Adam-mini: Use Fewer Learning Rates To Gain More

Yushun Zhang∗12, Congliang Chen∗12, Ziniu Li12, Tian Ding2, &Chenwei Wu3, Yinyu Ye4, Zhi-Quan Luo12, Ruoyu Sun†12
1The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
2Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data
3 Duke University
4 Stanford University

We propose Adam-mini, an optimizer that achieves on-par or better performance than AdamW with 45% to 50% less memory footprint. Adam-mini reduces memory by cutting down the learning rate resources in Adam (i.e., 1/v). We find that 90% of these learning rates in v could be harmlessly removed if we (1) carefully partition the parameters into blocks following our proposed principle on Hessian structure; (2) assign a single but good learning rate to each parameter block. We further find that, for each of these parameter blocks, there exists a single high-quality learning rate that can outperform Adam, provided that sufficient resources are available to search it out. We then provide one cost-effective way to find good learning rates and propose Adam-mini. Empirically, we verify that Adam-mini performs on par or better than AdamW on various language models sized from 125M to 7B for pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, and RLHF. The reduced memory footprint of Adam-mini also alleviates communication overheads among GPUs, thereby increasing throughput. For instance, Adam-mini achieves 49.6% higher throughput than AdamW when pre-training Llama2-7B on 2× A800-80GB GPUs, which saves 33% wall-clock time for pre-training 111Our implementation of Adam-mini is available at

: Equal contribution. : Correspondence author.

1 Introduction

Adam(W) [25, 33] has become the de-facto optimizer for training large language models (LLMs) (e.g., [61, 2, 60, 58]). Despite its superior performance, Adam is expensive to use. Specifically, Adam requires the memory for its optimizer states: the first-order momentum m, and the second-order momentum v. These in total take at least 2× the memory of the model size222We restate the update rules of Adam and AdamW in Appendix A.. This memory consumption has become a major burden in LLM training. For instance, to train a 7B model, Adam alone requires about 56 GB per card for m and v, and with the gradients included, a total of 86 GB is needed. This is expensive even for cutting-edge graphics cards (e.g., A100-80GB). To support the high-memory algorithm, CPU-offload and sharding [49] must be used in practice, which unfortunately increases the latency and slows down the training [50]. The situation further deteriorates when training larger models like PaLM with 540B parameters [7]. In this case, Adam alone occupies more than 50 GPUs and becomes a major overhead for pre-training.

It is intriguing to design effective optimizers that require less memory. First, the reduction in memory can ease the burden of CPU offloading and alleviate the need to shard model parameters. Both of these reduce the communication among GPUs and CPUs, which in turn, can enhance the throughput and accelerate the training process. Second, it allows practitioners to use fewer GPUs to train a model with a desired size, leading to substantial savings in both cost and energy. Third, it lowers the threshold of training LLMs and encourages participation from more researchers with limited GPU resources.

It is challenging to modify Adam without sacrificing its performance. One primary reason is that we still lack understanding of the role of Adam’s m and v [72, 27]. It remains uncertain which components in Adam are indispensable for superior performance, and conversely, which components could be re-designed or improved. One notable attempt is Adafactor [56], which cuts down memory by low-rank factorization on v. However, Adafactor is widely reported to suffer degenerated performance in LLM training (e.g. [35]). One possible reason is that the current v in Adam is crucial for effectiveness and cannot be reduced without compromising performance. This is possible as most existing Adam variants that attempt to modify v to varying extents have been reported to perform worse than Adam [40]. Another possible reason is that there is potential to cut down v, but Adafactor did not use the most suitable way: matrix factorization is a generic approach that could be applied broadly, but it does not leverage much problem-specific structure, thus it does not work well on specific neural-net tasks.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: An illustration of Adam-mini. Adam-mini assigns learning rates (lrs) by Hessian structure. It uses more lrs than SGD but fewer than Adam.

In this work, we find it is possible to significantly reduce the usage of v. Currently, Adam’s v assigns an individual learning rate for each parameter, i.e., i-th parameter receives learning rate ηvi, where vi is the i-th component of v. For a billion-sized model, Adam designs billions of learning rates. We argue that it is possible to achieve on-par or better performance with much fewer learning rate resources. We notice that Transformer’s Hessian has a near-block-diagonal structure consisting of different sizes of dense sub-blocks. We find that, for each of these dense sub-blocks, there exists a single high-quality learning rate that outperforms Adam, provided that we have enough resources to search it out. Since the number of dense sub-blocks is much fewer than the number of parameters, our findings imply that it is possible to achieve good performance with much fewer learning rates. The remaining question is how to find them efficiently.

We then propose a cheap and simple way to find good learning rates that are sufficient to perform on-par or better than Adam. We introduce the proposed design principle here: we first partition the gradient vector into B sub-vectors according to the dense Hessian sub-blocks, and call it gb for b=[B]. For each gb, we calculate the quantity below.


We then use η/vb as the learning rate for the parameters associated with gb. We call the corresponding method Adam-mini. We provide a simple illustration in Figure 3 and relegate the complete form later in Algorithm 1. As a result, Adam-mini changes almost all Adam’s v to a handful of scalars and thus significantly reduce the memory cost. We summarize our main contribution as follows.

  • New optimizer. We propose a new optimizer called Adam-mini. First, Adam-mini partitions the model parameters based on the principle we established upon the Hessian structure. Then, it chooses a single learning rate for each block using the average of Adam’s v in that block. Adam-mini has the following advantages.

    • Lightweightness: By design, Adam-mini largely reduces the number of learning rates used in Adam. For mainstream LLMs, Adam-mini could cut down 90% proportion of Adam’s v, which saves 45% to 50% of the memory cost of Adam.

