LoRA-GA: Low-Rank Adaptation with Gradient Approximation

Shaowen Wang
&Linxi Yu
&Jian Li

Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
Corresponding author

Fine-tuning large-scale pretrained models is prohibitively expensive in terms of computational and memory costs. LoRA, as one of the most popular Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods, offers a cost-effective alternative by fine-tuning an auxiliary low-rank model that has significantly fewer parameters. Although LoRA reduces the computational and memory requirements significantly at each iteration, extensive empirical evidence indicates that it converges at a considerably slower rate compared to full fine-tuning, ultimately leading to increased overall compute and often worse test performance. In our paper, we perform an in-depth investigation of the initialization method of LoRA and show that careful initialization (without any change of the architecture and the training algorithm) can significantly enhance both efficiency and performance. In particular, we introduce a novel initialization method, LoRA-GA (Low Rank Adaptation with Gradient Approximation), which aligns the gradients of low-rank matrix product with those of full fine-tuning at the first step. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that LoRA-GA achieves a convergence rate comparable to that of full fine-tuning (hence being significantly faster than vanilla LoRA as well as various recent improvements) while simultaneously attaining comparable or even better performance. For example, on the subset of the GLUE dataset with T5-Base, LoRA-GA outperforms LoRA by 5.69% on average. On larger models such as Llama 2-7B, LoRA-GA shows performance improvements of 0.34, 11.52%, and 5.05% on MT-bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval, respectively. Additionally, we observe up to 2-4 times convergence speed improvement compared to vanilla LoRA, validating its effectiveness in accelerating convergence and enhancing model performance. Code is available at github.

1 Introduction

Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) is essential for enabling advanced techniques such as instruction fine-tuning [1], reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) [2], and adapting models to specific downstream applications. However, the computational and storage costs associated with full fine-tuning are prohibitively high, particularly as model sizes continue to grow. To address these challenges, methods of Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) (see e.g., [3]), such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) [4], have emerged and gained significant attention.

Instead of updating the parameters of the model directly, LoRA incorporates auxilary low-rank matrices B and A into the linear layers of models (such as the Q,K,V, and O matrices in a self-attention block [5]), while keeping the original layer weights W fixed. The modified layer is represented as y=(W+ηBA)x, where x is the input of that layer, y is the output, and η is the scaling factor. This approach significantly reduces the number of parameters that need to be fine-tuned, thereby lowering the computational and memory costs at each step.

Despite these benefits, extensive empirical evidence (see e.g., [6, 7, 8, 9]) shows that LoRA converges significantly slower compared to full finetune. This slower convergence often increases overall computational costs (measured in Floating Point Operations) and can sometimes lead to worse test performance. In our experiments, we typically observe that LoRA requires 5-6x more iterations and FLOPs to reach the same performance as full fine-tuning under the same learning rate, as shown in Figure 1.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: (Left) Training loss curves of Llama 2-7B on MetaMathQA to training steps. LoRA-GA converges as quickly as full fine-tuning and outperforms LoRA. (Right) Initialization procedures used in LoRA and LoRA-GA. The key difference is that LoRA-GA initializes adapters using the eigenvectors of the gradient matrix, as opposed to random initialization with a scaling factor.

To study the cause of slow convergence, we perform an in-depth investigation of the initialization strategy of LoRA’s adapter weights. It is known that fine-tuning pretrained models using the same objective (e.g., language modeling) often converges faster than re-initializing new parameters (e.g., a classification head) [10]. This observation leads us to question whether the slow convergence of vanilla LoRA might be attributed to the default random initialization of adapter weights (LoRA initializes A using Kaiming initialization [11] and sets B to zero [4]). In our experiments, we find that different initialization strategies for LoRA can significantly impact the results, and its default initialization is suboptimal.

In pursuit of a convergence rate comparable to full fine-tuning, we aim for initialization so that the update of BA matches the update of W closely. Previous work suggests that gradient descent operates in a low-dimensional subspace [12, 13]. If we can closely approximate the gradients of the full model at the initial step, subsequent steps can also be approximated, potentially accelerating the convergence of LoRA.

To this end, we introduce a novel initialization method, LoRA-GA (Low Rank Gradient Approximation). By initializing Ainit and Binit with the eigenvectors of the full gradient matrix, the gradient of the low-rank product BA aligns with the direction of the gradient of the full weight matrix W. Mathematically, we aim to ensure that:

Δ(BA)ζΔW,for some non-zero positive constantζ.

Our contributions can be summarized as follows:

1. We propose LoRA-GA , a novel initialization method for LoRA that accelerates convergence by approximating the gradients of the low-rank matrices with ones of the full weight matrix.

2. We identify the scaling factor under non-zero initialization, which ensures the variance of adapter outputs is invariant to the rank of the adapter and the dimension of the input.

3. We validate LoRA-GA through extensive experiments, demonstrating significant performance improvements and faster convergence compared to vanilla LoRA. Specifically, LoRA-GA outperforms LoRA by 5.69% on the GLUE[14] subset with T5-Base [15], and by 0.34, 11.52%, and 5.05% on MT-bench [16], GSM8K [17], and HumanEval [18] with Llama 2-7B [19], respectively, while achieving up to 2-4 times faster convergence.

