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arXiv:2402.07909v1 [cs.HC] 29 Jan 2024

Prompt4Vis: Prompting Large Language Models with Example Mining and Schema Filtering for Tabular Data Visualization

Shuaimin Li The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong KongChina , Xuanang Chen University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina , Yuanfeng Song The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology & WeBank Co., LtdHong KongChina , Yunze Song University of LiverpoolLiverpoolUK and Chen Zhang The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong KongChina

Data visualization (DV) systems are increasingly recognized for their profound capability to uncover insights from vast datasets, gaining attention across both industry and academia. Crafting data queries is an essential process within certain declarative visualization languages (DVLs, e.g., Vega-Lite, EChart.). The evolution of natural language processing (NLP) technologies has streamlined the use of natural language interfaces to visualize tabular data, offering a more accessible and intuitive user experience. However, current methods for converting natural language questions into data visualization queries, such as Seq2Vis, ncNet, and RGVisNet, despite utilizing complex neural network architectures, still fall short of expectations and have great room for improvement.

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, have established new benchmarks in a variety of NLP tasks, fundamentally altering the landscape of the field. Inspired by these advancements, we introduce a novel framework, Prompt4Vis, leveraging LLMs and in-context learning to enhance the performance of generating data visualization from natural language. Prompt4Vis comprises two key components: (1) a multi-objective example mining module, designed to find out the truly effective examples that strengthen the LLM’s in-context learning capabilities for text-to-vis; (2) a schema filtering module, which is proposed to simplify the schema of the database. Extensive experiments through 5-fold cross-validation on the NVBench dataset demonstrate the superiority of Prompt4Vis, which notably surpasses the state-of-the-art (SOTA) RGVisNet by approximately 35.9% and 71.3% on dev and test sets, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, Prompt4Vis is the first work that introduces in-context learning into the text-to-vis for generating data visualization queries.

text-to-vis, in-context learning, large language model, prompt engineering
ccs: Human-centered computing Visualization systems and tools

1. Introduction

In the modern era, big data serves as the primary driving force across various sectors. The analysis of big data to uncover underlying patterns is increasingly critical (Luo et al., 2018a; Qian et al., 2021; Vartak et al., 2016). Data visualization emerges as a powerful tool in realizing this objective. Therefore, the topic of automatic data visualization has captured growing interest within the database and data mining communities (Savvides et al., 2019; Qian et al., 2021; Vartak et al., 2016). For example, RGVisNet (Song et al., 2022) in KDD’22 proposes a hybrid retrieval-revision framework towards automatically data visualization generation.

One essential step in conducting data visualization is the formulation of visualization specifications using declarative visualization languages (DVLs), such as Vega-Lite (Satyanarayan et al., 2017), ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009), ZQL (Siddiqui et al., 2016), ECharts (Li et al., 2018), and VizQL (Hanrahan, 2006). However, this composing specification demands users possess a thorough understanding of domain-specific data and familiarity with the syntax of these languages, which presents a significant challenge, especially for beginners. Thus, visualizing tabular data using natural language (or text-to-vis), which aims to directly transform natural language questions (NLs) to data visualization language (DVs) (Luo et al., 2018a, b, 2021), has garnered more and more attention within the community.

In an automatic text-to-vis system, it must first have a deep understanding of the natural language question and its corresponding database schema, then it needs to answer the given question with the correct data visualization language. To achieve this goal, a series of efforts (Cui et al., 2020; Dibia and Demiralp, 2019; Luo et al., 2018a, 2021; Narechania et al., 2021) have been made, such as DeepEye (Luo et al., 2018a), NL4DV (Narechania et al., 2021), Seq2Vis (Luo et al., 2021), ncNet (Luo et al., 2022) and RGVisNet (Song et al., 2022). Specifically, DeepEye and NL4DV rely on rule-based methodology or semantic parsing techniques in natural language processing, Seq2Vis (Luo et al., 2021) and ncNet (Luo et al., 2022) attempt to build encoding-decoding frameworks using deep neural networks for text-to-vis, and RGVisNet (Song et al., 2022) is retrieval-and-generation combined framework for data visualization language generation inspired by the concept of code reuse. Although these efforts have achieved a noticeable enhancement in the performance of text-to-vis, such performance still falls short of expectations, especially when dealing with test data from different domains.

