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arXiv:2402.13589v1 [cs.HC] 21 Feb 2024

Affective Computing for Healthcare: Recent Trends, Applications, Challenges, and Beyond

Yuanyuan Liu1    Ke Wang1    Lin Wei1    Jingying Chen2    Yibing Zhan3
Dapeng Tao4&Zhe Chen5
1School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China
2Central China Normal University, China
3JD Explore Academy, China&4Yunnan University, China
5The School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia.


Affective computing, which aims to recognize, interpret, and understand human emotions, provides benefits in healthcare, such as improving patient care and enhancing doctor-patient communication. However, there is a noticeable absence of a comprehensive summary of recent advancements in affective computing for healthcare, which could pose difficulties for researchers entering this field. To address this, our paper aims to provide an extensive literature review of related studies published in the last five years. We begin by analyzing trends, benefits, and limitations of recent datasets and affective computing methods devised for healthcare. Subsequently, we highlight several healthcare application hotspots of current technologies that could be promising for real-world deployment. Through our analysis, we identify and discuss some ongoing challenges in the field as evidenced by the literature. Concluding with a thorough review, we further offer potential future research directions and hope our findings and insights could guide related researchers to make better contributions to the evolution of affective computing in healthcare.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Framework of learning-based affective computing for healthcare.

1 Introduction

Affective computing refers to the process of utilizing computer and artificial intelligent technologies to analyze and recognize human emotions Hossain and Muhammad (2019). Human emotions, the intuitive reflections of the body’s state, can convey useful information for treatment processes. By accurately identifying patient emotions through affective computing, doctors can obtain more informative patient statistics and provide more appropriate or customized treatments for patients. As a result, affective computing could play a pivotal role in aiding doctors with various tasks like mental health monitoring, personalized treatment, and patient support. Due to promising applications, affective computing for healthcare has attracted increasing attention Alelaiwi (2019); Yildirim-Celik et al. (2022); Chen and Luo (2023).

In particular, thanks to the significant modeling capabilities brought by deep learning advancements, affective computing has shown outstanding capacities of representing and identifying various human-related information Rejaibi et al. (2019a); Smith et al. (2020). Diverse deep learning models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and Transformer, have been introduced to extract emotional features from either unimodal or multimodal data, resulting in accurate emotion recognition and analysis. Meanwhile, breakthroughs in affective computing have also led to impressive progress in complex healthcare scenarios and applications. Despite promising progress, we found that existing related reviews mostly summarise the affective computing techniques in a relatively narrow application area like depression recognizing Giuntini et al. (2020). We believe that the lack of a comprehensive and insightful review of affective computing in healthcare may create unnecessary barriers for researchers to enter/understand the field.

To bridge the gap mentioned above and summarize the progress achieved in recent deep learning-related advancements, we perform a comprehensive literature review of the recent progress in affective computing for healthcare in this paper. An overview of our work is shown in Figure 1. In general, we attempt to thoroughly review the recently published datasets and approaches, covering a broad area related to affective computing for healthcare. The contributions of this paper and differences from other surveys are as follows:

1) We identify 3 major research directions based on methodologies, including behavior-based, physiological-based, and behavior-physiological-based research. Under this taxonomy, we attempt to perform a comprehensive analysis of the recent development trends of datasets and approaches, illustrating their details, benefits, as well as their limitations.

2) We highlight a few most frequently focused medical application directions of affective computing, i.e., depression diagnosis Othmani et al. (2021), autism recognition and intervention Li et al. (2021), pain level recognition Phan et al. (2023), and other related medical applications Ayata et al. (2020), establishing synergies between affective computing and clinical applications.

3) In addition to existing achievements, we present significant challenges that still pose difficulties for developing and applying affective computing in healthcare. Despite the challenges, we also conclude potential directions for future research, hoping to provide valuable insights for researchers who would like to contribute to this field.