2 Related Work

2.1 Initialization

The significance of maintaining variance stability during initialization has been widely acknowledged to prevent the occurrence of diminishing or exploding phenomena. Xavier initialization [20] ensures stability in both the forward and backward passes of a network under a linear activation function. He initialization [11] extends this solution to networks using ReLU activation. Distinct from these, LSUV initialization [21] selects a mini-batch of data, performing a forward pass to determine the output variance, and subsequently normalizing it to ensure stability. Tensor program (see e.g., [22]) has emerged as a powerful technique for tuning various hyperparameters, including the initialization, for large models.

2.2 Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT)

To fine-tune increasingly large language models within the constraints of limited hardware resources, researchers have developed various Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods. One approach is Adapter-based methods [23, 24, 25, 26], which incorporate new layers into existing layers of a model. By fine-tuning only these inserted layers (typically with much few parameters), resource consumption is significantly reduced. However, this approach introduces additional latency during both the forward and backward passes, as the computation must traverse the newly added layers. Another approach is Soft Prompt-based methods [10, 27, 28, 29, 30], which prepend learnable soft tokens (prompts) to the model’s input to adapt the model to specific tasks. This approach leverages the pre-trained model’s inherent capabilities, needing only appropriate prompts to adapt to downstream tasks. Despite its effectiveness, this method also incurs additional computational overhead and hence latency during inference.

2.3 LoRA’s Variants

LoRA is one of the most popular PEFT methods that introduces the product of low-rank matrices alongside existing layers to approximate weight changes during fine-tuning. Several methods have been proposed to improve the structure of LoRA. AdaLoRA [31] dynamically prunes insignificant weights during fine-tuning using SVD, allowing more rank allocation to important areas within a fixed parameter budget. DoRA [8] enhances the model’s expressiveness by adding learnable magnitudes to the direction adjustments made by low-rank matrix products. Additionally, LoHA [32] and LoKr [33] employ Hamiltonian and Kronecker products, respectively.

Despite these advancements, vanilla LoRA remains the most popular method due to its robust library and hardware support. Therefore, improving LoRA without altering its structure and at a low cost is crucial. Several recent methods focus on this aspect. ReLoRA [34] suggests periodically merging learned adapters into the weight matrices to enhance LoRA’s expressibility. LoRA+ [35] proposes using different learning rates for the two matrices in LoRA to improve convergence. rsLoRA [36] introduces a new scaling factor to make the scale of the output invariant to rank. Although our stable scale approach appears similar to rsLoRA, rsLoRA assumes BA=0 initialization, making r invariant to the update ΔBA. In contrast, our stable scale ensures that non-zero initialized BA remains invariant to both rank and input dimension from the start.

Recently, PiSSA [37] proposes to initializing A and B to approximate the original matrix W, by performing SVD on W. Our method, however, is based on a very different idea, that is to approximate the gradient of W, which involves performing SVD on sampled gradients and properly scaling the initialized matrices, as detailed in Section E.

3 Methods

In this section, we analyze the initialization of LoRA and introduce our method, LoRA-GA. LoRA-GA consists of two key components: (i) approximating the direction of the gradient of full finetune and (ii) ensuring rank and scale stability in the initialization process. We examine each component and subsequently present their integration within LoRA-GA.

3.1 Review of Vanilla LoRA

Structure of LoRA

Based on the hypothesis that the updates of fine-tuning are low-rank [13], LoRA [4] proposes to use the product of two low-rank matrices to represent the incremental part of the original matrix W. Here, W is the weight matrix of a linear layer in the model. For example, in transformers, it could be the Q,K,V, or O matrices of the self-attention layer or the weight matrix in the MLP layer. Specifically, LoRA has the following mathematical form:


where W,W0m×n, Bm×r, and Ar×n, with rmin(m,n). W0 is the pre-trained weight matrix, remains frozen during the fine-tuning process, while A and B are trainable.

Initialization of LoRA

Under LoRA’s default initialization scheme [4, 38], matrix A is initialized using Kaiming uniform [11], while matrix B is initialized with all zeros. Consequently, BA=0 and W0=W0, ensuring that the initial parameters are unchanged.

If the additional term ΔW=ηBA is initially non-zero (e.g., [37]), the frozen parameter can be adjusted to ensure the initial parameters unchanged. This can be expressed as:


where Wfrozen=W0ηBinitAinit is frozen, and B and A are trainable in this case.

3.2 Gradient Approximation

Our goal is to ensure that the first-step update Δ(ηBA) approximate the direction of the weight update ΔW, i.e., Δ(ηBA)ζΔW for some non-zero positive constant ζ. We will discuss how to choose ζ in Section 3.3 and one can treat ζ as a fixed constant for now.

Consider a gradient descent step with learning rate λ, the updates for A and B are ΔA=λA(Ainit) and ΔB=λB(Binit), respectively. Assuming learning rate λ is small, the update of ηBA at the first step can be expressed as:


To measure its approximation quality of scaled the update of the weights in full finetune ζΔW=ζλW(W0), we use the Frobenius norm of the difference between these two updates as a criterion:

η(ΔBAinit+BinitΔA)ζλW(W0)F=ληB(Binit)Ainit+ηBinitA(Ainit)ζW(W0)F (1)
Lemma 3.1.

Suppose the loss function is and y=Wx=(W0+ηBA)x, where y is the output of a layer and x is the input, the gradients of A and B are linear mappings of the gradient of W:


Remarkably, W in LoRA and W in full fine-tuning are equal at the beginning of the training.

