1567 Research Chenglong Wang, John Thompson, and Bongshin Lee are with Microsoft Research. E-mail: {chenglong.wang, johnthompson, bongshin}@microsoft.com.

Data Formulator: AI-powered Concept-driven Visualization Authoring

Chenglong Wang0000-0002-5933-6620    John Thompson0000-0002-3102-4035    and Bongshin Lee0000-0002-4217-627X

With most modern visualization tools, authors need to transform their data into tidy formats to create visualizations they want. Because this requires experience with programming or separate data processing tools, data transformation remains a barrier in visualization authoring. To address this challenge, we present a new visualization paradigm, concept binding, that separates high-level visualization intents and low-level data transformation steps, leveraging an AI agent. We realize this paradigm in Data Formulator, an interactive visualization authoring tool. With Data Formulator, authors first define data concepts they plan to visualize using natural languages or examples, and then bind them to visual channels. Data Formulator then dispatches its AI-agent to automatically transform the input data to surface these concepts and generate desired visualizations. When presenting the results (transformed table and output visualizations) from the AI agent, Data Formulator provides feedback to help authors inspect and understand them. A user study with 10 participants shows that participants could learn and use Data Formulator to create visualizations that involve challenging data transformations, and presents interesting future research directions.

AI, visualization authoring, data transformation, programming by example, natural language, large language model


Most modern visualization authoring tools (e.g., Charticulator [ren2019charticulator], Data Illustrator [liu2018data], Lyra [satyanarayan2014lyra]) and libraries (e.g., ggplot2 [wickham2009ggplot2], Vega-Lite [satyanarayan2017vegalite]) expect tidy data [wickham2014tidy-data], where every variable to be visualized is a column and each observation is a row. When the input data is in the tidy format, authors simply need to bind data columns to visual channels (e.g., Date x-axis, Temperature y-axis, City color in Fig. 1). Otherwise, they need to prepare the data, even if the original data is clean and contains all information needed [bartram2021untidy]. Authors usually rely on data transformation libraries (e.g., tidyverse [wickham2019tidyverse], pandas [the_pandas_development_team_2023_7741580]) or separate interactive tools (e.g., Wrangler [kandel2011wrangler]) to transform data into the appropriate format. However, authors need either programming experience or tool expertise to transform data, and they have to withstand the overhead of switching between visualization and data transformation steps. The challenge of data transformation remains a barrier in visualization authoring.

To address the data transformation challenge, we explore a fundamentally different approach for visualization authoring, leveraging an AI agent. We separate the high-level visualization intent “what to visualize” from the low-level data transformation steps of “how to format data to visualize,” and automate the latter to reduce the data transformation burden. Specifically, we support two key types of data transformations (and their combinations) needed for visualization authoring:

  • Reshaping: A variable to be visualized is spread across multiple columns or one column includes multiple variables. For example, if authors want to create a different scatter plot from the table in Fig. 1 by mapping Seattle and Atlanta temperatures to x,y-axes (Fig. 2- 1), they need to first “pivot” the table from long to wide format, because both variables of interest are stored in the Temperature column and are not readily available.

  • Derivation: A variable needs to be extracted or derived from one or more existing columns. For example, if authors want to create a bar chart to show daily temperature differences between two cities (Fig. 2- 2) and a histogram to count the number of days which city is warmer (Fig. 2- 3), they need to derive the temperature difference and the name of the warmer city from the two cities’ temperature columns, and map them to the y-axis and x-axis, respectively, and the city name to color channels of the corresponding charts. The derivation is also needed when the variable to be visualized requires analytical computation (e.g., aggregation, moving average, percentile) across multiple rows from a column in the table. For example, to plot a line chart to visualize the 7-day moving averages of Seattle temperatures (Fig. 2- 4), the authors need to calculate the moving average using a window function and map it to y-axis with Date on x-axis.

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Figure 1: A dataset of Seattle and Atlanta daily temperatures in 2020 (left) and a scatter plot that visualizes them by mapping Date to x-axis, Temperature to y-axis, and City to color (right).
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Figure 2: Visualizations created from df in Fig. 1 that require data transformation: (1) a scatter plot with Seattle and Atlanta temperatures on x,y-axes, (2) a bar chart to visualize the temperature difference between the two cities, (3) a histogram to count the number of days each city being warmer, and (4) a smoothed line chart that shows the 7-day moving averages of Seattle temperature.

