RoGS: Large Scale Road Surface Reconstruction based on 2D Gaussian Splatting

Zhiheng Feng   Wenhua Wu   Hesheng Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Corresponding Author.

Road surface reconstruction plays a crucial role in autonomous driving, which can be used for road lane perception and autolabeling tasks. Recently, mesh-based road surface reconstruction algorithms show promising reconstruction results. However, these mesh-based methods suffer from slow speed and poor rendering quality. In contrast, the 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) shows superior rendering speed and quality. Although 3DGS employs explicit Gaussian spheres to represent the scene, it lacks the ability to directly represent the geometric information of the scene. To address this limitation, we propose a novel large-scale road surface reconstruction approach based on 2D Gaussian Splatting (2DGS), named RoGS. The geometric shape of the road is explicitly represented using 2D Gaussian surfels, where each surfel stores color, semantics, and geometric information. Compared to Gaussian spheres, the Gaussian surfels aligns more closely with the physical reality of the road. Distinct from previous initialization methods that rely on point clouds for Gaussian spheres, we introduce a trajectory-based initialization for Gaussian surfels. Thanks to the explicit representation of the Gaussian surfels and a good initialization, our method achieves a significant acceleration while improving reconstruction quality. We achieve excellent results in reconstruction of roads surfaces in a variety of challenging real-world scenes.

1 Introduction

Refer to caption
Figure 1: RGB map and semantic map reconstructed by RoGS on the KITTI Odometry Sequence 00. RoGS can reconstruct such a 600m x 600m scene in 8 minutes!

The development of autonomous driving technology triggers a significant increase in the demand for road reconstruction. Road surface reconstruction tasks involve recovering geometric and texture information of the driving area from video data collected by vehicles. Road surface reconstruction focuses on road regions, lane lines, and road markings. On the one hand, it can be used for high-definition maps and data annotation wu2024emie ; mei2023rome . On the other hand, it can provide support for BEV perception zhao2024roadbev ; zhao2023rsrd .

Traditional reconstruction methods focus on recovering the overall geometric structure of the scene. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) ozyecsil2017survey and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) methods zhou2021dp can reconstruct sparse or semi-dense point clouds of the scene. However, for road areas with sparse features, there are often holes and noise. Nerf-based methods tancik2022block ; turki2022mega ; barron2022mip ; song2023sc ; zhu2023sni can achieve realistic rendering effects but struggle to recover scene geometry from implicit representations, especially for large scenes. The emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting kerbl20233d ; chen2024survey greatly improves rendering speed and has a natural advantage in scene geometry reconstruction due to the approximation of the explicit Gaussian sphere. However, current Gaussian-based reconstruction methods mainly focus on rendering quality and do not fully utilize the explicit features of Gaussian spheres for scene geometry recovery. Recent methods attempt to use explicit meshes or a combination of explicit meshes and implicit encoding for scene representation, achieving decent road surface reconstruction results wu2024emie ; mei2023rome . However, the reconstruction quality and efficiency are still insufficient for practical applications.

In this context, we propose RoGS, a large-scale road surface reconstruction method based on Gaussian Splatting, which utilizes Gaussian surfels to achieve efficient and high-quality road surface reconstruction. Specifically, we design a 2D Gaussian representation that better corresponds to the physical properties of road surfaces. Each surfel contains road coordinates, color, semantics, and its size and orientation. Furthermore, unlike other 3D Gaussian methods that use point clouds or random initialization, we propose a trajectory-based initialization method. Under the prior condition that the vehicle trajectory is parallel to the road surface, we initialize the road area range using the trajectory range, initialize Gaussian surfel coordinates using expanded trajectory point coordinates, and initialize Gaussian surfel orientations using trajectory curvature. This initialization method fully leverages the relationship between the vehicle trajectory and the road surface, which is more conducive to the subsequent optimization of road surface geometric textures. After initialization, we use observed RGB semantic maps to supervise the training of RGB images rendered by 2D Gaussian surfels and the ground truth LiDAR point cloud for road surface geometry. Finally, we obtain a three-dimensional road surface reconstruction result with color and semantics. Our contributions are summarized as follows:

  • We propose RoGS, a large-scale road surface reconstruction method based on Gaussian Splatting. The core of RoGS is the 2D Gaussian surfel representation that conforms to the physical properties of road surfaces and includes color, semantics, and geometric information.