    • Effectiveness: Despite the memory cut down, we empirically verify that Adam-mini performs on par or even better than AdamW on various language models sized from 125M to 7B, including pre-training, supervised fine-tuning (SFT), and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Adam-mini also achieves better performance on non-LLM tasks such as training diffusion models, vision models, and graph neural networks.

    • Efficiency: Adam-mini can reach higher throughput than AdamW. We observe that Adam-mini reaches 49.6% higher throughput of AdamW when pre-training Llama2-7B on 2× A800-80GB, which saves 33.1% wall-clock time for pre-training. The efficiency comes from two factors. First, Adam-mini does not introduce extra computation in per-step updates. Second, the memory cut-down allows larger batch sizes per GPU, and at the same time, it eases the burden of communication among GPUs, which is usually a major overhead.

  • Partition principle. A key component in Adam-mini is the strategy for parameter partition. We propose to partition parameters based on the smallest dense sub-block in Hessian. This principle can apply to generic problems: for problems with block diagonal structure, we find that more learning rates do not necessarily bring extra gain. In particular, for the problem associated with each dense sub-block, a single (but good) learning rate suffices to bring better performance.

  • Hessian structure of Transformers. We empirically apply the above principle to Transformers. We find that Transformer Hessian’s smallest dense blocks are: Query and Key (by heads); Value and Projection (as a whole); and MLP (by layer). We emphasize that our Hessian-based partition principle is crucial for good performance. In contrast, naive or default partitions would oversimplify the problem and cause training instability on LLMs.

2 Method

2.1 Motivations and Observations

Now we discuss our observations that motivate the design of Adam-mini. We start by investigating the role of Adam’s v and explore possibilities for improvement. In Adam, v provides an individual learning rate for each parameter, i.e.,i-th parameter receives the learning rate ηvi, where vi is the i-th component of v. Recently, Zhang et al. [74] pointed out that such design is crucial because Transformers need different learning rates for different blocks. They provide two pieces of evidence: First, the Hessian of Transformers and various neural nets are near-block-diagonal (restated in Figure LABEL:fig:block_diagonal). Second, for Transformers, each block has a dramatically different eigenvalue distribution (restated in Appendix A.2). Combining together, Transformers need different learning rates for different blocks to handle the eigenvalue heterogeneity. This could be provided by Adam’s v.

The findings in [74] suggest that it is necessary to use a different learning rate for each block. Nonetheless, Adam does much more than that: it assigns an individual learning rate not just for each block, but for each parameter. Note that the number of parameters (could be billions) is much larger than the number of blocks (usually hundreds). This begs the question:

Is it necessary to use an individual learning rate for each parameter? If not, how much can we save?

We first explore this question on generic optimization problems and then discuss Transformers. Following the findings in Figure LABEL:fig:block_diagonal, we conduct a case study on random quadratic minimization problem with block-diagonal Hessian. We visualize the Hessian in Figure LABEL:fig:random_quadratic (a) and relegate the detailed setup in Appendix B.2. We conduct the coordinate-wise learning-rate method, i.e., Adam, and the single-learning-rate method, i.e., gradient descent (GD). We choose quadratic minimization because the optimal learning rate has a close form. We have the following findings.

  • (1): as shown in Figure LABEL:fig:random_quadratic (a) and (b), Adam outperforms the optimal single-learning-rate method. This is expected since Adam deploys different learning rates to different parameters.

  • (2): as shown in Figure LABEL:fig:random_quadratic (c) and (d), we consider a new problem whose Hessian is a dense sub-block of (a). We consider the optimal single learning-rate method for this new problem and find it outperforms Adam, even though Adam assigns much more learning rates. Similar phenomena apply to all the three sub-blocks of (a).

  • (3): If we collect these optimal learning rates in (2) and apply them to a “blockwise" version of GD, it would be faster than Adam on the original problem (the green line in Figure LABEL:fig:random_quadratic (b)).

In summary, for generic problems with block-diagonal Hessian, more learning rates do not necessarily bring extra gain. In particular, for each dense sub-block, a single (but good) learning rate suffices to bring better performance than using tens or hundreds more. Why would this happen? One possible explanation is the following. Adam can be viewed as a diagonal preconditioned method, but it may not be a good preconditioner and thus cannot effectively reduce the condition number of the dense sub-matrix [15, 69, 57].

We also observe similar phenomena in Transformers. We consider a 4-layer Transformer in the codebase333 Under the default partition by PyTorch, We randomly choose one parameter block as the “left-out" block and change the coordinate-wise learning rate to a single-learning rate counter-part. We use Adam for the rest of the blocks. We grid-search the learning rate for the left-out block and apply the cosine decay schedule. We report the best result and call this method “Adam (leave-one-out)". Figure LABEL:fig:leave_one_out shows that Adam (leave-one-out) can achieve similar or better performance than Adam for all randomly picked left-out blocks. A similar phenomenon is also observed when we randomly leave out up to three blocks and search three learning rates. We cannot afford to leave more blocks out since the cost of grid search grows exponentially.

To summarize all the phenomena above, we find that: for Transformers, it is possible to reach similar or better performance with much fewer learning rates than Adam. The remaining issue is how to find them without grid-search. Following this finding, in the next part, we propose a simple and cost-effective method called Adam-mini, which could bring comparable or even better performance than Adam, but with 90% to 99% fewer learning rates.

2.2 Proposed Method: Adam-mini

Based on the discussion above, we propose Adam-mini in Algorithm 1. Adam-mini aims to cut down the learning rate resources in Adam without laboriously grid-searching the learning rates as in Section 2.1. Adam-mini consists of two steps. Step 1 is only required at the initialization.