Recently, large language models (LLMs), especially the GPT series (Brown et al., 2020; Chowdhery et al., 2023; OpenAI, 2022, 2023), have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP). Leveraging their huge number of parameters and training data, LLMs learn substantial world knowledge and perform in pairs with humans (Bang et al., 2023; Qin et al., 2023). Meanwhile, with the development of LLMs, in-context learning that does not rely on large-scale labeled data and does not require parameter updates (Nguyen and Wong, 2023; Lyu et al., 2023; Nye et al., 2021; Wei et al., 2022) attracts researchers in various fields. In-context learning enables LLMs to make predictions about a new example by learning from only a few labeled examples. Hence, it is feasible and promising to leverage LLMs to realize text-to-vis and also to effectively alleviate the problem of insufficient generalization ability of existing methods.

To this end, this work attempts to adapt LLMs to generate data visualization queries from natural language questions and also proposes a novel prompting framework called Prompt4Vis with an in-context learning strategy. In order to maximize the ability of LLMs on the text-to-vis, this work introduces two key components aimed at generating clearer and more effective prompt text for LLMs. Firstly, as LLMs are sensitive to the choice of examples provided in the context (Lu et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2022), an example mining module is designed to find out truly effective demonstrations, wherein the similarity between the candidate examples and the target example, the influence of candidate examples on the target example, and the diversity among the candidate examples are all comprehensively considered, which indeed helps LLMs know what and how to perform well on this task. Specifically, the Euclidean distance between examples and the target input based on sentence vector representation is employed to measure the similarity and diversity of examples, and a contrastive learning-based influence model is trained to bring examples related to positive influence closer and push away from negative examples, this model can effectively measure the influence of examples. In the process of selecting the prompt example set, we attempt to maximize the similarity and influence scores between the candidate example set and the target example while ensuring diversity within the candidate example set. Secondly, given that encoding the entire schema for databases with numerous columns is not only expensive and impractical but also introduces irrelevant information to increase the difficulty of selecting the correct data for LLMs, a schema filtering module is also proposed to simplify the schema of database. Specifically, considering the all-round capabilities of LLMs, we prompt to LLMs via in-context examples to help us select the necessary table in the schema of database for the input question, eliminating irrelevant and redundant schema related to the current question.

Extensive experiments are conducted on the widely-used multi-domain dataset NVBench (Luo et al., 2021) to empirically verify the effectiveness of our Prompt4Vis framework. Evaluation results demonstrate that Prompt4Vis not only outperforms all baseline methods with obvious improvements but also shows better stability across different cross-domains. In summary, our contributions are as follows:

  • To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce LLMs and in-context learning to generate data visualization for text-to-vis task. We believe this novel approach brings new insights to the text-to-vis task and will inspire further exploration of this promising new paradigm.

  • We propose a novel framework Prompt4Vis for the adaption of LLMs on tabular data visualization task, with two novel example mining and schema filtering components.

  • Extensive experiments demonstrate that Prompt4Vis bring around 36% and 71% relative improvements in overall accuracy on dev and test sets, respectively. Ablation studies also verify the effectiveness of all designed components in Prompt4Vis.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: First, we introduced the background knowledge in section 2 to help realize this work. Then, section 3 gives the details of the proposed Prompt4Vis. Next, we present the experimental results and discuss the findings in section 4. Finally, the related work and conclusions of our work are introduced in section 5 and 6.

2. Background

Refer to caption
Figure 1. Pipeline of tabular data visualization.

In this section, we introduce the preliminary concepts including the Natural Language Question and the Visualization Specification, and then we give the task definition to help realize the work.

Natural Language Question (NLQ) is a human-understandable expression used to describe the desired data visualization (DV), making it more user-friendly, particularly for novice users and those without a background in data science.

Visualization Specification usually follows the grammar of a common declarative visualization language (DVL), pointing out the details of visualization, eg., data mapping, chart typologies, stylistic configurations, interactivity features, and layout design. Utilizing advanced DVLs, e.g., Vega-Lite (Satyanarayan et al., 2017), ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009), ECharts (Li et al., 2018), the precise control of data visualization is achieved.

Data Visualization Query (DVQ) is proposed by Luo et al. (Luo et al., 2018b, a), involves initially executing a query on a database to retrieve the desired data, followed by defining the visualization details for presenting the acquired data. Importantly, DVQs are not limited to a single declarative visualization language (DVL). On the contrary, once the DVQ corresponding to a specific question is obtained, it can be seamlessly transformed to suit any DVL.

Text-to-Vis aims to translate NLQs into DVQs, which is a general step for tabular data visualization, as shown in Figure 1. Formally, given an NLQ q and corresponding database schema s, the text-to-vis task aims to character the corresponding DVQ v to answer q. Specifically, schema s consists of a collection of tables 𝒯s={t1,t2,,tnT}, where ti represents ith table in 𝒯s, nT is the number of tables in Ts. And ti is composed of a collection of columns, i.e., ti={c1,c2,,cnt}, where nt is the number of columns in ti.

