Empowering 1000 tokens/second on-device
LLM prefilling with mllm-NPU

Daliang Xu, Hao Zhang, Liming Yang, Ruiqi Liu, Gang Huang, Mengwei Xu*, Xuanzhe Liu Peking University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Code and demo: https://github.com/UbiquitousLearning/mllm

On-device large language models (LLMs) are catalyzing novel mobile applications such as UI task automation and personalized email auto-reply, without giving away users’ private data. However, on-device LLMs still suffer from unacceptably long inference latency, especially the time to first token (prefill stage) due to the need of long context for accurate, personalized content generation, as well as the lack of parallel computing capacity of mobile CPU/GPU.

To enable practical on-device LLM, we present mllm-NPU, the first-of-its-kind LLM inference system that efficiently leverages on-device Neural Processing Unit (NPU) offloading. Essentially, mllm-NPU is an algorithm-system co-design that tackles a few semantic gaps between the LLM architecture and contemporary NPU design. Specifically, it re-constructs the prompt and model in three levels: (1) At prompt level, it divides variable-length prompts into multiple fixed-sized chunks while maintaining data dependencies; (2) At tensor level, it identifies and extracts significant outliers to run on the CPU/GPU in parallel with minimal overhead; (3) At block level, it schedules Transformer blocks in an out-of-order manner to the CPU/GPU and NPU based on their hardware affinity and sensitivity to accuracy. Compared to competitive baselines, mllm-NPU achieves 22.4× faster prefill speed and 30.7× energy savings on average, and up to 32.8× speedup in an end-to-end real-world application. For the first time, mllm-NPU achieves more than 1,000 tokens/sec prefilling for a billion-sized model (Qwen1.5-1.8B), paving the way towards practical on-device LLM.

Large Language Models, NPU, Mobile AI
Mengwei Xu is the corresponding author.

1. Introduction

With rising privacy concerns (gdpr, ), there is growing interest in running Large Language Models (LLMs) locally on mobile devices, known as on-device LLMs, e.g, Apple Intelligence (apple-intelligence, ) and Android AI Core (AI-Core, ). Meanwhile, the advancement of mobile-sized language models (1B–10B parameters), such as Qwen2-1.5B and Phi3-3.7B, has demonstrated their ability to perform comparably to significantly larger models like GPT-3, despite having a reduced parameter count (abdin2024phi, ; qwen2, ; MMLU-leader-board, ). This progress makes the deployment of on-device language models feasible. Without giving away private data, on-device LLM inference catalyzes novel mobile applications, such as UI task automation (li2024personal, ) (e.g., translating users’ language commands into UI operations such as “forward the unread emails to Alice”) and automated message reply (email, ).

However, the high inference latency remains as a significant obstacle to practical on-device LLMs. To accomplish a UI task, LLM needs to ingest the screen view hierarchy (typically 600-800 tokens (wen2024autodroid, ; LlamaTouch, )) to generate corresponding UI operations step by step (wen2023empowering, ). As will be shown in §2.1, each such step takes 8.1 seconds for Qwen1.5-1.8B (qwen2, ), and thereby more than 40 seconds to finish a 5-step UI task. Similarly, the Gemma-2B model requires 26.7 seconds to automatically reply to an email by mimicking the user’s tone based on historical email data (with 1500 tokens). Diving into those tasks, we find out that the prompt processing (prefill stage) often dominates the end-to-end inference latency, e.g., 94.4%–98.8% for UI automation tasks. This is because on-device LLM tasks often involve long-context understanding for handle personalized tasks. Unfortunately, existing research efforts primarily focus on accelerating the text generation speed (decoding stage), such as activation sparsity (xue2024powerinfer, ; song2023powerinfer, ) and speculative decoding (kim2023big, ; miao2023specinfer, ; yang2023predictive, ). Therefore, this work mainly targets improving the prefill speed of on-device LLMs.

LLM prefilling is compute-bounded (zhong2024distserve, ; patel2023splitwise, ; wu2024loongserve, ); yet, mobile CPU and GPU have limited parallel computing capacity (yi2020heimdall, ; han2024pantheon, ). Instead, we are motivated by a key opportunity that Neural Processing Units (NPUs) are ubiquitously available in modern mobile devices, e.g., Qualcomm Hexagon NPU and Google Edge TPU. These mobile NPUs are efficient at integer vector operations, delivering computing capability up to 73 TOPS (8gen3, ). On CNNs, their improvements over mobile CPU/GPUs are demonstrated to be up to 18×/4×, respectively (xu2022mandheling, ). Mobile NPUs are also more energy-efficient, and have less workloads contention as compared to CPU/GPU.

Surprisingly, with such promised advantages, there exists no systems supporting LLM inference on COTS mobile NPUs. Indeed, our preliminary efforts show that directly employing mobile NPUs for LLM inference does not offer performance benefits due to the following challenges.

Costly preparation for variable-length prompts. Mobile NPUs typically support only inference on static shapes, while LLM prompt length is dynamic (with a max context length). Re-preparing and optimizing the LLM execution graph on NPUs for each different-sized prompt is costly on mobile devices (e.g., 11 seconds for the Gemma-2B model). On the other hand, simply padding the LLM request to the same max context length wastes precious computing resources.

Mismatch between LLM quantization algorithms and mobile NPU design. Due to the presence of outlier activations (xiao2023smoothquant, ; dettmers2022gpt3, ), state-of-the-art LLM quantization methods often use per-group quantization to maintain high accuracy. It partitions original activations and weights tensors into multiple groups with independent quantization scales to avoid the impacts of outliers on others. However, our investigation shows that mobile NPUs cannot perform per-group MatMul directly (Table 2). Instead, they must split the MatMul into multiple group-sized sub-tensor MatMuls and then reduce the sub-tensor intermediate results using a float sum operation. This process hampers NPU efficiency and incurs up to 10.7× performance overhead.

Floating point (FP) operations cannot be eliminated. Mobile NPUs generally provide significant integer-based MatMul acceleration but are weak at FP operations. However, LLMs can be hardly quantized into integer-only execution with minimal accuracy loss. Existing quantized LLMs still rely on float operators like LayerNorm and Attention. Scheduling those FP operators out of NPU easily increases the inference critical path.

This work presents mllm-NPU, the first LLM inference system with efficient on-device NPU offloading. The primary design goal of mllm-NPU is to reduce the prefill latency and energy consumption. It targets the mainstream decoder-only transformer architecture of LLMs (e.g., LlaMA, GPT, etc). The key idea is to maximize prefill execution on mobile NPUs to accelerate integer computation while keeping essential float operations on the CPU/GPU to maintain accuracy. To overcome the aforementioned challenges and enhance NPU offloading efficiency, mllm-NPU re-constructs the prompt and model at three levels: (1) At prompt level: mllm-NPU divides variable-length prompts into multiple fixed-sized chunks while maintaining data dependencies; (2) At tensor level: mllm-NPU identifies and extracts significant outliers to run on the CPU/GPU; (3) At block level: mllm-NPU schedules Transformer blocks to the CPU/GPU and NPU based on their hardware affinity and sensitivity to accuracy. The corresponding novel techniques are detailed as follows:

Chunk-sharing graphs (§3.2) mllm-NPU splits variable-length prompts into fixed-sized “chunks” with pre-built subgraphs, reducing graph preparation time. Each variable-length prompt is then executed on those graphs with chunk-level causal dependency. This approach leverages the insight that the token generation depends only on preceding tokens in the decoder-only LLMs. However, loading multiple pre-built chunk graphs simultaneously incurs significant memory overhead, e.g., 2–4× more than the LLM weights. To address this, mllm-NPU further identifies operators that are irrelevant to prompt size (e.g., FFN) and shares them across each chunk execution, reducing the memory overhead by up to 4×.