Step 1-1. We partition the model parameters into blocks. For Transformers, we use Algorithm 2: “Partition for Transformers", which partitions all Querys and Keys by heads and uses the default PyTorch partition for the rest. For other networks, we use the default PyTorch partition, and we call it Algorithm 3: “Partition for non-Transformers". We discuss its design principle later in Section 2.3.

Step 1-2. We choose embd_blocks using Algorithm 4. For Transformers, it includes the embedding layer and output layer. For other networks, no parameters will be chosen.

Step 2. For each parameter block that is outside the embd_blocks, we use a single learning rate. To efficiently choose a suitable learning rate in each block, Adam-mini simply replaces gg in vanilla Adam by its mean value. We adopt the moving average on these mean values as in Adam.

A simple example. We use a simple example to illustrate the key design of Adam-mini. For a problem with 5 parameters w5, Adam and Adam-mini both perform w=wum, where m is the 1st-order momentum and u has different forms as follows:

  • For Adam: uAdam=(ηv1,ηv2,ηv3,ηv4,ηv5).

  • For Adam-mini: suppose the partition is (1,2,3) and (4,5) then


Note that the number of effective elements umini equals the number of blocks, which could be significantly smaller than that of uAdam, which equals the number of parameters. For LLMs, we will show that this would free 90% elements in v.

Remark on the “embd_blocks". For Transformers, “embd_blocks" refer to the embedding layer and output layer. Here, we explain why Step 2 does not apply to these blocks. This is because these blocks do not reconcile with the average operation in Step 2: By design of the embedding layer, many rows will be zero if the tokens corresponding to these rows do not appear in the current data minibatch. In other words, the only non-zero row is the row that represents the current input word [47]. As such, taking an average over the entire embedding layer will absorb a significant amount of zeros, which leads to highly biased learning rates. A similar argument also applies to the output layer. In Figure LABEL:fig:gpt2 (a), we show that removing the embd_blocks causes training instability (see the curve labeled as “Adam-mini (embd_blocks_removed)").

2.3 Principle for the Partition Strategy

We now discuss how to choose the parameter partition for Adam-mini. Based on the analysis in Section 2.1, a general principle is shown in Principle 1 below. Building upon this principle, we now present the corresponding partitioning strategy in the context of neural networks.

Principle 1: We should partition parameters into blocks, such that each parameter block is associated with the smallest dense sub-blocks in Hessian.

Based on the block-diagonal structure reported in the literature (Figure LABEL:fig:block_diagonal), the default partition in PyTorch would be a reasonable candidate. In Section 3, we will show that this partition indeed works well widely on non-Transformer tasks such as ResNet, diffusion model, and graph models. We show this strategy in Algorithm 3: “Partition for non-Transformers".

Algorithm 1 Adam-mini in Pytorch style
1: Input weight-decay coefficient λ and current step t
2: Choose param_blocks from Algorithm 2 or 3
3: Choose embd_blocks from Algorithm 4
4: for name, param in param_blocks do
5: g = param.grad
6: param = param - ηtλ param
7: m=(1β1)g+β1m
8: m^=m1β1t
9: if param in embd_blocks then
10: v=(1β2)gg+β2v
11: else
12: v=(1β2)mean(gg)+β2v
13: end if
14: v^=v1β2t
15: param = param - ηt * m^v^+ϵ
16: end for
Algorithm 2 Partition for Transformers
1: param_blocks = {}
2: for name, param in parameters do
3: if name is Query or Key then
4: Partition param by heads as param[0..heads-1]
5: for i = 0...heads-1 do
6: param_blocks[name+i]=param[i]
7: end for
8: else
9: param_blocks[name]=param
10: end if
11: end for
12: return param_blocks
Algorithm 3 Partition for non-Transformers
1: param_blocks = {}
2: for name, param in parameters do
3: param_blocks[name]=param
4: end for
5: return param_blocks
Algorithm 4 Get_embd_blocks
1: if Transformer then
2: return [Embedding layer, Output layer]
3: else
4: return []
5: end if

Unfortunately, we find that the default PyTorch partition does not always work well on Transformers. In particular, we find that Adam-mini encounters training instability on 1B models (see Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot (d)). We suspect this is because the default PyTorch partition did not fully capture the Hessian structure. To find out, we explore the Hessian of a 4-layer Transformer as in Figure LABEL:fig:leave_one_out. Under the default PyTorch partition, we compute the exact Hessian at initialization for each parameter block (or equivalently, the principal sub-blocks in the whole Hessian). We report some representatives in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot and relegate the others in Appendix A. We find there are two classes of Hessian sub-blocks.

  • Class 1: Similar to the whole Hessian, the Hessian sub-block itself further has a block-diagonal structure and consists of smaller dense matrices. This class includes Query and Key. We empirically find that the number of small dense sub-blocks equals the number of heads in multi-head attention.

  • Class 2: The Hessian sub-blocks have dense structures and cannot be further partitioned into smaller ones. This class includes Value, attention projection, and MLP layers. Note that the Hessian structure of Value is different from that of Query and Key, although they all consist of four heads. This is probably because Value is positioned outside the softmax operator in the self-attention design, while Query and Key are not.

Based on above findings, we see that the default Pytorch partition is indeed not the best fit for Transformers: Querys and Keys can be further partitioned into different blocks by head. By Principle 1, different heads should belong to different blocks. Intuitively, different heads play a different role in understanding tokens, thus it seems reasonable that they require distinct learning rates.

We then introduce the resulting Algorithm 2: “Partition for Transformers", which partitions Querys and Keys by heads. This procedure follows the principle based on the smallest Hessian sub-blocks. As shown in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot (d). This strategy indeed stabilizes the training and boosts the performance.