By substituting the gradients in Lemma 3.1 into Equation 1, we can rewrite the criterion as follows:

λη2W(W0)AinitTAinit+η2BinitBinitTW(W0)ζW(W0)F (2)

This criterion evaluates how well the adapter’s gradient approximates the direction of the gradient of full fine-tuning, and minimizing it brings the gradient of LoRA closer to that of full fine-tuning with a scaling factor ζ:

minAinit,Binitη2WAinitTAinit+η2BinitBinitTWζWF (3)
Theorem 3.1.

For the optimization problem in Equation 3 with given ζ, if the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of W is W=USVT, the solution is:

Binit=ζηUIA,Ainit=ζηVIBT,such that|IA|=|IB|=r,IAIB={i1i2r,i}

where IA and IB are index sets.

Theorem 3.1 provides an appropriate initialization scheme for Ainit and Binit given a specific ζ. The selection of ζ, which influences the scaling of the update ηBA, will be discussed in the following section.

3.3 Scale Stability

Inspired by rsLoRA [36] and the Kaiming initialization[11], we define stabilities:

Definition 3.1.

When dout,din,r, an adapter ηBA exhibits two distinct types of scale stabilities:

1. Forward stability: If the inputs to the adapter are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) with 2nd moment Θr,dout,din(1), then the 2nd moment of the outputs remains Θr,dout,din(1).

2. Backward stability: If the gradient of the loss with respect to the adapter outputs is Θr,dout,din(1), then the gradient with respect to the inputs remains Θr,dout,din(1).

Theorem 3.2.

Given the initialization proposed in Theorem 3.1, assume that the orthogonal vectors in Ainit and Binit are randomly selected from the unit spheres in din and dout with the constraint that the vectors are orthogonal to each other, and η=Θr,dout,din(1/r) as suggested by rsLoRA [36]. Under these conditions, the adapters are forward scale-stable if ζ=Θr,dout,din(dout/r2) and backward scale-stable if ζ=Θr,dout,din(din/r2).

Similar to the results obtained from Kaiming Initialization [11], we observe that either ζ=Θr,dout,din(dout/r2) or ζ=Θr,dout,din(din/r2) work well independently. For all models presented in this paper, either form ensures convergence. Consequently, for all subsequent experiments, we adopt ζ=Θr,dout,din(dout/r2).

Algorithm 1 LoRA-GA Initialization
1:Model f() with L layers, parameters W, sampled batch B={x,y}, LoRA rank r, LoRA alpha α, loss function , scale factor γ
2:Initialized parameters W, η, A, B
3:y^f(x,W) Forward pass
6:for l=L,,1 do
7: Compute Wl Backward for one layer
8: dout,dinsize(Wl)
9: U,S,Vsvd(Wl)
10: AlV[1:r]dout4/γ
11: BlU[r+1:2r]dout4/γ
12: WlWlηBlAl
13: Clear Wl Gradient for this layer is not needed anymore
14:end for
15:return W, η, A, B

3.4 LoRA-GA Initialization

Combining the gradient approximation and stable scale components, we propose the LoRA-GA initialization method. First, we initialize Ainit and Binit using the solution from Theorem 3.1. Then, we determine the scaling factor ζ according to Theorem 3.2 to ensure rank and scale stability. Thus, based on Theorems 3.1 and 3.2, we propose a novel initialization method, LoRA-GA.


We adopt η=αr and ζ=α2γ2doutr2, where γ is a hyperparameter. We define the index sets IA={i1ir,i} and IB={ir+1i2r,i}. Denote the singular value decomposition (SVD) of W as W=USVT. The initializations are as follows:


To save GPU memory during LoRA-GA initialization, we utilized a technique similar to [39]. By hooking into PyTorch’s backward process, we compute the gradient for one layer at a time and discard the computed gradients immediately. This ensures that our memory usage remains at O(1) instead of O(L), where L is the number of layers. This approach allows the memory consumption during the initialization phase to be less than that during the subsequent LoRA finetuning phase. Our algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. If the sampled batch size is large, we can also use gradient accumulation to save memory further, as shown in Algorithm 2.

4 Experiments

In this section, we evaluate the performance of LoRA-GA on various benchmark datasets. Initially, we assess Natural Language Understanding (NLU) capabilities using a subset of the GLUE dataset [14] with the T5-Base model [15]. Subsequently, we evaluate dialogue [16, 40], mathematical reasoning [17, 41], and coding abilities [18, 42] using the Llama 2-7B model [19]. Finally, we do the ablation study to prove the effectiveness of our method.


We compare LoRA-GA with several baselines to demonstrate its effectiveness:

1. Full-Finetune: Fine-tuning the model with all parameters, which requires the most resources.
Vanilla LoRA [4]: Fine-tuning the model by inserting a low-rank matrix product BA into linear layers. A is initialized using Kaiming initialization, while B is initialized to zero.
LoRA Variants with Original Structure: This includes several methods that retain the original LoRA structure:
- rsLoRA [36] introduces a new scaling factor to stabilize the scale of LoRA.

- LoRA+ [35] updates the two matrices in LoRA with different learning rates.
- PiSSA [37] proposes performing SVD on the weight matrix W at the beginning of training and initializing A and B based on the components with larger singular values.
LoRA Variants with Modified Structure: This includes methods that modify the original LoRA structure:
- DoRA [8] enhances the model’s expressiveness by adding learnable magnitudes.

- AdaLoRA [31] dynamically prunes insignificant weights during fine-tuning using SVD, allowing more rank allocation to important areas within a fixed parameter budget.

4.1 Experiments on Natural Language Understanding

Models and Datasets

We fine-tune the T5-Base model on several datasets from the GLUE benchmark, including MNLI, SST-2, CoLA, QNLI, and MRPC. Performance is evaluated on the development set using accuracy as the primary metric.

