Measuring and Enhancing Trustworthiness of LLMs in RAG
through Grounded Attributions and Learning to Refuse

Maojia Song1 Shang Hong Sim111footnotemark: 1 Rishabh Bhardwaj1,
Hai Leong Chieu2
Navonil Majumder1 Soujanya Poria1

1 Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2 DSO National Laboratories, Singapore

{maojia_song, shanghong_sim, rishabh_bhardwaj}
{navonil_majumder, sporia}

These authors contributed equally.

LLMs are an integral part of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems. While many studies focus on evaluating the quality of end-to-end RAG systems, there is a lack of research on understanding the appropriateness of an LLM for the RAG task. Thus, we introduce a new metric, Trust-Score, that provides a holistic evaluation of the trustworthiness of LLMs in an RAG framework. We show that various prompting methods, such as in-context learning, fail to adapt LLMs effectively to the RAG task. Thus, we propose Trust-Align, a framework to align LLMs for higher Trust-Score. LLaMA-3-8b, aligned with our method, significantly outperforms open-source LLMs of comparable sizes on ASQA (10.7), QAMPARI (29.2) and ELI5 (14.9). We release our code at:

Measuring and Enhancing Trustworthiness of LLMs in RAG
through Grounded Attributions and Learning to Refuse

Maojia Song1thanks: These authors contributed equally. Shang Hong Sim111footnotemark: 1 Rishabh Bhardwaj1, Hai Leong Chieu2 Navonil Majumder1 Soujanya Poria1 1 Singapore University of Technology and Design, 2 DSO National Laboratories, Singapore {maojia_song, shanghong_sim, rishabh_bhardwaj} {navonil_majumder, sporia}

1 Introduction

Hallucination in Large Language Models (LLMs) is a significant concern in generative AI, where the models produce information that appears plausible but is factually incorrect Ji et al. (2023). Examples include falsely accusing individuals of crimes The Independent (2023), generating fictitious judicial cases Bohannon (2023), and creating historically inaccurate images Business Insider (2023). Such instances raise concerns about the reliability of LLMs as tools for accessing accurate information.

Rather than directly using LLMs as an information source, incorporating them into a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework has become a popular approach to enhance the credibility of generated information. A typical RAG system, thus, consists of a large corpus of documents, a retriever that finds the top-K reference documents relevant to a query, and an LLM that composes the response and presents it to the user in a well-formatted manner. Notably, the role of the LLM shifts from being a source of information (in a non-RAG setup) to a consolidator of the information supplied by the retriever, with consolidation conditioned on the question asked.

There has been a significant amount of research on studying and reducing hallucinations in LLMs. For instance, Bai et al. (2024) examines hallucinations due to incorrect access to parametric knowledge. However, there is a lack of understanding of how these LLMs behave when they are required to rely solely on external (non-parametric) knowledge provided to them. An early work by Gao et al. (2023b) focuses on evaluating the RAG system in an end-to-end fashion, thereby, entangling the shortcomings of the retrieval with the errors in the final LLM output. Naturally, such an evaluation scheme is inconducive to isolating the role of LLMs under RAG setup.

In this work, we propose Trust-Score—a novel holistic metric to exclusively evaluate the trustworthiness of LLMs for RAG. Trust-Score assesses an LLM across multiple dimensions: 1) The ability to discern which questions can be answered or refused based on the provided documents (Grounded Refusals); 2) Gold claim recall scores for the answerable responses (Exact Match Recall); 3) The extent to which generated claims are supported by the corresponding citations (Citation Recall); and 4) The relevance of the citations (Citation Precision).

Our investigation shows that many state-of-the-art systems, including GPT-4 and Claude-3.5-Sonnet, heavily rely on their internal parametric knowledge acquired during parameter tuning phases to answer questions OpenAI (2023); Anthropic (2024). This limits their suitability for RAG tasks, where models should base responses solely on provided documents, leading to a low Trust-Score. Moreover, prompting approaches intended to enhance model trustworthiness have been found ineffective, as the responsiveness of the models becomes overly sensitive to the prompt. This leads to extreme Answered Ratio (AR%) values, indicating indiscriminate answering or refusal.

Thus, we propose an alignment framework, Trust-Align, to tune LLMs towards generating document-grounded responses and achieving higher Trust-Score. The framework aims to build an alignment dataset consisting of 19K questions, documents, positive (preferred) responses r+, and negative (unpreferred) responses r. This dataset was created to address the five hallucinations types found - Inaccurate Answer, Over Responsveness, Excessive Refusal, OverCitation and Improper Citation. First, we collect a diverse and high-quality seed set of questions q, followed by gathering the relevant (oracle) documents D, and then perform extensive data augmentation. Positive responses are generated by stitching the gold claims together using GPT-4, while negative responses are derived from high-ranked hallucinations of a generic RAG fine-tuned model.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Trust-Score.

Evaluation on the benchmark datasets shows that the models trained with Trust-Align outperform the competitive baselines w.r.t. Trust-Score: 10.73%, 29.24%, and 14.88% on ASQA, QAMPARI, and ELI5, respectively. TRUST-ALIGN significantly enhances the ability of models to correctly refuse or provide answers as compared to the baselines with refusal metric scores increased by 9.87% for ASQA, 22.53% for QAMPARI, and 5.32% for ELI5. Moreover, Trust-Align improves citation quality, with citation groundedness scores increasing by 26.67% for ASQA, 31.96% for QAM- PARI, and 29.30% for ELI5. Due to gamification, we observe mixed scores on exact match recall. We observe a notable increase in recall scores for QAMPARI (33.23%) and ELI5 (10.04%), but a decrease of 4.34% for ASQA.

We show that Trust-Align combined with DPO improves trustworthiness more effectively than prompting or SFT methods. Our augmented data leads to significant gains in Trust-Score, with an increase of 1.50% on ASQA, 1.78% on QAMPARI, and 2.23% on ELI5. Additionally, ablation studies highlight the importance of using data specific to each hallucination subtype. Removing subsegments of data for any subtype results in a measurable decrease in Trust-Score. Moreover, we find that aligning with refusal samples in Trust-Align produces the highest Trust-Score scores, emphasizing the critical role of including refusal samples during training. Our key contributions to this work are as follows:

  • We are the first to study hallucinations of LLMs in a RAG setup, where model responses should be exclusively grounded in retrieved documents rather than the model’s parametric knowledge.

  • We define answerability—a crucial concept for determining if the provided documents are sufficient to answer the question.

  • To measure LLM performance under RAG, we introduce Trust-Score, a holistic metric for quantifying LLM hallucinations in the RAG setup.

  • We propose Trust-Align, an alignment framework designed to improve the trustworthiness of LLMs in RAG. It first creates an alignment dataset of 19K samples with positive (gold) and negative (unpreferred) responses, followed by applying the DPO algorithm on the model.

2 Problem Description

2.1 Task Setup

Given a question q and a set of retrieved documents 𝒟 as input, the LLM is instructed to generate a response S which consists of a set of citation-grounded statements {s1,,sn}; each statement si follows a set of citations 𝒞i={ci,1,ci,2,} referring to the documents in 𝒟111For QAMPARI, we treat each entity in the response list as a statement.. If 𝒟 is not sufficient to answer q, the gold response would be a refusal statement, such as, “I apologize, but I couldn’t find an answer to your question in the search results”.

2.2 When is refusal expected?

To label a sample as a ground truth refusal, we first define the notion of answerability:

Answerability: a question q is considered answerable if D carry sufficient information to answer q. Formally, we label a question as answerable if a subset of the retrieved documents entails at least one of the gold claims; otherwise, q is unanswerable, and thus a ground truth refusal response is expected.

A refusal response contains no claims or citations but provides a generic message conveying the LLM’s inability to respond to q.

Nuances of answerability.

Determining answerability can be challenging. To determine answerability, we use a system that evaluates the entailment of gold claims against provided documents, referred to as the Natural Language Inference (NLI) system. An NLI system can range from a simple exact match (EM) identifier to an LLM or even a human evaluator, with answerability determined based on q,D and biases of the NLI222For EM, the bias is that a q is answerable if exact match fo claims is present in D.. These biases can be useful in specific RAG applications, such as solving mathematical problems where the documents provide a formula and the question assigns values to variables. The choice of NLI depends on whether the RAG system requires the LLM to have mathematical understanding. Ideally, to prevent improper evaluations, the NLI model used to construct the gold claims should also be used to evaluate the LLM responses.

In this paper, our focus is on evaluating the generic comprehension capabilities of LLMs without specialized knowledge. Thus, we use two NLI mechanisms: 1) identifying whether an exact match of claims is present in the gold claims, and 2) using a Machine Learning (ML) model to determine if the documents can entail the gold claims. The ML-based NLI model is used for multiple purposes, such as alignment dataset construction (data/training) and evaluating generated responses (metric/testing). For this, we adopt the NLI model from Rashkin et al. (2022). ϕ(cij,si)=1 if cij (premise) entails si (hypothesis); otherwise, 0. To determine answerability, we employ the TRUE-based method Honovich et al. (2022) to assess whether a gold claim can be entailed by a given document.

The knowledge grounding problem.

Typically, LLMs are designed to perform question-answering tasks, where response generation heavily relies on the parametric (internal) knowledge acquired during their pre-training, tuning, and alignment phases OpenAI (2023); Anthropic (2024). Thus, most of their knowledge is grounded in parametric memory. This makes them inherently less suitable for RAG applications, where the knowledge generated by the LLM is expected to be grounded in input documents. RAG is analogous to a reading comprehension task, where the answers must come from the provided passage (documents in RAG) rather than the prior knowledge of the person taking the test. Thus, any reliance on parametric knowledge can result in statements that are not fully grounded in the documents, including providing answers to unanswerable questions. Our investigation shows that state-of-the-art models, such as GPT-4 and Claude-3.5-Sonnet, overtly rely on parametric knowledge even when used in a RAG setting.333We show a detailed analysis in Sections D.1 and D.2.