Shadow outlier execution (§3.3) addresses the activation outlier problem without compromising NPU efficiency. Without changing per-tensor MatMul on NPU, mllm-NPU extracts the activation outlier channels into a compact tensor and executes it on the CPU/GPU in parallel, since outliers are very sparse (0.1%–0.3% of total channels). This design further raises issues of increased memory footprint due to duplicating MatMul weights in CPU memory and synchronization overhead between CPU/GPU and NPU. Therefore, based on the observation that outliers are more likely to appear at a small set of channel positions, mllm-NPU optimizes memory usage by only keeping those “hot channels” weights in memory, and retrieves others from disk on demand. mllm-NPU also prunes unimportant outliers at layer-level by measuring outliers’ importance to reduce the synchronization overhead.

Out-of-order subgraph execution (§3.4) mllm-NPU is guided by a key insight that multiple subgraphs can be scheduled in an out-of-order manner, without strictly following the chunk sequence in the original prompt. This significantly enlarges the scheduling space of mllm-NPU to minimize the execution bubbles brought by CPU/GPU float operation. Given that finding the optimal out-of-order execution order is an NP-hard problem, mllm-NPU employs a microsecond-level online scheduling algorithm. This algorithm is based on the observation that the workload of the NPU is heavier and constitutes the critical path. Therefore, when selecting which subgraph to execute, mllm-NPU prioritizes those subgraphs having a more significant impact on reducing NPU stalls, rather than focusing solely on the execution latency of the subgraph. Notably, mllm-NPU’s scheduling algorithm does not maximize parallel processing capability. Instead, mllm-NPU aims to maximize the utilization of NPUs while minimizing the impact of CPU/GPU workloads.

Implementation and evaluations. We have implemented mllm-NPU on top of MLLM (mllm, ) and QNN (QNN, ), with 10K lines of C/C++ and assembly code. We evaluated mllm-NPU with five mobile-sized LLMs (Qwen1.5-1.8B (qwen2, ), Gemma-2B (gemma2b, ), phi2-2.7B (phi2-2.7, ), LlaMA-2-7B (Llama-2-7b, ), and Mistrial-7B (Mistral-7B, )), four LLM benchmarks, and two mobile devices (Xiaomi 14 and Redmi K60 Pro). We compared mllm-NPU with five competitive baselines, including three industrial open-source engines (llama.cpp (llama-cpp, ), TFLite (tflite, ), MNN (mnn, )) and two state-of-the-art research prototypes (MLC-LLM (mlc-llm, ) and PowerInfer-v2 (xue2024powerinfer, )). The experiments show that mllm-NPU significantly and consistently outperforms all baselines in terms of prefill latency and energy consumption while preserving inference accuracy (¡1% loss compared to FP16). It is 7.3×–18.4× faster than baselines on CPU, and 1.3×–43.6× on GPU with a prompt length of 1024. It also achieves a 1.9×–59.5× energy reduction. To our best knowledge, mllm-NPU is the first system that achieves >1000 tokens/sec of prefill speed on COTS mobile devices for billion-sized LLMs. In end-to-end real-world applications, mllm-NPU reduces the inference latency (prefill+decode) by 1.4×–32.8× compared to the baselines.

Contributions are summarized as follows:

  • We thoroughly investigate the challenges and opportunities of accelerating LLM prefilling with mobile NPUs.

  • We present the first LLM inference engine with efficient mobile NPU offloading, featuring three novel techniques: chunk-sharing graph, shadow outlier execution, and out-of-order subgraph execution.

  • We perform comprehensive experiments on mllm-NPU that demonstrate its superior performance over competitive baselines. The code of mllm-NPU is fully available at https://github.com/UbiquitousLearning/mllm.

2. Background

2.1. On-device LLM Inference Analysis

On-device LLMs are increasingly used in cutting-edge scenarios such as Apple Intelligence (apple-intelligence, ), UI automation (wen2023empowering, ), and automated email reply (email, ), due to the enhanced privacy protections. To empower these applications, many lightweight LLMs have been developed, as summarized in Table 1. However, their inference latency remains a significant challenge. For instance, the Qwen1.5-1.8B model on llama.cpp exhibits delays of 8.1 seconds for one-step UI automation and 21.7 seconds for automated email replies on average, as evaluated on the DroidTask (wen2024autodroid, ; LlamaTouch, ) and LongBench datasets (bai2023longbench, ), which is impractical for real-world deployment.

To substantiate this observation, we evaluated the DroidTask (UI automation tasks) and LongBench (context-aware generation tasks) datasets using the Qwen1.5-1.8B model on state-of-the-art device-side LLM engines (llama.cpp), as illustrated in Figure 1. The results confirm that the prefill stage significantly impacts inference time, accounting for 94.4% to 98.8% of the total latency. As the prompt length increases, the prefill stage’s proportion of the total inference time also rises. Several factors contribute to this situation: (1) Mobile CPUs/GPUs lack the parallelism capabilities of cloud GPUs (yi2020heimdall, ; han2024pantheon, ), being primarily designed for handling application logic or rendering tasks. (2) Mobile LLM tasks often require long prompts for personalized, context-aware generation. For instance, automated email replies may need extensive user data, such as historical emails, schedules, and location information (exceeding 1000 tokens), while on-device LLMs handling UI automation must process extensive UI annotation tokens (XML or HTML) and user commands. (3) Mobile LLMs now support long context windows. For instance, recent models like Qwen2-1.5B can accommodate context windows of up to 32K tokens, as illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1. The max context length for mobile-sized LLMs.
Model Max Context Year Model Max Context Year
Opt-1.3B 2K 2022.5 TinyLLaMA-1.1B 2K 2023.9
StableLLM-3B 4K 2023.10 phi-2-2.7B 2K 2023.12
Gemma-2B 8K 2024.2 Qwen1.5-1.8B 32K 2024.2
Phi3-mini-3.8B 128K 2024.5 Qwen2-1.5B 32K 2024.6
Refer to caption
(a) Different sequence lengths
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(b) Breakdown analysis
Figure 1. (a) Latency of generating a token in prefill and decoding phase at various sequence lengths. (b) End-to-end inference latency breakdown of UI automation and context-aware QA. Both use llama.cpp as on-device inference engine.