Implementation Details

We utilize prompt tuning to fine-tune the T5-Base model on the GLUE benchmark. This involves converting labels into tokens (e.g., "positive" or "negative") and using the normalized probability of these tokens as the predicted label probability for classification. We provide the hyperparameters in Appendix D.1. Each experiment is conducted with 3 different random seeds, and the average performance is reported.


As shown in Table 1, LoRA-GA consistently outperforms the original LoRA and other baseline methods, achieving performance comparable to full fine-tuning. Notably, LoRA-GA excels on smaller datasets such as CoLA and MRPC, demonstrating its ability to converge faster and effectively utilize limited training data.

Table 1: Results of fine-tuning T5-base using Full-FT and various LoRA variants on a subset of GLUE.
Size 393k 67k 8.5k 105k 3.7k
Full 86.33±0.00 94.75±0.21 80.70±0.24 93.19±0.22 84.56±0.73 87.91
LoRA 85.30±0.04 94.04±0.11 69.35±0.05 92.96±0.09 68.38±0.01 82.08
PiSSA 85.75±0.07 94.07±0.06 74.27±0.39 93.15±0.14 76.31±0.51 84.71
rsLoRA 85.73±0.10 94.19±0.23 72.32±1.12 93.12±0.09 52.86±2.27 79.64
LoRA+ 85.81±0.09 93.85±0.24 77.53±0.20 93.14±0.03 74.43±1.39 84.95
DoRA 85.67±0.09 94.04±0.53 72.04±0.94 93.04±0.06 68.08±0.51 82.57
AdaLoRA 85.45±0.11 93.69±0.20 69.16±0.24 91.66±0.05 68.14±0.28 81.62
LoRA-GA 85.70±0.09 94.11±0.18 80.57±0.20 93.18±0.06 85.29±0.24 87.77

4.2 Experiment on Large Language Model

Models and Datasets

To evaluate the scalability of LoRA-GA , we train Llama 2-7B on three tasks: chat, math, and code.

1. Chat: We train our model on a 52k subset of WizardLM [40], filtering out responses that begin with "As an AI" or "Sorry". We test our model on the MT-Bench dataset [16], which consists of 80 multi-turn questions designed to assess LLMs on multiple aspects. The quality of the responses is judged by GPT-4, and we report the first turn score.
Math: We train our model on a 100k subset of MetaMathQA [41], a dataset bootstrapped from other math instruction tuning datasets like GSM8K[17] and MATH [43], with higher complexity and diversity. We select data bootstrapped from the GSM8K training set and apply filtering. Accuracy is reported on the GSM8K evaluation set.
Code: We train our model on a 100k subset of Code-Feedback [42], a high-quality code instruction dataset, removing explanations after code blocks. The model is tested on HumanEval [18], which consists of 180 Python tasks, and we report the PASS@1 metric.

Implementation Details

Our model is trained using standard supervised learning for language modelling. The loss for the input prompt is set to zero. Detailed hyperparameters can be found in Appendix D.2. Each experiment uses 3 different random seeds, and the average performance across these runs is reported.


Our results, as summarized in Table 2, indicate that LoRA-GA outperforms or is comparable to other methods, including full-finetuning. Specifically, LoRA-GA achieves superior performance on both the GSM8K and Human-eval datasets, underscoring its effectiveness in handling tasks with higher complexity and diversity. On MT-Bench, LoRA-GA also demonstrates competitive performance, although it slightly trails behind DoRA. Nevertheless, LoRA-GA achieves this with fewer parameters and approximately 70% of the training time required by DoRA. Additionally, as illustrated in Figure 2 (Left), our method exhibits a significantly faster convergence rate compared to Vanilla LoRA, with convergence rates comparable to those of full-finetuning.

Effect of Rank

We attribute the performance discrepancies on the GSM8K and Human-eval datasets, when compared to full-finetuning, primarily to the representational limitations imposed by the low-rank approximation. To address this, we experimented with higher ranks, specifically rank=32 and rank=128. Our findings reveal that LoRA-GA maintains stability across different rank settings and, in some cases, even surpasses full-finetuning performance. As shown in Figure 2 (Left), higher ranks with our initialization also result in loss curves that closely resemble those of full-finetuning.

Table 2: Results of fine-tuning Llama 2-7b using Full-FT and various LoRA variants, tested on MT-Bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval. LoRA-GA significantly outperforms Vanilla LoRA and approaches the performance of Full Finetune. Unless otherwise specified, the LoRA rank is set to 8.
MT-Bench GSM8K Human-eval
Full 5.56±0.09 54.20±0.42 19.87±0.57
LoRA 5.61±0.10 42.08±0.04 14.76±0.17
PiSSA 5.30±0.02 44.54±0.27 16.02±0.78
rsLoRA 5.25±0.03 45.62±0.10 16.01±0.79
LoRA+ 5.71±0.08 52.11±0.62 18.17±0.52
DoRA 5.97±0.02 53.07±0.75 19.75±0.41
AdaLoRA 5.57±0.05 50.72±1.39 17.80±0.44
LoRA-GA 5.95±0.16 53.60±0.30 19.81±1.46
LoRA-GA (Rank=32) 5.79±0.09 55.12±0.30 20.18±0.19
LoRA-GA (Rank=128) 6.13±0.07 55.07±0.18 23.05±0.37

4.3 Ablation Study

We conducted ablation studies to evaluate the contributions of non-zero initialization, stable output, and gradient approximation in LoRA-GA using five distinct experimental settings. Details of each setting are provided in Table 3.

