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arXiv:2312.00863v1 [cs.CV] 01 Dec 2023

EfficientSAM: Leveraged Masked Image Pretraining for Efficient Segment Anything

Yunyang Xiong, Bala Varadarajan, Lemeng Wu11footnotemark: 1, Xiaoyu Xiang, Fanyi Xiao, Chenchen Zhu,
Xiaoliang Dai, Dilin Wang, Fei Sun, Forrest Iandola, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Vikas Chandra
Meta AI Research
Second author

Segment Anything Model (SAM) has emerged as a powerful tool for numerous vision applications. A key component that drives the impressive performance for zero-shot transfer and high versatility is a super large Transformer model trained on the extensive high-quality SA-1B dataset. While beneficial, the huge computation cost of SAM model has limited its applications to wider real-world applications. To address this limitation, we propose EfficientSAMs, light-weight SAM models that exhibits decent performance with largely reduced complexity. Our idea is based on leveraging masked image pretraining, SAMI, which learns to reconstruct features from SAM image encoder for effective visual representation learning. Further, we take SAMI-pretrained light-weight image encoders and mask decoder to build EfficientSAMs, and finetune the models on SA-1B for segment anything task. We perform evaluations on multiple vision tasks including image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic object detection, and find that our proposed pretraining method, SAMI, consistently outperforms other masked image pretraining methods. On segment anything task such as zero-shot instance segmentation, our EfficientSAMs with SAMI-pretrained lightweight image encoders perform favorably with a significant gain (e.g., 4 AP on COCO/LVIS) over other fast SAM models.

1 Introduction

Refer to caption
Figure 1: The comparative analysis result. (Top) The overview of EfficientSAM model by taking a well-pretrained light-weight image encoder for instance segmentation with largely reduced complexity. (Bottom) Throughput/Parameter/Performance comparison of EfficientSAM, MobileSAM, FastSAM, and SAM for zero-shot instance segmentation on COCO. We benchmark throughput (image per second) of all models on a single NVIDIA A100 with one box prompt. The input image resolution is 1024×1024. Our EfficientSAMs outperform MobileSAM and FastSAM by a large margin, 4 AP, with comparable complexity. Our EfficientSAM-S reduces the inference time of SAM by 20x and the parameter size by 20x with a small performance drop, 44.4 AP vs 46.5 AP.

Segment Anything Model (SAM) [31] has been very successful in the vision field, achieving state-of-the-art performance in a variety of image segmentation tasks such as zero-shot edge detection[1, 31], zero-shot object proposal generation[54, 31], and zero-shot instance segmentation[31], and many other real-world applications[41, 51, 24, 50, 52, 37]. The key feature of SAM is a prompt-based Vision Transformer (ViT)[19]model trained on a large-scale visual dataset with more than 1B masks from 11M images, SA-1B[31], which allows segmenting any object on a given image. This ability of Segment Anything makes SAM a foundation model in vision and enables its applications even beyond vision.

Despite the forgoing advantages, the model of SAM turns out to be a major efficiency bottleneck for practical deployment since the architecture of SAM, especially, the image encoder (e.g., ViT-H) is very expensive. Note that ViT-H image encoder in SAM has 632M parameters while the prompt-based decoder only take 3.87M parameters. As a result, it leads to high computation and memory costs when using SAM to perform segment anything tasks in practice, which makes it challenging for real-time applications.

To address this challenge, several recent works have proposed strategies that avoid incurring the huge cost when applying SAM for the prompt-based instance segmentation. For example, [68] suggests distilling the knowledge from the default ViT-H image encoder to a tiny ViT image encoder. In [71], the computation cost can be reduced with a real-time CNN-based architecture for Segment Anything task.

In this paper, we propose using a well-pretrained lightweight ViT image encoder (e.g., ViT-Tiny/-Small[53]) to reduce the complexity of SAM while maintain decent performance. Our method, SAM-leveraged masked image pertraining (SAMI), produces desired pretrained lightweight ViT backbones for segment anything task. This is achieved by leveraging the celebrated MAE[26] pretraining method with SAM model to obtain high-quality pretrained ViT encoders. Specifically, our SAMI makes use of SAM encoder, ViT-H, to generate feature embedding and train a masked image model with lightweight encoders to reconstruct features from ViT-H of SAM instead of image patches. This leads to generalized ViT backbones, which can be used for downstream tasks such as image classification, object detection, and segment anything. Then we finetune the pretrained lightweight encoders with SAM decoders for segment anything task[31].

To evaluate our method, we consider a transfer learning setting for masked image pretraining, where models are first pretrained with a reconstructive loss on ImageNet with image resolution 224×224, and then finetuned on target tasks using supervised data. Our SAMI learns lightweight encoders that generalize well. With SAMI pretraining, we can train models like ViT-Tiny/-Small/-Base on ImageNet-1K with improved generalization performance. For a ViT-Small model, we achieve 82.7% top-1 accuracy when finetuned on ImageNet-1K with 100 epochs, which outperforms other state-of-the-art image pretraining baselines. We also finetune our pretrained models on object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. Across all these tasks, our pretraining method achieves better results than other pretraining baselines, and more importantly, we observe significant gains for small models. Further, we evaluate our models on Segment Anything task. On zero-shot instance segmentation, our model performs well compared to recent lightweight SAM methods, including FastSAM, by a margin of 4.1AP/5.2 AP on COCO/LVIS.