2.2. Opportunity: Mobile NPUs

To optimize prefill latency, mllm-NPU leverages a key opportunity: modern mobile SoCs ubiquitously include mobile neural processing units (NPUs) that are well-suited for integer operations, such as INT8-based matrix multiplication. Table 2 summarizes the specifications of well-known mobile NPUs provided by mainstream vendors. For example, Qualcomm’s mobile SoCs feature Hexagon NPUs, achieving up to 73 trillion INT8 operations per second. According to AI-Benchmark (ai-benchmark, ), the Hexagon NPU in the Xiaomi 14 can infer the MobileNet-V2 model in just 0.6 ms, 23× faster than a mobile CPU and 3.2× faster than a mobile GPU.

Table 2. Specifications of well-known mobile NPUs provided by mainstream vendors.
Vendor Latest NPU SDK Open Group INT8 Perf.
Qualcomm Hexagon NPU (8gen3, ) QNN (QNN, ) × × 73 TOPS
Google Edge TPU (edgetpu, ) Edge TPU API (Edge-TPU-API, ) × × 4 TOPS
MediaTek MediaTek APU 790 (APU-790, ) NeuroPilot (neuropilot, ) × N/A 60 TOPS
Huawei Ascend NPU (Ascend-NPU, ) HiAI (hiai, ) × × 16 TOPS
”Open”: Open-source?; ”Group”: Support per-group quantization MatMul? ”N/A”: No available
documents for public; ”INT8 Perf.”: Int8 performance.

Mobile NPU architecture and micro experiments. Mobile NPUs deliver significant performance benefits by single instruction multiple data (SIMD) architecture. For instance, Hexagon NPUs support 1024-bit INT8 vector arithmetic, allowing multiple SIMD instructions to execute in parallel. However, their floating-point computation capabilities are relatively weak compared to mobile GPUs. With clock frequencies between 500 and 750 MHz, mobile NPUs are more energy-efficient than mobile CPUs and GPUs. Additionally, unlike cloud GPUs that have separate physical memory, mobile NPUs are integrated within mobile SoCs, sharing the same physical memory with mobile CPUs, eliminating the need for memory copying during NPU execution.

To evaluate the performance of INT8 MatMul on mobile NPUs, we conducted preliminary experiments on the Xiaomi 14 using MatMul sizes commonly used in mobile LLMs. INT8 MatMul on mobile NPUs achieved a 4.5–5.8× speedup compared to CPU INT8 and a significant improvement over GPU FP16. The performance gains increase with larger computational workloads. However, performing FP16 MatMul on the mobile NPU resulted in performance up to 159× slower than CPU INT8. These results align with the INT8 SIMD architecture of mobile NPUs, confirming that mobile NPUs are best suited for accelerating INT8 matrix multiplication.

Refer to caption
Figure 2. The workflow of executing DNNs on mobile NPUs, with latencies for each procedure on QNN (QNN, ).

DNN execution workflow on mobile NPUs. Executing DNNs on mobile NPUs involves configuring the NPU environment, creating the compute graph, optimizing the graph, executing the graph, and freeing the graph, as shown in Figure 2. Typically, creating and optimizing the compute graph are most time-consuming, where the former includes translating models into the NPU-required intermediate representation, and memory allocation, that takes 300–500ms, while the latter includes optimization for adjusting memory layout, execution order, and operator fusion, taking many seconds. In addition, the closed-source nature of NPU SDKs limits further adaptation for LLMs.

2.3. Gaps between LLMs and Mobile NPUs

Given its inherent advantages, we are surprised to find that none of existing DNN engines support LLM acceleration on mobile NPUs. We then dig into the underlying reasons and find a huge gap between existing mobile NPUs design and LLM inference pipeline.

LLM prefill phase relies on variable-length prompts, leading to excessive time spent on building and compiling the NPU graph. As illustrated in Figure 2, before the compute graph can be executed on the mobile NPU, it must be built and optimized, a process taking tens of seconds. For instance, building the graph for the Gemma 2B model using QNN framework takes 360 ms, and graph optimization requires 11.54 seconds. Unlike CNN models, which are built and optimized once and can be executed multiple times with the same input shape, the LLM prefill phase must handle variable-length prompts, necessitating rebuilding and re-optimization of compute graphs for each inference. Consequently, using mobile NPUs in this scenario offers no performance benefit and is often slower than using a CPU.

Refer to caption
Figure 3. Per-tensor quantization MatMul and per-group quantization MatMul. seq, hds, group represent sequence length, hidden size, and group number, respectively.
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Figure 4. The prefill latency and accuracy on HelloSwag datasets among different quantization algorithms atop Xiaomi 14 using Qualcomm QNN framework.

The existence of activation outliers makes LLM difficult to quantize at whole-tensor level, yet a more fine-grained group-level quantization hampers NPU efficiency. Our preliminary experiments, shown in Figure 4, indicate that two popular quantization algorithms (K-Quant (llama-cpp, ) and AWQ (lin2023awq, )) incur significant inference overhead by 8.1×–10.7×, as compared to per-tensor quantization (Figure 3(a)). This is because algorithms like K-Quant and AWQ use fine-grained per-group quantization (Figure 3(b)) to maintain high accuracy. These algorithms divide activations and weights into multiple groups, each with an independent quantization scale. On NPUs, this approach requires dividing the MatMul operation into several sub-tensor MatMuls, which fails to fully leverage the capabilities of mobile NPUs. Additionally, it necessitates aggregating intermediate results with floating-point additions, resulting in extra floating-point computations. The exception is SmoothQuant (xiao2023smoothquant, ), which uses per-tensor quantization but suffers from significant accuracy loss, such as a 3.9% and 8.4% drop on the HelloSwag dataset for the LlaMA-2-7B and Qwen1.5-1.8B model, respectively.

Refer to caption
Figure 5. The workflow of quantized on-device LLM inference. Operations shown in blue are computed using INT4/INT8 formats, while those in orange are computed using float data formats.
Table 3. The operator data formats in the state-of-the-art quantization inference approaches. Each module in the first row is illustrated in Figure 5.
Quantization Type Acc. Cal QKV Atten. Cal O Norm. FFN
K-Quant (llama-cpp, ) Per-Group Low INT8 FP16 INT8 FP16 INT8
GPTQ (frantar2022gptq, ) Per-Group High FP16 FP16 FP16 FP16 FP16
AWQ (lin2023awq, ) Per-Group High FP16 FP16 FP16 FP16 FP16
SmoothQuant (xiao2023smoothquant, ) Per-tensor Low INT8 FP16 INT8 FP16 INT8
”Atten.”:Attention; ”Norm.”: Normalization.

On-device LLM inference relies on floating-point operations, conflicting with the NPU’s design for INT8 acceleration. Figure 5 illustrates a typical workflow for quantized inference. To ensure inference accuracy, only linear layers (highlighted in blue) perform matrix multiplication in the INT8/INT4 data format. For these layers, the activation x is quantized to INT8/INT4 before performing the dot product with weights. Other operations, such as Attention and LayerNorm (highlighted in orange), are computed in floating-point format. Table 3 further summarize the operator data formats in state-of-the-art quantization inference algorithms. All of them depend on float Attention and normalization operations. Given that float operations dramatically degrade performance on mobile NPUs, these operations cannot be efficiently executed on the NPU with significant overhead.