2.4 Some Characteristics of Adam-mini

Memory cut down. By design, for Transformers, Adam-mini reduces the number of learning rates from the number of total parameters to the sum of the size of the embedding layer, the size of the output layer, and the number of blocks in other layers according to our procedure to partition Transformers. Thus, the proportion of reduced memory depends on the fraction of non-embedding parameters in the model. On Llama2-7B, this fraction is 96.2%. For mainstreamed LLMs, this fraction is usually 90% (see a summary in Table 5 in Appendix A). Note that this fraction monotonically approaches 100% as more and more layers are stacked into the architecture, e.g., for Llama3-70B, this proportion is 99.25%. In summary, Adam-mini can cut down more than 90% of v, which saves up to 45% to 50% of Adam’s memory.

Table 1: Memory cost of AdamW v.s. Adam-mini on Llama2-7B. Calculation is based on float32.
Model Optimizer Memory (GB)
GPT2-1.5B AdamW 12.48
GPT2-1.5B Adam-mini 6.56 (47.4%)
TinyLlama-1B AdamW 8.80
TinyLlama-1B Adam-mini 4.92 (44.10%)
Llama2-7B AdamW 53.92
Llama2-7B Adam-mini 28.04 (48.04%)
Table 2: Throughput () test on 2× A800-80GB GPUs for Llama2-7B pre-training. ✗means out of memory.
Optimizer Micro_bs Total_bs Throughput ()
Adam-mini 4 256 5572.19 (49.6%)
AdamW 2 256
AdamW 1 256 3725.59

Higher throughput. Adam-mini can reach a higher throughput than AdamW, especially under limited hardware resources. There are two reasons. First, Adam-mini does not introduce extra computation in its update rules. The averaging operation in Algorithm 1 incurs negligible cost. Additionally, Adam-mini significantly reduces the number of tensor-square-root and tensor-division operations in AdamW. Second, thanks to the memory cut-down, Adam-mini can support larger batch sizes per GPU, and at the same time, it reduces the communication among GPUs, which is known to be a major overhead [50].

Owing to these properties, Adam-mini could reduce the overall time for pre-training. We provide evidence in Table 2. Here, Micro_bs and Total_bs denote per-device and total batch size. When pre-training Llama2-7B on 2× A800-80GB GPUs, we find Adam-mini could reach 49.6% higher throughput than AdamW. Recall that throughput refers to # processed tokens per second, so Adam-mini could save 33.1% time on processing the same amount of tokens for pre-training.

Has room to improve. Adam-mini designs the learning rate for each dense Hessian sub-block using the average of Adam’s v in that block. Such a design achieves cheap computation, but it might not be optimal. Fortunately, the current design is sufficient to achieve the same or marginally better performance than Adam with much less memory. We believe there is great room to improve the learning rate design, yet it requires more fine-grained analysis of each dense Hessian sub-block. We leave it as an important future direction.

Some orthogonal combinations. The idea of Adam-mini can be orthogonally combined with various existing methods. We provide a few examples here and relegate more discussions in Section 4.

  • 1.

    GaLore [75] is a new memory-efficient optimizer for LLMs. Given a gradient matrix g, GaLore calculates a low-rank gradient estimator g^ and then calculates m and v based on this g^. Adam-mini can potentially be combined with GaLore to reach further memory reduction on v. The combined method, e.g., “GaLore-mini", can further reduce about 40% memory on GaLore and about 81% on AdamW in total.444These results are calculated based on [75, Table 1]. We consider Llama2-7B and r=1024 in GaLore. Additionally, GaLore-mini can ease the offload burden and enhance the throughput of GaLore, especially when training on customer-level GPUs with limited memory.

  • 2.

    Sophia [31] is another recent diagonal preconditioned optimizer. Just as Adam, Sophia requires memory for m and v. It is possible to combine Adam-mini and Sophia to get “Sophia-mini", which saves up to 50% of memory in Sophia. Sophia-mini can also enhance throughput and further speed up Sophia on wall-clock time as in Table 2.

3 Experiments

We now verify the efficacy of Adam-mini. We primarily focus on LLM tasks, including pre-training, supervised fine-tuning (SFT), and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). We will also evaluate Adam-mini on non-LLM tasks. All LLM experiments are conducted on four NVIDIA A800-80GB GPUs and the rest are conducted on four V100 GPUs. All the experimental details are explained in Appendix B.1.

3.1 Pre-training

Setups. We pre-train open-sourced LLMs including GPT2 series and Llama series. We train these models on mainstream English Corpus from scratch. In particular, We train GPT2 [48] series on Openwebtext [18]. We train TinyLlama-1B, Llama2-7B [60] on CommonCrawl 555 We train models with 2B, 3B, and 25B tokens (as recommended by Chinchilla’s law [22]). We choose model configurations (e.g. context length) by their standard protocols. We compare Adam-mini with AdamW as well as popular memory-efficient methods including Adafactor [56], CAME [35], and SM3[4]. For Adafactor and SM3, we incorporate momentum with β1=0.9 to ensure a fair comparison with other methods. We tune the learning rate for all methods within the same budget and report the best performance.

Llama series. Figure LABEL:fig:tinyllama (a) shows the validation loss curve for pre-training TinyLlama-1B. The training curve for Llama2-7B is presented in Figure LABEL:fig:intro (c) in Section 1. For both TinyLlama-1B and Llama2-7B, we find Adam-mini performs on par with AdamW with less memory.

GPT2 series. Figure LABEL:fig:tinyllama (b) shows the validation loss curve for GPT2-125M and Figure LABEL:fig:gpt2 shows the validation loss curve for GPT2 sized from 330M to 1.5B. We find that Adam-mini matches the good performance of AdamW with less memory, while other methods perform worse. In Figure LABEL:fig:tinyllama (b), we further consider Adam-mini (embd_blocks_removed), which sets the embd_blocks =. That is, we use one single learning rate for the whole embedding (output) layer. We find that Adam-mini (embd_blocks_removed) performs poorly, as expected from the analysis in Section 2.1. We stop the trial since it shows clear unstable behavior.