Class Datasets #Subjects #Samples Modalities Applications Labels
Behaviour FENP Yan et al. (2020) 106 11000 Visual Pain Pain, No Pain
PersionSIChASD Alizadeh and Tabibian (2021) 38 418 Audio Autism Autistic, Normal, Phonetic units
D4 Yao et al. (2022) 201 1339 Text Depression Risk, Non Risk
MMDA Jiang et al. (2022) 962 1025 Text, Audio, Visual Depre,Anx Depre,Nondepre,Anx,Nonanx
D-Vlog Yoon et al. (2022) 816 961 Audio, Visual Depression Depre, Nondepre
SAD Alghifari et al. (2023) 64 64 Audio Depression Depre, Nondepre
TIAD Melinda et al. (2023) 34 6120 Visual Autism Autistic, Normal
PEMF Fernandes-Magalhaes et al. (2023) 68 272 Visual Pain Pain, No Pain
CALMED Sousa et al. (2023) 4 57012 Audio, Visual Autism Autistic, Normal
Physiological DDLES Mohammadi et al. (2019) 60 60 EEG Depression Minimal,Mild,Moderate,Severe
SADR Zhu et al. (2019) 39 1170 EEG,EM Depression Depre, Nondepre
Behaviour EMCASD Duan et al. (2019) 28 300 Visual, Other Autism Autistic, Normal
MMOD Cai et al. (2020b) 160 160 Audio, EEG Depression Depre, Nondepre
-Physiological PPAD Salekin et al. (2021) 58 58 Audio, Visual, Other Pain Pain, No Pain
M-Ms Calabrò et al. (2021) 15 37127 Visual, EEG Autism Good, Poor
Table 1: The most recent affective computing datasets in the medicine field. Depre, Nondepre, Anx, and Nonanx are abbreviations for depression, nondepression, anxiety, and nonanxiety, respectively.

2 Datasets and Approaches

We first perform a literature review on affective computing research, mainly covering the related datasets and approaches applied in healthcare in the last five years. Tables 1 and 2 list the overview of databases and typical approaches, respectively. We find that affective computing research varies according to the type of data utilized. Hence, we classify related research into three categories: behavior data-based, physiological data-based, and behavior-physiological data-based research. Each category of research is detailed below.

2.1 Behavior Data-based Research

In the realm of healthcare, behavior data-based research entails employing affective computing technology to analyze patients’ emotions through their behavior data, such as language, facial expressions, and medical records.


Behavioral affective datasets can be discussed based on three categories: vision-based datasets, non-vision-based unimodal datasets, and multimodal datasets, depending on their popularity and diverse modalities.

Vision-based datasets are the mainstream dataset format, partly due to the widespread applications of vision techniques. Current visual affective databases are generally datasets with patients’ facial expressions. TIAD collected thermal imaging of the faces of autistic children Melinda et al. (2023), FEMP collected 11,000 facial images of newborns Yan et al. (2020), and PEMF consists of 272 micro-clips with facial images Fernandes-Magalhaes et al. (2023). Through the analysis of facial expressions, important emotional clues can be obtained to help doctors judge the emotional state of patients and improve the diagnosis of disease.

Non-vision unimodal datasets contain text or audio data modalities. Text: D4 records the conversations between doctors and patients during depression diagnosis. The diagnosis results and symptom summaries given in each conversation Yao et al. (2022). Audio: SAD is an audio dataset of English depression that contains 64 recordings of individuals with and without depression Alghifari et al. (2023).

Multimodal datasets primarily combine two or three modalities of text, audio, and visual data, providing richer cues to patients’ emotional behaviour, considering the emotional bias inherent in single behavioral data. D-vlog comprises 961 vlogs collected from YouTube that encompass both audio and videos Yoon et al. (2022). CALMED consists of audio and video features extracted from conference transcript files of children diagnosed with autism Sousa et al. (2023). MMDA is the largest mental disorder dataset including visual, auditory, and textual data, where all subjects in MMDA are diagnosed by professional psychologists using de-identified original interview videos Jiang et al. (2022).