2.3 Hallucination in LLM in RAG

For the task of RAG, we define hallucination in an LLM as any error where the generated response is not grounded on the provided documents. We categorize hallucination into five types: (1) Inaccurate Answer - The generated statements S fail to cover claims in the gold response, (2) Over Responsiveness - The model answers an unanswerable (refusal) question, (3) Excessive Refusal - The model refuses to answer an answerable question, (4) Overcitation - The model generates redundant citations, (5) Improper Citation - The model’s citation(s) do not support the statement.

Next, we introduce a comprehensive metric to effectively measure hallucinations in LLMs.

3 Metrics for LLM-in-RAG

Given a question q and the corresponding ground truth response AG={ag1,,agn} consisting of gold claims, we define the claims obtainable from the provided documents as AD={ad1,,adn} and the claims generated in the response as AR={ar1,,arn}. We aim to measure two aspects of an LLM in RAG: 1) the Correctness of the generated claims (Response Truthfulness); and 2) the Correctness of citations generated (Attribution Groundedness).

Insufficiency of the existing metrics.

The existing metric measures Response Truthfulness by first computing the per-sample exact match recall (EMr) score for gold claims AG Gao et al. (2023b), disregarding how many of these claims are obtainable from D. This is followed by averaging the recall scores across samples to obtain a single score for the dataset. This method introduces inconsistencies: models that rely on parametric knowledge (p) may generate gold claims not found in D, leading to an artificially inflated recall value. In contrast, an ideal LLM (i) would rely solely on D to generate responses (a desired trait) and would be constrained by an upper recall limit of |AGAD||AG|, which varies depending on the question. This approach presents two key problems: (1) Recall Consolidation: Since the measurement range depends on the claims present in D, it is infeasible to provide a consistent, consolidated EMr score across the dataset, (2) Recall Gamification: p may have a higher upper limit on EMr (up to 1) because they can generate gold claims not present in D (an undesirable trait), unlike i that depend entirely on D.

Answer Calibration.

To address the challenges of recall consolidation and gamification in existing evaluation metrics, we propose new metrics that measure sample-wise recall score based on the fraction of gold claims that can be obtained from D. Specifically, this involves computing |AGAD|, which measures the exact match (EM) recall after calibrating the gold claims. This approach sets a maximum recall limit of 1 for all models. For dataset-wide scoring, we consolidate per-sample EM recall scores using two methods: 1) EMACα: The average recall score across samples answered by the LLM, i.e., samples where AR; 2) EMACβ: The average recall score across samples that are answerable, i.e., samples where AGAD444Notably, both EMACα and EMACβ sum over samples that are both answered and answerable, differing primarily in their normalization values.. These metrics, illustrated in Fig. 1, are then combined into a single score, EMACF1, which serves as a comprehensive measure of how well the LLM grounds its claims on the document D. This combined metric not only facilitates the consolidation of recall but also addresses issues related to recall gamification.

Scoring Refusals.

An important capability of an LLM in RAG is its ability to identify when a response is unanswerable based on the provided documents D. To measure this, we introduce a metric called Grounded Refusals. This metric evaluates the model’s refusal performance by calculating dataset-wide precision and recall for both ground-truth answerable cases and refusals. These values are then combined into their respective F1 scores, F1ref for refusals and F1ans for answerable cases. The final score, F1RG, is the average of these two F1 scores, as shown in Fig. 1.

Measuring Attribution Groundedness.

While Response Truthfulness metrics like EMACF1 and F1CG evaluate the quality of generated claims, it is equally important to measure how well these statements are supported by relevant citations—what we call Attribution Groundedness. To this end, we adopt two sub-metrics from Gao et al. (2023b): Citation Recall (CR) and Citation Precision (CP). To compute CR, we first determine if a generated statement si is supported by its cited documents using an NLI model555An NLI model checks if the cited document entails the statement., thus obtaining sample-wise recall scores CRsi. Then we take the mean across all samples to obtain the final CR score (Figure 1). To compute CP, we first score each citation ci,j of a statement si, followed by computing the average across citations in a response S (sample-wise score). The dataset-wide citation score is computed by averaging the citation scores across all the samples. To provide a single metric for Attribution Groundedness, we calculate the harmonic mean of CP and CR, resulting in the final score, F1CG.

Thus, we define a new metric, Trust-Score, as follows:


To measure the answering tendency of an LLM, we define Responsiveness. It is the fraction of answered questions, denoted by the Answered Ratio (AR %), which is calculated as AR %=# answered# total questions. A model is expected to show a high AR% for answerable questions and a low AR% for unanswerable ones, with the scores expected to align with the dataset distribution.

4 The Trust-Align Framework

To align LLMs towards trustworthiness, we propose a new framework, Trust-Align. The framework constructs an LLM trustworthiness alignment dataset, where each sample in the dataset consists of a question q, a set of retrieved documents D, and a pair of positive (preferred) and negative (unpreferred) responses (r+, r). The positive response corresponds to an answer that encompasses expected gold claims for q and corresponding citations referring to the documents. If D is not sufficient to answer q, r+ is assigned a refusal response, while r is its non-refusal counterpart. We build the dataset in multiple steps: 1) Obtain a set of high quality and diverse questions, 2) Obtain documents for each question, 3) Augmenting (q,D) pairs that cover diverse hallucination types, 4) Construct positive responses entailing gold claims, and 5) Construct negative (unpreferred) responses by prompting a fine-tuned model and observing its hallucinations.

Collecting Quality Questions.

The dataset construction begins by collecting a set of high-quality (challenging) and diverse questions from source datasets i.e. ASQA, QAMPARI, and ELI5—referred to as seed samples. To collect such samples, we first divide the questions in a dataset into k clusters. After identifying the diverse clusters, we assign each a quality score ranging from 1 to 7. The quality of a cluster is determined by how difficult it is to answer the questions without requiring additional information i.e. a higher score corresponds to a high difficulty. We then select clusters with a quality score of 4 or higher and sample the desired number of questions from these top clusters. Suppose we have three clusters, C1,C2,C3, with respective sizes N1,N2,N3, where Nc=N1+N2+N3. To sample Ns questions from the clusters, we sample Ns×CiNc questions from cluster Ci. If this number exceeds the available questions in the cluster, we randomly sample the remaining questions from the filtered-out clusters (those with a quality score below 4). This process ensures that the seed set prioritizes both high quality and diversity. For this paper, we set Ns to 3K, 3K, and 4K for ASQA, QAMPARI, and ELI5, respectively, resulting in approximately 10K questions in the seed set.

Collecting D’s.

Next, we collect documents relevant to each question in the seed set. To do this, we query Wikipedia and Common Crawl to retrieve the 100 most relevant documents. We filter seed question for which the retriever fails to retrieve relevant documents. Furthermore, we identify 5 documents that are equally effective for the model as the 100 documents in terms of achieving the EM recall value); we refer to such documents as oracle documents for question q.666We provide clustering and document retrieval detials in Appendix B. Notably, to compute EM, gold claims are obtained from respective source datasets.

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Overview of the Trust-Align Framework. Left: The curation of both seed and augmented prompts (Q-D pairs) and an example of the answerability labelling process during the retrieval stage. Right: The response paired data generation process. First, we obtain positive answers and then select hard negative answers. Finally, we align our model via DPO.
Augmenting (q,D) set.

Now that we have the questions and the most relevant (oracle) documents, our goal is to create samples of diverse types (i.e., different proportions of relevant documents for the same question) that can trigger multiple hallucinations from LLMs (Section 2.3). As illustrated in Fig. 3, for answerable questions, we first utilize the identified entailment patterns to generate all possible combinations of documents, then select k combinations that cover diverse patterns. To create samples with unanswerable questions, we select documents that are similar to gold-claim-entailing documents but do not entail any gold claims. To minimize the risk of introducing bias in citation indices, we shuffle the order of documents in each sample. As a result, we generate approximately 70K question-document pairs.

After obtaining (q,D) pairs for the alignment dataset, we obtain positive and negative responses (r+,r) for each pair—an essential component of the dataset signaling the model’s preferred and unpreferred responses. To achieve this, we introduce a response generation pipeline.

Obtaining 𝐫+.

We develop an automated data labeling pipeline that synthesizes natural responses from gold claims and maps each statement to the corresponding documents for embedded in-line citations. The gold claims are obtained from the source datasets (ASQA, QAMPARI, ELI5) and calibrated to the provided documents, i.e., filtering out claims that cannot be derived from D. We first split the questions into answerable and unanswerable samples based on whether the provided documents entail the gold claims. For an answerable sample, consisting of a question q, a set of documents 𝒟, and a list of (calibrated) gold claims, we prompt GPT-4 to generate a natural response by stitching together the gold claims using a template (Table 6). The prompt template asks GPT-4 to label each gold claim used with its index from the provided list (e.g., "[Gold Claim X]"), allowing for later matching of claims to documents. For unanswerable questions, a refusal response is assigned. Additional details are provided in Section B.1. To generate citations corresponding to each statement generated, we map the "[Gold Claim X]" labels to the appropriate documents. First, we extract all such labels from a sentence (which may contain multiple claims and labels). Then, we greedily identify the smallest combination of documents that covers these claims, minimizing over-citation. Details of this process is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Obtaining 𝐫.