3. mllm-NPU Design

Refer to caption
Figure 6. The workflow of mllm-NPU.

3.1. Overview of mllm-NPU

Design goal. mllm-NPU aims to reduce prefill latency and energy consumption for mobile-sized LLMs through on-device NPU offloading. It supports various mobile-sized LLMs on devices and can be integrated as part of LLM-as-a-System-Service in mobile OS or mobile application services (yin2024llm, ; yuan2024mobile, ).

Workflow. Figure 6 illustrates the workflow of mllm-NPU. The key idea of mllm-NPU is to maximize its execution on mobile NPU for integer operation acceleration; while keep necessary floating point operations on CPU/GPU to not compromise accuracy. To enable more efficient NPU offloading, mllm-NPU re-constructs the prompt and model in following ways: (1) At prompt level: variable-length prompt is reduced into multiple fixed-sized chunks with data dependency preserved; (2) At block level: Transformer block is scheduled into CPU/GPU and NPU based on their hardware infinity and accuracy sensitivity; (3) At tensor level: important outliers are identified and extracted to run on CPU/GPU.

Preparation stage. mllm-NPU first uses an enhanced per-tensor quantization algorithm to quantize LLMs into W8A8 format. The quantization algorithm differs from existing ones as it filters out most unimportant activation outliers and extracts the rest of them into independent, lightweight operators that are complementary to the original one. mllm-NPU also generates fixed-length chunk-sharing graphs (§3.2) to efficiently handle variable-length prompts.

Execution stage. When receiving a prompt, mllm-NPU divides it into fixed-sized chunks and processes them causally. These chunk graphs will be split into subgraphs scheduled onto the CPU/GPU and NPU according to their data formats for efficient execution. To preserve accuracy, certain INT8-based linear layers undergo sparse float outlier shadow execution on the CPU/GPU in parallel to compensate for quantization errors from outliers (§3.3). To enhance execution efficiency, mllm-NPU judiciously schedules the chunks in out-of-order manner (§3.4).

3.2. Chunk-sharing graph execution

To tackle the dynamic prompt length challenge, an intuitive solution is to set a fixed length compute graph ahead and use padding (tillet2019triton, ; olston2017tensorflow, ; FastTransformer, ). However, this method lacks flexibility and excessive padding wastes compute resources.

Refer to caption
Figure 7. The illustration of prompt graph, chunk graph and chunk-sharing graph. The chunk length is 32.

Chunk-wise prefill. To enhance flexibility and minimize padding for variable-length prompts, we recognize that processing a long prompt in a LLM is equivalent to processing several split sub-prompts, or “chunks”, causally. This is feasible because popular LLMs use a decoder-only architecture, where the result of the i-th token depends only on the preceding tokens. To that end, mllm-NPU first pre-builds and pre-optimizes fixed-length chunk-based NPU compute graph at the preparation stage. During inference, mllm-NPU splits long prompts into several chunks and processes them using these pre-built chunk graphs, as illustrated in Figure 7(b).

However, solely using chunk graphs is not scalable, as mllm-NPU would need to store numerous distinct chunk graphs in memory, significantly increasing memory overhead. This is because different chunk graphs have attention operators of varying sizes. For instance, considering a prompt length of 1024 and a chunk length of 32, the QKV dimension sizes of the attention operators for the first chunk are all 32hds, while for the last chunk they are 32hds, 1024hds, and 1024hds respectively, as shown in Figure 7(b).

Chunk-sharing graph. mllm-NPU introduces a chunk-sharing graph, shown in Figure 7(c), based on the insight that LLM operators fall into two distinct categories: (1) static operators (in green), such as Linear and LayerNorm, which depend only on the chunk length and can be shared across different chunks; and (2) dynamic operators (in red), such as Attention, which depend on both chunk length and chunk sequence and cannot be shared among different chunks. Consequently, mllm-NPU divides the LLM into several subgraphs based on the shareability of operators. The shared subgraphs are built and optimized once, whereas non-shared subgraphs are constructed individually for different chunks. During the prefill phase, activations from different chunks pass through the same static operator subgraphs while dynamically selecting the appropriate dimension-specific dynamic operators. This method significantly reduces memory overhead and enhances scalability, as most dynamic operators, like Attention, do not contain weights, requiring only activation buffers.

Our experiments show that 120 out of 144 subgraphs can be shared in Qwen1.5-1.8B models, reducing memory consumption by up to 75% (7.2GB) for a prompt length as 1024 and a chunk length as 256.

Refer to caption
Figure 8. The per-token latency of QKV Linears and FFN under different chunk lengths.

We also conducted extensive experiments on selecting a proper chunk length. The results of two popular LLMs (Qwen1.5-1.8B and Gemma-2B) on Xiaomi 14 device is illustrated in Figure 8. Based on the observations, mllm-NPU empirically chooses a chunk length of 256 for Xiaomi 14 device, which effectively utilizes the capabilities of mobile NPUs while reducing intra-chunk padding. In practice, such profiling needs to be performed across different NPUs.

Refer to caption
Figure 9. The workflow of shadow outlier execution.

3.3. Shadow outlier execution

To enable NPU-friendly, per-tensor activation quantization without compromising LLM accuracy, mllm-NPU adopts a novel approach termed shadow outlier execution. As shown in Figure 9, mllm-NPU extracts the activation channels with outliers at runtime into a more compact tensor, executes it on CPU, and merges it back to the outcome of original operator on NPU. This procedure can be formulated as follows:

(1) xsw= {min[max(xs,127),128]+xs/128×128}w
= min[max(xs,127),128]won NPU
+ extract(xs/128×128)won CPU

where x, w, s, , and extract represent the original float activation, INT8 weights, the quantization scale factor, the MatMul operation, and the function of extracting activation outliers into a more compact tensor, respectively. Specifically, the MatMul xsw can be equivalently divided into the sum of two parts according to the associative law: (1) Mobile NPU for MatMul within the scale. mllm-NPU first quantizes and rounds x to the range of -127 to 128 based on the scale factor s. It then obtains intermediate results by performing a standard W8A8 per-tensor MatMul with weights w. (2) Mobile CPUs/GPUs for MatMul beyond the scale. mllm-NPU calculates the partial values exceeding s. Since these outliers are rare, mllm-NPU extracts these values from the tensor, compresses them into a dense tensor, and performs a MatMul with weights w.

Since outliers are very sparse (around 5–15 channels, accounting for only 0.1%–0.3% of total channels, as shown in Figure 10), the shadow execution on CPU is much faster than the execution of original tensor on NPU, and its execution time can be totally hidden by overlapping. To further minimize the overhead of this extra process, mllm-NPU determines an outlier threshold (i.e., s in Equation 1) by profiling a large corpora at offline, thereby can identify the outliers by simply comparing the activation numbers to this threshold. The design of shadow outlier execution is compatible with any per-tensor quantization algorithms, and the current prototype of mllm-NPU is based on the simple max-min symmetry quantization (jacob2018quantization, ).