As shown in Table 2, deep learning models have become the dominant approaches for affective computing in recent years and are gradually evolving from unimodal approaches towards multimodal approaches.

Vision-based affective approaches primarily employ CNN and attention methods to extract emotional features from facial images and videos, identifying emotion categories or scores. Typical methods include: Liu et al. (2023) built a facial expression recognition model based on the self-attention mechanism for depression detection. Lu et al. (2023) used a two-stream CNN network with cross-stream attention mechanism to integrate spatial and temporal information in newborn facial expression videos for pain level recognition.

Text-based unimodal affective approaches use natural language processing technology to analyze text data to identify emotions. Typical methods are as follows: Dessai and Usgaonkar (2022) used CNN and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) to analyze Twitter users’ tweets to discover factors related to depression. In Ji et al. (2023), the authors utilized Large Language Models’ (LLM) interactivity and multitasking ability to investigate “hallucination” in medical question-answering systems. That is, the model produces information that sounds reasonable but is not faithful or meaningless.

Audio-based unimodal affective approaches usually adopt CNN and LSTM to capture the long-term dependence and high-level affective feature representation of audio sequences. Han et al. (2023) developed a self-supervised learning framework that combines integrate causal and dilated convolution to continuously enlarge the receptive domain for capturing multi-scale emotion-contextual information, and employed a hierarchical contrast loss to predict depression by exploring the long temporal emotion dependencies of audio.

Multimodal affective approaches have emerged as a trend in healthcare affective computing. This approach combines visual, audio, and text signals to more accurately identify patients’ emotions, surpassing the results of unimodal affective analysis. For example, Li et al. (2021) used pre-trained ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 to construct a two-stage network for children autism prediction from facial expression videos and audio. Wang et al. (2023b) first used the pre-trained models ALBERT and AGG16 to construct a visual-language model to extract facial expression image features, text, and behavioral features, and then used the early fusion method to fuse these features to form multimodal features for depression degree detection. Zhao and Wang (2022) proposed a cross-modal attention mechanism-based Generative Adversarial Network, and used an attention-based fusion approach to integrate facial expression videos, text, and audio for automatically depression severity assessment.

2.2 Physiological Data-based Research

Physiological data-based affective computing research focuses on integrating physiological signals into computational models for robust sentiment analysis. Physiological signals record and measure an individual’s affective state, affective experience, or affective response, such as Electroencephalography (EEG), offering a more objective reflection of the genuine emotional state Bajestani et al. (2019).


As shown in Table 1, physiological affective datasets mainly contain emotion-related physiological signals, i.e., EEG, Electrodermal activity (EDA), and other related signals (e.g., Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electromyography (EMG), Heart Rate (HR), Eye-tracking (ET), Accelerometer (ACC), Inter-Beat Interval (IBI), Blood Volume Pulse (BVP), and Skin Temperature (ST)). They also can be divided into unimodal physiological datasets and multimodal physiological datesets. DDLES, an EEG-based depression recognition dataset, is a typical unimodal physiological dataset that contains EEG signals of 60 depressed and non-depressed individuals Mohammadi et al. (2019). SRDR is a multimodal physiological dataset that monitors specific physiological variables and synchronously collects EEG and EM signals from subjects to provide a more accurate detection dataset in a clinical environment Zhu et al. (2019). Since the acquisition of physiological signals requires expensive specialised medical equipment, most of the existing relevant datasets are small.


Physiological-based affective analysis methods usually use CNN and RNN to process temporal physiological data, which can extract the dynamic time-frequency features of physiological signals, facilitating a better understanding of dynamic affective states. Depending on the signal data, these methods also can be classified into two categories: unimodal approaches and multimodal approaches. Uimodal approaches focus on mining emotional states from one type of emotional physiological signal. Xia et al. (2023) is a typical unimodal approach that uses multi-head self-attention mechanism and double-branch CNN to construct an end-to-end model for depression recognition from single EEG signals. In contrast, multimodal approaches explore multiple types of physiological signals in the emotion recognition process, thus improving the prediction accuracy. Phan et al. (2023) first used CNN and BiLSTM to extract the low-level features and time information in the sequence from ECG and EDA signals, and then combined ECG and EDA features in an early fusion manner for pain recognition.