To create high-quality preference data, we aim to obtain quality negative (unpreferred) responses. We first fine-tune LLaMA-2-7b on the training set of the source datasets, creating sft (details in Section B.1). We then test sft on the above-obtained dataset with approximately 70K questions and identify that 40K responses exhibit hallucinations. Table 1 shows the severity computation (ei) and the frequency of each hallucination type (wi). Thus, we can compute hallucination severity for each sample:

eq=i=15wiei, (1)
Hallucination type Frequency (wi) Severity (ei)
Unwarranted Refusal 8,786 0.50 I(Ag,Ar=)
Over Responsiveness 13,067 0.50 I(Ag=,Ar)
Overcitation 12,656 0.34 1 - CP
Improper Citation 9,592 0.26 1 - CR
Inaccurate Claims 14,783 0.40 1 - EMACF1
Table 1: Fraction of each hallucination amongst all the observed hallucinations in sft (40,985), with possible overlap. wi shows the severity computation of each hallucination. Icondition = 1 if condition is True otherwise it is 0. See Fig. 5 for the detailed breakdown of the last three errors.

To obtain good negative samples, we first rank each of the 40K responses according to their severity score eq. We then select the top 50% of the corresponding samples for both answerable and unanswerable responses. Thus, we demonstrate the alignment data construction phase of Trust-Align, i.e., obtaining 19K samples with all the desired attributes (𝐪,𝐃,𝐫+,𝐫).

5 Experimental Setup

Evaluation datasets.

We evaluate on the test-set of attributable factoid and long-form question-answering tasks from ASQA Stelmakh et al. (2023), QAMPARI Amouyal et al. (2023), and ELI5 Fan et al. (2019). Additionally, we include ExpertQA Malaviya et al. (2024) for generalization evaluation. For each question, we append the top 5 documents obtained using retriever. For ELI5 and ExpertQA, the ground truth answers are decomposed into three claims. The dataset statistics are shown on top of Section 6.


We evaluate the effectiveness of Trust-Align framework under two settings — default prompting and refusal prompting as shown in Table 15. We compare our models trained with Trust-Align framework against five competitive baseline methods — In-Context Learning (ICLCiteGao et al. (2023b), Post-hoc Attribute Gao et al. (2023a), Post-hoc Search Gao et al. (2023b), Self-RAG Asai et al. (2024), and FRONT Huang et al. (2024b). The details of these baselines are given in Section G.3.

6 Results and Analysis

ASQA (610 answerable, 338 unanswerable) QAMPARI (295 answerable, 705 unanswerable) ELI5 (207 answerable, 793 unanswerable)
Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness
AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST
ICL R 0.00 0.00 26.28 0.00 8.76 0.00 0.00 41.35 0.00 13.78 0.50 0.00 46.71 0.00 15.57
PostCite R 10.44 0.07 35.23 0.00 11.77 34.40 0.00 57.34 9.50 22.28 0.90 1.86 44.98 5.04 17.29
PostAttr R 10.44 0.07 35.23 0.00 11.77 34.40 0.00 57.34 3.78 20.37 0.90 1.86 44.98 0.00 15.61
Self-RAG R 100.00 45.19 39.15 63.49 49.28 96.00 6.81 28.23 19.95 18.33 73.50 14.94 40.20 13.80 22.98
FRONT R 100.00 60.47 39.15 68.86 56.16 100.00 17.27 22.78 24.26 21.44 100.00 21.66 17.15 52.72 30.51
ICL D 94.30 50.38 49.51 43.67 47.85 93.60 8.36 31.02 3.88 14.42 95.30 19.83 22.82 16.30 19.65
PostCite D 88.71 2.30 50.82 0.98 18.03 56.30 0.00 49.18 7.73 18.97 83.90 11.95 30.05 4.90 15.63
PostAttr D 87.24 2.32 51.56 0.43 18.10 51.10 0.00 49.50 4.70 18.07 84.00 11.94 29.74 0.93 14.20
Self-RAG D 98.00 46.82 41.16 56.59 48.19 96.20 7.72 27.08 15.44 16.75 97.90 13.16 19.62 10.31 14.36
ICL R 17.41 21.52 41.40 13.83 25.58 26.50 0.44 59.57 0.00 20.00 46.40 19.97 54.81 4.73 26.50
PostCite R 90.51 2.21 49.91 1.53 17.88 100.00 0.00 22.78 8.05 10.28 76.60 2.27 38.05 0.72 13.68
PostAttr R 90.51 2.21 49.91 0.17 17.43 100.00 0.00 22.78 2.95 8.58 76.60 2.27 38.05 0.09 13.47
Self-RAG R 100.00 48.52 39.15 69.79 52.49 72.70 2.71 48.58 26.91 26.07 22.10 12.77 58.68 24.54 32.00
ICL D 97.57 49.16 44.06 9.35 34.19 97.80 0.00 26.20 0.00 8.73 96.50 20.93 21.06 2.80 14.93
PostCite D 89.77 0.04 50.33 0.00 16.79 63.00 0.00 47.20 7.14 18.11 7.00 3.62 45.31 4.73 17.89
PostAttr D 89.24 0.04 51.46 0.00 17.17 58.50 0.00 48.86 4.56 17.81 6.70 3.66 48.41 0.71 17.59
Self-RAG D 97.68 48.93 42.74 63.39 51.69 96.30 3.66 27.15 21.06 17.29 98.00 12.19 19.07 6.68 12.65
ICL R 1.48 3.01 28.58 86.50 39.36 3.90 5.92 48.60 20.24 24.92 0.00 0.00 44.23 0.00 14.74
PostCite R 77.53 32.98 53.31 28.01 38.10 87.00 6.10 34.52 8.42 16.35 62.00 20.80 45.88 8.06 24.91
PostAttr R 77.53 32.98 53.31 5.95 30.75 87.00 6.10 34.52 1.64 14.09 62.00 20.80 45.88 1.25 22.64
ICL D 89.66 58.28 55.62 61.59 58.50 70.80 5.82 50.50 4.81 20.38 84.60 23.69 33.11 31.03 29.28
PostCite D 97.26 34.80 43.56 17.89 32.08 92.00 2.45 30.07 11.14 14.55 98.90 19.00 18.47 6.33 14.60
PostAttr D 97.47 34.75 42.98 3.18 26.97 93.00 2.43 29.95 5.65 12.68 98.90 19.00 18.26 1.02 12.76
Our Models
SFT-LLaMA-2-7b R 80.17 53.21 63.43 79.61 65.42 31.60 33.76 71.13 46.37 50.42 29.50 21.58 63.30 39.59 41.49
SFT-LLaMA-3-8b R 68.99 52.35 66.06 80.95 66.45 24.20 33.85 71.11 48.01 50.99 23.60 22.57 65.06 46.85 44.83
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b R 65.30 52.48 66.12 83.94 67.51 31.10 32.09 71.83 51.33 51.75 21.60 22.54 63.27 48.43 44.75
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b R 56.43 53.94 65.49 88.26 69.23 23.10 35.94 71.11 58.87 55.31 15.50 22.81 64.00 53.84 46.88
3-17 Δ 4.34 9.87 26.67 10.73 33.23 22.53 31.96 29.24 10.04 5.32 29.30 14.88
Table 2: Main results on ASQA, QAMPARI, and ELI5 evaluation datasets, and the compared baselines for Δ values are highlighted; AR% := Answered Ratio in %; EMACF1 := Exact Match F1 (Calibrated); F1RG := Grounded Refusals F1; F1CG := Citation Grounded F1; TRUST := Trust-Score. R := Refusal prompt is used. D := Default prompt is used.

In Section 6, we present the summarized results and articulate the core takeaways below.

Trust-Align boosts trustworthiness compared to baseline methods.

Using the Trust-Align framework, our models significantly outperform the best baselines on Trust-Score by 10.73%, 29.24%, and 14.88% for ASQA, ELI5, and QAMPARI, respectively (see Δ row in Section 6). This improvement suggests that our models are more capable of generating responses grounded in the documents. Since Trust-Score is an average of EMACF1, F1CG, and F1CG, we now examine the impact of Trust-Align on each score below.

Trust-Align improves models’ refusal capability.

Trust-Align significantly enhances the ability of models to correctly refuse or provide answers, compared to the best baseline ranked by Trust-Score. This is demonstrated by the increases in F1RG scores: 9.87% for ASQA, 22.53% for QAMPARI, and 5.32% for ELI5.

Trust-Align enhances models’ citation quality.

Aligning with Trust-Align improves the model’s ability to provide citations that fully support claims, outperforming the best baseline ranked by Trust-Score in each dataset. This is reflected in the significant increases in F1CG scores: 26.67% for ASQA, 31.96% for QAMPARI, and 29.30% for ELI5.

Trust-Align has mixed effects on EMACF1.

We observe a notable increase in EMACF1 for QAMPARI (33.23%) and ELI5 (10.04%), but a decrease of 4.34% for ASQA. This mixed performance in ASQA can be explained by the composition of EMACF1, which is derived from EMACα and EMACβ (Eq. 10).

As shown in Table 20, our models achieve higher EMACα compared to the ICL with LLaMA-3-8b and FRONT (52.72% vs. 49.83% and 49.69%) despite having a lower AR% (56.43% vs. 89.66% and 100%). This suggests that our models have a higher expected value for EMqAC (per-sample EM recall), as the denominator depends on the number of answered questions. A similar trend is observed for QAMPARI and ELI5 in Table 21 and Table 22.