  • We propose an initialization method based on trajectories, which makes the 2D Gaussian road surface closer to the physical world, facilitating optimization.

  • Experiment results on the KITTI and Nuscenes datasets demonstrate that our method achieves efficient and high-quality road surface reconstruction. With neither LiDAR, our method performs similarly to RoMe in PSNR and mIoU, and achieves a 17.62% reduction in error in elevation metric. Importantly, our method has a 15.84× speedup!

2 Related Works

2.1 Classical 3D Reconstruction

Reconstructing 3D scenes from multi-view images is a fundamental computer vision task. Traditional 3D reconstruction methods represent scenes as point clouds or meshes, with numerous notable achievements in this area ozyecsil2017survey . COLMAP Schonberger2016structure is a representative of incremental Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods snavely2006photo ; snavely2011scene ; wu2013towards ; moulon2013adaptive . COLMAP Schonberger2016structure reconstructs 3D scenes by extracting feature points from images and performing feature matching, triangulation, and bundle adjustment. It is capable of reconstructing large-scale scene point clouds and recovering camera poses. However, the reconstructed point clouds tend to be sparse liu2023regformer . Large-scale Multi-View Stereo (MVS) methods schonberger2016pixelwise ; zhou2021dp ; agarwal2011building can achieve denser scene reconstruction, but they still rely on feature extraction and matching from images, which results in significant holes in the reconstruction of areas with weak textures, such as road surfaces.

2.2 Implicit 3D Reconstruction

The emergence of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) mildenhall2021nerf has sparked a research wave in implicit scene modeling. NeRF mildenhall2021nerf utilizes Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to learn the mapping from spatial coordinates to scene geometry and colors, achieving continuous space implicit modeling with realistic rendering effects. Mip-NeRF barron2021mip replaces the point-based ray sampling with a multi-variate Gaussian-based pyramidal sampling to achieve anti-aliasing scene modeling. Some studies use a combination of grid and MLP for scene modeling wang2023co ; wu2024dvn . For large-scale scenes liu2024dvlo , Mip-NeRF 360 barron2022mip applies the classic extended Kalman filter concept to compact the scene model of Mip-NeRF barron2021mip , enabling unbounded scene modeling. BungeeNeRF xiangli2022bungeenerf adds scene details at different scales as residual blocks to the neural network, achieving multi-scale modeling of scene details from satellite-scale to fine-scale. There are also a lot of studies on modeling the urban scene tancik2022block ; turki2023suds ; xie2023s . However, training and rendering are too time-consuming. The emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting kerbl20233d ; chen2024survey greatly improves rendering speed and performance which is widely used in many tasks zhu2024semgauss ; jiang2024neurogauss4dpci . But 3DGS mainly focus on new perspective synthesis instead of scene geometry recovery. Although some methods use implicit representation to reconstruct 3D mesh yu2022monosdf ; guedon2023sugar , they are not yet suitable for large urban scenes.

2.3 Road Surface Reconstruction

Algorithms directly targeting road reconstruction can generate dense road surface results fan2018road ; yu20073d ; brunken2020road ; guo2015automatic ; fan2021rethinking ; zhao2024roadbev , but are limited to the reconstruction of small-scale road areas. For large-scale road surface reconstruction, RoMe mei2023rome utilizes a mesh representation of the road surface and performs rendering optimization to determine the color and semantics of vertexs. EMIE-MAP wu2024emie introduces implicit color encoding to address the issue of inconsistent luminosity in surround-view cameras. However, this mesh-based rendering optimization approach is slow, and the reconstruction quality and efficiency may not meet the requirements of practical applications. We propose a road surface algorithm based on 2D Gaussians, which greatly enhances the reconstruction quality and speed. In contrast, the proposed road surface reconstruction method based on 2D Gaussian Splatting significantly improves both the reconstruction quality and speed.