3. Prompt4Vis

In this section, we are ready to describe the proposed prompt framework to LLMs for tabular data visualization.

Refer to caption
Figure 2. Workflow of Prompt4Vis, which prompts LLMs with an example mining module and a schema filtering module. The first module finds the truly effective examples for text-to-vis, and the second one simplifies the database schema.

3.1. Overview

In in-context learning, the model is initially presented with a set of labeled examples as input, then it predicts the output for new examples based on the labeled examples. For text-to-vis, each labeled example can be formalization as a triple: (question,schema,dvq), where question is the natural language question asked by users, schema is the corresponding database for question, and dvq denotes the target DVQ. Therefore, given a dataset 𝒟=(qn,sn,vn)n=1N containing N (question,schema,dvq) triples, a target question qt, and a LLM g, in-context learning to generated DVQ vt based on database schema st can be formulated as:

(1) vt=g(𝒫,(qt,st))

where 𝒫 is called prompt, which consists of K examples, namely, 𝒫={(q1,s1,v1),(q2,s2,v2),,(qK,sK,vK)}. Additionally, in-context learning also provides some context as instructions to prompt the model to achieve the ideal output.

Figure 2 shows the workflow of Prompt4Vis. As shown in Figure 2, Prompt4Vis first finds effective examples with the example mining module, and then it conducts schema filtering to reduce the irrelevant information in the database. Finally, effective examples with filtered schemas are input into the LLMs to generate DVQs.

3.2. Example Mining

Previous research in in-context learning has demonstrated that similar examples of the target example can bring good performance (Zhang et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2022). However, they ignored the direct task-oriented influence of each example. To mitigate this gap, in addition to similarity, we propose to introduce influence in the process of example mining. At the same time, we introduce diversity to reduce the irrelevant information brought by similar candidate examples. In summary, our example mining method optimizes three different dimensions: influence, similarity, and diversity, to find out the most effective examples for text-to-vis.

In the following, we will first introduce the methodology for calculating the metrics of influence, similarity, and diversity in section 3.2.1. Then, we introduce the concentrate algorithm to find effective examples based on the aforementioned three measurements in section 3.2.2. Since there are no existing methods to directly calculate the influence scores, we design an influence model and introduce the details about it in section 3.2.3.

In particular, in in-context learning for text-to-vis, each prompt example consists of a question, a database schema, and a data visualization query. Since the goal of this task is to answer a given natural language question, with the data schema serving merely as auxiliary information, and considering the significant differences among data schemas of different databases, we opt to select examples based on questions as the unit.

3.2.1. Methodology for Calculating Metrics

In this section, we define 𝒞(qi) to measure the similarity of qi in 𝒟 with the target question qt, (qi) to measure the rewards influence of qi. In the following, we introduce the detailed definitions and explanations of 𝒞(qi), (qi), and 𝒱(A).

Similarity 𝒞.

The similarity metric 𝒞(qi) is defined:

(2) 𝒞(qi)=qi𝒟(1ρ(qi,qt)ρ(qj,qt)ρ(ql,qt)ρ(qi,qt))

where ρ(qi,qt) measures the Euclidean distance of the vector representations between one single candidate question qi and the target question qt. ρ(qi,qt)ρ(qj,qt)ρ(ql,qt)ρ(qi,qt) is the min-max normalization. j is the index of the question that minimizes ρ:

(3) j=argminj|D|ρ(qj,qt)

and l is the index of the question that maximizes ρ:

(4) l=argmaxl|D|ρ(ql,qt)
Influence .

In relation to similarity measurement, we define influence sore (qi) as below:

(5) (qi)=qi𝒟ω(qi,qt)ω(qj,qt)ω(ql,qt)ω(qi,qt)

where ω(qi,qt) denotes the influence score of the candidate question qi to qt. The evaluation of ω(.,.) is carried out with an influence model. We will go through the details of the designed influence model in section 3.2.3.

Diversity 𝒱.

We define the diversity measurement 𝒱(A) as:

(6) 𝒱(A)=q𝒟ρ(qi,qj)

where ρ(qi,qj) is the Euclidean distance between one single candidate question qi and another candidate question qt. The greater the distance, the less similar the examples are to each other, indicating a higher diversity in the example subset.

3.2.2. Example Subset Mining Algorithm

The goal of example mining is to automatically select K effective examples from the training dataset for a target question qt.