However, in ASQA, our models underperform in EMACF1 due to the overwhelmingly adverse impact of EMACβ. The recall of answerable questions (Rans) is lower for our model compared to baselines (68.20% vs. 95.25% and 100%), which rarely refuse questions. As a result, fewer terms are summed in the numerator of EMACβ, while the denominator remains constant (the number of answerable questions). This leads to a lower overall EMACF1 score.

To further analyze the baseline models’ performance, we investigated how much of their answering ability relies on parametric knowledge versus document-based information, as discussed in Section D.1 and Section D.2.

Models aligned with DPO outperform those trained with SFT.

DPO models outperform SFT models in Trust-Score across all datasets, with improvements of 2.09% (LLaMA-2-7b) and 2.78% (LLaMA-3-8b) for ASQA, 1.33% (LLaMA-2-7b) and 4.32% (LLaMA-3-8b) for QAMPARI, and 3.26% (LLaMA-2-7b) and 2.05% (LLaMA-3-8b) for ELI5.

SFT fine-tuning also improves all key metrics: EMACF1, F1RG, and F1CG. On the ASQA dataset with LLaMA-3-8b, we see increases of 30.8% in EMACF1, 24.6% in F1RG, and 67.1% in F1CG. However, F1CG decreased by 5.55% due to the base model’s tendency to decline answering (AR% dropped from 68.99% to 1.48%), yielding a high F1CG on a limited set of responses, which artificially inflated its citation quality score.

DPO further improves F1CG compared to SFT, as seen on ASQA with LLaMA-3-8b (88.26% vs. 80.95%), indicating better citation quality. However, DPO shows smaller gains on EMACF1 and F1RG. Despite some variability on sub metrics, DPO models achieve better overall Trust-Score scores.

Trust-Align enhances trustworthiness more robustly than prompting.

Aligning with Trust-Align leads to more significant improvements in Trust-Score compared to using prompting alone. While adding a refusal prompt has inconsistent effects on Trust-Score and its subcomponents, it tends to be more beneficial in more capable models, such as LLaMA-2-13b and LLaMA-3-8b.

Relying solely on prompting to teach refusal is ineffective, as models’ responsiveness becomes overly sensitive to the prompt. Under the default prompt, models rarely refuse (AR% close to 100), while adding a refusal prompt in ICL drastically reduces AR%, often to near zero, indicating indiscriminate refusal. This lack of nuanced refusal ability is also seen in post hoc methods. At both extremes, Trust-Score scores suffer due to errors in correctly refusing questions and lower citation groundedness scores. In contrast, Trust-Align enables models to identify and correctly answer appropriate questions, resulting in AR% closer to the maximum answerable percentage and improvements in F1RG.

It’s important to note that responsiveness should not be the primary metric for comparing RAG systems when the retrieved documents are the same. The TRUST score rewards accurate answers, appropriate refusals, and correct citations while penalizing failures. Systems with low responsiveness will score poorly on TRUST, regardless of their overall response rate.

In PostCite, PostAttr, and Self-RAG, adding a refusal prompt results in minimal changes in Trust-Score (e.g., ASQA Self-RAG with LLaMA-2-13b: 51.69% vs. 52.49%). Subcomponent analysis shows little difference in F1RG (42.74% vs. 39.15%), indicating that the refusal prompt does not effectively help models distinguish between answerable and unanswerable questions. These findings highlight the instability of relying on prompting to enhance trustworthiness and underscore the robustness of our system in achieving this goal.

6.1 Analysis

6.1.1 Different Data Synthesis Techniques

Table 3 demonstrates the effectiveness of our data construction approach. Adding augmented prompts targeting five error types improves Trust-Score scores across ASQA, QAMPARI, and ELI5 by 1.50%, 1.78%, and 2.23%, respectively, highlighting the value of our synthetic data in improving trustworthiness and reducing hallucinations. When data for specific hallucination types is omitted, Trust-Score scores drop, emphasizing the importance of each subtype. In particular, removing refusal-related hallucinations significantly affects F1RG, with decreases of 2.79% for ASQA, 0.46% for QAMPARI, and 2.03% for ELI5, showing that refusal-related data is critical for improving a model’s ability to decide when to answer, thereby enhancing trustworthiness.

To validate our approach, we compared it against a strong baseline: the GPT-4 critic pipeline Huang et al. (2024a); Li et al. (2024a); Huang et al. (2024b), an automated data collection method that uses advanced prompts to iteratively identify and correct errors (details in Appendix F). Our data pipeline outperformed GPT-4, particularly in ELI5 (with a 4.12% improvement), further demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.

Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness
AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b 65.30 52.48 66.12 83.94 67.51 31.10 32.09 71.83 51.33 51.75 21.60 22.54 63.27 48.43 44.75
      Trust-Align w/o. augmented instructions 79.43 53.54 63.33 81.15 66.01 32.20 33.14 70.82 45.94 49.97 29.50 23.98 63.30 40.28 42.52
      Trust-Align w/o. answer HT 77.74 53.29 63.7 81.2 66.06 33.40 33.56 71.36 46.17 50.36 27.60 23.47 63.56 38.28 41.77
      Trust-Align w/o. citation HT 77.32 52.55 63.88 81.51 65.98 33.10 34.13 71.40 46.91 50.81 26.70 22.65 64.33 42.81 43.26
      Trust-Align w/o. refusal HT 79.11 53.55 63.33 81.85 66.24 31.10 34.40 71.35 48.12 51.29 28.30 22.93 64.05 41.18 42.72
      GPT-4 as critic 70.36 54.91 65.29 78.47 66.22 25.90 30.77 70.29 48.87 49.98 23.50 17.27 62.24 42.38 40.63
Table 3: Ablations of data synthesis techniques for LLaMA-2-7b on three evaluation datasets using refusal prompting; AR% := Answered Ratio in %; EMACF1 := Exact Match F1 (Calibrated); F1RG := Grounded Refusals F1; F1CG := Citation Grounded F1; TRUST := TRUST score; HT := hallucination types. The original errors types in LABEL:sec:_preliminary were summarized into three main classes: answer-related (Inaccurate Answer), citation-related (Overcitation, Improper Citation), refusal-related (Over Responsiveness, Excessive Refusal)

6.1.2 Effect of Adding Refusal Samples in Trust-Align

Table 4 underscores the importance of including refusal samples during fine-tuning in ASQA. Training with refusal samples in Trust-Align achieves the highest Trust-Score score of 69.23%. Removing all unanswerable questions from the training set creates a set without refusals or refusal-related hallucination types. Without refusal samples, Trust-Score scores drop significantly—by 10.2% for LLaMA-3-8b and 11.41% for LLaMA-2-7b. This decline is particularly pronounced in F1RG (down 26.34% for LLaMA-3-8b and 26.97% for LLaMA-2-7b) and F1CG (down 6.87% for LLaMA-3-8b and 6.57% for LLaMA-2-7b).

We also observe that EMACF1 is higher for LLaMA-3-8b in the answerable-only set compared to the set with refusals. As discussed in main results, this is because EMACβ favors over-responsive models, which artificially inflates EMACF1. When refusal samples are excluded, responsiveness (AR%) reaches 100%, meaning the models answer all questions, even without supporting documents. This suggests that the models rely more on ungrounded parametric knowledge, as discussed in Section D.1.

Model Responsiveness (AR%) EMACF1 F1RG F1CG TRUST
Only Answerable DPO-LLaMA-2-7b 100 51.79 39.15 77.37 56.10
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b 100 56.54 39.15 81.39 59.03
With Refusal DPO-LLaMA-2-7b 65.30 52.48 66.12 83.94 67.51
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b 56.43 53.94 65.49 88.26 69.23
Table 4: Effect of adding refusal samples on the ASQA.

6.1.3 Generalizability Analysis

Following Huang et al. (2024a), we use ExpertQA Malaviya et al. (2024) to assess our model’s generalizability. As shown in Table 5, the open-source ICL models perform significantly worse on Trust-Score compared to proprietary models, with a 16.35% gap between ICL-LLaMA-3-8b and ICL-GPT-4. Trust-Align not only closes this gap but establishes a lead: the tuned LLaMA-3-8b model achieves the highest TRUST score of 54.85, surpassing GPT-4’s score of 52.32.

Using Trust-Align results in a 28.61% improvement in grounded refusal judgment (F1RG) and significantly outperforms GPT-3.5 and Claude 3.5 in both grounded citation generation (F1CG) and refusal judgment (F1RG). Although GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 achieve higher EMACF1 scores, indicating better document understanding and answer extraction, they rely heavily on parametric knowledge (Section D.1 and Section D.2). This leads to higher responsiveness, which can result in less precise and trustworthy responses, as reflected in their Trust-Score scores. In contrast, our model’s superior performance in F1CG and F1RG demonstrates its strength in refusal and grounding, making it more reliable.

In-Context Learning Models
ICL-LLaMA-2 7B 0.51 0.00 41.01 9.52 16.84
ICL-LLaMA-3 8B 0.65 2.82 42.50 69.46 38.26
ICL-GPT-3.5 59.47 36.65 56.39 63.91 52.32
ICL-GPT-4 72.20 41.21 52.91 69.70 54.61
ICL-Claude 3.5 73.95 11.68 51.91 10.70 24.76
Direct Preference Optimization Models
DPO-LLaMA-2-7B 17.75 23.99 66.63 64.96 51.86
DPO-LLaMA-3-8B 16.41 27.36 68.05 70.11 54.85
Table 5: Generalization test results on ExpertQA using refusal prompting.