3 Approach

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Overview of RoGS. The left side shows the road representation based on 2DGS. The blue curve indicates the trajectory. We use 2D Gaussian surfels to represent the real road surface. The Gaussian surfels store position, scale, rotation, color, opacity, and semantic information. The optimizable parameters are indicated in blue. The middle demonstrates the trajectory-based initialization. For each Gaussian surfel, its elevation (z) and rotation are initialized using the nearest point from the trajectory. Finally, the colors and semantics generated by the rendering are supervised using ground truth. Additionally, to improve the optimization results, LiDAR point clouds can be introduced to supervise the elevation. L indicates an optional loss.

The overview of RoGS is shown Figure 2, which consists of three main components. First, we use 2D Gaussian surfels to represent the real road surface (Section 3.1). The Gaussian surfels store position, scale, rotation, color, opacity, and semantic information. Then, for each Gaussian surfel, its elevation (z) and rotation are initialized using the nearest point from the trajectory (Section 3). Finally, the rendered colors and semantics are supervised by the observed images and inferred semantics (Section 3.3). Additionally, to improve the reconstruction quality, LiDAR point clouds can be introduced to supervise the elevation of surfels.

3.1 Road Surface Representation Based on Guassian Surfels

In this section, we introduce the modeling of road surface using 2D Gaussian surfels.

2D Gaussian Surfel: In 3DGS kerbl20233d , a Gaussian sphere in the world space is modeled by a 3D covariance matrix Σ and its center coordinates p:

G(p)=e12pTΣ1p, (1)

where the 3D covariance matrix Σ is determined by the rotation R and scale s=(sx,sy,sz)T along three dimensions. For convenience, the scale is represented as a diagonal matrix S=Diag(sx,sy,sz). The formula for obtaining Σ is:


Similar to previous work dai2024high ; huang20242d , our method simply set the scale of the Gaussian sphere in the z-direction to 0 to obtain a Gaussian surfel. To represent texture information and semantic information, we parameterize the color (RGB), opacity, and semantics of the Gaussian surfel. Ultimately, a Gaussian surfel can be parameterized explicitly as:

Θ={(x,y,z),(r,g,b),(sx,sy),α,R,Sem}, (3)

where (x,y,z) represents the center coordinates, (r,g,b) represents the color, sx and sy represent the scales in the x and y directions, α represents opacity, R represents rotation, and Sem represents semantics. In practice, we use a vector of length equal to the number of semantic categories to represent semantics.

Road Surface Modeling: Modeling the road surface relies on the pose of the camera and semantics of the images. The poses of camera are obtained through vehicle odometry and extrinsic parameters. Semantic results are primarily used to remove non-road elements. Similarly to RoMe mei2023rome , we also utilize Mask2Former cheng2022masked to acquire semantic results. The first frame pose is used as the reference system. The vehicle trajectory is projected onto the xy-plane and then expanded by a certain range to initialize the road area. The road surface area is discretized into uniformly distributed points with a certain resolution, and these points serve as the centers of the Gaussian surfels, as illustrated in Figure 3.

Why use 2D Gaussian Surfels? Mesh-based road surface reconstruction often encounters significant issues, such as long optimization time. 3DGS kerbl20233d represents the world scene using 3D Guassian primitives and renders images using differentiable volume splatting. This approach significantly accelerates rendering speed and reduces optimization time. Although 3DGS kerbl20233d employs explicit Gaussian spheres to represent the scene, it mainly focus on rendering quality and do not fully utilize the explicit features of Gaussian spheres for scene geometry recovery. To address this limitation, we use 2D Gaussian Surfels for modeling road surfaces. Compared to Gaussian spheres, the Gaussian surfels representation aligns more closely with the physical reality of the road.