While the shadow outlier execution seems to have well balanced the NPU affinity and LLM accuracy, two more crucial issues need to be addressed to make it practical. First, though mobile SoC uses a unified memory chip for heterogeneous processors, they use separated memory space. To enable shadow execution of activation outliers, mllm-NPU has to keep another copy of each MatMul weights on CPU’s memory space. This increases the memory footprint by almost 2 times. Second, while the execution of outlier is fast even on CPU, the synchronization of the reduced sum between CPU and NPU still takes non-trivial overhead, e.g., 29.7% end-to-end latency and 20.1% energy consumption on Qwen1.5-1.8B.

Refer to caption
Figure 10. The average number and percentage of outlier channels per layer on Qwen1.5-1.8B model using the wikitext dataset under 2048 inference. Less than 0.3% channels have outliers during one inference.
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Figure 11. The outlier times per channel on Qwen1.5-1.8B model using the wikitext dataset under 2048 inference. Less than 3% channels contribute over 80% outliers.

Most outliers tend to appear in a small set of channel positions. We observe that, while outliers appear in a wide range of channel positions during processing a long prompt (e.g., 78%), such appearance is highly skewed – few channels dominate the appearance of outliers. For instance, as shown in Figure 11, less than 3% of channels contribute to the majority of outliers (over 80%) across various inputs on Qwen1.5-1.8B and LlaMA-2-7B models. Therefore, for shadow outlier execution, mllm-NPU only keeps the tensor weights that need to be used by those “hot channels” in CPU memory space, and retrieve the rest of them from disk if outliers on those positions are extracted (which is rare) at runtime. Note that the weights retrieval can be also overlapped with the NPU execution of the original MatMul. This approach reduces the memory overhead of shadow execution by 34.3% with negligible latency.

Most outliers can be pruned without impacts on accuracy. Surprisingly, we observe that the activation outliers on most MatMul operators are unimportant to the LLM accuracy and can be simply removed. Here, the importance of an outlier is measured as the ratio between the largest outlier and the quantization scale (s in Equation 1). The larger ratio indicates a more dispersed activation distribution, resulting in more significant quantization errors. mllm-NPU profiles these outlier importance using large corpora data at offline stage, (Figure 12), and prunes most of unimportant layers’ outliers. Typically, we observed layers near the inputs and outputs have a higher importance. This is because layers close to inputs are easily influenced by the tokens disparity, exhibiting greater fluctuations, while layers approaching to outputs easily accumulate the errors from the shallow layers. Based on the observation, mllm-NPU prunes the outliers of top 85% most unimportant layers through offline profiling, so that the CPU-NPU synchronization is eliminated.

Refer to caption
Figure 12. Left: Outlier importance of different layers in Qwen1.5-1.8B model. Right: Relationship between accuracy and pruned layers on HellaSwag and Winograde datasets.

3.4. Out-of-order subgraph execution

As elaborated in (§2.3), LLM quantization algorithms cannot fully eliminate floating point operations, mllm-NPU thereby divides its execution flow into NPU and CPU/GPU collaboratively. Typically, LayerNorm, Attention, as well as the shadow outlier computation are placed on the CPU/GPU; while the other linear layers are processed on the NPU. However, we found simply overlapping their execution is inefficient, resulting in large execution bubbles (37% bubble rate in critical path), as illustrated in Figure 13(a).

Out-of-order execution. To reduce these execution bubbles, mllm-NPU is guided by a key insight that, after being partitioned at both chunk and subgraphs levels, the LLM subgraphs can be scheduled in an out-of-order manner. More specifically, any input-ready subgraph can be executed without strictly following the chunk sequence. For instance, the first subgraph of the third chunk (C3-Graph1) can be executed during the bubble period when C2-Graph1 finishes.

Refer to caption
Figure 13. Out-of-order subgraph execution.

To preserve correctness, mllm-NPU considers two types of dependency: (1) Cross-chunk dependency. Operators like Attention rely on data from previous chunks. This means the i-th chunk j-th subgraph Gi,j depends on the j1-th subgraph of the 0,1,,i1 chunks:

(2) Gi,jG0,j1,G1,j1,,Gi,j1

(2) Intra-chunk dependency. Operators like LayerNorm, Linear, and Quantize rely only on previous subgraphs within the same chunk. Therefore, the i-th chunk’s j-th subgraph Gi,j depends on the j1-th subgraph of the same chunk:

(3) Gi,jGi,j1

As mobile processors are weak at parallelism and preemption (yi2020heimdall, ; han2024pantheon, ; xu2022mandheling, ), to ensure efficiency, a processor is capable of executing only one subgraph at any given time.:

(4) i=0Nj=0MPi,j,t=1,t

where Pi,j,t=1 indicates that subgraph Gi,j is running on processor P at time t, and N and M represent the maximum number of chunks and subgraphs, respectively. mllm-NPU aims to find an execution order minimizing the total execution time of all subgraphs under these constraints. Unfortunately, this scheduling problem can be reduced to a classical NP-Hard Traveling Salesman Problem (hoffman2013traveling, ). Moreover, because the number of chunks varies with user prompts, an optimal scheduling strategy cannot be generated offline.

Instead, mllm-NPU utilizes an online heuristic algorithm. The key idea is to focus not on the execution time of the subgraph g, but on how executing g contributes to reducing NPU stalls, motivated by the observation that during the prefill phase, NPU execution time often dominates inference latency, being the critical path. For instance, with a prompt length of 256 using the Qwen1.5-1.8B model, NPU execution takes 315ms, about twice that of the CPU.

Specifically, we define a subgraph g’s contribution to reduce NPU stalls as follows: If subgraph g is to be executed on the CPU/GPU, let S be the set of new subgraphs that can be executed after g is completed. S will be executed on the NPU. A longer execution time of S is beneficial for reducing NPU stalls. Thus, g’s contribution is defined as the total execution time of S. Conversely, if g is executed on the NPU, a shorter execution time of S is beneficial, with the negative value of S’s execution time as g’s contribution, formulated as:

(6) C={Ti,iS if g is on the CPU/GPUTi,iS if g is on the NPU

where T is the subgraph execution time. mllm-NPU always chooses the subgraph with the largest C, meaning the subgraph g with S having the longest execution time on the NPU or the shortest execution time on the CPU/GPU.

In a nut shell, mllm-NPU profiles all the subgraph execution time and their dependency offline at the preparation stage. During the prefill stage, it calculates all the pending subgraphs C value and selects one with maximum C to run, with microsecond-level performance overhead.