7 Related Works

7.1 Attributable Retrieval Augmented Generation

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has been widely studied for reducing the knowledge gap and providing more referenced information to enhance answer generation Karpukhin et al. (2020); Lewis et al. (2021); Gao et al. (2023c). However, LLMs are prone to being misled by irrelevant information, leading to hallucinations and less factual outputs Shi et al. (2023); Yoran et al. (2024); Xu et al. (2023). This challenge has spurred research into attributable RAG, which aims to verify model outputs by identifying supporting sources. Rashkin et al. (2022) first introduced the concept of Attributable to Identified Sources (AIS) to evaluate attribution abilities. Subsequently, Gao et al. (2023b) adapted this approach to verify generated content with citations, improving the reliability of RAG systems. Simultaneously, Press et al. (2024) and Song et al. (2024) explored related aspects: citation attribution for paper identification and the verifiability of long-form generated text, respectively. Further fine-grained evaluations have been examined, such as assessing the degree of support Zhang et al. (2024b) and the granularity of claims Xu et al. (2024). Recent studies Buchmann et al. (2024); Hsu et al. (2024) have also investigated attribution ability by disentangling the confounding effects of retrievers and LLMs. Unlike existing work, we prioritize trustworthiness in LLMs, ensuring that generated responses are derived solely from the provided documents and refrain from producing unverifiable content.

7.2 Enhance grounded text generation in attributed Large Language Models

To enhance grounded text generation, various attributed LLMs have been proposed, falling into two main paradigms: training-free and training-based. For training-free methods: 1) In-context learning Gao et al. (2023b) is used to generate in-line citations with few-shot demonstrations. 2) Post-hoc attribution Gao et al. (2023a); Li et al. (2024b) first generates an initial response and then retrieves evidence as attribution. 3) Ji et al. (2024) demonstrate that using chain-of-thought reasoning improves the quality of text generated with citations. For training-based methods: 1) Asai et al. (2024); Slobodkin et al. (2024); Xia et al. (2024); Ye et al. (2024) apply supervised fine-tuning (SFT) to LLMs, training them to identify useful information from documents and guide cited text generation with them. 2) Beyond simple SFT, recent studies model the task as preference learning, employing Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) Ouyang et al. (2022) and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) Rafailov et al. (2024). Huang et al. (2024a) proposed a method to improve attribution generation using fine-grained rewards and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Schulman et al. (2017), while Li et al. (2024a); Huang et al. (2024b) introduced the modified DPO framework to enhance fine-grained attribution abilities. 3) While many approaches rely on external documents provided by the user or retrieved during generation, Khalifa et al. (2024); Zhang et al. (2024a) focus on tuning LLMs to cite sources from pre-training data using learned parametric knowledge.

8 Conclusion

In this study, we investigated the hallucination issues present in Large Language Models (LLMs) within a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) context. We categorized various types of hallucinations and used these insights to develop a dataset specifically aimed at addressing these challenges. Two notable examples include the model’s failure to refuse to answer when given insufficient information and its inability to properly attribute responses to source documents. We applied Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) alignment techniques to train LLaMA-2-7b and LLaMA-3-8b on this dataset, which significantly reduced hallucinations in an RAG environment. Our approach, Trust-Align, demonstrates performance comparable to major closed-source language models like GPT-4. To effectively evaluate hallucinations, we introduced a new metric, Trust-Score, which assesses not only answer accuracy but also the model’s ability to ground responses, refuse questions when the provided information is inadequate, and avoid unnecessary refusals. To our knowledge, this metric represents the first comprehensive attempt to quantify LLM hallucinations in an RAG setting. Our ongoing research will explore more fundamental modifications to alignment methods to further minimize hallucinations.


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Appendix A Metrics

In this section, we elaborate on how we compute metrics that are components of Trust-Score.

A.1 Response Truthfulness

Truthfulness captures the model’s ability to answer or refuse a question correctly by computing the grounded refusal (F1RG) and the factual accuracy by computing the answer-calibrated exact match score (EMAC).

Grounded Refusal [F1RG]:

A macro-averaged F1 score that measures the LLM’s ability in correctly refusing to answer a question (F1ref) and correctly providing an answer when required (F1ans).

  • F1ref: This metric evaluates a model’s ability to correctly refuse unanswerable questions. We calculate it based on how accurately the model identifies and refuses these questions. Let Ag and ¬Ag represent the sets of ground truth answerable and unanswerable questions, respectively, and Ar and ¬Ar denote the sets of questions where the model provided an answer and refused to answer, respectively. F1ref is computed from precision Pref and recall Rref:

    Pref =|¬Ar¬Ag||¬Ar| (2)
    Rref =|¬Ar¬Ag||¬Ag| (3)
    F1ref =2PrefRrefPref+Rref, (4)

    where Pref measures the proportion of correctly refused unanswerable questions among all refused questions, and Rref measures the proportion of correctly refused unanswerable questions out of all unanswerable questions. Here, || denote the cardinality of the set, thus Pref, Rref, and F1ref are scalar values.

  • F1ans: This metric evaluates a model’s ability to correctly answer answerable questions. It is computed based on the precision Pans and recall Rans for non-refusal responses to answerable questions:

    Pans =|ArAg||Ar| (5)
    Rans =|ArAg||Ag| (6)
    F1ans =2PansRansPans+Rans (7)

F1RG (Grounded Refusals) provides an overall assessment of the model’s refusal capabilities by computing the macro-average of F1ref and F1ans:

F1RG =12(F1ref+F1ans) (8)

F1ref evaluates the model’s ability to correctly refuse unanswerable questions, while F1ans assesses its ability to correctly answer answerable ones. By penalizing both incorrect refusals and incorrect non-refusals, F1RG offers a balanced evaluation of the model’s over-responsiveness and under-responsiveness

Exact Match (Answer Calibrated) [EMF1AC]:

Given a question q and the corresponding gold claims AG={ag1,,agn}, we define the claims obtainable from the provided documents as AD={ad1,,adn} and the claims generated in the response r as AR={ar1,,arn}. EMACq disregards the claims that cannot be inferred from 𝒟 (answer calibration), and the exact match recall scores is computed on the remaining claims, i.e., AGAD:


For the whole dataset with multiple questions {q1qk}, one can compute the average:

EMAC=1kqiAgArEMACqi (10)

Where Ag denote the set of questions that are answerable using the provided documents, fully or partially; Ar denote the set of questions that are answered by the model (non-refusal). There are two variants of EMAC we study— first EMACα with denominator k=|Ar| (number of answered questions). Second variant EMACβ with denominator k=|Ag| (number of answerable questions). Here || denotes the cardinality of the set. We denote the aggregated score by


The primary reason for adjusting the conventional Exact Match (EM) metric to account for the presence of answers in retrieved documents is to avoid rewarding models for generating correct answers without locating them in the provided documents. This approach discourages models from relying solely on their pre-trained knowledge to answer questions, instead encouraging them to find and ground their answers within the provided documents.

A.2 Attribution Groundedness

Attribution or citation groundedness measures the relevance of generated citations to their corresponding statements, both individually and collectively. A citation ci,j is deemed "relevant" when the statement it cites can be inferred from the cited document. The collective importance of citations is assessed using a statement-wise recall metric, while the individual importance of each citation is evaluated using a precision metric. Given that a generated response r consists of multiple statements 𝒮 and their corresponding citations 𝒞, we first compute statement-wise citation recall and per-citation precision. These scores are then averaged to obtain sample-wise scores, which are finally averaged to produce dataset-wide scores.

Citation Grounded F1 [F1CG]:

For a given statement si, statement-wise citation recall is computed by:

CRsi =ϕ({ci,1,,ci,j},si) (12)

where ϕ({ci,1,,ci,j},si){0,1} is a function that determines whether the concatenation of all cited documents fully supports the statement si. Next, we compute precision for a generated citation ci,j for statement si as:

CPcj =ϕ(ci,j,si) (13)

Thus, citation precision is 0 if and only if the cited document ci,j does not entail the statement si, while all other citations collectively entail si without ci,j.

As an aggregate measure, we report F1CG, which computes the F1 score using cumulative precision and recall over the answered questions only (non-refusals):

CR =1|Ar|SArs1|S|siSCRsi (14)
CP =1|Ar|CArc1|C|cjCCPcj (15)

Where Ar denotes the number of samples answered by the model, S denotes the set of statements in a generated response, and Ars denotes the set of responses (including only statements, ignoring citations) in the dataset. Similarly, C denotes the set of citations in a generated response, and Arc denotes the set of responses (including only citations, ignoring statements) in the dataset.


Finally, we combine the metrics to produce a single trustworthiness score, which allows us to rank models based on their trustworthiness. This score is calculated as the average of each component metric.

Trust-Score=13(F1RG+EMACF1+F1CG) (17)

Appendix B Details on Trust-Align Framework

B.1 Seed Prompt Curation Detials

Clustering Questions.

For text clustering, we embed the questions into vector space using sentence-transformers Reimers and Gurevych (2019). The high-dimensional vectors are then mapped to a lower-dimensional space using UMAP McInnes et al. (2018), followed by DBSCAN Ester et al. (1996) to find clusters in the low-dimensional representations.

Cluster Quality.

To score each cluster’s quality, we select 30 questions nearest to the centroid of each cluster. Using Mixtral-8x7B, we assign each question a knowledge-demanding score (from 1 to 7) depending on how hard it is to provide an answer without extra information. The prompt for this is shown in Table 14.

Obtaining D for q.

