NsiN×100%, (1)

where si is the score of sample i, and N is the sample number. The score regarding each capability or capability integration can be similarly obtained by

Sc=siNc×100%,iC, (2)

where C is the set of samples requiring a specific capability or capability integration, and Nc is the sample number of the set.

4 Evaluation results

4.1 Experiment settings

We utilize MM-Vet to evaluate two types of LMMs, i.e., (1) end-to-end tuned LMMs (OpenFlamingo alayrac2022flamingo ; anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 , BLIP-2 li2023blip , LLaVA llava , MiniGPT-4 zhu2023minigpt , Otter li2023otter and InstructBLIP dai2023instructblip ); (2) LLM-tool-using methods (MM-ReAct yang2023mm and Transformers Agent transformers_agent ). The summary of these methods is shown in Table 2. As shown in Table 1, for each sample, we fill the prompt template with its question, ground truth, and output from a specific LMM. By taking the filled prompt into GPT-4, GPT-4 will generate a score from 0 to 1 for the sample. It is found that outputs of GPT-4 still exist variance although the temperature is set as 0. Therefore, we utilize GPT-4 to evaluate the outputs of LLMs by 5 times. Due to the space limit, we report average scores for capabilities/capability integrations, and average as well as variance for total score.

Table 2: Summary of the evaluated LMMs in this report. We consider both the end-to-end tuned models (i.e., OpenFlamingo alayrac2022flamingo ; anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 , BLIP-2 li2023blip , LLaVA llava , MiniGPT-4 zhu2023minigpt , LLaMA-Adapter v2 gao2023llama , Otter li2023otter , InstructBLIP dai2023instructblip ), and the LLM-tool-using systems (i.e., MM-ReAct yang2023mm and Transformers Agent transformers_agent ).
Method Initial models Tuning data Total params
Vision Language Other
OpenFlamingo-9B alayrac2022flamingo ; anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 CLIP ViT-L/14 radford2021learning LLaMA-7B touvron2023llama Multimodal C4 zhu2023multimodal 9B
BLIP-2-12B li2023blip EVA-ViT-G fang2023eva Flan-T5-XXL chung2022scaling 1. COCO lin2014microsoft ; 2. Visual Genome krishna2017visual ; 3. CC3M sharma2018conceptual ; 4. CC12M changpinyo2021conceptual ; 5. SBU ordonez2011im2text ; 6. 115M images from the LAION-400M schuhmann2021laion . (CapFilt li2022blip is used to create synthetic captions for the web images) 12B
LLaVA-7B llava CLIP ViT-L/14 radford2021learning Vicuna-7B zheng2023judging 1. CC3M sharma2018conceptual Concept-balanced 595K llava ; 2. LLaVA-Instruct-158K llava . 7B
LLaVA-13B llava Vicuna-13B zheng2023judging 13B
LLaVA-7B (LLaMA-2) llava CLIP ViT-L/14 radford2021learning LLaMA-2-7B-Chat touvron2023llama2 1. LAION /CC/SBU BLIP-Caption Concept-balanced 558K llava ; 2. LLaVA-Instruct-80K llava . 7B
LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) llava LLaMA-2-13B-Chat touvron2023llama2 13B
LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava CLIP ViT-L/336px radford2021learning Vicuna-13B-v1.3 zheng2023judging 13B
MiniGPT-4-8B zhu2023minigpt EVA-ViT-G fang2023eva Vicuna-7B zheng2023judging BLIP-2’s Q-Former li2023blip 1. CC3M sharma2018conceptual ; 2. CC12M changpinyo2021conceptual ; 3. SBU ordonez2011im2text ; 4. LAION-400M schuhmann2021laion 5. Proposed 3,500 aligned image-text pairs zhu2023minigpt . 8B
MiniGPT-4-14B zhu2023minigpt Vicuna-13B zheng2023judging 14B
LLaMA-Adapter v2-7B gao2023llama CLIP ViT-L/14 radford2021learning LLaMA-7B touvron2023llama 1. GPT-4-LLM peng2023instruction ; 2. COCO lin2014microsoft 7B
Otter-9B li2023otter CLIP ViT-L/14 radford2021learning LLaMA-7B touvron2023llama OpenFlamingo-9B’s alayrac2022flamingo ; anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 1. Perceiver Resampler; 2. GATED XATTN-DENSE MIMIC-IT li2023mimic 9B
InstructBLIP-8B dai2023instructblip EVA-ViT-G fang2023eva Vicuna-7B zheng2023judging BLIP-2’s Q-Former li2023blip 1. Tuning data of BLIP-2 li2023blip ; 2. 26 publicly available datasets (transformed into instruction tuning format). 8B
InstructBLIP-14B dai2023instructblip Vicuna-13B zheng2023judging 14B
Transformers Agent (GPT-4 as agent) transformers_agent 1. GPT-4 openai2023gpt4 ; 2. Flan-T5 chung2022scaling ; 3. BART lewis2019bart 1. Donut kim2022ocr ; 2. BLIP li2022blip ; 3. ViLT kim2021vilt ; 4. CLIPSeg luddecke2022image 5. Whisper radford2023robust ; 6. SpeechT5 ao2021speecht5 ; 7. NLLB costa2022no None Not clear
MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5 yang2023mm MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm GPT-3.5 ouyang2022training GPT-4 openai2023gpt4 1. Azure Cognitive Services APIs azure_cognition_api for image captioning, image tagging, dense captioning, OCR and specialized recognition on celebrities, receipts, etc 2. Bing search; 3. PAL gao2022pal None Not clear