Table 3: Initialization Methods and Corresponding Settings for Ablation Study. The table compares different initialization methods for LoRA and their settings for A, B, and η. "+SO" denotes stable output, scaling parameters appropriately to ensure stability. "+GA" refers to gradient approximation, where A and B are initialized using orthogonal matrices derived from singular value decomposition.
Method A Initialization B Initialization η
LoRA U(3din,3din) 0 α/r
Gaussian N(0,1dout) N(0,1din) α/r
+SO dout4/γN(0,1dout) dout4/γN(0,1din) α/r
+GA V[1:r] U[r+1:2r] α/r
LoRA-GA V[1:r]dout4/γ U[r+1:2r]dout4/γ α/r
Table 4: Performance of different settings in the ablation study. Results are shown for MT-Bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval on Llama 2 7b, as well as the average performance on a subset of GLUE on T5-Base. Detailed results can be found in Table 6.
MT-Bench GSM8K Human-eval Average of GLUE
Full 5.56±0.09 54.20±0.42 19.87±0.57 87.91
LoRA 5.61±0.10 42.08±0.04 14.76±0.17 82.08
Gaussian 5.62±0.11 38.21±0.06 14.76±0.68 81.88
+ SO 5.72±0.04 42.81±1.14 15.55±0.78 82.28
+ GA 5.48±0.02 46.65±1.17 16.15±0.78 82.54
LoRA-GA 5.95±0.16 53.60±0.30 19.81±1.46 87.77

Ablation Result

The results are presented in Tables 4 and 6. For both small and large models, we observe that simply changing LoRA’s initialization to Gaussian does not yield any performance gains and may result in a slight performance decline. However, when combined with either "+SO" (Stable Output) or "+GA" (Gradient Approximation), performance improves upon that of LoRA. LoRA-GA, which integrates both techniques, outperforms other methods. As shown in Figure 2 (Left) and Figure 4, +SO and +GA also enhance convergence speed, and when both are combined, the training loss curve is even closer to that of full-finetuning. This indicates that both output stability and gradient approximation contribute to the improvement of LoRA, each addressing different aspects of the model’s performance.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: (Left) Training loss curves of LoRA-GA with different ranks on the MetaMathQA dataset. Higher ranks result in faster loss reduction, approaching the performance of full fine-tuning. (Right) Training loss curves from the ablation study with different settings on the MetaMATHQA dataset. Compared to Vanilla LoRA, both components of LoRA-GA , +SO (stable output) and +GA (gradient approximation), improve convergence speed. LoRA-GA achieves the fastest convergence, closely matching that of full fine-tuning.

4.4 Memory Costs and Running Time

We benchmark LoRA-GA on a single RTX 3090 24GB GPU, a 128-core CPU, and 256GB of RAM. As shown in Table 5, the memory consumption of our new method does not exceed that used for training with LoRA, indicating no extra memory is needed. Additionally, the time cost of this operation is relatively negligible compared to the subsequent fine-tuning process. For instance, in the Code-Feedback task, the training process took approximately 10 hours, while the initialization required only about 1 minute, which is insignificant.

Table 5: Memory and Time Costs for Initialization and Fine-Tuning. "Parameters" indicates the number of parameters in the model, "Time(LoRA-GA)" represents the time required for initialization, "Memory(LoRA-GA)" shows the memory usage during initialization, "LoRA" and "Full-FT" display the memory usage during LoRA and full fine-tuning, respectively.
Parameters Time(LoRA-GA) Memory(LoRA-GA) LoRA Full-FT
T5-Base 220M 2.8s 1.69G 2.71G 3.87G
Llama 2-7B 6738M 74.7s 18.77G 23.18G 63.92G

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we present a novel initialization scheme for low-rank adaptation (LoRA), with the goal of acelerating its convergence. By examining the initialization methods and update processes of LoRA, we develop a new initialization method, LoRA-GA , which approximates the gradients of the low-rank matrix product with those of full fine-tuning from the very first step.

Through extensive experiments, we have demonstrated that LoRA-GA achieves a convergence rate comparable to that of full fine-tuning while delivering similar or even superior performance. Since LoRA-GA solely modifies the initialization of LoRA without altering the architecture or training algorithms, it offers an efficient and effective approach that is easy to implement. Furthermore, it can also be incorporated with other LoRA variants. For example, ReLoRA [34] periodically merges the adapters into frozen weights W, which may allow LoRA-GA to demonstrate its advantages over more steps. We leave it as an interesting future direction.


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Appendix A Proofs of Theorems

A.1 Proof of Theorem 3.1

Lemma 3.1.

Suppose the loss function is and y=Wx=(W0+ηBA)x, where y is the output of a layer and x is the input, the gradients of adapters A and B are linear mappings of the gradient of W:


Remarkably, the gradient of W in LoRA and the gradient of W in full fine-tuning are equal at the beginning of the training.


For the gradients in LoRA,

W =W=yyW=yxT
B =B=yyWWB=yxTAT=(W)AT

At the beginning of training, both LoRA and full fine-tuning have y=y and identical x, therefore,


Theorem 3.1.

Consider the following optimization problem:


If the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of W is W=USVT, the solution to this optimization problem is:


where IA,IB are index sets.


Since that rank(Ainit)=rank(Binit)=r and 2r<min(m,n), we can assert that the matrix W=η2WAinitTAinit+η2BinitBinitTW has rank(W)2r.