2.3 Behavior-Physiological Data-based Research

Due to the directness and interpretability of behavioural data and the high objectivity of physiological data, the research integrating both behavior and psychological data is a natural derivation for the application in healthcare.


Behavior-Physiological datasets integrate physiological data like EEG, EDA, and EMG with behavioral data such as facial expressions and audio. This integration aims to capture more comprehensive emotion-related cues of patients. M-MS is a multimodal autism emotion dataset, containing ECG and therapy videos to support the study of synchronization in autism recognition Calabrò et al. (2021). PPAD is the first multimodal neonatal pain dataset containing facial expression videos, sound, and physiological responses (vital signs and cortical activity), which was collected from 58 neonates during their hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit Salekin et al. (2021).


Behavior-Physiological affective analysis needs to mine both the external manifestations of behavioural data and the internal changes of physiological signals, aiming to achieve more accurate affective analysis performance. For example, Han et al. (2022) proposed a multimodal diagnostic framework that uses an early fusion approach combining EEG and ET data for unsupervised training and supervised fine-tuning to identify children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Recently, Qayyum et al. (2023) employed ViT, CNN, and LSTM models for the extraction of audio and EEG features. Subsequently, these features were concatenated by early fusion to improve the diagnostic performance of depression.

2.4 Discussion


In general, in the healthcare field, in contrast to unimodal technology, there is a growing research trend towards multimodal affective computing technology that analyzes both behavior and physiological signals. This allows for the exploration of both external manifestations of behavioral data and internal changes in physiological signals. Moreover, affective computing approaches have also shifted from early CNN-based models to Transfomer-based models, and then to hybrid large-scale ones, which can better focus on sentiment changes across various modality sequences. Both facilitate a more comprehensive analysis of a patient’s emotional state, assisting doctors in tasks such as mental health monitoring, personalized treatment, and patient support.


Despite the progress made, we find that there are still limitations in the current technology, mainly including: For datasets: Behavioural datasets are easy to collect but subjective and deceptive, and physiological datasets are highly reliable but costly and difficult to collect. As a result, existing multimodal fusion datasets remain limited in size, hindering their ability to fully support complex healthcare and medical applications; For approaches: As shown in Table 2, although higher recognition rates are achieved in current studies, most existing affective models are trained and designed independently on smaller and more limited set datasets. This lack of interoperability makes it challenging to reuse these models across different healthcare systems and applications.