4. Implementation and Evaluation

We have fully implemented mllm-NPU for Qualcomm Hexagon NPUs, comprising 10K lines of code in C/C++ and assembly language. We choose Qualcomm SoCs as the target platform for its popularity on mobile devices and powerful NPU capacity. Qualcomm Hexagon is also the only mobile NPU with an open instruction set architecture. mllm-NPU is built on the MLLM (mllm, ), one state-of-the-art mobile LLM engines, and QNN framework (QNN, ), the Qualcomm Neural Processing SDK. It supports standard LLM formats exported from Hugging Face (Hugging-Face, ). To facilitate LLM execution, we implemented specific operators like KVCache, SiLU, RMSNorm, ROPE, and etc, in addition to what have been supported by QNN. To reduce context switching overhead between CPUs/GPUs and NPUs, mllm-NPU leverages shared buffers to synchronize intermediate results from different processors. For end-to-end inference, mllm-NPU is compatible with any decoding engine and utilizes the MLLM CPU backend for decoding stage as easy implementation, with a default chunk length of 256. The default pruning rate for outlier layers is 85%.

The prototype further incorporates two optimizations. (1) Our extensive experiments show that mobile NPUs ofte favor tensor sizes (e.g., equal “height” and “width”) in CNN architectures. For example, a linear layer with weights of 2048×2048 produces the same results for inputs of 1024×1×2048 and 32×32×2048, but using 32×32×2048 reduces execution latency by 1.62×. Therefore, mllm-NPU profiles all possible equivalent shapes for linear layers during the preparation stage and selects the most efficient one. (2) Mobile NPUs typically access limited memory regions (e.g., 4GB for Hexagon NPU), which can be smaller than the size of LLM weights. To maximize prefill acceleration within this limited memory, mllm-NPU prioritizes executing computationally intensive tasks, such as FFN, on the NPU to enhance efficiency.

4.1. Experiment setups

Hardware setup. We test mllm-NPU on two smartphones with different Qualcomm SoCs: Xiaomi 14 (Snapdragon 8gen3, 16GB memory) and Redmi K60 Pro (Snapdragon 8gen2, 16GB memory). All devices run Android OS 13.

Models and datasets. We conducted tests using a variety of typical mobile-sized LLMs: Qwen1.5-1.8B (qwen2, ), Gemma-2B (gemma2b, ), Phi2-2.7B (phi2-2.7, ), LLaMA2-Chat-7B (Llama-2-7b, ), and Mistral-7B (Mistral-7B, ). To evaluate mllm-NPU’s quantization accuracy, we employed widely recognized LLM benchmarks, including LAMBADA (lambada, ), HellaSwag (zellers2019hellaswag, ), WinoGrande (ai2:winogrande, ), OpenBookQA (OpenBookQA2018, ) and MMLU (hendryckstest2021, ). For inference speed experiments, we selected retrieval-based datasets from Longbench, 2wikimqa and TriviaQA (bai2023longbench, ), for simulating context-aware generate tasks like automated email reply. Additionally, we assessed mllm-NPU in screen question-answering and mapping instruction to UI action scenarios using DroidTask datasets (LlamaTouch, ) to simulate agent-based UI automation tasks.

Refer to caption
Figure 14. Prefill speed under different prompt lengths on different devices (datasets: Longbench-2wiki-Multi-doc QA).
Refer to caption
Figure 15. Energy consumption under different prompt lengths on Redmi K60 Pro (datasets: Longbench-2wiki-Multi-doc QA).

Baselines. We mainly compare mllm-NPU with 5 baselines, including 3 widely used mobile LLM engines (TFLite (tflite, ), MNN (mnn, ), and llama.cpp (llama-cpp, )). Those engines support only mobile CPU and GPU; 2 advanced baselines are MLC-LLM (mlc-llm, ), an LLM compiler for on-device GPUs, and PowerInfer-v2, which also utilizes mobile NPUs to accelerate prefilling (xue2024powerinfer, ). Since PowerInfer-v2 is not open-sourced, we use the reported data from its paper. To be noted, those baselines often support only a subset of 5 LLMs we evaluated.

Metrics. We mainly measure LLM inference accuracy, prefill latency, prefill energy consumption, prefill memory consumption and end-to-end inference latency. The energy consumption is obtained through /sys /class/power_supply in Android OS by profiling every 100ms. All experiments are repeated three times and we report the average numbers.

4.2. Prefill performance.

We evaluate the mllm-NPU’s prefill performance (speed and energy consumption) at prompt lengths of 64, 256 and 1024 tokens on two devices, as shwon in Figure 14 and 15. Despite outlier variations across datasets, the overall impact on prefill performance is minimal, so we report results from the LongBench dataset. The results show that mllm-NPU consistently outperforms all baselines across both metrics, with benefits becoming more pronounced as prompt length increases.

Prefill speed. For prompt length of 1024 tokens, mllm-NPU can reduce prefill latency by 18.17–38.4×, 7.3×, 32.5–43.6×, and 1.27–2.34× on Xiaomi 14 compared with llama.cpp-CPU, MNN-CPU, MLC-GPU, TFLite-GPU, respectively. On the Redmi K60 Pro, these improvements are 21.3–41.3×, 7.43×, 37.2–69.3×, and 1.3–2.6×, respectively. These speedups are due to mllm-NPU’s use of three innovative techniques that fully leverage mobile NPUs, including shadow outlier execution, high-efficiency per-tensor MatMul, and out-of-order subgraph execution. Compared with PowerInfer-V2-NPU, a baseline also using NPU for prefilling, mllm-NPU can achieve 3.28–5.32× and 3.4–5.6× speedup on two devices, respectively, by employing NPU-friendly INT8 linear computation and fine-grained subgraph scheduling (§3.4).

For prompt length of 64 tokens, the prefill speed of mllm-NPU is 14.86–7.10×, 1.69×, 10.91–17.32×, 1.48×, and 1.81–2.51× faster than llama.cpp-CPU, MNN-CPU, MLC-GPU, TFLite-GPU, and PowerInfer-V2-NPU respectively, with speedups averaging 10.5×, 4.31×, 2.68×, 1.02×, and 1.96× lower than those for 1024-token prompts. This is because a shorter prompt can lead to a padding problem and limit mllm-NPU’s out-of-order execution scheduling efficiency.

Prefill energy consumption. Energy consumption was evaluated on the Redmi K60 Pro, the only rootable device. PowerInfer-V2 was excluded due to the lack of energy consumption data and open-source code. For 1024-token prompts, mllm-NPU reduces energy consumption by 35.63–59.52×, 35.21–59.25×, and 1.85–4.32× compared to llama.cpp-CPU, MLC-GPU, and TFLite-GPU, respectively. For 64-token prompts, the savings are 10.38–14.12×, 10.38–17.79×, and 3.22–3.67×, respectively. These savings are due to the high energy efficiency of mobile NPUs and mllm-NPU’s three novel techniques for maximizing NPU performance.