Under this given solution,

W =η2WAinitTAinit+η2BinitBinitTW=ζUSVT(VIAVIAT)+ζ(UIBUIBT)USVT

By Eckart-Young Theorem[44, 45], the optimal low-rank approximation with respect to Frobenius norm is:


This is identical to what we have got. Therefore, this is the optimal solution.

A.2 Proof of Theorem 3.2

Lemma A.1.

In n, if we randomly pick a vector x that i=1nxi2=1, we have:

  1. 1.

    𝔼(xi)=0, 𝔼(xi2)=1n and 𝔼(xi4)=Θr,dout,din(1n2);

  2. 2.


  3. 3.


  4. 4.



It is equivalent to sampling a random point uniformly from a unit sphere in n.

For property 1, 𝔼(xi)=0 holds obvious by symmetry. Since i=1nxi2=1 and uniformly distributed, each entry has identical expectation, 𝔼(i=1nxi2)=n𝔼(xi2)=1, 𝔼(xi2)=1n. 𝔼(xi4)=𝔼(xi2xi2)=Θr,dout,din(1n)Θr,dout,din(1n)=Θr,dout,din(1n2).

For property 2, it can also be proved by symmetry: we can always find vector that contains (xi,xj) also lies on the sphere. Therefore, 𝔼(xixj)=0.

For property 3, 𝔼(xi2xj2)=𝔼(xi2xj2)=Θr,dout,din(1n)Θr,dout,din(1n)=Θr,dout,din(1n2).

For property 4, again it can be proved by symmetry: we can always find vector that contains (xi,xj,xk) also lies on the sphere. Therefore, 𝔼(xi2xjxk)=0. ∎

Lemma A.2.

For a randomly selected orthogonal matrix An×n, and we randomly pick two different column vectors x and y from it. For these two vectors, we have the following:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.



It is equivalent to first selecting a random vector x from a unit sphere in n uniformly, and then selecting the other one y that is orthogonal to x.

For property 1, i=1nxiyi=0𝔼(i=1nxiyi)=i=1n𝔼(()xiyi)=0𝔼(xiyi)=0.

For property 2, consider that 𝔼(i=1nxi)=𝔼(i=1nyi)=0, and given x, we can always find y is also an orthogonal vector. Therefore, 𝔼(i=1nxii=1nyi)=0E(xiyi)=0. ∎

Theorem 3.2.

Given the initialization proposed in Theorem 3.1, assume that the orthogonal vectors in Ainit and Binit are randomly selected from din and dout, and set η=Θr,dout,din(1r) as suggested by rsLoRA [36]. Under these conditions, the adapters are forward scale-stable if ζ=Θr,dout,din(doutr2) and backward scale-stable if ζ=Θr,dout,din(dinr2).


In LoRA, h=(W+ηBA)x, since that W is not considered here, therefore, denote y=ηBAx. When backward propagation, it’s like x=ηATBTh. Represente h as v and x as g. Therefore,

yi=ηj=1rk=1dinBijAjkxk, 1idout(Forward)gi=ηj=1rk=1doutAjiBkjvk, 1idin(Backward) (4)

Since that the output of each layer in model always passes a softmax function, so that the vector h=v is Θr,dout,din(1). Further, since that input xi’s are i.i.d., without loss of generality, assume that E(xi)=0 and E(xi2)=1.

For the adapter, as Equation 4 shows, and by the expectations we have proved in Lemma A.1 and A.2, we can calculate the scale of forward and backward process.

The scale of forward process is:

𝔼(yi2)=η2j1=1rj2=1rk1=1dink2=1din𝔼(Bij1Aj1k1Bij2Aj2k2xk1xk2)=η2j1=1rj2=1rk1=1dink2=1din𝔼(Bij1Bij2)𝔼(Aj1k1Aj2k2)𝔼(xk1xk2)=η2j1=1rj2=1rk=1din𝔼(Bij1Bij2)𝔼(Aj1kAj2k)=η2j=1rk=1din𝔼(Bij2)𝔼(Ajk2)=η2j=1rk=1dinζ2η41dout1din=1α2ζ2r2dout (5)

The scale of the backward process is:

𝔼(gi2)=η2j1=1rj2=1rk1=1doutk2=1dout𝔼(Aj1iBk1j1Aj2iBk2j2vk1vk2)=η2j1=1rj2=1rk1=1doutk2=1mvk1vk2𝔼(Aj1iAj2i)𝔼(Bk1j1Bk2j2)=η2j=1rk=1doutvk2𝔼(Aji2)𝔼(Bkj2)=η2j=1rk=1doutvk2ζ2η41din1dout=1α2ζ2r2Θr,dout,din(1din) (6)

From the results derived by Equation 5 and 6, one can see that we cannot find a proper ζ to make both scales Θr,dout,din(1) unless doutdin=Θr,dout,din(1). We can also see that the forward scale is stable if adopting ζ=Θr,dout,din(doutr2) and the backward is stable if ζ=Θr,dout,din(dinr2). ∎

Appendix B Additional Experimental Results

B.1 Convergence Speed

As Figure 3 and 4 shown, the convergence of LoRA-GA is significantly faster than vanilla LoRA and other ablation models, almost close to that of full fine-tuning, which support our claim about the speed of convergence.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Training Loss curves of Full Fine-tuning, LoRA and LoRA-GA on different datasets.
Refer to caption
Figure 4: Training Loss curves of different LoRA-GA ablations on different datasets.