To achieve this goal, we employ an algorithm, Example Subset Mining (ESM) to find K effective examples, it is composed of two phases including sorting and selecting. Initially, it considers only two criteria: similarity and influence, combing them for weight sorting. Subsequently, it further selects examples from the sorted list to maximize the diversity metric.

In other words, in the first step, the objective of example mining is to sort the training set 𝒟; Second, we find an effective example subset A from the sorted training set 𝒟sorted by maximizing the diversity in it.

Formally, the sorting process is implemented based on the score function ϕ:

(7) 𝒟sorted=sort(𝒟,ϕ)

where ϕ is designed to measure the similarity and influence of 𝒟, and it can be formalized in the following:

(8) ϕ(qi)=α𝒞(qi)+(1α)(qi)

where 𝒞(qi) measures the similarity of qi in 𝒟 with the target question qt, (qi) rewards influence of qi.

Then, in the second step, an example subset S is selected by maximizing the diversity objective:

(9) A*=argmaxA:A𝒟sorted𝒱(A) subject to |A|K

where 𝒱(A) measures the diversity of A.

To this end, Example Subset Mining (ESM) Algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm 1. ESM first searches over questions in the training set for target questions and then sorts them with function ϕ. Next, the diversity of the examples is maximized to find Example Subset A.

Algorithm 1 Example Subset Mining (ESM)
1:Input: Training Set 𝒟, Example Number of Training Set N, Example Number of ExampleSubset M, Parameter α, β.
2:Onput: Example Subset A
3:procedure ExampleSubsetMining(parameters)
4: Initialize an empty list L
5: for each element e in 𝒟 do
6: Compute score for e with ϕ;
7: Append (e,score) to L;
8: Sort L by score in descending order
9: 𝒟sorted
10: for each element e in L do
11: 𝒟sorted𝒟sorted{e};
12: A
13: while |A|<K do
14: zargmaxz𝒟sortedA(𝒱({z}A)𝒱(A));
15: AA{z};
16: if 𝒟sortedA= then
17: break;
18: return Example Subset A.

3.2.3. Contrastive Learning-based Influence Model

Refer to caption
Figure 3. Training data construction for the influence model, which first finds similar questions with LLMs and takes each one of them as a prompt example. Then, these questions are sorted based on the influence scores of the DVQs generated by the LLMs. Finally, the positive and negative sets are established based on influence scores.

As mentioned above, similarity and diversity are realized through sentence vector representation and Euclidean distance calculation. However, the influence of each example can not obtained by the existing methods. Therefore we designed a contrastive learning-based influence learning model.

In this section, we will provide a detailed introduction to the training data construction for the influence model and training objective.

Training Data Construction for Influence Model. To train the contrastive learning-based influence model, we need to construct the training data in the first step. In other words, we need to find a positive and negative set for each example qi𝒟TrainI in the training set 𝒟TrainI of the influence model. Recall that in-context learning is defined as vt=g(𝒫,(qt,st)) in Equation 1. For each example, given the question qn and the schema sn, we predict vn^=g((qm,sm,vm),(qt,st)) where g is the large language model and qm is the question in the prompt example, sm is the corresponding database schema for qm, noted that m!=t. In particular, qm is extracted from a set that includes the top-L similar questions to qt. Since we have the ground truth for vt for (qt,st), we can measure the performance by comparing the predicted vt^ and ground truth vt. Then the performance will be set as the influence score of qm on qt in in-context learning of text-to-vis.

Concretely, the influence score consists of two aspects, i.e., the average accuracy of the predicted vt^, and the semantic similarity between the predicted vt^ and the ground truth vt. Formally, it can be formalized as:

(10) ω(qi,qt) =λ𝑆𝑖𝑚(vt^,vt)+(1λ)𝐴𝑐𝑐(vt^,vt)
(11) vt^ =g((qi,si,vi),(qt,st))

where 𝑆𝑖𝑚(vn^,vn) is measured by Euclidean distance function ρ. 𝐴𝑐𝑐(vn^,vn) is the average score of the four metrics described in section 4.1.3.

For each qn, we extract the top-M questions with the highest influence score and their corresponding database schema to form the positive examples, while the lowest M as the negative examples. The workflow of training data construction for the influence model is shown in Figure 3.