In this paper, we introduce Data Formulator, an interactive visualization authoring tool that embodies a new paradigm, concept binding. To create a visualization with Data Formulator, authors provide their visualization intent by binding data concepts to visual channels. Upon loading of a data table, existing data columns are provided as known data concepts. When the required data concepts are not available to author a given chart, the authors can create the concepts: either using natural language prompts (for derivation) or by providing examples (for reshaping). Data Formulator handles these two cases differently, with different styles of input and feedback, and we provide a detailed description of how they are handled in Section 1. Once the necessary data concepts are available, the authors can select a chart type (e.g., scatter plot, histogram) and map data concepts to desired visual channels. If needed, Data Formulator dispatches the backend AI agent to infer necessary data transformations to instantiate these new concepts based on the input data and creates candidate visualizations. Because the authors’ high-level specifications can be ambiguous and Data Formulator may generate multiple candidates, Data Formulator provides feedback to explain and compare the results. With this feedback, the authors can inspect, disambiguate, and refine the suggested visualizations. After that, they can reuse or create additional data concepts to continue their visualization authoring process.

We also report a chart reproduction study conducted with 10 participants to gather feedback on the new concept binding approach that employs an AI agent, and to evaluate the usability of Data Formulator. After an hour-long tutorial and practice session, most participants could create desired charts by creating data concepts—both with derivation and reshaping transformations. We conclude with a discussion on the lessons learned from the design and evaluation of Data Formulator, as well as important future research directions.

1 Illustrative Scenarios

In this section, we illustrate users’ experiences to create visualizations in Figs. 1 and 2 using programs and Data Formulator from the initial input data in Fig. 1. We refer to this dataset as df in this section.

1.1 Experience with Programming

We first illustrate how an experienced data scientist, Eunice, uses programming to create the desired visualizations with pandas and Altair libraries in Python.

Daily Temperature Trends. Eunice starts with the scatter plot in Fig. 1. Because df is in the tidy format with Date, City, and Temperature available, Eunice needs no data transformation and writes a simple Altair program to create the plot:

alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(x=’Date’, y=’Temperature’, color=’City’)

This program calls the Altair library (alt), selects the input dataset df and the scatter plot function mark_circle, and maps columns to x,y and color channels. It renders the desired scatter plot in Fig. 1.

Seattle vs. Atlanta Temperatures. To make a more direct comparison of two cities’ temperatures, Eunice wants to create a different scatter plot (Fig. 2- 1) by mapping Seattle and Atlanta temperatures to x,y-axes. However, Seattle and Atlanta temperatures are not available as columns in df. She therefore needs to transform df to surface them. Because df is in the “long” format, where temperatures of both cities are stored in one column Temperature, she needs to pivot the table to the “wide” format. Eunice switches to the data transformation step and uses the pivot function from the pandas library to reshape df (Fig. 3). This program populates Seattle and Atlanta as new column names from the City column, and their corresponding Temperature values are moved to these new columns by Date. With df2, Eunice creates the desired visualization, which maps Seattle and Atlanta to x,y-axes of the scatter plot with the following program:

alt.Chart(df2).mark_circle().encode(x=’Seattle’, y=’Atlanta’)

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Figure 3: Prepare the new data df2 with the pivot function to populate Seattle and Atlanta temperatures from City and Temperature columns.

Temperature Differences. Eunice wants to create two visualizations to show how much warmer is Atlanta compared to Seattle: a bar chart to visualize daily temperate differences (Fig. 2- 2) and a histogram to show the number of days each city is warmer (Fig. 2- 3). Again, because necessary fields Difference and Warmer are not in df2, Eunice needs to transform the data. This time, she writes a program to perform column-wise computation, which extends df2 with two new columns Warmer and Difference (Fig. 4). Eunice then creates the daily temperature differences chart by mapping Date and Difference to x,y-axes and the histogram by mapping Warmer to x-axis and the aggregation function, count(), to y-axis to calculate the number of entries.

# extend df2 with new columns Difference and Warmer df2[’Difference’] = df2[’Seattle’] - df2[’Atlanta’] df2[’Warmer’] = df2[’Difference’].apply( lambda x: Seattle if x > 0 else (’Atlanta if x < 0 else Same’)) \par# create the bar chart alt.Chart(df2).mark_bar().encode(x=’Date’, y=’Difference’, color=’Warmer’) # create the histogram alt.Chart(df2).mark_bar().encode(x=’Warmer’, y=’count()’, color=’Warmer’)

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Figure 4: Extend df2 in Fig. 3 to derive Warmer, Difference, and Seattle 7-day Moving Avg columns that are necessary for visualizations in Fig. 2.
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Figure 5: Data Formulator UI. After loading the input data, the authors interact with Data Formulator in four steps: (1) in the Concept Shelf, create (e.g., Seattle and Atlanta) or derive (e.g., Difference, Warmer) new data concepts they plan to visualize, (2) encode data concepts to visual channels of a chart using Chart Builder and formulate the chart, (3) inspect the derived data automatically generated by Data Formulator, and (4) examine and save generated visualizations. Throughout the process, Data Formulator provides feedback to help authors understand generated data and visualizations.