B.2 Evaluating the Rank of the Gradient Matrix

Theorem 3.1 suggests that the closer the rank of the gradient matrix is to 2r, the better the gradient approximated, thereby enhancing the theoretical effectiveness of our initialization. Figure 5 illustrates the low-rank nature of gradient matrices. The left panel depicts a grid-like pattern in the gradients of a weight matrix, indicating a low-rank structure. The middle panel shows a steeply declining curve of singular values, reflecting the highly low-rank nature of the gradient matrix. The right panel presents the cumulative curve of squared singular values, demonstrating that a few ranks account for nearly all the singular values of the gradient matrix. Specifically, the coverage in the right panel is defined as


where r is the LoRA rank used in LoRA-GA , indicating how much of the low-rank matrix can be approximated by this rank.

Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 5: (Left) A gradient matrix of T5-Base during fine-tuning on CoLA. (Middle) The decreasing curve of singular values of the gradient matrix. (Right) The cumulative curve showing the coverage of squared singular values.

B.3 Detailed Ablation Study Result of GLUE

Table 6 shows the full results of ablation study on the subset of GLUE, where the average scores are briefly reported in Table 4. As Table 6 demonstrated, LoRA-GA outperforms all other ablation models, while both "+SO" and "+GA" methods gain some improvement from vanilla LoRA and simple non-zero initialization "Gaussian". This illustrates that both components in LoRA-GA have positive contribution to the improvement of performance.

Table 6: Performance comparison of different ablations on subset of GLUE dataset. The settings are elaborated in Table 3.
Trainset 393k 67k 8.5k 105k 3.7k
Full 86.33±0.00 94.75±0.21 80.70±0.24 93.19±0.22 84.56±0.73 87.91
LoRA 85.30±0.04 94.04±0.11 69.35±0.05 92.96±0.09 68.38±0.01 82.08
Gaussian 85.26±0.07 93.85±0.18 69.00±0.22 92.89±0.08 68.38¯±0.00 81.88
+ SO 85.47¯±0.19 94.23±0.13 70.63±0.78 93.12¯±0.07 67.97±0.75 82.28
+ GA 85.33±0.07 93.88±0.18 74.37¯±1.12 93.03±0.06 66.09±11.32 82.54
LoRA-GA 85.70±0.09 94.11¯±0.18 80.57±0.20 93.18±0.06 85.29±0.24 87.77

B.4 Experimental result with different learning rate

Furthermore, we also conduct experiments under learning rates 1e-5 and 5e-5. As Table 7 and 8 shown, LoRA-GA maintains strong performance across different learning rates, which illustrating its robustness to the variation of learning rate.

Table 7: Performance comparison of different methods on MT-Bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval with learning rate 1e-5
MT-Bench GSM8K Human-eval
Full 5.63±0.04 43.95±1.95 15.97±0.42
LoRA 5.53±0.07 35.73±0.09 14.35±0.40
PiSSA 5.61±0.09 38.51±0.70 15.37±0.78
rsLoRA 5.60±0.10 40.56±0.47 15.69±0.87
LoRA+ 5.48±0.14 47.06±0.11 16.90±0.89
LoRA-GA 5.82±0.04 51.33±0.39 17.64±0.13
Table 8: Performance comparison of different methods on MT-Bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval with learning rate 5e-5
MT-Bench GSM8K Human-eval
Full 5.33±0.21 56.33±0.78 25.67±0.42
LoRA 5.52±0.08 46.89±0.05 15.67±0.60
PiSSA 5.35±0.01 49.70±0.80 17.62±0.60
rsLoRA 5.54±0.00 50.04±0.54 17.38±0.26
LoRA+ 5.89±0.11 55.23±0.16 19.21±0.37
LoRA-GA 5.76±0.22 52.79±1.02 20.45±0.92

Appendix C LoRA-GA Initialization With Gradient Accumulation

Algorithm 2 LoRA-GA Initialization With Gradient Accumulation
1:Model f() with L layers, parameters W, sampled batch B={x,y}, LoRA rank r with n samples, LoRA alpha α, loss function , scale factor γ, micro-batch size b
2:Initialized parameters W, η, A, B
3:y^f(x,W) Forward pass
6:for l=1,,L do
7: Wlavg0 Initialize average gradient for each layer on CPU
8:end for
9:for each micro-batch Bi in B do
10: y^if(xi,W) Forward pass for micro-batch
11: i(yi,y^i)
12: for l=L,,1 do
13: Compute Wli Backward pass for one layer
14: WlavgWlavg+Wlibn Move to CPU
15: Clear Wli Gradient for this layer is not needed anymore
16: end for
17:end for
18:for l=L,,1 do
19: dout,dinsize(Wl)
20: U,S,Vsvd(Wlavg)
21: AlV[1:r]dout4/γ
22: BlU[r+1:2r]dout4/γ
23: WlWlηBlAl
24:end for
25:return W, η, A, B

Appendix D Hyperparameter

D.1 Experiments on Natural Language Understanding

We use the following hyperparameters with T5-Base.

  • Training Algorithm: AdamW [46] with β1=0.9, β2=0.999, ϵ=1e8 and weight decay of 0. For full finetuning, LoRA, and its variants, a learning rate of 1e4 , a warmup ratio of 0.03, and cosine decay are employed. For DoRA [8], a learning rate of 2e4 is used, while for Adalora, a learning rate of 5e4 is applied, both with the same warmup ratio and cosine decay adhering to their respective papers.