For each seed question q that is obtained from ASQA and QAMPARI, we used gtr-t5-xxl Ni et al. (2022) to retrieve the top 100 relevant documents D from the 2018-12-20 Wikipedia snapshot 777In practice, we only prompt the LLMs with top 5 documents due to the context length limitation. For the ELI5 dataset, we employed BM25 in conjunction with Sphere Piktus et al. (2021), a filtered version of Common Crawl, as it better encompasses the wide range of topics present in ELI5.

We utilize TRUE-NLI to derive the entailment pattern for each document. This pattern represents the set of gold claims that the document supports. The TRUE model takes as input a concatenation of a premise and a hypothesis, producing an entailment score (0 or 1) that indicates whether the premise entails the hypothesis. In our approach, the documents serve as the premise, while the hypothesis is formed by combining the relevant question with each corresponding gold claim to reduce ambiguity. We take the union of the entailment patterns across documents to assess the answerability of each question—if the pattern contains at least one supporting claim, the question is considered answerable.

Following Gao et al. (2023b), we further retrieve 5 documents from the initial pool of top 100 documents that achieve similar recall scores as the top 100 documents. This set is referred to as the oracle documents.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Document recombination process in augmented prompt curation.
Obtaining r+.

In Fig. 4 shows the process by which we obtain cited gold responses. We provide the template by which each answerable sample is fitted in Table 6.

For ASQA, we include the question q, a list of (calibrated) gold claims, and their corresponding supporting documents 𝒟 as additional context. For ELI5, we follow Gao et al. (2023b) by decomposing each labeled response into three claims, which serve as a set of ground truth answers. For QAMPARI, since its response format aligns with its labeled ground truth format (a list of entities), no additional action is required.

Since the claim labels already provide sufficient context, we only fit the question and calibrated claims into the template.

Refer to caption
Figure 4: Claim-document-mapping process.
Obtaining r.

To generate quality unpreferred responses, we first fine-tune (SFT) LLaMA-2-7b using the seed questions, corresponding oracle documents, and the gold answers (r+).

Type Template
ASQA Please provide a high-quality answer to the given question using the provided document. The answer must include all the answer labels, and each answer label used should be marked with its index immediately after it in the format [Answer Label X], where X is the index of the answer label in the provided list starting from 1. For example, [Answer Label 1]. Ensure the answer is coherent and natural, and does not exceed four statements. You cannot make up any factual information based on your imagination: The additional information added from the given document should be relevant to the question and grounded by the document, but must not contain any factual information that cannot be inferred from the given answer labels. (e.g., if the answer label does not mention a specific year, you cannot introduce a specific year in the final answer). Question: {question} Document: {passage} {answers} Output:
ELI5 Given a problem and some claims as answer tags, please generate a high-quality response. The response needs to follow the following requirements: 1. Use only all of the claims: Ensure that the response contains and only contains information from the given claims, without introducing any new information. Guarantee covering all claims in the response. 2. Each statement must contain valuable information: Every statement must either directly originate from the claims or infer from the claims, avoiding any irrelevant and unuseful information included in the response. You can use each claim only for one time. 3. Condense and combine: If there are similarities between claims, merge them into a comprehensive statement to make the response more concise. For example, if two claims both mention similar aspect of health benefits, they can be merged into one statement. 4. Fluent and natural: Ensure that the statements in the response are coherent and natural, using connecting words and maintaining logical order between statements. 5. Answer tags in response: Indicate each claim immediately after the corresponding content in the response with the format [Claim X], where X is the index of the claim in the provided list starting from 1. For example, [Claim 1]. Question: {question} {claims} Generated Response:
Table 6: GPT-4 prompting templates used for generating natural response based on gold claims for ASQA and ELI5.

B.2 Dataset Statistics

The statistics of different types of hallucinations in our constructed data are shown Fig. 2.

Refer to caption
Figure 5: Statistics of hallucinations shown by the LLaMA-2-7b SFT model on 70K (q,D) samples obtained in Step-2 of Trust-Align (Figure 2).

Appendix C Answerability: A Case Study

Prior works Liu et al. (2023); Gao et al. (2023b); Ye et al. (2024); Huang et al. (2024a); Li et al. (2024a) have employed substring matching to indicate entailment. While this syntactic approach is fast, it often proves inadequate in complex, long contexts. A case study is presented in Table 7. To address the limitations of this superficial entailment, we adopt a TRUE-based method Honovich et al. (2022), which combines the strengths of both syntactic and semantic approaches. Specifically, we enhance the process by using the TRUE model, a T5-11B model Raffel et al. (2020) fine-tuned for the NLI task, to verify, from a semantic perspective, whether a substring match corresponds to meaningful entailment within document passages. The input to the TRUE model is the concatenation of a premise and a hypothesis, and the output is an entailment score between 0 and 1, indicating the degree to which the premise entails the hypothesis. We treat the corresponding documents as the premise, and to minimize ambiguity, the associated question is concatenated with each gold answer as the hypothesis. In cases where the TRUE model does not yield a positive entailment score despite a substring match, we rely on the TRUE judgment as the final label. However, if the substring match fails, we bypass TRUE calculation, thus reducing the computational cost of relying solely on TRUE for semantic entailment.

Question How many state parks are there in Virginia?
Gold Answer 38
Retrieved document Virginia has 30 National Park Service units, such as Great Falls Park and the Appalachian Trail, and one national park, the Shenandoah National Park. With over 500 miles of trails, including 38 miles of the iconic Appalachian Trail, it’s a paradise for hikers, nature lovers, and those seeking serene mountain landscapes.
Substring match Substring is matched and as such the question is answerable.
TRUE Judgement Not entailed as such the question is unanswerable given the document.
Table 7: Case study showcasing the limitations of substring matching and necessity of TRUE judgement.

Appendix D Additional Analysis

D.1 Utilization of Parametric Knowledge

For an LLM used for RAG task, it is important to study the tendency of LLM towards grownding its knowledge on the provided documents. To partially quantify this, we compute EM uncalibrated score for questions that are unanswerable by the provided documents; thus AGAD= but AG,

Pscore =1|𝒩r|qi𝒩r|(AR(ARAD))AG||AR| (18)

Where, AG, AD, and AR are claims in the ground truth answer, claims present in the documents, and the claims generated in the response, respectively. 𝒩r is the number of answered questions.

In Table 8, our analysis reveals that responsive models tend to rely on parametric knowledge more frequently. Notably, closed-source models like GPT-4 exhibit higher parametric knowledge usage compared to our models. However, this metric only partially captures the models’ utilization of parametric knowledge. For instance, cases where models correctly generate gold claims without proper grounding may also indicate reliance on parametric knowledge. This phenomenon is evident in Table 10, where on ASQA, GPT-4 achieves a significantly higher EMACF1 than our models, yet its attribution groundedness score F1CG is five points lower.

AR (%) Pscore AR (%) Pscore AR (%) Pscore
ICL-LLaMA-2 7B 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00
ICL-LLaMA-3 8B 1.48 1.79 3.90 16.92 0.00 0.00
ICL-GPT-3.5 71.20 9.74 65.30 11.45 49.00 7.89
ICL-GPT-4 86.81 12.71 73.40 13.05 61.50 9.05
ICL-Claude-3.5 84.60 12.99 69.80 12.55 59.00 1.76
DPO-LLaMA-2-7B 65.30 8.15 31.10 8.45 21.60 5.56
DPO-LLaMA-3-8B 56.42 8.65 23.10 8.97 15.50 7.26
Table 8: Detection of parametric knowledge usage under refusal prompting.

D.2 The Source of LLM Hallucinations

Model errors can be categorized into two primary sources:

  1. 1.

    Parametric knowledge-based hallucination: Errors arising from the model’s internal knowledge representation.

  2. 2.

    Information extraction failures: Inability to accurately extract relevant information from provided documents.

To quantify these error types, we employ the following methodology:

  • For the non-refused questions with errors, calculate the proportion of the incorrect answers that are:

    • Present in the provided documents

    • Absent from the provided documents

For answers absent from the documents, we can attribute the error to parametric knowledge-based hallucination. For answers present in the documents, the specific source of the error remains indeterminate as it can be attributed to both.

The substring matching Gao et al. (2023b) is used here for searching for the existence of incorrect answers in the documents. As the model’s response only on QAMPARI can be decomposed into atomic facts, we chose to perform this analysis on it. Specifically, for every answered question, we calculate the proportion of incorrect answers present in or absent from the documents using the equations below:

Presence =1|𝒩e|qi𝒜e|AReAD||ARe| (19)
Absence =1|𝒩e|qi𝒜e|ARe(AReAD)||ARe| (20)

Where 𝒜e denotes the set of answerable questions that answered by the model with one or more incorrect answers; AD, ARe are facts present in the documents and erroneous facts generated in the response, respectively.

The findings are presented in Table 9. Our analysis reveals that, with the exception of LLaMA-2 7B which provides no responses, all other ICL-based models exhibit a higher tendency to produce erroneous answers based on their parametric knowledge compared to our models. Notably, Claude-3.5 demonstrates a more frequent reliance on its parametric knowledge, which elucidates its significantly lower Trust-Score score in Table 10.

In summary, our investigation indicates that baseline models, including GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, are more susceptible to hallucinations stemming from their parametric knowledge.

Presence (%) Absence (%)
ICL-LLaMA-2 7B 0.00 0.00
ICL-LLaMA-3 8B 84.41 15.59
ICL-GPT-3.5 85.04 14.96
ICL-GPT-4 89.3 10.7
ICL-Claude-3.5 72.18 27.82
DPO-LLaMA-2-7B 93.26 6.74
DPO-LLaMA-3-8B 95.63 4.37
Table 9: The proportions of erroneous answers present in or absent from the documents.