4.2 Result analyses

The main results of different methods are shown in Table 3 regarding each capability, and Table 4 for each capability integration.

4.2.1 Regarding each capability

Recognition. The “Recognition” category contains the questions requiring recognition capability to answer. Examples are shown in Tables 8(a, b), 9(b), 10(a, b), 11(a, b), 12(a, c), and 13(b). The “Rec” column in Table 3 compares the performance on the “Recognition”. Among the evaluated models, LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) is the best one, obtaining 39.2%. There may be two reasons. First, LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) adopts ViT-L/14 dosovitskiy2020image from CLIP radford2021learning as a vision model, which is trained by a large amount of data, 400 million image-text pairs; 2) Second, it is surprising that stronger language model can largely boost the recognition performance. LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) obtains 8.3% important over LLaVA-13B (Vicuna-13B). Stronger LLMs may help understand questions better and identify key information from visual inputs.

Besides, for model parameters below 10B, InstructBLIP-8B dai2023instructblip attains the best performance (32.4% in MM-Vet). As shown in Table 2, the tuning data of InstructBLIP includes 26 publicly available datasets, which contain recognition heavily datasets, like VQA v2 vqav2 and GQA hudson2019gqa . The promising capability of InstructBLIP in recognition may benefit from these datasets.

OCR. OCR assesses models’ capabilities in recognizing scene texts in images and performing various types of reasoning including math, spatial, recognition, etc. Examples are shown in Tables 8(c), 9(a, c, d), 10(b), 11(a, b), 12(a, b), 13(a, b). As shown in Table 2’s “OCR” column, MMReAct-GPT4 yang2023mm performs the best (65.7%) in OCR capability with the assistance of an external OCR model as a tool. Among end-to-end tuned models, LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) llava achieves the highest performance (22.7%). This superior performance may be attributed to LLaVA’s adoption of CLIP radford2021learning ViT-L/14 dosovitskiy2020image as its vision model, and the inclusion of a large volume of image-OCR pairings within the training data liu2023hidden .

Knowledge. As depicted in Tables 8(a), 10(a, b) and 12(b, c), the “knowledge” category covers a wide range of knowledge-related questions, ranging from joke understanding to encyclopedia knowledge. MMReAct-GPT4 yang2023mm achieves the best score in this capability as shown in Table 3, because of its strong LLM backbone openai2023gpt4 , coupled with external tools like Bing search for knowledge acquisition.

Language generation. “Language generation” denotes the proficiency to produce fluent and informative text outputs, as illustrated in Table 8(a), 10(b), 11(a), and 13(a). The performance within this category is highly correlated with the efficacy of language modeling. As a result, MMReAct-GPT4 yang2023mm and LLaVA-13B (LlaMA-2) stand out as the top two models. Their success can be attributed to the GPT-4 and LlaMA-2 language models on which these systems are built.

Spatial awareness. “Spatial awareness” involves the understanding of the spatial relationship among visual object regions (e.g., Table 8(c)) and scene text regions (e.g., Table 11(a, b)). MMReAct-GPT4 yang2023mm has a significant lead in this capability (56.8%), because the adopted tools, such as dense captioning and OCR, provide detailed object and scene text location information in the form of coordinates, which can be understood and processed by GPT-4.