Class Methods Technology Modalities Application Dateset Performance
Acc. F1 Pre. Rec. MAE
B Rejaibi et al. (2019b) CNN Audio Depression DAIC-WOZ 73.25 - - - -
Peng et al. (2020) Multi-Scale DNN Visual Pain UNBC Shoulder Pain 79.94 - - - 0.57
Mallol-Ragolta et al. (2020) RNN-LSTM Visual Pain EmoPain - - - - -
Li et al. (2021) ResNet Audio, Visual Autism ASD-Affect 72.40 75.00 - - -
Wang et al. (2021) CNN-LSTM-Transformer Audio,Text Depression Own 66.00 - - - -
Dessai and Usgaonkar (2022) CNN-LSTM Text Depression Own 92.00 93.00 93.00 94.00 -
Mohan et al. (2022) DCNN Visual Pain Own - 87.00 85.18 88.32 -
Yuan et al. (2022) SwinT Visual Pain UNBC-McMaster 95.25 - - - -
Zhao and Wang (2022) Cross-modal Attention-GAN Text,Audio,Visual Depression AVEC2019 - - - - 3.56
Han et al. (2023) Self-supervised Learning Audio Depression AVEC2017 80.00 76.00 65.00 92.00 -
Liu et al. (2023) Self-attention Mechanism Visual Depression AVEC2014 - - - - 6.04
Lu et al. (2023) TS-ConvNet-CSA Visual Pain DFEPN 66.20 - - - -
Wang et al. (2023b) ALBERT-AGG Text,Visual Depression Chinese Sina Weibo 93.82 91.00 92.52 88.58 -
Anekar et al. (2023) CNN-NLTK Audio, Visual Depression FER2013 77.00 - 80.00 91.00 -
Xu et al. (2023) LSTM-CNN-Attention Mechanism Text, Audio Depression E-DAIC 83.00 - 89.00 86.00 -
P Bajestani et al. (2019) KNN EEG Autism Own 81.67 - - - -
Hadoush et al. (2019) ANN EEG Autism Own 97.20 - - - -
Zhu et al. (2019) MDAE-SVM EEG,EM Depression Own 83.42 - - - -
Pham et al. (2020) LSDA-PNN EEG Autism Own 98.70 - - - -
Baygin et al. (2021) Lightweight deep networks-SVM EEG Autism Own 96.44 - - - -
Wadhera and Kakkarl (2021) VG-SVM EEG Autism Own 94.19 - - - -
Abdolzadegan et al. (2020) SVM EEG Autism Own 90.57 - - - -
Han et al. (2022) SDAE EEG,ET Autism Own 95.56 - - - -
Xia et al. (2023) MHSA-CNN EEG Depression HUSM 91.06 - - - -
Torres et al. (2023) CNN-ROAR EEG Autism Own 93.40 93.40 93.50 93.30 -
Phan et al. (2023) CNN-BiLSTM ECG,EDA Pain BioVid heat pain 84.80 - - - -
Lan et al. (2023) ASGC EEG Depression Own 84.27 84.22 - - -
Shen et al. (2023) FL EEG Depression Own 75.00 - - - -
Zhang et al. (2023) SVM ECG Depression Own 70.00 61.54 85.71 - -
B-P Chen and Zhao (2019) ResNet-LSTM ET,Visual Autism Own 84.00 - - - -
Hamid et al. (2023) LSTM EEG,Visual Depression Own 96.80 - - - -
Qayyum et al. (2023) ViT EEG,Audio Depression MODMA 97.31 97.34 97.71 97.34 -
Wang et al. (2023a) Multimodal fusion-SVM EEG,Audio Depression Own 86.78 - - - -
Table 2: A technical overview and performance comparison of affective computing approaches in healthcare over the last five years. B, P and B-P represent behaviour, physiological and behavioural-physiological, respectively. Own represents an unpublished dataset constructed by authors. Due to space constraints, we only list representative methods.

3 Applications on Healthcare

In this section, the affective approaches for healthcare applications are presented. Affective computing holds significant potential in various healthcare applications, offering new techniques for diagnosis, therapy, and treatment of emotion-related diseases by identifying patients’ emotions. We collect the studies of affective computing in healthcare applications that has been proposed in the last five years, and Figure 2 provides the statistics. In general, the application of affective computing technology in the field of healthcare involves depression diagnosis, autism recognition, pain level recognition, elderly dementia monitoring, stress monitoring, and intelligent medical systems. For simplicity, we review the top three most popular healthcare applications related to brain disorders with representative methods, including depression diagnosis, autism recognition, and pain level recognition. These applications can cover the major populations of current brain disorders, including children, adults, and the elderly. After the review of 3 popular applications, we also provide a brief review of the rest of the applications.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: The statistic distribution of publications on various healthcare applications of affective computing from 2019 to 2023 based on Keyword search on web of science. We emphasize the top three most frequently explored applications.

3.1 Depression Diagnosis

Depression, a widespread mental disorder, results from a complex interplay of social, psychological, and biological factors, leading to prolonged periods of low mood or reduced interest. Traditional self-report-based diagnosis is subjective and prone to inaccuracies, often resulting in delays in treatment. To tackle this, affective computing technology is applied for depression diagnosis, improving diagnosis objectivity and accuracy. Currently, affective computing-based depression diagnosis involves two categories: classification-based and regression-based depression diagnosis.