7-day Moving Average of Seattle’s Temperature. Finally, Eunice wants to include a line chart for Seattle temperature trends in the report. Because daily temperatures fluctuate, she decides to create a smooth line chart based on 7-day moving average temperatures. Eunice needs an analytical function to calculate the moving average. Because the input data is sorted by Date, Eunice chooses the rolling function from pandas: she sets window=7 and center=True so that the moving average is calculated with a sliding window from day d3 to day d+3 for each date d. This transformation adds the new column Seattle 7-day Moving Avg to df2 (Fig. 4; the first 3 days are null because of insufficient data), and Eunice maps Date and the new column to a line chart to create the desired visualization (Fig. 2- 4).

df2[’Seattle 7-day Moving Avg’] = df2[’Seattle’].rolling(window=7, center=True) alt.Chart(df2).mark_line().encode(x=’Date’, y=’Seattle 7-day Moving Avg’)

Remark. In all cases, Eunice can specify visualizations using simple Altair programs by mapping data columns to visual channels. However, data transformation steps make the visualization process challenging. Eunice needs to choose the right type of transformation based on the input data and desired visualization (e.g., creating the scatter plot in Fig. 1 from df2 would require unpivot instead). Furthermore, Eunice needs knowledge about pandas to choose the right function and parameters per task (e.g., rolling will not fit if Eunice wants to calculate moving average for each city in df). Eunice’s programming experience and data analysis expertise allowed her to successfully complete all tasks. But a less experienced data scientist, Megan, finds this process challenging. Megan decides to use Data Formulator to reduce the data transformation overhead.

1.2 Experience with Data Formulator

Data Formulator (Fig. 5) has a similar interface as “shelf-configuration”-style visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI. But unlike these tools that support only mappings from input data columns to visual channels, Data Formulator enables authors to create and derive new data concepts and map them to visual channels to create visualizations without requiring manual data transformation.

Daily Temperature Trends. Once Megan loads the input data (Fig. 1), Data Formulator populates existing data columns (Date, City, and Temperature) as known data concepts in the Concept Shelf. Because all three data concepts are already available, no data transformation is needed. Megan selects the visualization type “Scatter Plot” and maps these data concepts to x,y and color channels in Chart Builder through drag-and-drop interaction. Data Formulator then generates the desired scatter plot.

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Figure 6: Megan (1) creates new data concepts, Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp, by providing examples and (2) maps them to x,y-axes of a scatter plot to specify the visualization intent. (3) Data Formulator asks Megan to provide a small example to illustrate how these two concepts are related, and Megan confirms the example. (4) Based on the example, Data Formulator generates the data transformation and creates the desired visualization.
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Figure 7: (1) Megan derives the new concept Difference from Atlanta Temp and Seattle Temp using natural language. Data Formulator generates two candidates and displays the first one in the concept card. (2) Megan opens the dialog to inspect both, confirms the first one, and saves the concept.
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Figure 8: Megan creates the bar chart using derived concepts, Difference and Warmer, as well as an original concept Date.
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Figure 9: Megan derives the 7-day moving averages from Seattle Temp. After inspecting the results, she edits the description to be more precise.

Seattle vs. Atlanta Temperatures. To create the second scatter plot (Fig. 4- 1), Megan needs to map Seattle and Atlanta temperatures to x,y-axes of a scatter plot. Because Seattle and Atlanta temperatures are not available as concepts yet, Megan starts out by creating a new data concept Atlanta Temp (Fig. 6- 1): she clicks the new + button in the Concept Shelf, which opens a concept card that asks her to name the new concept and provide some examples values; Megan provides four Atlanta temperatures (45, 47, 56, 41) from the input data as examples and saves it. Similarly, Megan creates another new concept Seattle Temp. Because Data Formulator’s current knowledge to them is limited to their names and example values, both concepts are listed as an unknown concept for now. (They will be resolved later when more information is provided.)