When it comes to end-to-end tuned models, LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) exhibits the best performance of 31.3%. The tuning data for LLaVA is partly derived from capturing object names and their corresponding coordinates as input. This procedure ensures the generation of data imbued with spatial information, potentially aiding the models in developing and enhancing their spatial awareness capabilities.

Math. “Math” measures the arithmetic capability on either written equations (e.g., Table 13(b)) or problems in the wild (e.g., Table 9(d)). Notably, MMReAct-GPT4 yang2023mm consistently outperforms other models. This superior performance may be attributed to the adopted PAL math tool (Program-aided Language Models) gao2022pal .

Table 3: MM-Vet evaluation results on various LMMs regarding each core VL capability. For each column, the highest, the second, and the third highest figures are highlighted by green, orange and blue backgrounds. All the numbers are presented in % and the full score is 100%.
Model Rec OCR Know Gen Spat Math Total
Transformers Agent (GPT-4) transformers_agent 18.2 3.9 2.2 3.2 12.4 4.0 13.4±0.5
LLaMA-Adapter v2-7B gao2023llama 16.8 7.8 2.5 3.0 16.6 4.4 13.6±0.2
OpenFlamingo-9B alayrac2022flamingo ; anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 24.6 14.4 13.0 12.3 18.0 15.0 21.8±0.1
MiniGPT-4-8B zhu2023minigpt 27.4 15.0 12.8 13.9 20.3 7.7 22.1±0.1
BLIP-2-12B li2023blip 27.5 11.1 11.8 7.0 16.2 5.8 22.4±0.2
LLaVA-7B llava 28.0 17.1 16.3 18.9 21.2 11.5 23.8±0.6
MiniGPT-4-14B zhu2023minigpt 29.9 16.1 20.4 22.1 22.2 3.8 24.4±0.4
Otter-9B li2023otter 28.4 16.4 19.4 20.7 19.3 15.0 24.6±0.2
InstructBLIP-14B dai2023instructblip 30.8 16.0 9.8 9.0 21.1 10.5 25.6±0.3
InstructBLIP-8B dai2023instructblip 32.4 14.6 16.5 18.2 18.6 7.7 26.2±0.2
LLaVA-13B llava 30.9 20.1 23.5 26.4 24.3 7.7 26.4±0.1
MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5 yang2023mm 24.2 31.5 21.5 20.7 32.3 26.2 27.9±0.1
LLaVA-7B (LLaMA-2) llava 32.9 20.1 19.0 20.1 25.7 5.2 28.1±0.4
LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava 38.1 22.3 25.2 25.8 31.3 11.2 32.5±0.1
LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) llava 39.2 22.7 26.5 29.3 29.6 7.7 32.9±0.1
MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm 33.1 65.7 29.0 35.0 56.8 69.2 44.6±0.2
Table 4: MM-Vet evaluation results on various LMMs regarding each capability integration. Examples of each capability integration are shown in supplementary materials Tables 8-13. For each column, the highest, the second, and the third highest figures are highlighted by green, orange and blue backgrounds. All the numbers are presented in % and the full score is 100%.
Model Rec Know Gen Rec OCR Spat OCR Spat Math Rec Spat OCR OCR Math Rec Know Rec OCR Know Gen Rec OCR Gen Spat Rec OCR Spat Rec OCR OCR Know Spat Rec Know Spat OCR Gen Spat Rec OCR Spat Math Total
Transformers Agent (GPT-4) transformers_agent 1.3 49.1 0.0 7.4 45.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 0.0 25.0 0.0 50.0 49.0 0.0 13.4±0.5
LLaMA-Adapter v2-7B gao2023llama 0.2 43.2 7.9 8.1 41.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.8 0.0 25.0 33.3 50.0 6.0 0.0 13.6±0.2
OpenFlamingo-9B alayrac2022flamingo ; anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 15.6 48.6 17.3 21.4 41.7 18.3 8.2 11.1 2.5 0.0 14.3 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.8±0.1
MiniGPT-4-8B zhu2023minigpt 14.2 47.9 9.6 14.3 50.0 20.8 0.0 14.4 8.0 21.2 42.9 50.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.1±0.1
BLIP-2-12B li2023blip 7.3 65.1 11.5 7.1 41.7 21.2 4.5 38.9 5.2 8.5 14.3 25.0 16.7 50.0 0.0 0.0 22.4±0.2
LLaVA-7B llava 17.1 46.6 13.3 21.4 41.7 24.8 0.0 28.9 6.2 45.2 6.6 50.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 0.0 23.8±0.6
MiniGPT-4-14B zhu2023minigpt 21.1 47.5 14.6 7.1 50.0 16.7 0.0 11.1 18.7 38.5 18.3 32.5 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.4±0.4
Otter-9B li2023otter 22.5 50.0 18.1 21.4 33.3 16.7 8.2 16.7 5.0 28.5 0.0 50.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.6±0.2
InstructBLIP-14B dai2023instructblip 8.1 74.3 14.6 14.3 50.0 19.2 6.5 11.1 8.8 15.2 14.3 70.0 16.7 50.0 15.0 0.0 25.6±0.3
InstructBLIP-8B dai2023instructblip 18.0 69.9 15.4 14.3 33.3 20.8 0.0 23.3 7.8 35.2 15.7 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.2±0.2
LLaVA-13B llava 25.2 41.1 17.3 7.1 47.5 23.3 9.1 18.0 12.5 53.8 14.3 50.0 50.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 26.4±0.1
MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5 yang2023mm 19.1 33.1 28.8 35.7 28.3 60.0 9.1 33.3 2.5 47.8 0.0 25.0 100.0 0.0 35.0 80.0 27.9±0.1
LLaVA-7B (LLaMA-2) llava 18.8 57.0 26.9 9.7 50.0 26.7 0.0 34.7 10.2 44.8 14.3 50.0 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.1±0.4
LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava 25.5 59.7 25.0 14.3 66.7 25.8 8.2 27.8 11.2 49.3 14.3 50.0 33.3 50.0 2.0 0.0 32.5±0.1
LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) llava 29.8 59.5 21.2 14.3 58.3 36.2 0.0 27.8 3.5 56.8 28.6 50.0 33.3 0.0 8.0 0.0 32.9±0.1
MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm 22.5 33.0 69.2 78.6 25.0 83.0 63.6 44.4 68.2 88.0 14.3 50.0 0.0 50.0 80.0 0.0 44.6±0.2