Training Objective. In the influence model, we first encode the input questions with a pre-trained language model BERT (Devlin et al., 2019): h=fθ(q), and then fine-tune the parameters using the contrastive learning objective. Inspired by (Gao et al., 2021), we train the influence model to follow the contrastive framework with a cross-entropy objective. Let h(qi) denote the representation of target question, qi+ and qi denote the representations of positive and negative questions for qi, then the training objective for (qi,qi+,qi) within a mini-batch of M pairs is:

(12) logecos(f(qi),f(qi+))/τj=1N(ecos(f(qi),f(qj+))/τ)+ecos(f(qi),f(qj))/τ)

where τ is a temperature hyper-parameter and cos(f(q1),f(q2)) denotes the cosine similarity f(q1)f(q2)f(q1)f(q2).

3.3. Schema Filtering

Apart from the natural language question qt, the input in the prompt examples includes a database schema st consisting of a set of tables 𝒯, with each table tb𝒯 comprising of a set of columns c. The gold DVQ query vt for the target question mentions a subset R(vt) of schema elements from st. Schema elements can be either tables or columns. In the schema filtering process, we propose to filter a subset R^(vt) from st covering R(vt), i.e., R(vt)R^(vt) and |R^(vt)|<<|st|. In this work, we adopt a table as the basic unit in the schema filtering for two reasons. First, extracting precise column information is challenging because sometimes there is no direct semantic connection between the natural language description and the database column names. Additionally, at times, the operations of DVQ are performed across multiple column names in multiple tables. Providing relatively coarse-grained base units can help prevent the omission of information.

To be specific, we use state-of-the-art LLMs with few-shot prompting to produce R^(vt). We employ GPT-3.5-Turbo with a fixed prompt comprising of ten in-context examples as shown in Table 1 to create the desired R^(vt) corresponding to qt.

Select the related tables for generating SQL queries for each question based on the database schema.

Question: Give me a bar chart showing the total number of each minister , I want to list in asc by the total number .

Schema: Table region, columns = [*,Region_ID, Region_name, Date, Label, Format, Catalogue]

Table party, columns = [*,Party_ID, Minister, Took_office, Left_office, Region_ID, Party_name]

Table member, columns = [*,Member_ID, Member_Name, Party_ID, In_office]

Table party_events, columns = [*,Event_ID, Event_Name, Party_ID, Member_in_charge_ID]

Selected Table: Table party

Question: Which catalog contents has price above 700 dollars ? Show their catalog entry names and capacities , list by the X in ascending .

Schema: Table Attribute_Definitions, columns = [*,attribute_id, attribute_name, attribute_data_type]

Table Catalog_Structure, columns = [*,catalog_level_number, catalog_id, catalog_level_name]

Table Catalog_Contents, columns = [*,catalog_entry_id, catalog_level_number, parent_entry_id, previous_entry_id, next_entry_id, catalog_entry_name, product_stock_number, price_in_dollars, price_in_euros, price_in_pounds, capacity, length, height, width]

Table Catalog_Contents_Additional_Attributes, columns = [*,catalog_entry_id, catalog_level_number, attribute_id, attribute_value]

Selected Table:
Table 1. Prompt example in schema filtering module.

4. Experiments

4.1. Experimental Setup

4.1.1. Dataset

In this work, we utilize NVBench, a public text-to-vis dataset, to conduct our experiments. It is initially created to evaluate text-to-vis systems. In particular, NVBench contains 7247 DVQs, each corresponding to several natural language questions and a specific database schema. Following the previous work (Song et al., 2022), we partitioned the dataset with the training set, development set, and test set containing 98, 29, and 14 databases, respectively. Furthermore, to thoroughly validate the effectiveness of the experiments and mitigate the impact of different database partitions, we conducted a 5-fold cross-validation.

4.1.2. Baselines

In this work, we compare four widely recognized baselines with our method for evaluation, including Seq2Vis (Luo et al., 2021), Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), ncNet (Luo et al., 2022), and RGVisNet(Song et al., 2022).

4.1.3. Evaluation Metrics

Following the prior works (Song et al., 2022), we use four popular metrics to evaluate the models in the experiments including Vis Accuracy, Axis Accuracy, Data Accuracy, and Overall Accuracy.

Test Set Dev Set
Method Vis Acc Axis Acc Data Acc Overall Acc Vis Acc Axis Acc Data Acc Overall Acc
Seq2Vis 86.97% 0.02% 11.88% 0.01% 84.10% 0.81% 11.31% 0.32%
Transformer 98.82% 0.58% 12.16% 0.42% 98.31% 2.54% 11.11% 1.71%
ncNet 98.86% 41.34% 40.62% 23.61% 98.27% 37.44% 45.79% 23.97%
RGVisNet 95.46% 44.80% 37.35% 30.75% 95.38% 60.06% 52.37% 44.44%
Prompt4Vis (ours) 98.37% 79.23% 58.64% 52.69% 97.77% 79.23% 65.68% 60.39%
Table 2. Average results of the baseline model and our Prompt4Vis on the NVBench dataset using 5-fold cross-validation.