Sensitivity analysis. On GPT2-125M pre-training task, we test the sensitivity of Adam-mini to hyperparameters. We report the validation loss after training with 2.5B tokens. As shown in Figure LABEL:fig:tinyllama, Adam-mini seems not sensitive to hyperparameters.

3.2 Supervised Fine-tuning and RLHF

In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of Adam-mini for downstream fine-tuning tasks. Specifically, we consider two representative tasks: supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). We use the Llama2-7b pretrained model (released by Meta [60]) for our study. We use the ultrafeedback dataset666 and implement the RLHF workflow from [41]. Specifically, we train an SFT model with 40% of the chosen data and train a reward model using the remaining 60%. Then, we apply the reinforcement learning algorithm ReMax [29], a memory-efficient alternative to PPO [55], to optimize the preference reward.

We evaluate the alignment performance in terms of chat ability using the MT-Bench [76], where GPT-4 assesses multi-turn chatting capabilities and assigns a score from 0 to 10 (higher is better). Our results, presented in Table 3, demonstrate that Adam-mini can outperform AdamW, even though Adam-mini uses a single learning rate and is more memory-efficient.

Table 3: GPT-4 evaluation score () of SFT and RLHF on the MT-Bench [76].
AdamW Adam-mini AdamW Adam-mini AdamW Adam-mini
MT-Bench 4.23 4.41 5.37 5.40 5.54 5.68

3.3 Non-LLM Tasks

We now evaluate Adam-mini on non-LLM tasks. Table 4 shows the results for training ResNet18 on ImagNet; Diffusion model on CelebA; Graph Convolution Net (GCN), Graph Attention Net (GAT) on OGB-arxiv. We find that Adam-mini reaches comparable or better performance than AdamW, but with less memory.

Table 4: On popular non-LLM tasks, Adam-mini performs on par or better than AdamW.
Domain Model Optimizer Metric 25% steps 50% steps 75% steps 100% steps
Vision ResNet18 AdamW Test acc () 0.6149 0.6478 0.6613 0.6669
Vision ResNet18 Adam-mini Test acc () 0.6140 0.6501 0.6629 0.6667
Vision Diffusion model AdamW Train loss () 0.0529 0.0497 0.0420 0.0394
Vision Diffusion model Adam-mini Train loss () 0.0525 0.0495 0.0416 0.0388
Graph GAT AdamW Val acc() 0.7277 0.7367 0.7399 0.7421
Graph GAT Adam-mini Val acc () 0.7378 0.7394 0.7403 0.7429
Graph GCN AdamW Val acc () 0.7347 0.7428 0.7379 0.7374
Graph GCN Adam-mini Val acc () 0.7406 0.7427 0.7380 0.7423

4 Related works

Understanding of Adam. There is an active line of works trying to understand why Adam works well [71, 64, 73, 63, 42, 24, 27, 74, 3]. In contrast to these works, we point out that Adam’s v might not function at its full potential as effectively as we expected: sometimes fewer learning rates can reach the same or better results (due to the dense Hessian sub-blocks). Our findings might motivate stronger optimizers that better fit the neural-net Hessian structure.

On the Hessian of Neural Nets. Hessian matrix is crucial for the behaviors of gradient methods. There are several important attempts to study the Hessian of MLPs and CNNs [8, 51, 39, 52, 53, 5, 45, 64, 30, 43, 44, 54, 19, 66, 70, 16, 67, 11]. Inspired by these works, we explore the Hessian structure of Transformers and connect it to the behaviors of Adam. We then find room to improve and propose to slim down Adam into Adam-mini.

Lightweight optimizers for general tasks. There are several attempts to reduce the memory cost of Adam. Adafactor [56] and its variant CAME [35] conduct nonnegative low-rank factorization over Adam’s v. SM3 [4] is a lightweight version of AdaGrad [14]. SM3 chooses the learning rate of the i-th parameter by taking the minimal value in a certain candidate set, and each element in the candidate set is related to the maximal squared gradient under a predetermined cover. All these aforementioned methods could release almost all memory for v and save about 48% of Adam’s memory. However, we find that their performance degenerate in various experiments, while Adam-mini maintains as effective as AdamW (Figure LABEL:fig:tinyllama).

After completing this work, we noticed two methods that share some of the ideas of Adam-mini: BAGM [77] and NovoGrad [17]. Both of them use block-wise or layer-wise adaptive learning rates to achieve robust performance and better generalization. We summarize their key differences with Adam-mini. BAGM partitions parameters to reach minimal-norm solutions and achieve provable robustness. Based on their theory, the resulting strategy is that: (I) they used the default PyTorch partition; (II) they did not introduce embd_blocks. Although these partition designs may have benefits on robustness, they overlook the Hessian structure and oversimplify the training problem (as we discussed in Section 2.2 and 2.3). As a result, these designs will lead to training instability in large-scale experiments. This is evident in our failed preliminary versions of Adam-mini in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot (d) and LABEL:fig:tinyllama (b). As for NovoGrad, it uses layer-wise learning rate design, which is coarser than the blockwise design in BAGM and thus would share similar drawbacks to BAGM. Further, NovoGrad introduces a different design to 1st-order momentum: instead of performing weighted-sum on the past gradients, it performs weighted-sum on “the current gradient divided by the 2nd-order momentum". Such design is largely different from AdamW and Adam-mini. It seems unclear whether such design can work on large-scale tasks like LLMs.