3.2 Trajectory-base Initialization

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Trajectory-base initialization. For each Gaussian surfel, its elevation and rotation are initialized using the nearest point from the trajectory. The blue curve represents the vehicle trajectory. The varying shades of green represent the elevation of the Gaussian surface after initialization, and the red arrows represent the x-axis of the Gaussian surfel after rotation initialization.

After obtaining the initial Gaussian surfels coordinates by projecting the vehicle trajectory onto the xy-plane, since z is set to 0, it doesn’t align with the road surface in terms of elevation. Therefore, for a Gaussian surfel, we initialize the z-coordinate using the elevation of the nearest point on the trajectory. Since the vehicle trajectory is often parallel to the road, the rotation R of the Gaussian surfel is initialized to the pose of the nearest point on the trajectory. This initialization method fully leverages the relationship between the vehicle trajectory and the road surface, which is more conducive to the subsequent optimization of road surface geometric textures.

3.3 Optimization

3.3.1 RGB Rendering and Semantic Rendering

To render the image, the Gaussian surfels are first transformed from world coordinates to camera coordinates using the world-to-camera transformation matrix W, and then projected onto the image plane through a local affine transformation J to obtain a new covariance matrix Σ:


Since Σ is projected onto a 2D plane, a 2D covariance can be obtained by skipping the third row and column, forming an ellipse g on the image plane. For a pixel in the image, after sorting all K projected g onto it in ascending order of original depth, the color of that point can be represented as:

𝐜(p)=k=1K𝐜kαkgk(p)i=1k1(1αigi(p)), (5)

where c represents color and α represents opacity. When rendering semantics, the color c is replaced by the semantic vector.

Additionally, in the real world, the exposure levels vary for each camera. Therefore, when reconstructing the road surface using multiple cameras, we introduce a learnable exposure parameter a and b for each camera. In this case, the final output color is as follows:

𝐜(p)=ea𝐜(p)+b (6)
Refer to caption
Figure 4: RGB results of road surface reconstruction for Scene-0655. Due to different reference frames, the ground truth needs to be transformed into the corresponding reference system for rendering. From the local detail images, it is evident that our method captures finer details. The error maps also show that our method has smaller errors.
Refer to caption
Figure 5: Semantic results of road surface reconstruction for Scene-0655.
Refer to caption
Figure 6: Elevation results of road surface reconstruction for Scene-0655.

3.3.2 Loss

For color, the rendered image is supervised using the observed image. For semantics, the rendered semantics are supervised using the semantic results inferred by Mask2Former cheng2022masked . A semantic-based mask M is used to remove non-road elements. The color loss and semantic loss are as follows:

Lcolor =1|M|mi|cici¯|, (7)
Lsem =1|M|miCE(semi,sem¯i), (8)

where ci¯ and sem¯i represent the color ground truth and semantic ground truth, respectively. mi is a mask value that is either 0 or 1. CE() represents the cross-entropy loss. |M| represents the number of valid pixels in the mask M. Due to the smoothness of the road surface, we introduce a elevation smoothness loss as follows:

Lsmooth=1Ni=1NjN(i)zizj22, (9)

where N(i) represents the K nearest neighbors. Additionally, to improve the reconstruction results, LiDAR point clouds can be introduced to supervise the elevation:

Lz=1Ni=1Nzizi¯22, (10)

where zi¯ is obtained by querying the nearest neighbor elevation of the point cloud in the xy-plane.

The total loss is the weighted sum of these losses:

Ltotal=λcolorLcolor+λsemLsem+λsmoothLsmooth+λzLz, (11)

where λcolor, λsem,λsmooth and λz represent the corresponding weights.

4 Experiments

4.1 Dataset

NuScenes: We conduct our experiments on the NuScenes caesar2020nuscenes dataset, which consists of 1000 video scenes, each lasting 20 seconds. Vehicle is equipped with 6 cameras and one LiDAR. The frequencies of the cameras and LiDAR are 12Hz and 20Hz, respectively. We use the 6 surround-view images and LiDAR for road surface reconstruction. We test on 10 scenes from the NuScenes dataset.