D.3 Comparison with Closed-source Models

We continue our comparison of trustworthiness against competitive closed-source models utilizing in-context learning techniques. As shown in Table 10, our aligned models outperform GPT-3.5 (69.23 vs. 67.64) and Claude-3.5 (69.23 vs. 64.36) on the ASQA dataset, and substantially outperform GPT-3.5 (55.31 vs. 38.95), GPT-4 (55.31 vs. 40.35), and Claude-3.5 (55.31 vs. 39.78) on QAMPARI. However, the responsiveness of current closed-source models remains much higher than that of our models: even with a refusal prompt, ICL-GPT-4 still answers a significant fraction of questions (86.81% on ASQA, 73.40% on QAMPARI). As discussed in Section 6, this tendency allows GPT-4 to achieve higher EMACF1 scores on ASQA, but it negatively impacts its attribution groundedness: its F1CG scores on both datasets are lower than those of our models. Similarly, GPT-4’s F1RG scores on both datasets are also lower. On QAMPARI, the EMACF1 scores of all closed-source models are lower than those of our models.

Moreover, there still remains a gap between our models and the closed-source models on the ELI5 dataset. Our models’ Trust-Score is 2.45 points lower than that of the advanced ICL-GPT-4, and specifically, the EMACF1 and F1CG scores are lower. For higher EMACF1, as discussed in Section 6, it is due to a higher number of its answered answerable questions with comparable EMACα. As for higher F1CG, We hypothesize that this gap could be attributed to the information density of the extracted claims utilized in constructing the alignment data (Section 4). Specifically, the three claims derived from the decomposition process may either be redundant or inadequate to fully encapsulate the information inherent in the original labelled response. In some cases, the decomposed claims may even fail to align with the original facts. First, insufficient information can lead the model to learn to extract fewer facts from the document, thereby reducing the answerability by covering fewer correct answers after training. Second, redundant information can impair grounded citation learning, as it repeats the same information across different claims, making the model less capable of performing precise citations from the corresponding documents. This issue is illustrated in the case study presented in Table 11.

This experiment reveals that proprietary models demonstrate greater responsiveness compared to our models. While GPT-4 achieves superior EMACF1 scores, it underperforms in terms of F1CG and F1RG, suggesting limitations in its ability to ground responses and refuse unanswerable questions. Overall, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 outperform our models in utilizing retrieved documents for long-form question answering, primarily due to the limited capacity of our base model.
Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness
AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST
Closed-source Models
ICL-GPT-3.5 R 71.20 52.91 66.07 83.94 67.64 65.30 26.57 58.49 31.80 38.95 49.00 32.38 58.27 57.29 49.31
ICL-GPT-4 R 86.81 62.96 61.85 84.35 69.72 73.40 30.13 55.46 35.45 40.35 61.50 33.05 53.11 61.84 49.33
ICL-Claude-3.5 R 84.60 59.97 64.77 68.35 64.36 69.80 28.40 58.10 32.83 39.78 59.00 11.34 54.00 12.43 25.92
ICL-GPT-3.5 D 94.41 55.03 52.48 78.04 61.85 94.50 20.30 29.54 21.22 23.69 93.50 23.88 24.68 46.28 31.61
ICL-GPT-4 D 92.72 62.37 54.17 79.70 65.41 87.70 26.19 40.03 30.02 32.08 82.80 29.09 37.02 48.33 38.15
ICL-Claude-3.5 D 82.49 54.20 66.49 58.88 59.86 69.90 0.00 57.40 0.00 19.13 56.60 11.56 56.03 11.22 26.27
Our Models
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b R 65.30 52.48 66.12 83.94 67.51 31.10 32.09 71.83 51.33 51.75 21.60 22.54 63.27 48.43 44.75
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b R 56.43 53.94 65.49 88.26 69.23 23.10 35.94 71.11 58.87 55.31 15.50 22.81 64.00 53.84 46.88
Table 10: Our models vs closed source: AR% := Answered Ratio in %; EMACF1 := Exact Match F1 (Calibrated); F1RG := Grounded refusals F1; F1CG := Citation Grounded F1; TRUST := TRUST score. R := Refusal prompt is used. D := Default prompt is used.
Insufficient case
Question: Why do burns blister and why do burn wounds remain warm long after the injury occurred?
Label: Burn blisters occur when the second layer of the skin is damaged, they occur to protect the underlying skin layers from more damage and infection. You could see it as the bodys/skins natural bandage, so never pop them. The skin remain warm because of the increased blood in the area to repair and replace the damaged skin.
Decomposed claims: 1. Burn blisters occur when the second layer of skin is damaged. 2. Burn wounds remain warm due to increased blood flow to the area to repair and replace damaged skin.
Missing points: 1. Protection and Infection: The first claim does not mention that the blisters protect the underlying skin from more damage and infection, which is a significant part of the explanation in the answer. 2. Never Pop Them: The answer advises against popping blisters, which is a preventive measure not mentioned in the claims.
Redundant case
Question: How do fitness trackers know that you actually sleeping but not just laying there resting, being awake?
Label: Your heart beats slows down when you sleep, they will use a mixture of heart rate and how long you haven’t moved to determine how you’ve slept
Decomposed claims: 1. The combined factors of heart rate and inactivity determine sleep assessment. 2. Fitness trackers consider the duration of inactivity to assess sleep. 3. A slowed heart rate is an indicator of sleep that fitness trackers monitor.
Redundant point: The first claim has already summarised the core statement, and the last two claims just expand it and give more details
Table 11: A case study of the failure of decomposition.

D.4 Adaptability with Different Alignment Techniques

To demonstrate the robustness of our synthesized alignment data across different training methods, Table 12 also includes the performance of SFT and SIMPO Meng et al. (2024) methods. Compared to the SFT baseline, which only utilizes the positive data points in the alignment pairs to fine-tune the base model, preference optimization methods, such as DPO and SIMPO, consistently show performance improvements, highlighting the versatility of our data pipeline. Unlike the SFT approach, DPO and SIMPO demonstrate improved TRUST scores, albeit with a reduction in responsiveness. This decrease in responsiveness is actually a favorable outcome, as it indicates that the models are less likely to attempt to answer questions for which they lack sufficient information.

Alignment Model Responsiveness (AR%) EMACF1 F1RG F1CG TRUST
DPO LLaMA-2-7b 65.30 52.48 66.12 83.94 67.51
LLaMA-3-8b 56.43 53.94 65.49 88.26 69.23
SIMPO LLaMA-2-7b 72.47 53.19 66.44 82.21 67.28
LLaMA-3-8b 57.38 49.84 64.13 86.86 66.94
Table 12: Results using different alignment methods on the ASQA dataset.

D.5 Evaluation Data Creation Without Using TRUE

The determination of question answerability in our dataset is based on a combination of substring matching and TRUE criteria, as detailed in Section 2. Additionally, we developed an alternative version of the evaluation data that relies solely on substring matching, disregarding the TRUE criterion. This relaxation of answerability constraints results in an increased number of answerable questions. The findings from this analysis are presented in Table 13. It is worth noting that the overall trends observed in this analysis align with those reported in Section 6, which employs the combined approach of substring matching followed by TRUE verification.

ASQA (779 answerable, 169 unanswerable) QAMPARI (586 answerable, 414 unanswerable)
Responsiveness Trustworthiness Responsiveness Trustworthiness
AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST AR (%) Truthfullness Attr. Grdness TRUST
ICL R 0.00 0.00 15.13 0.00 5.04 0.00 0.00 29.28 0.00 9.76
PostCite R 10.44 0.13 24.91 0.00 8.35 34.40 0.00 52.57 9.50 20.69
PostAttr R 10.44 0.13 24.91 0.00 8.35 34.40 0.00 52.57 3.78 18.78
Self-RAG R 100.00 44.40 45.11 63.49 51.00 96.00 9.64 44.15 19.95 24.58
ICL D 94.30 51.13 54.01 44.86 50.00 93.60 13.31 43.37 3.88 20.19
PostCite D 88.71 2.64 54.63 0.98 19.42 56.30 0.00 52.85 7.73 20.19
PostAttr D 87.24 2.71 55.63 0.43 19.59 51.10 0.00 52.45 4.70 19.05
Self-RAG D 98.00 47.22 46.27 56.59 50.03 96.20 12.13 40.83 15.44 22.80
ICL R 17.41 19.29 31.22 14.14 21.55 26.50 0.63 53.67 0.00 18.10
PostCite R 90.51 2.04 56.40 1.53 19.99 100.00 0.00 36.95 8.05 15.00
PostAttr R 90.51 2.04 56.40 0.17 19.54 100.00 0.00 36.95 2.95 13.30
Self-RAG R 100.00 48.10 45.11 69.79 54.33 72.70 4.90 60.20 26.91 30.67
ICL D 97.57 51.18 50.16 9.40 36.91 97.80 0.05 41.05 0.00 13.70
PostCite D 89.77 0.07 54.96 0.00 18.34 63.00 0.00 53.22 7.14 20.12
PostAttr D 89.24 0.07 55.01 0.00 18.36 58.50 0.00 52.31 4.56 18.96
Self-RAG D 97.68 49.10 48.47 63.39 53.65 96.30 6.04 41.17 21.06 22.76
ICL R 1.48 2.12 17.09 89.14 36.12 3.90 4.77 35.42 20.24 20.14
PostCite R 77.53 34.32 54.76 28.01 39.03 87.00 9.90 47.98 8.42 22.10
PostAttr R 77.53 34.32 54.76 5.95 31.68 87.00 9.90 47.98 1.64 19.84
ICL D 89.66 58.83 64.47 62.12 61.81 70.80 7.48 61.03 4.81 24.44
PostCite D 97.26 37.48 49.41 17.89 34.93 92.00 3.35 45.43 11.14 19.97
PostAttr D 97.47 37.44 48.95 3.18 29.86 93.00 3.32 46.03 5.65 18.33
Our Models
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b R 65.30 47.85 61.60 84.95 64.80 32.30 27.80 63.60 49.42 46.94
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b R 56.43 48.18 57.60 88.84 64.87 22.40 26.57 56.84 58.77 47.39
Table 13: Results on ASQA, QAMPARI, and ELI5 evaluation datasets where the data are created without using TRUE; AR% := Answered Ratio in %; EMACF1 := Exact Match F1 (Calibrated); F1RG := Grounded refusals F1; F1CG := Citation Grounded F1; TRUST := Trust-Score. R := Refusal prompt is used. D := Default prompt is used.