Our main contribution can be summarized as follows:

  • We propose a SAM-leveraged masked image pretraining framework called SAMI, which trains the model to reconstruct features from SAM ViT-H image encoder. We show that this can substantially improve the performance of image masked pretraining method.

  • We demonstrate that SAMI-pretrained backbones can generalize well to many tasks including image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation.

  • We deliver EfficientSAMs, light-weight SAM models with state-of-the-art quality-efficiency trade-offs (Fig. 1), which is complementary to SAM for practical deployment. Code and models will be released to benefit a widge range of efficient SAM applications.

2 Related Work

We briefly review relevant works on segment anything model, vision transformers, knowledge distillation, and masked image pretraining.

2.1 Segment Anything Model

SAM[31] has been considered as a milestone vision foundation model, which can segment any object in the image based on interaction prompts. SAM has shown remarkable zero-shot transfer performance and high versatility for many vision tasks including a variety of segmentation application[8, 7, 17, 10], in-painting[67], image restoration[29], image editing[21], image shadow removal[69], object tracking[14, 65], and 3D object reconstruction[49]. There are many other works attempting to generalize SAM to real-world scenarios, including medical image segmentation[41], camouflaged object detection[51], transparent object detection[24], concept-based explaination[50], semantic communitation[52], and helping people with visual impairments[37]. Due to its wide real-world applications, practical deployment of SAM has also gained increasing attention. Several recent works including [68, 71] have proposed strategies to reduce the computation costs of SAM. FastSAM[68] develops a CNN-based architecture, YOLOv8-seg[30], to segment all objects in an image for efficiency improvement. MobileSAM[71] presents a decoupled distillation for obtaining a lightweight image encoder of SAM. Our work focuses on dealing with this efficiency issue for practical deployment of SAM.

2.2 Vision Transformers

ViTs [19] have achieved impressive performance in vision applications[5, 20, 39, 34, 44, 26]. ViTs demonstrate the advantages of and generalization over their CNN counterparts[26]. There are also a number of works on efficient ViTs for deployment. Smaller ViTs such as ViT-Small/Deit-Small and ViT-Tiny/DeiT-Tiny are introduced in [53] for complementing ViT-Huge, ViT-Large, and ViT-Base in [19]. Motivated by the ability of convolution to capture local information with reduced parameters and computation costs, MobileViT[42] explore combining ViT with convolutions, which outperforms light-weight CNN models such as MobileNet-v2/v3[48, 32] with better task-level generalization properties and reduced memory size and computation cost. This trick has been used in many follow-up works including LeViT[22], EfficientFormer[35], Next-ViT[33], Tiny-ViT[61], Castling-ViT[66], EfficientViT[38]. This line of progress for designing efficient ViTs is orthogonal to our EfficientSAM work towards building efficient SAM.

2.3 Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation (KD) is a technique to improve the performance of deep learning models without changing their architectures. [27] is a pioneering work to distill the dark knowledge from a larger teacher model to a smaller student model. The learning of a student model is supervised by the hard labels and the soft labels from a teacher model. This practice is followed by multiple works which aim to make better use of soft labels to transfer more knowledge. In [64], the distillation method decouples representation learning and classification. Decoupled knowledge distillation[70] separates the classical KD loss into two parts, target class knowledge distillation and non-target class knowledge distillation, which improves the effectiveness and flexibility of knowledge transfer. Another line of work is to transfer knowledge from intermediate features. FitNet [47] is a pioneering work by distilling the semantic information from the teacher model’s intermediate feature directly. In [60], a self-supervised teaching assistant (SSTA) is introduced to guide the learning of a ViT-based student model with a supervised teacher together. [2] studies the potential of knowledge distillation from pre-training MAE model by aligning the intermediate features between the larger MAE teacher model and smaller MAE student model.

2.4 Masked Image Pretraining

Self-supervised pretraining approaches [6] have attracted significant attention in computer vision. One line of work is contrastive learning methods[9, 11, 62, 57], which learn augmentation in-variance by imposing high similarity between different augmented views of a given image. While the learned representation show good properties such as high linear separability, contrastive learning methods relies on strong augmentation and negative sampling. Another interesting line of work is masked image modeling (MIM), which helps models learn meaningful representations by reconstructing masked image patches. The MIM pioneering works focus on using denoising autoencoders[56] and context encoders[43] to train vision Transformer with masked prediction objectives. There are various promising works on using MIM for self-supervised image pretraining. BEiT[3] is the first one that adopts MIM for ViT pretraining to predict visual tokens. In BEiTv2[44], a semantic-rich image tokenizer is utilized for a better reconstruction target. In MaskFeat[59], reconstructing the local gradient features generated from HOG descriptor leads to effective visual pretraining. In SimMIM[63] and MAE[26], directly reconstructing the pixel values of the masked image patches achieves effective visual representation learning. There are MAE-based follow-up works that use large teacher models to guide MAE pretraining[60, 28, 2]. Our work is built on MAE and finds that leveraging MAE to reconstruct the features from SAM image encoder enables the pretraining to be highly effective.