Affective classification-based depression diagnosis aids healthcare workers and doctors in distinguishing between individuals with and without depression. Alsharif et al. (2022) used mel-frequency cepstral coefficients to extract patients’ audio features and CNN to build a classification model to detect depression in Arabic audio data. Cai et al. (2020a) employed KNN as a depression classification detection model to distinguish depression patients from normal people by integrating different EEG data obtained under neutral, negative, and positive audio stimulation. Wang et al. (2023b) proposed a multi-modal depression detection model with emotional knowledge graph, which integrated text, facial expressions, and other behaviors (e.g., the number of user posts, blog length, etc.) to address the depression detection task. Pan et al. (2023) used Transformer to classify depression and non-depression from audio signals and facial expressions.

Since regression allows access to continuous affective states, affective regression-based depression diagnosis has been proposed to predict the degree of depression or the severity of depressive symptoms in patients. Zhou et al. (2020) proposed a deep regression network called DepressNet with facial depression data to predict depression degree. This significantly improves the latest performance of visual-based complex depression recognition. Zhao and Wang (2022) employed a cross-modal affective regression model to facilitate the learning of more accurate multimodal representations from text, audio, and facial expression videos for automatic depression severity assessment.

Clinical Application With significant advancements in affective computing technology, depression diagnosis is now being employed in clinical monitoring. To prevent the recurrence of patients with depression, Yin et al. (2022) designed an intelligent monitoring system based on a hybrid affective computing model (namely CNN-LSTM), aiming to provide recurrence monitoring for patients with depression within their home and daily environments. Additionally, it can be applied to assess new patients. The system includes user input, depression testing, intelligent monitoring, and connectivity to external wearables like dedicated voice acquisition devices and EEG devices. It also supports communication with online doctors and integration with external systems.

Limitation Overall, depression diagnosis with affective computing is evolving from rough classification to continuous regression analyses, for dynamic clinical monitoring. However, it still faces challenges including subjectivity and heterogeneity of depression, longitudinal monitoring, and comprehensive assessment integrating genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. In addition, current affective computing technologies rely mainly on behavioural and physiological indicators while lacking clear biological indicators to support an objective diagnosis of depression, affecting diagnostic accuracy.

3.2 Autism Recognition and Intervention

Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, is typically characterized by emotional and social difficulties. Early diagnosis is crucial for facilitating intervention and treatment. Affective computing can aid experts in promptly assessing the emotional state of individuals with autism during interactions, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and positive emotional interventions. As a result, affective computing-based autism diagnosis and intervention are gaining increasing attention.

Currently, autism diagnosis primarily employs emotion classification models to identify Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Negin et al. (2021) proposed a non-invasive visual assistance method with human action classification to facilitate the diagnosis of autism. Rahman and Booma (2022) employed the MobileNet to detect childhood autism through their facial expressions in a transfer learning manner. Wei et al. (2023) proposed a lightweight, conventional classification model to recognize autism-related behaviors in facial videos. Han et al. (2022) build a stacked denoising autoencoder to identify ASD in children from EEG and ET fusion data. Li et al. (2021) combined audio and facial expression images to diagnose ASD in children, and used ResNet50 and ResNet18 as classifiers for a two-stage emotion classification, thus improving the accuracy of autism diagnosis

Clinical Application In clinical applications of autism intervention, leveraging affective computing technology enhances virtual reality (VR) for human-computer interaction (HCI) scenarios addressing challenges caused by a shortage of autism treatment professionals. Manju et al. (2023) employ VR-assisted system combined with wearable multi-model sensing technologies, to collect physiological signals and game performance data during HCI training. Then, it employs a machine learning model to identify ASD children, assessing the diagnosis, severity, social behavioral intervention, and treatment of ASD with multiple assessment scales.

Limitation Despite some progress in autism diagnosis and intervention, current approaches are still in their infancy and face challenges such as data privacy concerns in children, difficulties in data collection, assessment complexity, and emotion model bias in autism. In addition, Autism may have other co-existing mental health disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), complicating affective computing models for accurate diagnosis.