With these new concepts and the Scatter Plot selected, Megan maps new data concepts Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp to x,y-axes (Fig. 6- 2), and then clicks the FORMULATE button to let Data Formulator formulate the data and instantiate the chart. Based on the visualization spec, Data Formulator realizes that the two unknown concepts are related to each other but not yet certain how they relate to the input data. Thus, Data Formulator prompts Megan with an example table to complete: each row in the example table will be a data point in the desired scatter plot. Megan needs to provide at least two data points from the input data to guide Data Formulator on how to generate this transform (Fig. 6- 3). Here, Megan provides the temperatures of Atlanta and Seattle on 01/01/2020 and 01/02/2020 from the table Fig. 1. When Megan submits the example, Data Formulator infers a program that can transform the input data to generate a new table with fields Atlanta Temp and Seattle Temp that subsumes the example table provided by Megan. Data Formulator generates the new table and renders the desired scatter plot (Fig. 6- 4). Megan inspects the derived table and visualization and accepts them as correct.

Temperature Differences. To create a bar chart and a histogram to visualize temperature differences between the two cities, Megan needs two new concepts, Difference and Warmer. This time, Megan notices that both concepts can be derived from existing fields based on column-wise mappings, and thus she uses the “derive” function of Data Formulator (Fig. 7). Megan first clicks the “derive new concept” option on the existing concept Seattle Temp, which opens up a concept card that lets her describe the transformation she wants using natural language. Megan selects Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp as the “derived from” concepts, provides a name Difference for the new concept, and describes the transform using natural language, “Calculate seattle atlanta temp diff.” Megan then clicks the generate button and Data Formulator dispatches its backend AI agent to generate code. Data Formulator returns two code candidates and presents the first one in the concept card. Megan opens up the dialog to inspect both candidates and learns that because her description did not clearly specify whether she wants the difference or its absolute value, Data Formulator returns both options as candidates. After inspecting the example table and the transformation code provided by Data Formulator, Megan confirms the first candidate and saves the concept Difference. Similarly, Megan creates a concept, Warmer, from Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp with the description “check which city is warmer, Atlanta, Seattle, or same.” Data Formulator applies the data transformation on top of the derived table from the last task and displays the extended table in Data View (Fig. 5). Because both concepts are now ready to use, Megan maps them to Chart Builder to create the desired visualizations (Fig. 8).

7-day Moving Average of Seattle’s Temperature. Last, Megan needs to create a line chart with 7-day moving average temperatures. Because the moving average can be derived from the Seattle Temp column, Megan again chooses to use the derive function. Megan starts with a brief description “calculate 7-day moving avg” and calls Data Formulator to generate the desired transformation. Upon inspection, Megan notices that the generated transformation is close but does not quite match her intent: the 7-day moving average starts from d6 to d for each day d as opposed to d3 to d+3 (Fig. 9). Based on this observation, Megan changes the description into “calculate 7-day moving avg, starts with 3 days before, and ends with 3 days after” and re-runs Data Formulator. This time, Data Formulator generates the correct transformation and presents the extended data table in Fig. 5. Megan then maps Date and Seattle 7-day Moving Avg to x,y-axes of a line chart.

Remark. With the help of Data Formulator, Megan creates visualizations without manually transforming data. Instead, Megan specifies the data concepts she wants to visualize by:

  • building new concepts using examples (when the new concept is spread among multiple columns or multiple concepts are stored in the same column, e.g., Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp are both stored in the Temperature column); and

  • deriving new concepts using natural language (when the new concept can be computed from existing ones using column-wise operators, e.g., Difference from Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp).

Megan then drags-and-drops data concepts to visual channels of a chart. In this process, for derived concepts, Data Formulator displays generated candidate code and example table to help Megan inspect and select the transformation; for concepts created by example, Data Formulator prompts Megan to elaborate their relations by completing an example table. Data Formulator then transforms the data and generates the desired visualizations. Data Formulator reduces Megan’s visualization overhead by shifting the task of specifying data transformation into the task of inspecting generated data. Because Data Formulator’s interaction model centers around data concepts, Megan does not need to directly work with table-level operators, such as pivot, map/reduce and partitioning, which are challenging to master.

2 The Data Formulator Design

In this section, we describe our design principles, explain Data Formulator’s interaction model, and how Data Formulator derives data concepts and formulates visualizations from the author’s inputs.

2.1 Design Principles

Data Formulator introduces data concepts, an abstraction of the columns needed for an author to specify their target visualization. To eliminate the author’s burden to manually transform the data table before plotting, we designed Data Formulator based on the following guiding design principles.