4.2.2 Regarding each capability integration

Recognition, knowledge, and language generation.. As shown in Table 8(a), this capability integration can enable models to explain visual jokes. LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) and LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava are the best models in this capability integration. Adopting CLIP radford2021learning and stronger language models may be the reason. The tuning data of LLaVA shown in Table 2 can also not be ignored.

Recognition (sole). This category contains samples only requiring recognition, as shown in Table 8(b). InstructBLIP-14B and InstructBLIP-8B dai2023instructblip achieve the best performance, which may result from the tuning data including recognition datasets, like VQA v2 vqav2 and GQA hudson2019gqa .

OCR and spatial awareness. For this integration, an example is shown in Table 8(c). MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm is the best method for this integration. Notably, compared with MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5, MM-ReAct-GPT-4 has a significant improvement, over 40%, indicating the importance of LLMs to integrate information of OCR and location.

OCR, spatial awareness, and math. An example of this integration is shown in Table 9(a), which requires reading the floor plan and conducting arithmetic. Compared with the above integration, this combination involves one more capability of math. The observation is similar to the integration of OCR and spatial awareness. MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm still achieves the best performance.

Recognition and spatial awareness. Table 9(b) shows an example for this integration. LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava performs best for this category. Compared with LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2), LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) obtains an improvement of 8.4%, indicating the significant contribution of larger resolution of images.

OCR (sole). This task requires OCR only, as shown in Table 9(c). MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm has the best results for sole OCR due to an OCR tool from Azure API. Notable, MM-ReAct-GPT-4 is much better than MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5 with an improvement of 23.0%, demonstrating the importance of language models in OCR.

OCR and Math. This integration enables reading text from real-world scenarios and solving math problems, as shown in Table 9(d). MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm obtains the best performance in this capability integration, far ahead of other models. We highly recommend using MM-ReAct-GPT-4 to complete tasks related to this capability integration.

Other capability integrations. 10 other capability integrations are in long-tailed distribution, where MMReAct-GPT-4 achieves the best scores in 6 integrations out of 10. Their examples are shown in Tables 10-13.