3.3 Pain Level Recognition

Pain is the body’s intricate physical and psychological emotional response to underlying injury or illness. Accurate identification of pain is crucial in medicine, enabling medicine professionals to formulate effective treatment plans for enhancing a patient’s quality of life. Research on pain level recognition through affective computing has been a prominent and challenging issue. The field of pain level recognition employs affective computing techniques for classification and regression tasks, aimed at diagnosing pain patients and obtaining their pain intensity, respectively.

Affective classification-based pain level recognition can assist medical professionals in accurately determining the patient’s pain location, thereby significantly optimizing consultation time. For instance, Vallez et al. (2022) identified joint pain from facial expression images with the help of a pre-trained CNN classification model. Chen et al. (2022) used multi-layer CNN classifies the EEG singals in resting and pain states during daily activities. Lu et al. (2023) identified newborns’ pain levels based on their facial expression videos with the help of Softmax. Similar to Lu et al. (2023), Phan et al. (2023) employed Softmax to recognition pain levels from EDA and ECG signals.

To obtain a continuous numerical output for the pain degree of patients, pain level recognition based on affective regression is developed. Thiam et al. (2020) employed feed-forward neural networks as a regression model for discerning pain level intensity based on emotion-related physiological signals (i.e., EDA, EMG, and ECG). Besides, Jiang et al. (2024) used a non-linear neural network with Sigmoid for both classification and regression tasks, distinguishing between pain and non-pain in patients and detecting pain intensity based on ECG, EDA, and ECG.

Clinical Application In a clinical setting, pain analysis is critical to a patient’s recovery. Ghosh et al. (2023) proposed an emotion analysis system based on deep learning and statistical learning, to analyze facial expressions images of patients for detecting pain levels of patients. In addition, the system has the ability to perform pain detection and recognition on resource-constrained devices, which provides a strong support for the intelligent healthcare field.

Limitation Pain level recognition has developed from initial classification of pain versus non-pain to the recognition of pain intensity, from clinical diagnosis to real-time monitoring. However, pain recognition and assessment still faces significant challenges such as individual differences, emotional differences, standard calibration, and so on. In addition, some pain symptoms may lack distinct behavioural and physiological features, further complicating identification.

3.4 Other Related Healthcare Applications

Affective computing has also been applied to other clinical applications such as Bipolar disorder Baki et al. (2022), elderly companionship and monitoring Meng et al. (2021), smart medicine Ayata et al. (2020) etc. For convenience, we combine some of them into one section for overview.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that causes mood swings ranging from depression to mania. Baki et al. (2022) created a multimodal decision system for three level mania classification based on recordings of patients’ audio, text, and facial expression videos. Elderly monitoring and dementia diagnosis are crucial in an aging population, especially during illness. To accurately monitor the emotion state of the elderly, Meng et al. (2021) introduced an emotion-aware medicine monitoring system based on brain waves. Intelligent medicine systems offer an alternative to doctor shortages. Ayata et al. (2020) proposed an emotion recognition-based intelligent medicine system for emotional care by collecting and analyzing multiple physiological signals from patients.

4 Challenges and Opportunities

Despite breakthroughs, several challenges remain, yet there are also related opportunities for future development.

4.1 Patient Data Privacy and Ethics


Data privacy issues have been well-known in the big data era, and it is particularly important for the healthcare sector. This might be attributed to the fact that patients have to share extremely sensitive information about their own bodies. As a result, the privacy of patient clinical data in affective computing is a crucial ethical concern, especially for children’s information. Ensuring confidentiality involves implementing robust measures in data transmission, storage, and usage. The challenge is to retain critical emotion-related information while adhering to ethical and moral regulations. Therefore, a proper balance needs to be found to ensure privacy and the effectiveness of data analysis.