3 Approach

3.1 Preliminary

Masked Autoencoders. Masked Autoencoders (MAE) model has two components, an encoder and a decoder. Both encoder and decoder are built on Transformer layers[55]. MAE takes image tokens, i.e., non-overlapping patches from the input images, as input. These input tokens are grouped to unmasked tokens and masked tokens with a given masking ratio. The unmasked tokens will be kept for encoder to extract features and the masked tokens will be set as the learning targets of the MAE decoder that need to be reconstructed during self-superivsed learning (MIM). MAE[26] adopts a high mask ratio (e.g., 75%), which prevents information leakage (e.g., simply extrapolating masked pixels based on the neighbors) in the pretraining stage.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: The overview of EfficientSAM framework. Our proposed EfficientSAM contains two stages: SAMI pretraining (top) on ImageNet and SAM finetuning (bottom) on SA-1B. For SAMI pretraining, the masked autoencoder takes the feature embeddings from SAM image encoder as the reconstruction target. After SAMI pretraining, the decoder is discarded and the light-weight encoder is served as the image encoder of EfficientSAM for finetuning on SA-1B.

3.2 SAM-Leveraged Masked Image Pretraining

We now adapt MAE framework to obtain efficient image encoders for segment anything model. Motivated by the high versatility of SAM [31], we explore latent features from SAM image encoder as the reconstruction target to leverage MAE. Our method emphasizes transferring the knowledge embedded in SAM. Fig. 2 (top) illustrates an overview of the proposed SAM-leveraged masked image pretraining, SAMI. The encoder transforms the unmasked tokens into latent feature representation and the decoder reconstructs the representation of the masked tokens aided by the output feature embedding from the encoder. The representation learning of reconstruction is guided by latent features from SAM.

Cross-Attention Decoder. With the supervision of SAM features, we observe that only masked tokens need to be reconstructed via decoder while the encoder’s output can serve as anchors during the reconstruction. In the cross-attention decoder, queries come from masked tokens, and keys and values derive from both unmasked features from encoder and masked features. We merge the output features of masked tokens from cross-attention decoder and the output features of unmasked tokens from encoder for the MAE output embedding. Then, this combined features will be reordered to the original positions of input image tokens for the final MAE outputs.

Linear Projection Head. We obtain the image output through our encoder and cross-attention decoder. Then we feed such features into a small project head for aligning the features from SAM image encoder. For simplicity, we just use a linear projection head to address the feature dimension mismatch between the output of SAM image encoder and MAE.

Reconstruction Loss. At each training iteration, SAMI consists of a feedforward feature extraction from SAM image encoder, and a feedforward and a backpropagation procedure of MAE. The outputs from SAM image encoder and MAE linear projection head are compared to compute the reconstruction loss.

Let us denote the SAM image encoder as fsam, and the encoder and decoder of MAE as ge with weights We and gd with weights Wd, linear projection head as hθ with weights Wθ respectively. Assume the input tokens are denoted as {?i}i=1N, where N is the number of tokens. The input tokens are randomly grouped into the unmasked tokens, {?i}i?, the masked tokens {?i}i with a given masked ratio. Let the feature reordering operator be ϕ, and the merging operator be .

Our target features from SAM image encoder can be written as fsam(?)=fsam({?i}i=1N), the output from MAE encoder is ge({?i}i?), the decoder output is gd({?i}i). The output from linear projection head is fh(?)=hθ(ϕ(ge{?i}i?gd{?i}i)). Therefore, our target reconstruction loss can be formulated as,

LWe,Wd,Wθ=1Nj=1Nfsam(𝐱)fh(𝐱)2, (1)

where N is the number of input tokens, |||| denotes a norm. We use 2 norm for reconstruction loss in our experiments. By minimizing the reconstruction loss, LWe,Wd,Wθ, our encoder ge is optimized to serve as an image backbone to extract features as SAM image encoder. Our encoder, decoder, and linear projection head are optimized to learn context modeling ability from SAM image encoder. Optimizing the reconstruction loss on all tokens transfer the knowledge embedded in SAM.

SAMI for EfficientSAM. After pretraining, our encoder extract feature representations for various vision tasks and the decoder is discarded. In particular, to build efficient SAM models for the segmentation anything task, we take the SAMI-pretrained lightweight encoder such as ViT-Tiny and ViT-Small as the image encoder and the default mask decoder of SAM for our EfficientSAM, as illustraed in Fig. 2 (bottom). We finetune our EfficientSAM models on SA-1B dataset for the segment anything task. The overview of our EfficientSAM framework is illustrated in Fig. 2.