Treat design concepts as first-class objects. The notion of data concepts is a generalization of table columns: it is a reference to columns both from a current table and from a future transformed table. They offer two benefits. First, concept-level transformations are easier to describe and understand than table-level operators. Table-level transformations require either advanced operators like pivot and unpivot, or high-order functions like map and window, while concept-level operators are first-order functions over primitive elements (e.g., arithmetic) or lists (e.g., percentile). This makes it easier for the author to communicate with the AI agent and verify the results. Second, we can build the interaction experience on top of existing designs people are already familiar with: data concepts resemble data columns existing shelf-configuration tools commonly use.

Leverage benefits from multiple interaction approaches. Data Formulator employs both natural language interaction (for deriving concepts) and programming-by-example approach (for building custom concepts). Natural language descriptions have a superior ability to translate high-level intent into executable code and large language models (LLMs) can reason about natural concepts (e.g., academic grades are A, B, C, D, and F; months are from January to December). However, it can be difficult for the author to provide proper descriptions if they do not understand notions like pivoting, and natural language descriptions can be imprecise and ambiguous. In contrast, while program synthesizers cannot reason about natural concepts, they are less ambiguous, and it is easier for the author to convey reshaping operations by demonstrating the output relation. By incorporating multiple approaches and feedback for different transformation types (derivation vs. reshaping), Data Formulator takes advantage of both, reducing the specification barrier and improving the likelihood for the AI agent to generate correct and interpretable codes.

Ensure correct data transformation and promote trust. While LLM and program synthesizers can automatically generate code to eliminate the author’s manual data transformation burden, they can incorrectly generalize the author’s specification. Therefore, it is crucial for the author to view and verify the results. Our design employs mechanisms to ensure such inspection by the author: (1) display multiple candidates for the author to review, if available, (2) display both the code (process) and the sample output values (results) to help the author understand the transformation, and (3) allow the author to edit the generated transformation code to correct or refine it.

Improve the system expressiveness. Data Formulator’s expressiveness is defined by the combination of transformation function and visualization language. Data Formulator’s visualization spec builds on top of Vega-Lite specifications. While Data Formulator’s UI does not provide options to layer marks, the author can import their custom Vega-Lite specs of layered visualizations to achieve the same design. For data transformation, Data Formulator supports reshaping options from tidyverse as described in Section 1, and it supports both column-wise derivation and analytical computation that can be generated by the LLM. Note that while our transformation language does not include aggregation, the author can achieve the same visualization by setting aggregation options on the desired axes (e.g., map Month to x-axis and avg(Seattle Temp) to y-axis to create a bar chart with average temperature). However, with the current design, the author cannot derive or reshape data that first require aggregation without re-importing the aggregated data.

2.2 Interaction Model

Figure 10 shows Data Formulator’s high-level interaction model. Data Formulator first loads data columns from the input table as original (and known) concepts (e.g., Date, City, and Temperature concepts in Fig. 5). The author uses the Concept Shelf to create new data concepts, if needed, in two ways (Section 2.3): (1) derive a concept from existing ones by interacting with an AI agent using natural language or (2) build a custom concept by providing example values. If the new concept is derived from known concepts, Data Formulator immediately extends the current data table and registers it as a known concept.

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Figure 10: Data Formulator’s interaction model.

With necessary data concepts known, the author uses the Chart Builder to map data concepts to visual channels of a chart. If unknown custom concepts are used to specify a visualization, Data Formulator asks the author to provide an example relation among the encoded concepts to transform the input table by using a programming-by-example approach. With the necessary data formulations applied, Data Formulator generates a Vega-Lite spec and renders the visualization.

2.3 Creating New Data Concepts

The author can derive a concept from one or more data concepts by interacting with Data Formulator’s AI agent (Fig. 10- 1). In addition to a concept name, the author provides both a list of source concepts from which the new concept is derived and a natural language description of the transformation (Fig. 7- 1). Data Formulator then generates a contextualized prompt that grounds the description in the context of source concepts. This prompt combines the author’s description and the descriptions of input parameters for all source concepts (with example values sampled from their domains) as comments, and joins it with the function prefix to instruct the AI agent to complete a Typescript function (as opposed to generate non-code text or uncontrolled code snippets). Data Formulator prepares two types of prompts for each query to cover simple derivation (Example 1) and analytical computation (Example 2) because it does not know if analytical computation is needed beforehand.

Example 1: The prompt for “Calculate seattle atlanta temp diff” with source concepts Seattle Temp and Atlanta Temp (Fig. 7).