4.2. Experimental Results

4.2.1. Main results

We first compare the proposed method with baselines on the aforementioned metrics in a 5-fold cross-validation set, and we report the average scores in Table 2. As is shown, Prompt4Vis outperforms the SOTA RGVisNet with obvious improvements. Specifically, Prompt4Vis method surpasses the current SOTA RGVisNet by relatively 71.3% and 35.9% on test and dev set in terms of overall accuracy, respectively, which indicates the absolute effectiveness of the proposed method. This finding shows a novel paradigm of text-to-vis different from the previous designing of complex neural networks.

Then, we present the performance range in 5-fold cross-validation across different models and metrics with box charts in Figure 4. As is shown, Prompt4Vis demonstrates better stability across domains. To be specific, when compared to other baseline models such as ncNet and RGVisNet, the box height for Prompt4Vis is consistently the shortest across various metrics. In other words, Prompt4Vis exhibits the least fluctuation in terms of all accuracy metrics. It indicates that our model has the best stability in cross-domain settings. Moreover, for each subplot, we can see that our model is always located in the top-right corner of the subplots, which means that the performance of Prompt4Vis consistently exceeds the baseline models.

However, we observed that although our model surpasses the current SOTA baseline model RGVisNet by relatively 35.9% to 71.3%, there remains considerable potential for enhancing performance in the text-to-vis task. This finding highlights the difficulty of text-to-vis and suggests further efforts are required in this field.

Refer to caption
(a) Vis Acc
Refer to caption
(b) Axis Acc
Refer to caption
(c) Data Acc
Refer to caption
(d) Overall Acc
Figure 4. Performance range in 5-fold cross-validation across various models and metrics.
Test Set Dev Set
Method Vis Acc Axis Acc Data Acc Overall Acc Vis Acc Axis Acc Data Acc Overall Acc
Prompt4Vis (ours) 98.37% 79.23% 58.64% 52.69% 97.77% 79.23% 65.68% 60.39%
w. random 90.68% 58.67% 45.09% 33.51% 89.97% 59.67% 53.72% 39.65%
w. sim 96.96% 76.57% 57.33% 50.15% 96.48% 76.58% 63.35% 56.75%
w/o inf 97.72% 77.01% 57.64% 50.72% 97.12% 77.73% 64.33% 58.75%
w/o div 97.22% 78.61% 58.25% 51.65% 97.11% 78.36% 64.18% 58.32%
w/o sim 98.29% 79.79% 58.59% 52.16% 97.74% 80.65% 64.98% 59.40%
w. all schemas 98.20% 76.10% 57.02% 50.42% 97.60% 74.53% 63.81% 56.40%
w/o schema 98.68% 76.69% 57.76% 50.78% 97.99% 76.97% 63.45% 57.34%
w. RAT 97.92% 76.77% 57.11% 50.46% 97.61% 74.99% 63.72% 56.72%
w. RATLink 98.14% 58.14% 48.86% 38.33% 97.23% 60.90% 57.65% 46.83%
Table 3. Ablation study results.

4.2.2. Ablation Study

We conduct experiments to verify the effectiveness of each component in Prompt4Vis. To be specific, we set Prompt4Vis with all designed components as the baseline. Then we create variants of Prompt4Vis by either removing or replacing the designed components and then compare their performance with Prompt4Vis. The experimental results are presented in Table 3. In the following, we will introduce the details of these variants and analyze their performance.

First, we investigate if the improvements of our method are brought by only the ability of large language models. Therefore, we propose to prompt GPT-3.5-Turbo with 5 random examples sampling from the training set and name it as w. random. Then, as prior studies demonstrate selecting similar examples can benefit in-context learning (Zhang et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2022). We propose a variant, w. sim as a baseline to verify the proposed multi-objective example mining method. As shown in Table 3, besides the superior ability of LLMs, our prompt method makes obvious contributions to the improvements. In particular, Prompt4Vis outperforms LLMs prompting with random examples with large margins, 57.2% and 52.3% on test and dev set, respectively, which shows the effectiveness of our method. In other words, directly employing LLMs with random examples can not obtain the ideal performance. What’s more, compared with the results in Table 2, LLMs prompting with random examples even performs worse than the RGVisNet on the dev set. Additionally, the proposed method also achieves better performance than prompting with similar examples with obvious margins.