In summary, these two methods have different designs and their partition strategies oversimplify the training problems. Consequently, they would cause training instability on large-scale experiments as evident in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot (d) and LABEL:fig:tinyllama (b). In contrast, Adam-mini carefully assigns learning rates following our proposed principle on Hessian structures. Such design principle is crucial for training stability and it works well on various LLMs including 7B models.

Other orthogonal methods. The idea of Adam-mini can be orthogonally combined with various existing approaches to gain more merits. In Section 2.4, we already discussed the possible benefit of combining Adam-mini with GaLore [75] and Sophia [31]. We list more potential combinations here. LoRA [23] is a memory-efficient method for SFT tasks. This method fine-tunes the model via additive low-rank adaptors and uses Adam to update these adaptors. Note that the Adam steps in LoRA can be replaced by Adam-mini. As a result, Adam-mini brings better performance (Figure LABEL:fig:sft). In parallel to our work, BAdam [34] conducts SFT in a block-coordinate-descent (BCD) fashion. This method requires repeated Adam steps to solve the sub-problem in BCD. Similarly as in LoRA, the Adam steps in BAdam can be replaced by Adam-mini to further reduce memory. Nero optimizer [32] also cuts down the memory of Adam. It removes the 1st-order momentum and uses a neuron-specific projected gradient-style update. According to [32], their design imposes constraints on weight matrices and has the advantage of “balanced excitation and inhibition". Such design can potentially be combined with Adam-mini to further boost performance. To save the memory cost for fine-tuning LLMs, MeZO [38] uses zeroth-order methods to approximate the gradient information. It is possible to combine this idea with Adam-mini to further save memory for SFT. Adam-mini can also potentially be combined with other diagonal preconditioned methods such as AdaGrad[14] and Adan[65].

There are several other tricks that ease GPU memory burden but are orthogonal to optimizer design. These tricks include gradient checkpointing [6], model offloading and sharding [49, 50], quantization [13, 28], and fused update [36, 37]. Adam-mini can be implemented upon these tricks.

Finally, we discuss another popular adaptive optimizer called LAMB [68] (see Algorithm 7 in Appendix A.1). LAMB might be misunderstood as a similar optimizer to Adam-mini, but actually, it is not. We emphasize that Adam-mini is significantly different from LAMB. First, LAMB still keeps the same coordinate-wise learning-rate design 1/v as in Adam. Second, in addition to this 1/v, LAMB further re-scales the parameters in a layer-by-layer fashion. This re-scaling design is often known as the “layer-wise learning rates", but to be precise, it is actually an additional “layer-wise scaling" besides the “coordinate-wise learning rates 1/v". As a result, LAMB does not save memory over Adam and its overall design is quite different from Adam-mini. This is understandable because LAMB was designed for large-batch training, not for memory saving. Numerically, we find that LAMB performs worse than Adam-mini on GPT2 pre-training (Figure LABEL:fig:tinyllama (b)).

5 Concluding Remarks

We proposed Adam-mini, an optimizer that saves 45% to 50% memory of Adam. We remark that there is great room to improve the design of Adam-mini: currently Adam-mini uses a simple and cost-effective way to design a learning rate for each dense Hessian sub-block, but it might not be an optimal way. We leave the development of stronger designs as a future direction.


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Broader Impacts

We propose a new method for training AI models. Our method can help save energy for large AI model training. However, it would be a potential threat if the AI models are used for illegal usage.

Appendix A More Results

A.1 Preliminaries on Adam, AdamW and LAMB

We introduce Adam, AdamW, and LAMB in Algorithm 5, 6, and 7. These methods need to track m and v along the training. Both m and v are vectors of the same size as # model parameter.

Algorithm 5 Adam in Pytorch style
1: Let λ be the weight decay coefficient
2: for param in parameter_blocks do
3: g = param.grad
4: if λ>0 then
5: g=g+λparam
6: end if
7: param = param - ηtλ g
8: m=(1β1)g+β1m
9: m^=m1β1t
10: v=(1β2)gg+β2v
11: v^=v1β2t
12: param = param - ηt * m^v^+ϵ
13: end for
Algorithm 6 AdamW in Pytorch style
1: Let λ be the weight decay coefficient
2: for param in parameter_blocks do
3: g = param.grad
4: param = param - ηtλ g
5: m=(1β1)g+β1m
6: m^=m1β1t
7: v=(1β2)gg+β2v
8: v^=v1β2t
9: param = param - ηt * m^v^+ϵ
10: end for
Algorithm 7 LAMB in Pytorch style
1: Let λ be the weight decay coefficient, let ϕ be a scaling function.
2: for param in all_layers do
3: g = param.grad
4: param = param - ηtλ g
5: m=(1β1)g+β1m
6: m^=m1β1t
7: v=(1β2)gg+β2v
8: v^=v1β2t
9: r=m^v^+ϵ
10: param = param - ηt * ϕ(param)r+λparam * r
11: end for

A.2 Preliminary results in [74]

We here restate [74, Figure 3]. This figure shows that: for Transformers, different parameter blocks have different Hessian eigenvalue distributions, while for CNNs, the eigenvalue distributions are similar among blocks. This suggests that Transformers need different learning rates for different blocks to handle the heterogeneity in eigenvalue distributions.

A.3 More Hessian sub-blocks in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot

In Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot, we present the Hessian of Query, Key, Value and MLP_proj in the 2nd layer. We now comprehensively provide Hessian in all attention and MLP blocks in all layers in the 4-layer Transformer used in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot. We plot the Hessian at initialization. Experimental details can be seen in Appendix B.2. As we can see below, almost all these Hessian sub-blocks belong to either Class 1 or Class 2. The only exception is the MLP_fc block in the 4th layer, which shows a diagonal pattern.