KITTI: The KITTI geiger2013vision dataset consists of 22 sequences, with sequence 00 covering an area of approximately 600 m × 600 m. We conduct experiments on this larger-scale scene. The KITTI collection vehicle is equipped with two color cameras, but we only used the left color camera.

For both datasets, we utilize a pre-trained Mask2Former cheng2022masked model to obtain semantic results.

4.2 Experiment Setup

Metric: Since there is no Bird’s Eye View (BEV) ground truth available, the ground truth is constructed using concatenated LiDAR point clouds. Each frame of the point cloud is projected onto the 6 images of the nearest frame, where the color and semantic labels of each point are determined by the projected points on the images. Points that do not belong to the road surface elements are removed. For points visible in the overlapping areas of multiple cameras, the color and semantics take the mean and the mode, respectively.

The concatenated dense LiDAR point cloud is rendered as an RGB image and a semantic map under BEV, which is used to evaluate the color and semantics of the reconstruction results. We use Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) to evaluate the image quality and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) to evaluate the accuracy of semantics.

For the evaluation of the reconstructed 3D structure, we use the elevation of the concatenated point cloud. Specifically, for the reconstructed center point, the elevation of the nearest point in the point cloud is queried for a certain radius (0.1m) in the xy-plane as the ground truth to calculate the error. The RMSE of the elevation error is used as the elevation metric.

Implementation Details: Our experiments are run on a Linux server with a RTX-4090. The learning rates for α, (sx,sy), and R are all 1e-4. The learning rate of z is proportional to the scene size, and this ratio is initially 1.6e-4 and eventually decreases to 1.6e-6. The learning rates for color and semantics are 0.008 and 0.1, respectively. The learning rate for the exposure parameter is 0.001. The optimizer is Adam. The loss weights are set as λcolor=1, λsem=0.06, λsmooth=1 and λz=0.5. Epoch is set to 2 and the resolution is 0.05m.

Table 1: Results on the nuScenes dataset.
Method PSNR mIoU(%) elevation(m) time(s)
RoMe 23.51 83.55 0.227 2691.0
Ours w/o LiDAR 23.48 83.50 0.187 169.9 | 15.84×
Ours w/ LiDAR 24.00 88.47 0.133 177.8 | 15.13×

4.3 Performance Comparision

To ensure fairness, we use the ten scenes with semantic provided by RoMe mei2023rome . Eight of these scenes are from two crosses, so we merged these scenes into two larger scenes, Scene-1 and Scene-2. Experiment evaluations are conducted on these two merged scenes as well as on the two individual scenes. As shown in the Table 1, with neither LiDAR, our method performs similarly to RoMe in PSNR and mIoU, and achieves a 17.62% reduction in error in elevation metric. Importantly, our speed has a 15.84× speedup! With the LiDAR point cloud, our method surpasses RoMe by 2.08%, 5.89%, and 41.41% in the PSNR, mIoU, and elevation metrics, respectively, while still maintaining a 15.13× speedup! These benefit from the Gaussian surfels representation and trajectory-base initialization

Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6 are the visualization results of the RGB map, semantic map and elevation maps of Scene-0655, respectively. Due to different reference frames, the ground truth needs to be transformed into the corresponding reference system for rendering. To better observe the differences between the rendered images and the ground truth, error maps are also visualized. For the color and elevation error maps, brighter colors indicate larger errors. For the semantic error map, incorrect pixels are shown in red. These error maps show that our method has smaller errors. Especially when LiDAR point clouds are introduced to supervise elevation, the reconstructed texture results and geometric structure are significantly improved.

4.4 Ablation

When using LiDAR point clouds, even without trajectory-based initialization, the road surface can quickly converge to ground truth value through supervised elevation. We performe ablation experiments without LiDAR point clouds. In order to verify the effect of 2D Gaussian surfel representation, we replace it with 3D Gaussian. In order to verify the effect of the trajectory-based initialization method, we remove trajectory-based initialization by setting all z to 0 and rotation to identity matrix. As shown in Table 2, the experiment results of Scene-0655 demonstrates that the effectiveness of 2D Gaussian representation and trajectory-based initialization method.