Second, we investigate the utility of three elements in an example mining module. We remove similarity, influence, and diversity elements, respectively, and name them w/o sim, w/o influence, and w/o diversity. As shown in Table 3, experimental results show the effectiveness of each element in the example mining module, when removing any element in it, the performance drops.

Finally, we verify the effectiveness of the second module, schema filtering. We first remove the scheme filtering module, which means we provide full schemes for each example (w. all schemas). Then, we only provide the schema for the target question and name this method as w/o schema. Next, we replace the schema filtering with a representative schema linking method RAT (Wang et al., 2020), and give tables filtered by this method to LLMs (w. RAT). Finally, we also explore providing the schema linking, which means the concentrate columns that the target query may mention with RAT, and name it w. RATLink. As shown in Table 3, we can see that w. all schemas hurts the performance, which drops relatively by 4.3% on the test set and 6.6% on the dev set compared with Prompt4Vis. The reason may be that a large number of tables bring irrelevant information to the model. What’s more, when replacing the schema filtering module proposed in this work with the RAT method, the performances also drop around 4.2% to 6.1%, which further indicates the effectiveness of the schema filtering module in Prompt4Vis.

4.2.3. Parameter Study.

In this section, we investigate the number of in-context examples for Prompt4Vis. Following the approach of (Bar et al., 2022), we vary the number of in-context examples from 1 to 7 and test the performance of Prompt4Vis on the test sets of 5-fold cross-validation setting. The average scores of overall accuracy are presented in Figure 5. The experimental results demonstrate that more examples can provide richer context, thereby enhancing model performance. However, when the number of examples reaches a certain threshold, such as 7 examples, the model performance is similar and even lower than 5 examples. This may be because too many examples could bring irrelevant information, implying that in in-context learning, choosing an optimal number of sample examples can result in a higher cost-effectiveness ratio rather than indiscriminately increasing the number of examples.

Refer to caption
(a) Test set.
Refer to caption
(b) Dev set.
Figure 5. Overall accuracy with the different number of in-context examples.

4.2.4. Case Study

NL Question

Return the names and surface areas of the 5 largest countries. Visualize by a pie chart.

Target DVQ



VISUALIZE BAR SELECT Surface, COUNT(*) FROM hiring GROUP BY Surface ORDER BY surface ASC Figure (a)


VISUALIZE PIE SELECT Area, COUNT(Area) FROM appellations GROUP BY Area Figure (a)


VISUALIZE PIE SELECT Name, COUNT(*) FROM country Figure (b)


VISUALIZE PIE SELECT Name, SurfaceArea FROM country Figure (c)

Prompt4Vis (ours)

VISUALIZE PIE SELECT Name, SurfaceArea FROM country ORDER BY SurfaceArea DESC LIMIT 5 Figure (d)

(a) Seq2Vis and Transformer ✘
Refer to caption
(b) ncNet ✘
Refer to caption
(c) RGVisNet ✘
Refer to caption
(d) Prompt4Vis
Refer to caption
Table 4. Case Study. DVQs generated by baselines and Prompt4Vis and their corresponding charts.

Table 4 presents a case to concretely show the DVQs generated by Prompt4Vis and the baselines. The corresponding charts generated by these models are also displayed in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, Seq2Vis and Transformer produce wrong table names, which leads to no image generated in Table 5(a). ncNet produce the DVQ with correct table country, however, it selects COUNT(*) from country, which results in a wrong image in Table 5(b). The first half of the DVQ generated by RGVisNet is completely correct, as it can learn the prototype close to the gold query by retrieval and obtain the DVQ for the current NLQ through revision. However, it lacks ORDER BY SurfaceArea DESC LIMIT 5, which may be due to the rarity of this expression in the training set, not enabling the neural network to learn this pattern. Different from the aforementioned models, Prompt4Vis is able to accurately produce the DVQ as the same as the target query, which results in the correct charts presented in Table 5(d).

5. Related Work

5.1. In-context Learning

Recently, LLMs, represented by ChatGPT and GPT-4, have demonstrated remarkable ability in comprehending natural language and have made significant advancements in a series of NLP tasks (Bang et al., 2023; Qin et al., 2023). In-context learning is a novel learning-free paradigm that originally emerged in LLMs. Recently, it has inspired the passion of database researchers (Narayan et al., 2022; Dong et al., 2023; Pourreza and Rafiei, 2023; Gao et al., 2023). For instance, Narayan et al. (Narayan et al., 2022) explore the ability of in-context learning in data cleaning and integration tasks including error detection, entity matching, and data transformation. Dong et al. (Dong et al., 2023) propose a zero-shot method for text-to-SQL, named C3, which first formulates clear task prompts, then devises calibration techniques to address incorrect outputs, and finally orders the large language model to produce consistent outputs to enhance the quality of the generated SQL.