4 Experiments

4.1 Experimental Settings

Pretraining Datasets. Our masked image pretraining method, SAMI, is conducted on ImageNet-1K training set with 1.2M images. Following masked image pretraining [26], we do not use the label information. We use the SAM ViT-H image encoders from [31] to generate reconstruction features when pretraining our ViT models, ViT-Tiny, ViT-Small, and ViT-Base.

Pretraining Implementation Details. Our ViT models are pretrained with a mean squared error (MSE) loss for reconstruction. We use a batch size of 4096, AdamW optimizer [40] with learning rate 2.4e-3, β1=0.9, β2=0.95, weight decay 0.05, linear learning rate warm-up over the first 40 epochs, cosine learning rate decay to update our models. We only adopt random resize crop to 224x224 resolution, random horiontal flip, and normalization for data augmentation. The mask ratio is set to 75% and the decoder contains 8 Transformer blocks with 512 dimensions as in [26]. We pretrain SAMI for 400 epochs using PyTorch framework on V100 machines. For reference, 1600-epoch pretraining is required for MAE[26].

Downstream Tasks/Datasets/Models. Tasks and Datasets. We first consider three benchmarking datasets and several representative vision tasks to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed SAMI, including image classification on ImageNet dataset [16] with 1.2 million training and 50K validation images; Object detection and instance segmentation on COCO dataset [36] with 118K training and 5K validation images; Semantic segmentation on ADE20K dataset [72] with 20K/2K/3K images for training, validation, and testing, respectively. Then, we consider segment anything task to further show the advantages of our proposed SAMI. We finetune our pretrained lightweight image encoders for SAM on SA-1B dataset [31] with more than 1B masks from 11M high-resolution images, and test interactive instance segmentation and zero-shot instance segmentation ability of our EfficientSAMs on COCO and LVIS [23]. Models. We discard the decoder of SAMI while keeping the encoder as backbone to extract features for different tasks as in MAE[26]. We apply our well-pretrained ViT backbones for different tasks including ViTs for the classification, ViTDet [34] for the detection and instance segmentation, Mask2former [13] for the semantic segmentation task, and SAM for segment anything.

Finetuning Settings. For the classification task, we use the AdamW optimizer with β1=0.9, β2=0.999, weight decay 0.05 to finetune ViTs for 100 epochs using 32 V100 GPUs, with each GPU having a batch size of 32. The initial learning rate is 1e-3 with first 5 epochs for linear warm-up and decays to zero by a cosine learning rate scheduler. We set the layer-wise learning rate decay factor to 0.75 for ViT-Small and ViT-Base. We do not apply layer-wise learning rate decay for ViT-Tiny. For data augmentation, we adopt RandAugment [15] and set label smoothing to 0.1, mixup to 0.8. For the detection and instance segmentation task, We follow the ViTDet [34] framework by adapting ViT backbones to a simple feature pyramid, for object detection and instance segmentation. We adopt AdamW optimizer with momentum β1=0.9, β2=0.999 and weight decay 0.1 to train models on COCO. All models are trained on 64 V100 GPUs for 100 epochs with each GPU having 1 batch size with image resolution 1024×1024. The initial learning rate is 2e4, linearly warmed up for the first 10 epochs, and decayed to 0 by a cosine learning rate schedule. Models are trained for 100 epochs. For the segmentation task, Our pretrained ViT models serve as the backbone of Mask2former [13], which is finetuned together with the segmentation layers on ADE20K. We adopt the AdamW optimizer with β1=0.9, β2=0.999, a mini-batch size of 16, a weight decay of 0.05, and an initial learning rate of 2e-4. The learning rate is decayed to 0 by a poly learning rate schedule. A learning rate multiplier is set to 0.1 for the backbone. The input image resolution is 512×512. Models are trained for 160K iterations using 8 V100 GPUs. For the segmentation anything task, Following [31], we take our pretrained lightweight ViT models, ViT-Tiny and ViT-Small, as the image encoder of SAM framework and finetune the encoder and decoder together of our EfficientSAM on SA-1B dataset for 5 epochs. We use the AdamW optimizer with a momentum, (β1=0.9, β2=0.999), a mini-batch size of 128, and a initial lrearning rate of 4e4. The learning rate is decayed to 0 by a linear learning rate schedule. We set weight decay to 0.1. We do not apply data augmentation. The input image resolution is 1024×1024. Our EfficientSAMs are trained on 64 A100 GPUs with 40GB GPU memory.