This begs the question: does Adam significantly outperforms single-learning-rate methods on this diagonal block? We find the answer is still no. This is because the Hessian eigenvalues in this block is concentrated. We provide evidence in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_mlp_fc. This suggests that the optimization problem in this block is well-conditioned and single-learning-rate methods can work well. As shown in Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_mlp_fc, optimal single-learning-rate still significantly outperforms Adam, similarly as what happens in other dense blocks. Another evidence lies in Figure LABEL:fig:leave_one_out (d): when the MLP_fc block in the 4th layer is chosen as the left-out block, Adam (leave-one-out) achieves 0.1416 lower loss than Adam.

A.4 Embedding Proportion in LLMs

Table 5 shows the proportion of the embedding & output parameters in mainstream LLMs including GPT2 [48], Llama series [60], Phi-3 [1], and Gemma [59]. We find that the embedding & output layer takes a fairly small proportion of the total parameters, usually 10%.

Table 5: Proportion of the embedding & output parameters in mainstream LLMs. Note that GPT2 and Gemma use weight-tying, so the parameters for the embedding & output layers are shared. We find that the embedding & output layer usually takes 10% of total parameters.
Model Vocabulary size Embedding dimension # Parameters for the
embedding & output layer
# Total parameters Proportion
GPT2-1.5B 50304 1600 50304 * 1600 1.5B 5.17%
TinyLlama-1B 32000 2048 32000*2048*2 1.1B 11.80%
Llama2-7B 32000 4096 32000*4096*2 6.7B 3.80%
Llama2-13B 32000 4096 32000*4096*2 13B 2.02%
Llama2-33B 32000 4096 32000*4096*2 33B 0.79%
Llama2-65B 32000 4096 32000*4096*2 65B 0.40%
Llama3-8B 128256 4096 128256*4096*2 8B 13%
Llama3-70B 128256 4096 128256*4096*2 70B 0.15%
Phi-3 32064 3072 32064*3072*2 3.8B 5.18%
Gemma-7B 256128 3072 256128*3072 8.5B 9.83%

A.5 Further Comparison with Popular Memory-Efficient Optimizers

Similar trajectory to AdamW.

As a bonus finding, Adam-mini could generate similar trajectories to that of AdamW, while other popular memory-efficient methods cannot. We train a 6-layer Transformer sized 11M on Openwebtext and launch AdamW, Adam-mini, and other memory-efficient optimizers under the same random seed and same learning rate 1e-5. We save the model weights for every 250 iterations and compare their Euclidean distance to the weights along AdamW’s trajectory. As shown in Figure 16, the model weights obtained by Adam-mini is close to those by AdamW throughout training. In contrast, other optimizers deviate from AdamW. This is because Adam-mini makes fewer modifications over AdamW than other methods.

Refer to caption
Figure 16: On a 6-layer Transformer, we compare the model checkpoints along the trajectory of different methods. We find the model weights obtained by Adam-mini is close to those by AdamW throughout training.

A.6 Sample Responses from LLMs trained by Adam-mini

The sample response in shown in Figure 17.

Prompt: Compose an engaging travel blog post about a recent trip to Hawaii, highlighting cultural experiences and must-see attractions.
AdamW: Sure! Here’s a travel blog post about a recent trip to Hawaii: …… Whether you’re interested in history, nature, or simply soaking up the sun, Hawaii has something for everyone. Until next time, Aloha!
Adam-mini: Sure! Here’s a travel blog post about a recent trip to Hawaii: …… I highly recommend visiting this beautiful archipelago for a truly unforgettable adventure.
Prompt: Rewrite your previous response. Start every sentence with the letter A.
AdamW: A trip to Hawaii is a must-visit destination for any traveler, offering a variety of cultural experiences and must-see attractions. From the Polynesian Cultural Center to the USS Arizona Memorial, and from Lanikai Beach to the lively night markets, every corner of the islands reveals a new surprise and a new way to connect with the spirit of Hawaii.
Adam-mini: A trip to Hawaii is a must-do for any travel enthusiast. A trip to the beautiful Hawaiian Islands is a paradise on earth. A visit to Oahu is a great way to start your adventure. A helicopter tour of the island is both educational and breathtaking. A visit to Maui is a must-see. A visit to Haleakala National Park is a highlight of your trip. A visit to the Polynesian Cultural Center is a great way to learn about the history and traditions of the islands. A traditional luau is a must-attend event. Overall, a trip to Hawaii is an unforgettable experience.
Figure 17: Response Sample of Llama2-7B finedtuned by AdamW and Adam-mini to the #81 test question from the MT-Bench [76] dataset. Since there is little information in the first round response, we omit the answers from the models.

Appendix B More Experimental Details

B.1 Training configurations for Section 3

For all experiments, we choose the model configurations (e.g. context length) by their standard protocols. We choose the learning rates by the recommendation from open-source platforms if applicable. For instance, for GPT2 series, we use the recommended learning rates by [31], which are reported to be optimal by grid search. Unless mentioned otherwise, Adam-mini, Adafactor, SM3, and LAMB use the same learning rate as the recommended ones of AdamW. We choose the learning rate of CAME following the suggestions from the authors 777 If there is no public recommended learning rate for AdamW, we tune the learning rate for all optimizers within the same computational budget and report the best performance. For other hyperparameters, we follow the recommendation from open-source platforms or by their default setting. For SM3 and Adafactor, we incorporate momentum with β1=0.9 to offer a fair comparison with other optimizers and the rest of the hyperparameters are set as default. The detailed configurations are explained as follows.

GPT2 pre-training.