Table 4. End-to-end latency comparison across different frameworks using real mobile applications execution on Xiaomi 14.
LLM Datasets MLC LCPP MNN PI TFLite Ours Speedup Datasets MLC LCPP MNN PI TFLite Ours Speedup
Qwen1.5-1.8B Longbench: 2wiki -Multi-doc QA (prompt length: 1500 tokens) 45.6 26.7 10.6 - - 1.7 6.2-26.8× Longbench: TriviaQA (prompt length: 1500 tokens) 46.0 27.0 11.2 - - 2.0 5.6-23.0×
Gemma-2B 78.4 34.6 - - 2.6 1.9 1.4-41.3× 81.8 36.2 - - 2.8 2.2 1.3-37.2×
Phi-2-2.7B 87.0 53.3 13.0 - 6.3 3.1 2.0-28.1× 91.4 56.3 14.7 - 6.8 3.6 1.9-25.4×
LlaMA-2-7B 184.7 146.0 22.4 19.8 - 5.3 3.7-34.8× 197.3 156.2 23.8 21.8 - 6.2 3.5-31.8×
Mistral-7b 254.2 200.2 20.0 - 5.5 3.6-46.2× 266.2 210.0 - 21.5 - 6.4 3.4-41.6×
Geo-mean (speedup) 34.7× 21.8× 4.8× 3.7× 1.7× - 31.0× 19.6× 4.4× 3.4× 1.6× -
LLM Datasets MLC LCPP MNN PI TFLite Ours Speedup Datasets MLC LCPP MNN PI TFLite Ours Speedup
Qwen1.5-1.8B DroidTask: clock (prompt length: 800 tokens)) 21.0 10.4 3.9 - - 1.4 2.8-15.0× DroidTask: applauncher (prompt length: 600 tokens) 16.2 8.1 3.1 - - 1.1 2.8-14.7×
Gemma-2B 39.4 16.5 - - 2.5 1.2 2.1-32.8× 29.4 12.3 - - 1.9 0.9 2.1-32.7×
Phi-2-2.7B 46.6 25.0 7.4 - 4.2 3.1 1.4-15.0× 35.4 19.0 5.9 - 3.2 2.4 1.3-14.8×
LlaMA-2-7B 87.7 60.4 10.6 11.1 - 4.8 2.2-18.3× 63.7 43.9 7.7 8.2 - 3.6 2.1-17.7×
Mistral-7b 122.3 68.6 - 12.0 - 4.9 2.4-25.0× 90.1 50.6 - 8.9 - 3.8 2.3-23.7×
Geo-mean (speedup) 20.2× 10.8× 2.4× 2.4× 1.7× - 19.7× 10.5× 2.5× 2.3× 1.7× -
*LCPP and PI in the first row represent llama.cpp and PowerInfer-V2, respectively.

4.3. End-to-end performance

We evaluate the real-world performance of mllm-NPU against baseline systems using two workloads: UI automation on DroidTask datasets and context-aware automated email replies on LongBench datasets. The end-to-end inference latency results are shown in Table 4. Our key observation is that mllm-NPU always achieves the lowest inference latency across all four datasets.

For LongBench datasets, mllm-NPU shows significant speed improvements: 23.0–46.2× over llama.cpp-CPU, 16.5–36.4× over MLC-LLM-GPU, 4.08–4.19× over MNN-CPU, 3.51–3.73× over PowerInfer-V2-NPU, and 1.27–2.03× over TFLite-GPU. This impressive performance is primarily due to mllm-NPU’s superior efficiency during the prefill stage. The speedup against TFLite-GPU is lower since mllm-NPU currently relies on a CPU backend for decoding with no optimization, while TFLite utilizes GPU. Notably, mllm-NPU is compatible with any decoding engine, which means once TFLite is open-sourced, mllm-NPU can integrate it as the decoding backend, potentially enhancing performance further.

For the DroidTask datasets, mllm-NPU reduces end-to-end inference latency by 7.9–12.5× compared to llama.cpp-CPU, 15.0–32.8× compared to MLC-LLM-GPU, 2.38–2.45× compared to MNN-CPU, 2.27–2.44× compared to PowerInfer-V2-NPU, and 1.35–2.38× compared to TFLite-GPU. The performance gains are slightly smaller for DroidTask datasets due to shorter prompts in UI automation versus email writing.

Table 5. LLM capability accuracy on mllm-NPU and baselines. ”SQ”: SmoothQuant; ”Int8()”: LLM.Int8(); ”Degrad.”: accuracy degradation compared to FP16.
LAMBADA FP16 SQ INT8() K-Quant Ours Ours Degrad.
Qwen1.5-1.8B 71.1% 65.6% 71.0% 62.7% 71.7% +0.6%
Gemma2-2B 59.6% 45.8% 59.2% 56.9% 59.4% -0.2%
Phi-2-2.7B 72.2% 66.1% 71.7% 59.3% 67.5% -4.7%
LlaMA-2-7B 87.5% 71.9% 88.0% 15.6% 86.3% -1.2%
Mistral-7b 84.8% 51.2% 85.3% 23.9% 84.1% -0.7%
Avg. Degrad. - -14.9% 0% -31.3% -1.2%
HellaSwag FP16 SQ INT8() K-Quant Ours Ours Degrad.
Qwen1.5-1.8B 43.8% 40.9% 43.5% 44.3% 43.8% 0%
Gemma2-2B 46.5% 43.8% 46.1% 45.4% 47.3% +0.8%
Phi-2-2.7B 48.2% 46.2% 47.7% 47.6% 46.9% -1.3%
LlaMA-2-7B 52.8% 44.4% 53.1% 50.5% 53.5% +0.7%
Mistral-7b 57.4% 44.9% 57.9% 57.0% 57.0% -0.4%
Avg. Degrad. - -5.7% -0.1% -0.8% -0.0%
WinoGrande FP16 SQ INT8() K-Quant ours Ours Degrad.
Qwen1.5-1.8B 58.3% 51.0% 58.2% 59.0% 59.3% +1.0%
Gemma2-2B 58.3% 54.8% 59.0% 58.5% 59.5% +1.2%
Phi-2-2.7B 72.2% 68.9% 72.4% 72.5% 70.2% -2.0%
LlaMA-2-7B 65.2% 56.9% 66.2% 67.4% 65.1% -0.1%
Mistral-7b 73.5% 59.1% 73.3% 73.5% 73.1% -0.4%
Avg. Degrad. - -7.4% +0.3% +0.7% -0.1%
OpenBookQA FP16 SQ INT8() K-Quant ours Ours Degrad.
Qwen1.5-1.8B 28.8% 23.0% 28.5% 28.0% 26.6% -2.2%
Gemma2-2B 33.7% 28.0% 34.2% 33.0% 38.4% +4.7%
Phi-2-2.7B 41.0% 35.9% 40.2% 39.5% 37.7% -3.3%
LlaMA-2-7B 32.7% 25.0% 32.0% 31.5% 31.1% -1.6%
Mistral-7b 39.4% 25.6% 39.3% 37.9% 39.3% -0.1%
Avg. Degrad. - -7.6% -0.3% -1.1% -0.5%
MMLU FP16 SQ INT8() K-Quant ours Ours Degrad.
Qwen1.5-1.8B 29.7% 27.9% 29.1% 29.8% 30.8% +1.1%
Gemma2-2B 35.7% 32.1% 35.1% 35.1% 36.4% +0.7%
Phi-2-2.7B 35.4% 35.3% 35.6% 35.7% 36.7% +1.3%
LlaMA-2-7B 37.8% 29.2% 38.1% 34.4% 36.9% -0.9%
Mistral-7b 42.1% 30.9% 41.4% 42.3% 41.0% -1.1%
Avg. Degrad. - -5.1% -0.3% -0.7% +0.2%