Baselines and Evaluation Metrics. Baselines. For the classification task, we compare the performance of ViT backbones from different pretraining/distillation methods including MAE[26], SSTA[60], DMAE[2], BEiT[3], CAE[12], DINO[6], iBOT[73], DeiT[53], etc. For the detection and instance semantic task, and semantic segmentation task, we also compare with several pretrained ViT backbones for ViTDet[34] and Mask2former[13]. For the segment everything task, we compare with SAM[31], FastSAM[71], and MobileSAM[68]. Evaluation Metrics. We evaluate our method and all baselines in terms of accuracy. Specifically, the accuracy metrics refer to top-1 accuracy for the classification task; APbox, APmask, for the detection and instance segmentation task (AP: average precision); mIoU, for the semantic segmentation task (mIoU: mean intersection over union); mIoU, AP, APS, APM, APL for segment anything task. For efficiency metrics, we compare the number of model parameters or inference throughput.

4.2 Main Results

Method Backbone Training Data Acc.(%)
DeiT-Ti[53] ViT-Tiny IN1K 74.5
SSTA-Ti[60] ViT-Tiny IN1K 75.2
DMAE-Ti[2] ViT-Tiny IN1K 70.0
MAE-Ti[26] ViT-Tiny IN1K 75.2
SAMI-Ti (ours) ViT-Tiny SA1B (11M) + IN1K 76.8
DeiT-S[53] ViT-Small IN1K 81.2
SSTA-S[60] ViT-Small IN1K 81.4
DMAE-S[2] ViT-Small IN1K 79.3
MAE-S[26] ViT-Small IN1K 81.5
BEiT-S[3] ViT-Small D250M+IN22K+IN1K 81.7
CAE-S[12] ViT-Small D250M+IN1K 82.0
DINO-S[6] ViT-Small IN1K 82.0
iBOT-S[73] ViT-Small IN22K+1N1K 82.3
SAMI-S (ours) ViT-Small SA1B (11M) + IN1K 82.7
DeiT-B[53] ViT-Base IN1K 83.8
DMAE-B[2] ViT-Base IN1K 84.0
BootMAE[18] ViT-Base IN1K 84.2
MAE-B[26] ViT-Base IN1K 83.6
BEiT-B[3] ViT-Base D250M+IN22K+IN1K 83.7
CAE-B[12] ViT-Base D250M+IN1K 83.9
DINO-B[6] ViT-Base IN1K 82.8
iBOT-B[73] ViT-Base IN22K+1N1K 84.4
SAMI-B (ours) ViT-Base SA1B (11M) + IN1K 84.8
Table 1: Image classification results on ImageNet-1K. IN is short for ImageNet.

Image Classification. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed techniques on the image classification task, we apply the proposed SAMI idea to ViT models and compare their performance over baselines on ImageNet-1K. As shown in Tab. 1, our SAMI is compared with pretraining methods like MAE, iBOT, CAE, and BEiT, and distillation methods including DeiT and SSTA. SAMI-B achieves 84.8% top-1 accuracy, which outperforms the pretraining baselines, MAE, DMAE, iBOT, CAE, and BEiT by 1.2%, 0.8%, 1.1%, 0.9%, and 0.4% respectively. Compared with distillation methods such as DeiT and SSTA, SAMI also shows large improvements. For lightweight models such as ViT-Tiny and ViT-Small, SAMI reports a substantial gain compared to DeiT, SSTA, DMAE, and MAE.

Method Backbone APbbox APmask
MAE-Ti[26] ViT-Tiny 37.9 34.9
SAMI-Ti(ours) ViT-Tiny 44.7 40.0
MAE-S[26] ViT-Small 45.3 40.8
DeiT-S[53] ViT-Small 47.2 41.9
DINO-S[6] ViT-Small 49.1 43.3
iBOT-S[73] ViT-Small 49.7 44.0
SAMI-S (ours) ViT-Small 49.8 44.2
MAE-B[26] ViT-Base 51.6 45.9
SAMI-B (ours) ViT-Base 52.5 46.5
Table 2: Object detection and instance segmentation results on the MS COCO using ViTDet.

Object Detection and Instance Segmentation. We also extend the SAMI-pretrained ViT backbones to the downstream object detection and instance segmentation task and compare it with previous pretraining baseline on COCO dataset to evaluate its efficacy. Specifically, we take the pretrained ViT backbones and adapt them to a simple feature pyramid in the Mask R-CNN framework[25] for constructing the detector, ViTDet[34]. Tab. 2 shows the overall comparison between our SAMI and other baselines. We can see that our SAMI consistently achieves better performance over other baselines. SAMI-B obtains 0.9 APbbox and 0.6mask gains compared with MAE-B. For light-weight backbones, SAMI-S and SAMI-Ti report substantial gains compared to MAE-Ti and MAE-S. Moreover, SAMI-S significantly outperforms DeiT-S by 2.6 APbbox and 2.3 APmask. For other pretraining baselines, our SAMI stiil compares favorably to DINO and iBOT. This set of experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed SAMI for providing pretrained detector backbones in the object detection and instance segmentation task.