4.3 Result discussion

4.3.1 Foundation models and tuning data

In this subsection, we discuss the modules in LMMs and speculate how each component may affect the LMMs’ capabilities in different aspects, evaluated by MM-Vet. We mainly consider the models based on open-sourced LLMs, i.e., Flan-T5 chung2022scaling , LLaMA touvron2023llama , Vicuna zheng2023judging , and LLaMA-2 touvron2023llama2 .

Vision. For the Vision component, two models have been employed in the end-to-end LMMs we evaluated, namely, CLIP-ViT/L14 radford2021learning (428M) and EVA-ViT-G (1.13B). Determining a superior model is currently not possible due to the absence of a comprehensive ablation study zeng2023matters . However, it’s noteworthy that, when paired with the same language model, Vicuna-7B, InstructBLIP-8B excels in recognition tasks, while LLaVA-7B works particularly well for OCR.

Language. There is a notable trend indicating that superior language models (LLMs) typically yield better performance, such as comparing the 7B and 13B variants of different models, except for the outlier of InstructBLIP where the 8B version performs better than the 14B one.

Tuning data. First and foremost, increasing the volume of data can significantly enhance performance. For example, Otter li2023otter is based on OpenFlamingo anas_awadalla_2023_7733589 with MIMIC-IT li2023mimic to further tuning, and Otter gains clearly better results than OpenFlaminigo. Another example is InstructBLIP-8B dai2023instructblip , which utilizes more data from 26 publicly available datasets to tune the model and achieve higher scores than BLIP-2-12B. Given the impressive performances of InstructBLIP and LLaVA, as demonstrated in Table 3, we expect further improvements by combining the tuning data of these two methods.

Table 5: MM-Vet (Bard set) evaluation results on various LMMs regarding each core VL capability. For each column, the highest, the second, and the third highest figures are highlighted by green, orange and blue backgrounds. All the numbers are presented in % and the full score is 100%.
Model Rec OCR Know Gen Spat Math Total
LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2) llava 37.8 22.9 22.4 27.6 27.2 8.0 30.3±0.1
LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava 39.4 22.3 22.7 24.6 30.6 11.6 31.5±0.1
MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5 yang2023mm 22.3 31.4 15.6 16.6 32.9 24.0 27.6±0.2
MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm 34.3 66.3 25.6 36.6 60.6 72.0 48.1±0.2
Bard bard 56.2 52.5 50.9 61.0 52.0 39.6 53.5±0.2
Table 6: MM-Vet (Bard set) evaluation results on various LMMs regarding each capability integration. For each column, the highest, the second, and the third highest figures are highlighted by green, orange and blue backgrounds. All the numbers are presented in % and the full score is 100%.
Model Rec Know Gen Rec OCR Spat OCR Spat Math Rec Spat OCR OCR Math Rec Know Rec OCR Know Gen Rec OCR Gen Spat Rec OCR Spat Rec OCR OCR Know Spat Rec Know Spat OCR Gen Spat Rec OCR Spat Math Total
Vicuna-13B (LLaMA-2) llava 26.6 55.2 18.8 14.3 57.1 39.5 0.0 20.0 1.3 56.8 28.6 50.0 33.3 0.0 8.0 30.3±0.1
Vicuna-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava 21.9 59.0 22.9 14.3 85.7 25.5 8.2 20.0 15.0 49.3 14.3 50.0 33.3 50.0 2.0 31.5±0.1
MM-ReAct-GPT-3.5 yang2023mm 11.3 38.8 31.2 35.7 28.6 56.4 9.1 20.0 0.0 47.8 0.0 25.0 100.0 0.0 35.0 27.6±0.2
MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm 17.0 35.2 70.8 78.6 28.6 81.5 63.6 40.0 68.3 88.0 14.3 50.0 0.0 50.0 80.0 48.1±0.2
Bard bard 52.3 70.3 45.2 56.4 42.9 70.2 18.2 0.0 77.7 81.5 28.6 50.0 66.7 50.0 80.0 53.5±0.2

4.3.2 Comparison with Bard

Bard bard is one popular closed-source commercial LMM system. One problem in evaluation is that Bard rejects images containing people and instead outputs “Sorry, I can’t help with images of people yet.” To conduct a fair comparison with other models, we constructed a subset of MM-Vet with 168 samples that Bard could process, henceforth referred to as the Bard set. The results on the Bard set are shown in Tables 5 and 6.