Some potential future opportunities may include the exploration of advanced privacy-protecting techniques such as federated learning Rieke et al. (2020) and secure multi-party computing Liu et al. (2020). Federated learning allows for model training without sharing raw data, and aggregating models without exposing individual data. Secure multi-party computing allows calculations to be performed between multiple parties while maintaining the privacy of the data. These technologies can ensure that patients’ clinical data is adequately protected.

4.2 Emotion Bias and Fairness in Clinical Data


In clinical and other healthcare settings, the collection and annotation of sentiment data exhibit a natural bias due to population sentiment expression heterogeneity and annotator subjectivity. Different from data bias issues in common large datasets, the data from healthcare suffers from low data volume and larger diversities of biased factors. For example, environment, age, occupation, and race can all affect the expression and the labelling of emotions Liu et al. (2022). Furthermore, preferences and concerns during data collection and labeling also vary significantly among doctors. These factors could lead to high emotion biases and unfairness in training AI models. As a result, it is needed to address and reduce the bias for a fair and unbiased understanding of emotions across diverse populations.


To lower the biases in affective computing under limited labelled databases, some research is exploring unsupervised/self-supervised learning algorithms to reduce reliance on affective labels. These algorithms can learn emotional representations from unlabeled data, reducing the need for large-scale labeled datasets Han et al. (2023, 2022). Furthermore, the introduction of domain adaptive learning techniques can improve the generality of affective computing models and mitigate affective biases between different cultures and demographic groups.

4.3 Fine-grained Health-related Emotions


Most existing healthcare applications rely on single, simplistic affective models like six-class or three-class emotion classification models Ameer et al. (2023). These models fall short of simulating rich emotions from real patients who may be undergoing complicated treatments, making it challenging for doctors to make accurate judgments. As a result, developing fine-grained health-related emotion models for clinical applications remains a key unresolved issue.


Recently, several researchers have proposed composite face expression models based on linguistic descriptions Liu et al. (2022). We believe that this approach facilitates the description of changes in emotional details, thereby guiding doctors to make more informed medical diagnoses. Consequently, constructing multimodal fine-grained emotion models in healthcare applications emerges as a future development direction.

4.4 Real-time Diagnosis with Affective Computing


Some medicine applications demand real-time emotional analysis and diagnosis, involving the rapid processing and analysis of large data sets while ensuring accurate emotion recognition, such as mental health monitoring or emergency response systems. Developing efficient algorithms and infrastructure for real-time processing without compromising accuracy is a significant challenge.


Exploring adaptive algorithms and edge computing systems facilitates the capability of real-time emotional analysis with minimal latency. Adaptive algorithms can be directly adjusted and optimized according to different needs to improve the efficiency and accuracy of sentiment analysis. Edge computing systems can discretize computing tasks to edge devices, reducing latency in data transmission and processing for faster real-time sentiment analysis.

4.5 Large Foundation Model-related Applications


With the development of visual-linguistic large foundation models, such as GPT-4 Rathje et al. (2023), the significance of large foundation models has been demonstrated across various application domains. Consequently, constructing an affective large foundation model specifically for healthcare could be beneficial to enhance a wider range of clinical applications. However, the acquisition and annotation of specified large foundation models for healthcare and clinical data remain challenging, posing a significant hurdle in the development of healthcare affective foundation model.


Leveraging existing visual-language foundation models to construct the affective large-scale model through transfer learning and cross-modal prompt learning could reduce the dependence on large amounts of training data, thus enhancing the reusability of these models for diverse application tasks Liu et al. (2024). This method can not only improve the effect and generalization ability of affective models but also provide a common basis for emotion recognition in different domains and tasks.

5 Conclusion

This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the application of affective computing in the field of healthcare. Specifically, we provide an overview of the developments in affective computing for healthcare, covering behavior data-based, psychological data-based, and behavior-psychological data-based datasets and approaches. Next, we introduce key healthcare applications, highlighting the top three most frequently used, as well as other related applications. Finally, we summarize the most potential challenges and opportunities in the development of affective computing in healthcare. We believe that this review helps to provide academic and industrial researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest advances in affective computing-based healthcare and provides them with guidance.


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