Method Backbone mIOU
MAE-Ti[26] ViT-Tiny 39.0
SAMI-Ti(ours) ViT-Tiny 42.7
MAE-S[26] ViT-Small 44.1
SAMI-S (ours) ViT-Small 48.8
MAE-B[26] ViT-Base 49.3
SAMI-B (ours) ViT-Base 51.8
Table 3: Semantic segmentation results on the ADE20K dataset using Mask2former. The input resolution is 512×512.

Semantic Segmentation. We further extend the pretrained backbones to the semantic segmentation task to evaluate its effectiveness. Specifically, we use ViT models as the backbone in Mask2former [13] framework to benchmark on the ADE20K dataset. As shown in Tab. 3, Mask2former with SAMI-pretrained backbones achieve better mIoU, i.e., 2.5, 4.7, and 3.7 improvement over backbones with MAE pretraining [26] on ImageNet-1K. This set of experiments validate that our proposed techniques could be well generalized to various downstream tasks.

4.3 EfficientSAMs for Segment Anything Task

Segment Anything task is a process of promptable segmentation to produce segmentation masks based on any form of the prompt, including point set, rough boxes or mask, free-form text. We follow SAM [31] and focus on point-based and box-based prompt segmentation on COCO/LVIS. We now test the generalization abilities of our model on segment anything task including zero-shot single point valid mask evaluation and zero-shot instance segmentation. We take the SAMI-pretrained lightweight backbones as the image encoder of SAM for building efficient SAMs, EfficientSAMs. Then we finetune EfficientSAMs on SA-1B dataset and report the performance on zero-shot single point valid mask evaluation and zero-shot instance segmentation.

box 1 click 3 click box 1 click 3 click
SAM[31] 78.4 55.6 74.1 78.9 59.8 75.2
MobileSAM[68] 74.2 43.7 59.7 73.8 51.0 54.4
SAM-MAE-Ti[31] 74.7 43.3 65.8 73.8 50.6 65.3
EfficientSAM-Ti (ours) 75.7 45.5 67.2 74.3 52.7 66.8
EfficientSAM-S (ours) 76.9 50.0 69.8 75.4 56.2 68.7
Table 4: Zero-shot single point valid mask evaluation results on COCO and LVIS. Following SAM[31], we uniformly sample random points within ground truth mask for click, and compute the tightest bounding box corresponding ground truth mask for box. SAM-MAE-Ti denotes SAM with pretrained MAE-Ti image encoder.

Zero-Shot Single Point Valid Mask Evaluation. Similar to SAM[31], we evaluate segmenting an object from a single foreground point. For general interactive segmentation, we also consider object segmentation from a single box, and multiple points as introduced in [31]. To achieve this, we uniformly sample random points within ground truth mask for click, and compute the tightest bounding box corresponding to ground truth mask for box. Since our models are able to predict multiple masks, we only evaluate the most confident mask as SAM [31].

Results. In Tab. 4, EfficientSAMs are compared with SAM, MobileSAM and SAM-MAE-Ti. On COCO, our EfficientSAM-Ti outperforms MobileSAM by 1.9 mIoU on 1 click and 1.5 mIoU on 1 box with comparable complexity. Our EfficientSAM-Ti with SAMI-pretrained weights also performs better than MAE-pretrained wights on COCO/LVIS interactive segmentation. We notice that our EfficientSAM-S only underperforms SAM by 1.5 mIoU on COCO box and 3.5 mIoU on LVIS box with 20x fewer parameters. We find that our EfficientSAMs also show promising performance on multiple click compared with MobileSAM and SAM-MAE-Ti.

ViTDet-H[34] 51.0 32.0 54.3 68.9 46.6 35.0 58.0 66.3
SAM[31] 46.5 30.8 51.0 61.7 44.7 32.5 57.6 65.5
MobileSAM[68] 38.7 23.7 42.2 54.3 34.4 23.8 44.9 53.7
FastSAM[71] 37.9 23.9 43.4 50.0 34.5 24.6 46.2 50.8
EfficientSAM-Ti (ours) 42.3 26.7 46.2 57.4 39.9 28.9 51.0 59.9
EfficientSAM-S (ours) 44.4 28.4 48.3 60.1 42.3 30.8 54.0 62.3
Table 5: Zero-shot instance segmentation results on COCO/LVIS. ViTDet boxes are prompted to perform zero-shot segmentation.

Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation. Following SAM [31], instance segmentation task is performed by taking the bounding box (bbox) generated by ViTDet[34] as the prompt. The mask with the highest Intersection over Union (IoU) with the bbox as the predicted mask.

Results. In Tab. 5, we report AP, APS, APM, APL for zero-shot instance segmentation. We compare our EfficientSAM with MobileSAM and FastSAM. We can see that EfficientSAM-S obtains more than 6.5 AP on COCO and 7.8 AP on LVIS over FastSAM. For EffidientSAM-Ti, it still outperforms FastSAM by a large margin, 4.1 AP on COCO and 5.3 AP on LVIS, and MobileSAM by 3.6 AP on COCO and 5.5 AP on LVIS. Note that our EfficientSAMs are much light-weight than FastSAM, e.g, 9.8M parameters for efficientSAM-Ti vs 68M parameters for FastSAM. EfficientSAM-S also significantly reduces the gap between SAM with 0.6G parameters, only 2 AP reduction. These results demonstrate the extraordinary benefits of EfficientSAMs for zero-shot instance segmentation and validate the advantages of our SAMI pretraining method.