Table 2: Ablation study results on the Scene-0655.
2D 3D Init PSNR mIoU(%) elevation(m)
20.88 81.81 0.177
20.41 79.51 0.176
20.03 86.36 0.108
21.70 86.45 0.108

4.5 Limitations

Since establishing the xy-plane requires pose priors, the accuracy of road surface reconstruction often depends on the accuracy of the trajectory. Although optimizing the road color and elevation can balance and fine-tune the reconstruction, this adjustment capacity is limited. Furthermore, due to sparse texture information on the road surface, relying solely on ground color and semantics to optimize elevation often leads to overfitting. This issue is also observed in RoMe. Therefore, introducing point clouds to supervise elevation will improve reconstruction quality. For vehicles not equipped with LiDAR, point clouds obtained from COLMAP Schonberger2016structure can be used as a substitute.

5 Conclusion

We propose a novel method for large-scale road surface reconstruction based on 2D Gaussian, utilizing 2D Gaussian surfel representation to achieve efficient and high-quality road reconstruction. The Gaussian surfels better aligns with the physical characteristics of the road surface. Each Gaussian surfel includes road coordinates, color, semantics, and its size and direction. We introduce a trajectory-based initialization method. Given the prior condition that vehicle trajectories are parallel to the road surface, we initialize the road area using the trajectory range, the Gaussian surfel coordinates using trajectory points, and the Gaussian plane direction using the trajectory curvature. This initialization method fully leverages the relationship between vehicle trajectories and the road surface, which facilitates subsequent optimization of road geometry and texture. Our method has achieved outstanding results in various challenging real-world scenarios. More importantly, we can complete the reconstruction in a very short time. In practice, speed and quality can be balanced. We find that after just one epoch of optimization, our method can achieve excellent reconstruction quality, which means that only half the time is needed.


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Appendix A Appendix / supplemental material

Dataset: NuScenes [42] and KITTI [43] can download the data from the official website. The semantic results we used came from RoMe, which provided the download link. We make the ground truth values from the point cloud and semantic results, which can be generated by running the scripts we provided. We use the ten scenes. Eight of these scenes were merged into two larger scenes, Scene-1 and Scene-2, where Scene-1 and Scene-2 contain scene-0063, scene-0064, scene-0200, scene-0283 and scene-0109, scene-0508, scene-0523, scene-0821 respectively.

Environment: The environment we used to test the speed is a ubuntu20.04 server with RTX4090. We use docker to create a container, where the environment is pytorch11.2 and cuda11.6. The GPU memory required for optimization depends on the scene size. For example, in Scene-0655, the number of Gaussian surfels to be optimized is about 1 million, and the GPU memory consumed is about 2000MB. It is worth noting that since the entire scene is rendered on the BEV at once, the GPU memory increases when rendering the BEV image, which is obvious on the KITTI. We will optimize this part in the future.

Balance of speed and quality: We find that after just one epoch of optimization, our method can achieve excellent reconstruction quality. The results are provided in the supplementary material. This means that only half the time is needed. Below are the results after optimizing for only one epoch on Scene-0655.

Refer to caption
Figure 7: Ground truth for Scene-0856.

More visualizations: We provide visual results for more scenes.

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Figure 8: Ground truth for Scene-0856.
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Figure 9: Results without LiDAR for Scene-0856.
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Figure 10: Results with LiDAR for Scene-0856.
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Figure 11: Ground truth for Scene-2.
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Figure 12: Results without LiDAR for Scene-2.
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Figure 13: Results with LiDAR for Scene-2.
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Figure 14: Ground truth for Scene-1.
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Figure 15: Results without LiDAR for Scene-1.
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Figure 16: Results with LiDAR for Scene-1.