Different from the above works, our work mainly focuses on text-to-vis and explores how to find effective examples for in-context learning of text-to-vis.

What’s more, researchers in NLP and CV have found that the examples selected of in-context learning have a great influence on the performance of downstream tasks (Liu et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2023). They have made efforts to find good examples of in-context learning. For instance, Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2022) supposed that good examples should be semantically similar to the target example. Rubin et al. (Rubin et al., 2022) and Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2023) retrieve examples that can maximize the performance of downstream tasks for in-context learning. Different from the aforementioned works, we find effective examples from three different dimensions for text-to-vis and conduct schema filtering to give clean prompts to LLMs.

5.2. Text-to-Vis

Text-to-vis has garnered significant interest from the database and visualization communities as it enables non-experts to interact with the visualization systems through natural language questions. Existing typical works for text-to-vis can be divided into rule-based methods and neural network-based methods.

Rule-based methods represent the main trend at the beginning of text-to-vis. For instance, a rule-based approach to transform textual commands into infographics is employed in text-to-vis by Cui et al. (Cui et al., 2020). Moritz et al. (Moritz et al., 2019) design a set of constraints to model the knowledge in visualization and then optimize these constraints. DeepEye (Luo et al., 2018a) is an automatic visualization system that employs semantic parsing tools in NL. It consists of three components including visualization recognition, visualization ranking, and visualization selection. NL4DV (Narechania et al., 2021) is also implemented based on parsing tools and offers a Python toolkit that supports various high-level operations to assist users in creating NL-based DV systems.

To further promote the field of text-to-vis, Luo et al. (Luo et al., 2021) create a cross-domain text-to-vis dataset, NVBench, based on a popular text-to-SQL benchmark. Meanwhile, with the development of neural networks, the Seq2Vis model (Luo et al., 2021) is proposed based on the encoder-decoder framework and neural networks. Inspired by the way developers reuse previously validated code snippets from code search engines or large codebases during software development, Song et al. (Song et al., 2022) introduce a novel hybrid retrieval-generation framework for text-to-vis called RGVisNet. It retrieves the most relevant DVQ candidate as a prototype from the DVQ codebase and then refines this prototype to generate the desired DVQ.

Most recently, visualization researchers have also been attracted by large language models, which further promote the development of data visualization (Maddigan and Susnjak, 2023; Dibia, 2023; Wang et al., 2024; Ko et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023). For instance, Chat2Vis system (Maddigan and Susnjak, 2023) makes efforts to prompt LLMs to produce Python code for data visualization. LIDA (Dibia, 2023) is a tool to visualize with the assistance of large language models and image generation models, which provides a novel Python API and a user interface to interact with users. Ko et al. (Ko et al., 2023) aim at promoting the development of visualization by enriching the datasets in this field. Therefore, they propose a novel framework based on LLMs to generate natural language datasets taking Vega-Lite specifications. What’s more, Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2023) propose to leverage LLMs as a recommendation tool for visualization.

Several of the aforementioned methods utilize LLMs as integral components within their frameworks for various visualization tasks, including recommendation (Wang et al., 2023) and concept binding (Wang et al., 2024). Additionally, some approaches leverage LLMs for generating programming code (Maddigan and Susnjak, 2023; Dibia, 2023; Ko et al., 2023), such as Python, specifically tailored to data visualization. However, our approach differs from these existing methods by proposing to use LLMs as a comprehensive pipeline to generate queries for data visualization. This approach breaks the constraints of a singular declarative visualization language, offering a broader way for automatic data visualization.

6. Conclusion

Our work is a timely study of in-context learning for text-to-vis tasks in the era of large language models. We systematically study how to perform in-context learning for text-to-vis and propose a novel framework, Prompt4Vis, which includes an example mining module and a schema filtering module. Compared to the previous SOTA models and methods that randomly select examples for in-context learning, our model achieved significant results, demonstrating the immense potential of in-context learning in the field of text-to-vis even data science.

We also discover some interesting findings in this work, such as in the process of example selection for text-to-vis, aside from the similarity between examples, the influence and diversity of examples also play important roles. Moreover, for each test case, the full database schema may introduce redundant information. Hence, a good schema filtering module can reduce the irrelevant schema information and further enhance the performance. We believe that it is valuable to attempt and practice these approaches in other data science fields as well.


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