Qualitative Evaluation. We now provide the qualitative results for a complementary understanding of instance segmentation capabilities of EfficientSAMs. Some examples can be seen in Fig. 3, Fig. 4, and Fig. 5. Specifically, we report the predicted masks with two types of prompts, point and box as in MobileSAM [68] and also segment everything results. More qualitative results can be found in the supplement. These results demonstrate that our EfficientSAMs have competing capabilities when comparing to SAM. Note that our EfficientSAMs are much lightweight than SAM, and our models can effectively give decent segmentation results. This indicates that our models can be served as a complementary version of SAM for many practical tasks.

\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/point_prompt.pdf} \put(2.0,46.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(25.0,46.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(42.0,46.0){\scriptsize{FastSAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{zhao2023% fast}{}{}]}}} \put(60.0,46.0){\scriptsize{MobileSAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{zhang2023% faster}{}{}]}}} \put(82.0,46.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \end{overpic}
Figure 3: Visualization results on point-prompt input with SAM, FastSAM, MobileSAM, and our EfficientSAM model.
\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/box_prompt.pdf} \put(2.0,30.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(25.0,30.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(42.0,30.0){\scriptsize{FastSAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{zhao2023% fast}{}{}]}}} \put(60.0,30.0){\scriptsize{MobileSAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{zhang2023% faster}{}{}]}}} \put(82.0,30.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \end{overpic}
Figure 4: Visualization results on box-prompt input with SAM, FastSAM, MobileSAM, and our EfficientSAM model.
\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/everything.pdf} \put(2.0,46.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(25.0,46.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(42.0,46.0){\scriptsize{FastSAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{zhao2023% fast}{}{}]}}} \put(60.0,46.0){\scriptsize{MobileSAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{zhang2023% faster}{}{}]}}} \put(82.0,46.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \end{overpic}
Figure 5: Visualization results on segment everything with SAM, FastSAM, MobileSAM, and our EfficientSAM model.

Salient Instance Segmentation. Salient object segmentation [4] aims to segment the most visually attractive objects from an image. We extend interactive instance segmentation to salient instance segmentation without manually creating points/boxes. Specifically, we take a state-of-the-art saliency object detection model, U2-net[45], to predict saliency map and uniformly sample 3 random points (3 click) within saliency map to perform instance segmentation with our EfficientSAM. In Fig. 6, we can see that our EfficientSAM can perform salient instance segmentation well. This preliminary exploration opens the potential to help people with hand impairments segment objects of interest in an image.

\begin{overpic}[width=346.89731pt]{figures/saliency1.pdf} \put(6.0,64.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(46.0,64.0){\scriptsize{Mask}} \put(74.0,64.0){\scriptsize{Segmentation}} \end{overpic}
Figure 6: Saliency-based automatic instance segmentation results. With the assistance of saliency map generated from U2-net[45], our EfficientSAM is able to generate mask and perform automatic instance segmentation without manually creating points or boxes.

4.4 Ablation Studies

We now analyze SAMI and EfficientSAMs through a series of ablation studies with ViT backbones.

Method Loss Top-1 Acc.(%)
SAMI-Ti 1 - Cosine 76.1
SAMI-Ti MSE 76.8
SAMI-S 1 - Cosine 82.3
Table 6: Ablation study on training loss of SAMI. MSE loss gives better classification results on ImageNet-1K.

Reconstruction Loss. We study the effect of reconstruction loss on the performance of SAMI on ImageNet-1K. We compare our mean square error (MSE) reconstruction loss with cosine similarity loss. We find that MSE reconstruction loss performs better, shown in Tab. 6. This recommends a direct reconstruction of SAM features instead of the target with a high angular similarity.

Cross-Attention Decoder. To reconstruct SAM features, we directly use the output tokens from encoder and only take decoder to transform the masked tokens with cross-attention. We study how the performance varies with all tokens through decoder as MAE[26]. When querying the masked tokens in decoder, we find that SAMI-Ti performs 3% better on ImageNet-1K than feeding all tokens into decoder for target reconstruction as MAE[26]. Analogy to anchor points in AnchorDETR[58], the output tokens from encoder are already learned well by directly aligning the SAM features, which can serve as anchor tokens for help masked tokens align via cross-attention decoder.

Mask Ratio 50% 75% 85%
Top-1 Acc.(%) 84.6 84.8 84.7
Table 7: Ablation on the mask ratio for SAMI-B on ImageNet-1K.

Mask Ratio. A high mask ratio, 75%, is recommended in MAE[26]. We explore how the performance varies with different mask ratio in SAMI. As shown in Tab. 7, we can see the observations are consistent with MAE [26] that a high mask ratio tends to produce good results.