Bard achieves the highest scores in three out of six capabilities, seven out of fifteen capability integrations, and holds the highest overall score (53.5%). MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm outperforms in the remaining three out of six capabilities, and tops the chart in nine out of the fifteen capability integrations. Particularly, MM-ReAct performs better in OCR, spatial awareness, and math capabilities, indicating the potential benefit of having specialized external tools, even when working with state-of-the-art LMMs.

When considering end-to-end models, there is still a big gap from Bard. For instance, Vicuna-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava obtains 31.5%, a substantial 22.0% lower than Bard. Future stronger open-sourced LLMs and advancements in multimodal training hold potential to further narrow this gap.

4.4 Effectiveness analysis of LLM-based evaluation

To verify the effectiveness of LLM-based evaluation for LMM predictions, we select the outputs from MMReAct-GPT-4 on 138 objective questions, which can be objectively annotated by humans. We compute the absolute value of the difference between the evaluator’s output score and the human-annotated score on each sample. The average of these absolute values is then computed to derive the final result, which is represented as Δ¯.

The maximum potential discrepancy is 1.0. The baseline evaluation method, keyword matching, results in a high difference of 0.273. This illustrates the unsuitability of keyword matching for MM-Vet when dealing with open-ended answers. It is surprising that Δ¯ of LLaMA-2-7B touvron2023llama2 is even higher than that of keyword matching, while Δ¯ LLaMA-2-13B only marginally less than keyword matching. This suggests that assessing open-ended outputs from models is far from straightforward. For OpenAI’s models, GPT-3.5 (turbo-0613) obtains 0.178 of Δ¯, and GPT-4 (0613) achieves the lowest difference of 0.042. In this paper, we utilize GPT-4 (0613) to evaluate the outputs of LMMs.

Table 7: Averaged absolute differences (Δ¯) between the evaluation scores of various LLM evaluators and those of human-annotated scores, on MM-ReAct-GPT4’s results. A smaller discrepancy indicates a better agreement with the gold standard of human evaluation, indicating a better evaluator.
Model Keyword matching LLM-based evaluation
LLaMA-2-7B LLaMA-2-13B GPT-3.5 (turbo-0613) GPT-4 (0613)
Δ¯() 0.273 0.307 0.254 0.178 0.042

4.5 Takeaway notes

We summarize the above analyses and discussions as follows:

  • In the evaluation of integrated capabilities on MM-Vet (Sections 4.2, 4.3.2), Bard bard outperforms existing open-sourced methods. The tool-using approach, MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm , achieves comparable performance to Bard with effective external tools. The pros and cons in different categories motivate future studies on tool-enhanced LMMs. Among end-to-end LMMs, LLaVA-13B (LLaMA-2)/LLaVA-13B (V1.3, 336px) llava demonstrates the best performance on MM-Vet.

  • Analysis of open-source LMMs (Section 4.3.1) leaves room for ambiguity regarding the superior vision encoders for LMMs, based on current model comparisons. However, it is evident that stronger LLMs can boost the performance of LMMs.

  • For open-ended evaluation (Section 4.4), it is effective to use GPT-4 for evaluating the open-ended outputs of LMMs. The use of less powerful LLMs could result in more significant deviations from the gold standard of human evaluation results.

  • Current top-performing methods, such as Bard bard and MM-ReAct-GPT-4 yang2023mm , only achieve scores of around 50% on MM-Vet (where full score is 100%). The gap signifies that further effort is necessary to enhance the performance of LMMs in terms of integrated capabilities, e.g., by developing stronger LMMs or extending LMMs with external tools.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce the MM-Vet benchmark to evaluate LMMs in terms of their integrated vision-language capabilities. We have assembled a new multimodal dataset, which requires the integration of multiple vision-language capabilities. To facilitate open-ended evaluation, we adopt an LLM-based evaluator to grade open-ended outputs from LMMs. We then evaluate various LMMs on MM-Vet, analyzing their results to provide insights into different LMM system paradigms and module selections. We observe that the current best LMMs only achieve around 50% scores on MM-Vet (full score 100%), indicating the need for efforts to further improve the integrated capabilities of LMMs.

Appendix A Examples of capability integrations

Table 8: Three samples requiring different capability integrations.

[Uncaptioned image]


What occasions would someone use this meme?