  • LoRA Hyperparameters: LoRA rank r=8, α=16. LoRA target is all linear modules except embedding layer, layer norm and language model head.

  • LoRA-GA Hyperparameter: γ=16, sampled batch size sbs=8

  • Other Hyperparameters: Sequence Length T=128, train batch size bs=32, number of train epochs E=1. Precision FP32

D.2 Experiment on Large Language Model

We use the following hyperparameters with Llama 2-7B.

  • Training Algorithm: AdamW [46] with with β1=0.9, β2=0.999, ϵ=1e8 and weight decay of 0. For full finetuning, LoRA, and its variants, a learning rate of 2e5 [37], a warmup ratio of 0.03, and cosine decay are employed. For DoRA [8], a learning rate of 2e4 is used, while for Adalora, a learning rate of 5e4 is applied, both with the same warmup ratio and cosine decay adhering to their respective papers.

  • Precision: The backbone model uses bf16 precision, while during training, LoRA’s B and A matrices use fp32 precision, following the implementation of PEFT [38].

  • LoRA-GA Hyperparameter: γ=64, micro sampled batch size sbs=1 with gradient accumulation of 32.

  • LoRA Hyperparameters: LoRA rank r=8 and α=16 for all experiments.

  • Generation Hyperparameters: All generation is performed with top_p=0.95 and temperature T=0.8.

  • Other Hyperparameters: Number of train epochs E=1, train micro batch size mbs=1 with gradient accumulation of 32. Sequence Length T=1024

Appendix E Comparison between LoRA-GA and PiSSA

Both LoRA-GA and PiSSA [37] concentrate on the initialization of LoRA, and utilizing SVD on pre-trained models. While they may appear similar superficially, significant differences exist between them.

Firstly, the motivations behind LoRA-GA and PiSSA are fundamentally different. As discussed in Section 3.2, LoRA-GA is motivated by the approximation of the LoRA update and full fine-tuning. We employ SVD on gradients solely because the optimal solution to the gradient approximation problem is precisely obtained (as stated in Theorem 3.1). Conversely, PiSSA adopts SVD under the assumption that pre-trained weights possess a low intrinsic rank, and thus, the SVD of weights can provide an accurate representation of original weights. In essence, LoRA-GA emphasizes on gradients and decomposes them, whereas PiSSA concentrates on weights and decomposes them.

Secondly, LoRA-GA and PiSSA employ different scales of initialization. In Section 3.3, LoRA-GA derives an appropriate scaling factor by considering the forward and backward stability of our initialization scheme. On the other hand, PiSSA uses the largest r singular values as the magnitude of orthogonal matrices directly.

Appendix F Limitations

In this paper, we have demonstrated that LoRA-GA can achieve performance comparable to full fine-tuning on the T5-Base (220M) and Llama 2-7B models, while significantly reducing the number of parameters and associated costs. However, due to computational resource constraints, we have not validated LoRA-GA on larger pre-trained models (e.g., Llama 2-70B).

Another limitation pertains to our evaluation scope. While we provide evaluations on MTBench, GSM8K, and Human-eval, we did not assess our method on other datasets. Consequently, we cannot fully guarantee that our findings are universally consistent across all benchmarks.

Additionally, we did not implement our method on other LoRA variants that are orthogonal to our improvements (e.g., ReLoRA [34]). Therefore, we cannot ascertain whether LoRA-GA would perform equally well with other LoRA architectures/improvements.

Finally, compared to the original LoRA, LoRA-GA requires double the checkpoint storage, as it necessitates storing both the initial adapter checkpoints (Ainit and Binit) and the final adapter checkpoints (A and B).

Appendix G Compute Resources

In this paper, we utilized two types of GPUs: the RTX 3090 24GB GPU, supported by a 128-core CPU and 256GB of RAM (hereinafter referred to as "the RTX 3090"), and the A100 80GB GPU (hereinafter referred to as "the A100").

For the experiments on T5-Base using the GLUE dataset, reported in Section 4.1, all computations were performed on a single RTX 3090. For the Llama 2-7B experiments, reported in Section 4.2, full fine-tuning and DoRA scenarios were conducted on a single A100, while all other LoRA variants and LoRA-GA were executed on a single RTX 3090. Additionally, all ablation studies presented in Section 4.3 were carried out on a single RTX 3090.

Appendix H Broader Impacts

In this paper, we identify some limitations of vanilla LoRA and propose a more efficient and effective method for LoRA initialization, LoRA-GA. LoRA-GA converges faster than vanilla LoRA and consistently achieves better evaluation results.

We believe that this work will have a positive social impact. The primary reasons are as follows: The high cost of training and fine-tuning large models is a significant challenge today. LoRA-GA offers a way to fine-tune with fewer parameters and lower computational costs while still achieving comparable performance. This will reduce the cost of fine-tuning models and, in turn, decrease energy consumption, such as electricity, contributing to the goal of a low-carbon environment. Furthermore, as the size of large language models (LLM) continues to grow, it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals or small organizations to develop their own LLMs. However, with the help of LoRA-GA and open-source large models, the hardware barrier to entry in this area is greatly reduced. This will promote democratization in the field of large models, preventing monopolies and dictatorships by a few companies.

On the other hand, our method could potentially make it easier to train language models that generate fake news or misleading information. This underscores the necessity for designing effective detectors to identify content generated by large language models (LLMs). Ensuring the responsible use of this technology is crucial to mitigating the risks associated with the misuse of advanced language models.