Reconstruction Target. We study the impact of reconstruction target. We take a different encoder from CLIP [46] to generate features as the reconstruction target in SAMI. Aligning features from CLIP encoder can also outperform MAE by 0.8% for a ViT-Tiny model on ImageNet-1K. This demonstrates that masked image pretraining benefits from powerful guided reconstruction.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Ablation study on training steps for EfficientSAMs on MS COCO dataset. Zero-shot single point valid mask evaluation with a single box prompt is performed for the ablation.

Effects of Finetuning Steps for EfficientSAMs. We explore the effect of fintuning steps for EfficientSAMs. As illustrated in Fig. 7, EfficientSAM-Ti and EfficientSAM-S achieve decent performance even at 0.1 epoch. For 1 epoch, the performance gain is larger than 2.5 mIoU. The final performance of EfficientSAM-S reaches 76.9 mIoU, which is only 1.5 mIoU lower than SAM. These results demonstrate the advantages of SAMI-pretrained image encoders and our EfficientSAMs.

5 Conclusion

We proposed a masked image pretraining approach, SAMI, to explore the potential of ViTs under the guidance of SAM foundation model. SAMI improves masked image pretraining by reconstructing the latent features from SAM image encoder to transfer knowledge from vision foundation model to ViTs. Extensive experiments on image classification, object detection and instance segmentation, semantic segmentation, and the segment anything task consistently validate SAMI’s advantages. We also demonstrate that SAMI helps build efficient SAMs with pretrained light-weight encoders. Our preliminary work suggests that SAMI has potential applications beyond efficient segment anything task.


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Supplementary Material

In this supplementary material, we provide more results to demonstrate the instance segmentation capabilities of our efficient SAM model.

6 Efficiency Evaluation

SAM[31] 636 2
EfficientSAM-Ti (ours) 10 54
EfficientSAM-S (ours) 25 47
Table 8: Inference efficiency results. All models are prompted with one ViTDet[34] box for benchmarking the speed (throughput) of instance segmentation on a single NVIDIA A100.

Throughput and number of parameters of our models are recorded in Tab. 8. We measure throughput (images per second) on a single NVIDIA A100 with one box prompt. The input image resolution is 1024×1024.

7 Qualitative Evaluation

To study how well our model is able to produce segmentation masks based on the prompt, we use our model to perform prompt-based instance segmentation including point-based and box-based prompt prompt segmentation. We also take our model to perform segment everything and salient instance segmentation without manually creating point and box prompt.

For each task, we share 4 examples for showing the instance segmentation capabilities of our model. These results provide direct evidence for the competing instance segmentation capabilities of our EfficientSAM with different prompts. For example, in the case of point-prompt instance segmentation, our model is able to give reasonable instance segmentation results (see Fig. 8). In the case of box-prompt instance segmentation, our model also generates expected object segmentation (see Fig. 9). In the case of segment everything, our model provides decent segmentation performance (see Fig. 10). In the case of salient instance segmentation, our model has the ability of generating mask and gives automatic instance segmentation without manually creating points or boxes (see Fig. 11). But we still need to note that our model may sometimes produce noisy segmentation, shown in Fig. 12.

\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/appendix_point.pdf} \put(1.0,35.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(19.0,35.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(32.0,35.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \put(53.0,35.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(71.0,35.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(83.0,35.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \end{overpic}
Figure 8: Visualization results on point-prompt input.
\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/appendix_box.pdf} \put(2.0,27.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(20.0,27.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(34.0,27.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \put(53.0,27.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(71.0,27.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(84.0,27.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \end{overpic}
Figure 9: Visualization results on box-prompt input.
\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/appendix_every.pdf} \put(1.0,24.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(19.5,24.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(34.0,24.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \put(53.0,24.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(71.0,24.0){\scriptsize{SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023% segment}{}{}]}}} \put(84.0,24.0){\scriptsize{EfficientSAM}} \end{overpic}
Figure 10: Visualization results on segment everything.
\begin{overpic}[width=433.62pt]{figures/appendix_saliency.pdf} \put(1.0,24.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(20.5,24.0){\scriptsize{Mask}} \put(33.0,24.0){\scriptsize{Segmentation}} \put(52.0,24.0){\scriptsize{Input Image}} \put(71.5,24.0){\scriptsize{Mask}} \put(84.0,24.0){\scriptsize{Segmentation}} \end{overpic}
Figure 11: Saliency-based automatic instance segmentation results.
\begin{overpic}[width=346.89731pt]{figures/appendix_noise.pdf} \put(5.0,85.0){Input Image} \put(42.5,85.0){SAM\cite[citep]{[\@@bibref{Number}{kirillov2023segment}{}{}]}} \put(72.5,85.0){EfficientSAM} \end{overpic}
Figure 12: Segmentation results with noise. Our model may sometimes provide masks with noise, which can also be observed in the results of SAM[31].