4.4. Inference accuracy

We investigate the inference accuracy of mllm-NPU on five LLM benchmarks: LAMBADA (lambada, ), HellaSwag (zellers2019hellaswag, ), WinoGrande (ai2:winogrande, ), OpenBookQA (OpenBookQA2018, ) and MMLU (hendryckstest2021, ). For comparison, we evaluated 4 alternatives: FP16 (non-quantization), K-Quant (llama-cpp, ) (used in llama.cpp), SmoothQuant (xiao2023smoothquant, ) (state-of-the-art per-tensor method), and LLM.Int8() (dettmers2022gpt3, ) (state-of-the-art float outlier handling method). mllm-NPU achieves negligible accuracy loss, and significantly outperforms the other quantization algorithms, as shown in Table 5

Specifically, mllm-NPU is, on average, only 1% less accurate than FP16, and it shows an accuracy improvement of up to 32.9% over SmoothQuant and up to 70.9% over K-Quant. This improvement over SmoothQuant, which uses static profiling to smooth outliers to normal values, is due to mllm-NPU’s dynamic handling of outlier positions with CPU float precision. mllm-NPU addresses outliers at the element level, providing higher precision than K-Quant that uses group-level quantization scales. Furthermore, mllm-NPU achieves comparable accuracy (0.1% average loss) to LLM.Int8(), as both handle outliers with float precision. But mllm-NPU better utilizes NPU-specific computational features, maintaining high accuracy and NPU efficiency.

4.5. Memory consumption

We compare mllm-NPU with INT8 weight baselines, as mobile NPUs only support INT8 weight computations. Memory consumption results on the Redmi K60 Pro, using a 512-token prompt, are presented in Figure 16. mllm-NPU consumes up to 1.32 × more memory than llama.cpp and TFLite. The overhead is due to the MLLM and QNN frameworks, which allocate independent activation buffers for each operator to enhance speed. The tiny additional memory overhead introduced by mllm-NPU is its §3.3 shadow outlier execution technique (in black), which loads tiny float weights into memory, accounting for only 0.6%–1% of the total memory.

Refer to caption
Figure 16. Memory consumption of different baselines (prompt length=512).
Refer to caption
Figure 17. Ablation study of mllm-NPU (prompt length=512).

4.6. Ablation study.

We conduct a comprehensive breakdown analysis of the benefits brought by each of mllm-NPU ’s techniques using the Qwen1.5-1.8B, Gemma-2B, and LlaMA2-7B models, as shown in Figure 17. The leftmost bar represents the prefill speed on the CPU using llama.cpp. The second bar shows a naive implementation on mobile NPUs, followed by the incorporation of our three techniques, with the rightmost bar representing mllm-NPU. The three techniques are represented by chunk (§3.2), outlier (§3.3), and OOE (§3.4), respectively. We observe that mllm-NPU ’s three techniques make a significant contribution to the overall improvement.

Firstly, directly offloading LLM prefilling workloads to mobile NPUs results in 2.55–2.68× delays, due to the substantial gap between LLMs and mobile NPUs, as detailed in §2.3. Additionally, chunk-sharing graph improves prefill speed by 1.46–5.09× by reducing graph building and optimization delays. The Gemma-2B model achieves the highest speedup, as it requires more time for building and optimization. Furthermore, the shadow outlier execution reduces prefill latency by 3.91–8.68×, allowing per-tensor MatMul operations to fully utilize mobile NPUs with minimal CPU/GPU overhead. Lastly, the out-of-order subgraph execution reduces prefill latency by 18%–44% by reducing execution bubbles within the NPU.

5. Related work

On-device LLM optimization. LLMs are resource-hungry, especially when long context is needed (xu2024survey, ; zeng2024cap, ). To reduce the substantial memory consumption of on-device LLM inference, various compression techniques have been proposed, including quantization and knowledge distillation (yao2022zeroquant, ; frantar2022gptq, ; guan2021cocopie, ; niu2020patdnn, ; wang2020minilm, ; huynh2017deepmon, ; you2022speechmoe2, ; yi2023edgemoe, ; mllm-npu, ). To minimize on-device LLM computation, researchers have introduced token pruning (wang2021spatten, ; cai2022enable, ; kim2022learned, ; rao2021dynamicvit, ; bolya2022token, ), which prunes unnecessary tokens during the inference process. Speculative decoding, a method that accelerates token generation by offloading tasks to a smaller LLM, has been widely adopted in open-source frameworks (llama-cpp, ; FastTransformer, ) and extensively researched (kim2023big, ; miao2023specinfer, ; yang2023predictive, ; he2023rest, ; fu2024break, ; cai2024medusa, ). Beyond inference, on-device LLM training (especially fine-tuning) is also gaining attentions in mobile research (cai2022fedadapter, ; xu2024fwdllm, ) As a system optimization, mllm-NPU is orthogonal and compatible with these algorithm-level optimizations.

On-chip offloading for ML. This has been thoroughly studied to enable faster DNN inference by leveraging heterogeneous mobile processors like GPUs and NPUs (kim2019mulayer, ; zeng2021energy, ; ha2021accelerating, ; lane2016deepx, ; han2019mosaic, ; zhang2020mobipose, ; lee2019mobisr, ; georgiev2014dsp, ; xu2022mandheling, ; xue2024powerinfer, ; niu2024smartmem, ; niu2024sod, ). MobiSR (lee2019mobisr, ) utilizes mobile NPUs to speed up super-resolution computation. However, these methods do not address LLM-specific features and are unsuitable for on-device LLM scenarios. The most relevant work is PowerInfer-V2 (xue2024powerinfer, ), which also utilizes mobile NPUs for the prefilling, but mostly focuses on LLM inference with insufficient device memory. mllm-NPU is inspired by these efforts and is the first LLM inference framework with efficient, end-to-end on-device NPU offloading.

Mobile NPU execution optimization. With the growing importance of mobile NPUs in smartphones, significant efforts have been made to optimize their execution efficiency (root2023fast, ; thomas2024automatic, ; niu2022gcd, ; vocke2017extending, ; ragan2013halide, ; franchetti2008generating, ). Pitchfork (root2023fast, ) defines a portable fixed-point intermediate representation to optimize fixed-point execution efficiency. Isaria (thomas2024automatic, ) proposes a framework for automatically generating vectorizing compilers for DSP architectures, creating efficient operator codes for mobile NPUs. As a system framework, mllm-NPU is orthogonal and can leverage them to generate more efficient operator libraries as execution backend, further boosting performance.

6. Conclusions

This paper has proposed mllm-NPU, the first LLM inference system utilizing on-device NPU offloading to reduce prefill latency and energy consumption. mllm-NPU has incorporated novel techniques: chunk-sharing graph, shadow outlier execution and out-of-order subgraph execution to enhance NPU offloading efficiency. Extensive experiments have demonstrated mllm-NPU to show its superior performance benefits, e.g, up to 43.6× speedup and 59.5× energy savings.


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