This meme, commonly known as "Screaming Panda," is typically used to express shock, surprise, or fear. It could be used in response to a startling or unexpected event, or to convey a sense of panic or alarm. Some possible occasions where someone might use this meme include:

- Reacting to a jump scare in a horror movie

- Responding to a surprising plot twist in a TV show or book

- Expressing shock at a news headline or current event

- Conveying fear or anxiety about an upcoming deadline or exam

- Showing surprise at an unexpected outcome in a sports game or other competition.

Required capabilities:

Recognition, knowledge, language generation


[Uncaptioned image]


How many tomatoes are there?



Required capabilities:



[Uncaptioned image]


What is located to the right of the shampoo?



Required capabilities:

OCR, spatial awareness

Table 9: Four samples requiring different capability integrations.

[Uncaptioned image]


Which room is bigger, the double garage or the living room?


double garage

Required capabilities:

OCR, spatial awareness, math


[Uncaptioned image]


On the right desk, what is to the left of the laptop?


table lamp <OR> desk lamp

Required capabilities:

Recognition, spatial awareness


[Uncaptioned image]


What are all the scene text in the image?



Required capabilities:



[Uncaptioned image]


How many gallons of supreme gasoline can I get with $50?


13.6 <OR> 13.7

Required capabilities:

OCR, math

Table 10: Two samples requiring different capability integrations.

[Uncaptioned image]


In which country was this photo taken?



Required capabilities:

Recognition, knowledge


[Uncaptioned image]


Can you explain this meme?


This meme is a humorous take on procrastination and the tendency to delay tasks until a specific time. The person in the meme plans to do something at 8 o’clock, but when they miss that deadline by a few minutes, they decide to wait until 9 o’clock instead. The image of Kermit the Frog lying in bed represents the person’s laziness and lack of motivation to complete the task.

Required capabilities:

Recognition, OCR, knowledge, language generation

Table 11: Two samples requiring different capability integrations.

[Uncaptioned image]


The graph below shows the long-term international migration, UK, 1999-2008.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between 1999 and 2008.

Both immigration and emigration rates rose over the period shown, but the figures for immigration were significantly higher. Net migration peaked in 2004 and 2007.

In 1999, over 450,000 people came to live in the UK, while the number of people who emigrated stood at just under 300,000. The figure for net migration was around 160,000, and it remained at a similar level until 2003. From 1999 to 2004, the immigration rate rose by nearly 150,000 people, but there was a much smaller rise in emigration. Net migration peaked at almost 250,000 people in 2004.

After 2004, the rate of immigration remained high, but the number of people emigrating fluctuated. Emigration fell suddenly in 2007, before peaking at about 420,000 people in 2008. As a result, the net migration figure rose to around 240,000 in 2007, but fell back to around 160,000 in 2008.

Required capabilities:

Recognition, OCR, language generation, spatial awareness


[Uncaptioned image]


Which car is on the parking spot 33?


no <OR> empty

Required capabilities:

Recognition, OCR, spatial awareness

Table 12: Three samples requiring different capability integrations.

[Uncaptioned image]


Is this apple organic?



Required capabilities:

Recognition, OCR


[Uncaptioned image]


Which are producers in this food web?


Phytoplankton <AND> Seaweed

Required capabilities:

OCR, knowledge, spatial awareness


[Uncaptioned image]


Does the person bigger than the car?



Required capabilities:

Recognition, knowledge, spatial awareness

Table 13: Two samples requiring different capability integrations.

[Uncaptioned image]


The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities.

The table compares the six networks in terms of their age, size and the number of people who use them each year. It is clear that the three oldest underground systems are larger and serve significantly more passengers than the newer systems.

The London underground is the oldest system, having opened in 1863. It is also the largest system, with 394 kilometres of route. The second largest system, in Paris, is only about half the size of the London underground, with 199 kilometres of route. However, it serves more people per year. While only third in terms of size, the Tokyo system is easily the most used, with 1927 million passengers per year.

Of the three newer networks, the Washington DC underground is the most extensive, with 126 kilometres of route, compared to only 11 kilometres and 28 kilometres for the Kyoto and Los Angeles systems. The Los Angeles network is the newest, having opened in 2001, while the Kyoto network is the smallest and serves only 45 million passengers per year.

Required capabilities:

OCR, language generation, spatial awareness


[Uncaptioned image]


What will the girl on the right write on the board?



Required capabilities:

Recognition, OCR, spatial awareness, math


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