We use the nanoGPT codebase 888 to train GPT2 sized 125M (small), 330M (medium), 770M (large), and 1.5B (XL) on Openwebtext. For all models, we use context length = 1024, batch size = 480, weight decay coefficient λ=0.1, ϵ= 1e-8, β1=0.9,β2=0.95. We use cosine-decay learning rate schedule with 2000 iterations of warm-up. For GPT2-small, medium, and large, we use the recommended peak learning rate by [31], which are reported to be the optimal ones found by grid search. For GPT2-XL, we use the recommended peak learning rate by the Levanter 999 The chosen peak learning rates are 6e-4, 3e-4, 2e-4, 1e-4 for GPT2-small, medium, large, XL, respectively. The minimal learning rate is chosen as 3e-5, 6e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5 for these models.

Llama pre-training.

We use TinyLlama codebase 101010 to train TinyLlama-1B and Llama2-7B on CommonCrawl 111111 We use batch size = 40. We preprocess the directionary “2019-30" of CommonCrawl into 10850 bins, which in total gives 85GB of tokens. We leave the last 20 bins out as the validation set. For both models, we use weight decay coefficient λ=0.1, ϵ= 1e-8, β1=0.9,β2=0.95. We use cosine-decay learning rate schedule with 2000 iterations of warm-up. For TinyLlam-1B, we use context length = 2048, batch size = 512, peak learning rate = 2e-4, and minimal learning rate = 2e-5. For Llama2-7B, we use context length = 4096, batch size = 256, peak learning rate = 8e-5, and minimal learning rate = 8e-6.


The implementation of SFT and RLHF code is based on the ReMax codebase121212 We use DeepSpeed ZeRO-2 in our training. GPT-4 evaluation template in Table 3 is from the codebase131313 In the reward optimization stage, We use ReMax, a memory-efficient alternative to PPO. We use UltraFeedback dataset [9] and use 40% data for SFT and 60% data for ReMax.

SFT. We use 80 samples in a batch and train the model for 3 epochs. For the full parameter tuning, we search the learning rate from {1e-6, 2e-6, 3e-6, 4e-6, 5e-6, 1e-5, 2e-5} based on validation loss, and we use 2e-6 with cosine annealing for both AdamW and Adam-mini. For LoRA, We apply LoRA for all layers except the embedding layer. The rank of LoRA is set to 128. After selecting the learning rate from the same set as the full parameter tuning, we use 5e-6 for both AdamW and Adam-mini when LoRA is applied. The weight decay coefficient is set to 0 as recommended by LlamaFactory 141414 The rest of the hyperparameters of AdamW and Adam-mini are ϵ= 1e-8, β1=0.9,β2=0.95.

ReMax. We use 48 samples in a batch and train the model for 1 epoch. By searching the peak learning rate from {5e-7, 1e-6, 2e-6} based on validation reward, AdamW uses 1e-6 while Adam-mini selects 5e-7 as the peak learning rate. The weight decay coefficient is set to 0. The rest of the hyperparameters of AdamW and Adam-mini are ϵ= 1e-8, β1=0.9,β2=0.95.


We use the PyTorch official implementation codebase151515 to train ResNet18 [20] on ImageNet [12]. We use cosine-decay learning rate, epoch =90, β1=0.9,β2=0.999,ϵ=1e-8. For ResNet18, we use batch size = 256, peak learning rate = 0.005. For ViT-base, we use batch size = 128, peak learning rate = 0.0001. These configurations are used for both Adam-mini and AdamW.

Diffusion models.

We use the codebase161616 to train diffusion models. The image size is 64 and the training objective is to predict the noise as in [21]. We use the default U-Net archiecture hyper-parameters and the dimension multiply in U-Net is (1, 2, 4, 8). We use the CelebA dataset171717 and train the diffusion model with a learning rate 5×105 with cosine decay. The batch size is 128 and the training epoch is 50.

Graph Neural Networks.

We use the DGL implementation 181818 of Graph Convolution Networks (GCN) [26] and Graph Attention Networks (GAT) [62] for OGBN-arxiv 191919 dataset. All configurations as default. For both Adam-mini and AdamW, we use the default learning rate = 0.005 for GCN and the default learning rate = 0.002 for GAT.

B.2 Detailed Setup for Other Experiments

Configuration for Figure LABEL:fig:random_quadratic.

For each dense sub-block Hl,l=1,2,3, we use random positive definite matrices. We fix the choose the eigenvalues of each Hl as follows: for l=1, we independently sample from {1,2,3} for 30 times; for l=2, we repeat this procedure for {99,100,101}; for l=3, we repeat this procedure for {4998 ,4999, 5000}. For the single (blockwise) learning rate method, we use GD with optimal constant learning rate 2/(L+μ), where L,μ are the largest and smallest eigenvalue of the (blockwise) Hessian. We use Adam with β1=0. This helps us focus on the effect of coordinatewise learning rate in Adam. We also set β2=1 to the time-varying learning rate. This is necessary because, for any β2<1, Adam with constant learning rate will oscillate on quadratic functions. This is theoretically proved in [10, Proposition 12, Figure 1] and empirically observed in [74, Section 3.3].

Configuration for Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot.

We use the codebase of 202020 We consider a 4-layer Transfomer with n_emb = 32, n_head = 4. The dataset is a randomly generated binary sequence of length 42. With the help of auto-differentiation framework, we calculate the Hessian on the whole dataset with two passes of backpropagation [46] and the calculation is exact. In Figure LABEL:fig:babygpt_hessian_plot, we first set the largest value of color bar vmax as 1e-6 for all blocks, which is roughly the maximal value in most blocks. But then we find the whole query and key blocks are black, so we decrease vmax to 1e-8 for these blocks and then the block diagonal pattern becomes clear.

Throughput Comparison in Table 2.

The results are tested on 2× A800-80GB GPUs using Tinyllama codebase. We did not turn on CPU offload. We report the throughput from the summary file of Wandb log.