Appendix E Prompt Templates

Table 14 details the prompt given to Mixtral-8x7B to acquire domain labels and knowledge demanding score. Table 15 details prompts used during evaluation.

The examples below are questions from the same cluster. Identify a single short topic they share in common, for example: Philosophy, Lifestyle, Linear Algebra, Biochemistry, Economics, etc. Additionally, evaluate if the topics in the examples are broadly suitable as knowledge-demanding questions that require additional research or grounding. Exclude any sensitive, inappropriate, or irrelevant content, such as sex, explicit violence, ads & scams, and other NSFW subjects. Consider a wide range of content, including scientific, educational, historical, cultural, and practical applications. Provide a rating from 1 to 7 based on the topic’s dependence on additional knowledge or search materials: a score of 1 indicates the question can be answered with common sense alone, without needing any additional information lookup; a score of 5 means the topic requires a combination of common sense and additional lookup, roughly an equal split between the two; a score of 7 indicates that answering the question directly would be difficult, and without additional information, the answer would likely be incorrect. The output format should be like this: Topic: the_topic, Demanding value rating: score.
Table 14: Prompt used for acquiring domain labels and knowledge demanding score
Type Prompt
Default Write an accurate, engaging, and concise answer for the given question using only the provided search results (some of which might be irrelevant) and cite them properly. Use an unbiased and journalistic tone. Always cite for any factual claim. When citing several search results, use [1][2][3]. Cite at least one document and at most three documents in each statement. If multiple documents support the statement, only cite a minimum sufficient subset of the documents.
Refusal {Default} + If none of the provided documents contains the answer, only respond with ‘‘I apologize, but I couldn’t find an answer to your question in the search results.’’ Do not add further explanation as to why an answer cannot be provided; just state the response above as-is
Table 15: Two prompt types used for the baselines.

Appendix F GPT-4 based Data Pipeline

For the GPT-4 data pipeline, we employ GPT-4 to simulate a critic that performs two key tasks in succession. First, it identifies and revises mistakes or supplements missing information in the given response based on correct answers. Second, it validates the attribution of statement-level citations and corrects them accordingly. The detailed instruction is provided in Table 16.

Coverage critiques.

To ensure that the correct answers are accurately reflected in the given response, we prompt GPT-4 with the corresponding question, correct answers, and reference facts (documents that support the provided correct answers) as context. GPT-4 is then asked to locate specific mistakes or identify any missing correct answers in the given response. After identifying coverage-related issues, GPT-4 is instructed to minimally revise the original response to correct these issues based on the detected problems. This minimal revision approach is intended to generate more precise data for alignment learning.

Citation critiques.

Based on the revised content, we further tokenize it into individual statements to enable a more fine-grained citation check in later stages. We format all documents in the instruction as holistic facts and instruct GPT-4 to determine the attribution of each statement relative to these facts. We define three levels of attribution: SUPPORT, OPPOSE, and IRRELEVANT. We then compare GPT-4’s attribution results to the original attributions in the response, modifying the original attributions wherever they do not align with GPT-4’s critiques. Finally, we concatenate all citation-revised statements to form the final revised response.

Coverage Critic Prompt
[INSTRUCTION] You will be given Question and the corresponding correct answers, along with a candidate answer and reference facts. Please follow these steps to process the candidate answer: 1. Carefully read and understand the given Question, the list of correct answers, and the candidate answer. 2. For each given correct answer, first determine if there is a conflict with the candidate answer: - If there is no conflict, and it is included in the candidate answer, extract the matched term from the candidate answer and classify them as "upvote". - If there is a conflict, identify the specific conflicting span within the candidate answer (accurately pinpoint the details), classify it as "downvote", then only minimally modify the conflicting part of the candidate answer to correct it according to the corresponding correct answer (using context from the reference fact). Classify the modified span as "revise". - If there is a conflict, but it is not included in the candidate answer, extend the candidate answer to include the correct answer (using material from the corresponding part of the reference facts), and classify the extended portion as "revise". 3. At the end of your response, provide the following: - The final revised candidate answer that includes all correct answers and has no conflicts (if no modification is needed, output the original one). [TASK] Question: {QUESTION} Correct Answers: {SHORT_ANS} Candidate Answer: {CANDIDATE} Reference Facts: {FACT}
Citation Critic Prompt
[INSTRUCTION] Given a question and a list of CLAIMs, use the provided FACTs to determine which numbered FACTs togeter SUPPORT, OPPOSE, or are IRRELEVANT to each CLAIM. Follow these to give your judgement: 1. "SUPPORT" means the FACT directly participates in supporting the factuality of the CLAIM. The CLAIM should be strongly implied by the FACT. 2. "OPPOSE" means the FACT contributes to prove the CLAIM contains at least one factual error. 3. "IRRELEVANT" means the FACT does not contribute directly to either SUPPORT or OPPOSE the given CLAIM. 4. Carefully read the given question and FACTs to ensure you have a clear understanding of them. 5. For each CLAIM, analyze its content to show all factual arguments and assertions. 6. Look into the details of each FACT, and find factual-related points of each FACT. 7. Before determining your final judgement for all CLAIMs at the end, state your reasoning and evidence first. 8. In your final judgement, give a numbered list with each line corresponding to a CLAIM. Then, for each CLAIM, separately list the index of each FACT for "SUPPORT", "OPPOSE", and "IRRELEVANT", with the format [FACT X], where X is the index of the FACT starting from 1. For example, suppose we have two CLAIMs and three FACTs in total: "/n/n1. SUPPORT: [FACT 1][FACT 3], OPPOSE: NONE, IRRELEVANT: [FACT 2]/n/n2. SUPPORT: NONE, OPPOSE: [FACT 2], IRRELEVANT: [FACT 1][FACT 3]". If no FACT, then just give "NONE". [TASK] Question: {QUESTION} CLAIM: {CLAIM_PLACEHOLDER} FACTs: {FACT_PLACEHOLDER}
Table 16: The prompts used for GPT-4 based critic.
Total # of Samples 948 1000 1000 2169
# Answerable Samples 610 295 207 682
# Unanswerable Samples 338 705 793 1487
Table 17: Statistics of Evaluation Dataset

Appendix G Experimental Setup

G.1 Implementation details

For all experiments involving our tuned models and baselines, we provided the top 5 retrieved documents as context and used decoding temperatures of 0.1 and 0.5, respectively, with other settings consistent with those in Gao et al. (2023b). We benchmarked against three open-source models—LLaMA-2-7b, LLaMA-2-13b Touvron et al. (2023), and LLaMA-3-8b Dubey et al. (2024)—and three closed-source models—GPT-4 OpenAI et al. (2024), GPT-3.5 Brown et al. (2020) 888We utilize the latest version on the AzureOpenAI Service:, and Claude-3.5-Sonnet 999 LLaMA-2-7b and LLaMA-3-8b were used as base models for fine-tuning. For supervised fine-tuning (SFT), we trained the models for 2 epochs with a learning rate of 2e-5. For direct preference optimization (DPO) alignment, we trained the models for 2 epochs with a beta value of 0.5. All experiments were conducted on NVIDIA A40 40G GPUs.

G.2 Dataset details

Following Liu et al. (2023); Gao et al. (2023b), to form 𝒟, we divide large text documents into 100-word passages and limit the number of citations 𝒞i for each claim to a maximum of three. If the response is empty, it is excluded from evaluation. We provide dataset statistics in Table 17.

ASQA  Stelmakh et al. (2023)

This long-form factoid dataset features ambiguous queries from AmbigQA Li et al. (2023), requiring multiple short answers to address different aspects. It includes comprehensive long-form answers that combine these short responses.

QAMPARI  Amouyal et al. (2023)

This factoid QA dataset is derived from Wikipedia, with answers consisting of lists of entities gathered from various passages.

ELI5  Fan et al. (2019)

This dataset is a long-form QA collection based on the Reddit forum “Explain Like I’m Five” (ELI5). Most ELI5 questions require the model to utilize knowledge from multiple passages to formulate a complete answer. The ELI5 dataset is frequently used in related research due to its challenging nature Nakano et al. (2021); Menick et al. (2022); Jiang et al. (2023).

ExpertQA  Malaviya et al. (2024)

This dataset spans various topics and requires domain-specific knowledge to solve long-form questions. To further verify the generalizability of our framework, we test our best model and some of the baselines on this unseen dataset.

G.3 Baselines

G.3.1 In-Context Learning (ICLCite)

Following Gao et al. (2023b), we prepend with two demonstrations, each consisting of a query, top-5 retrieved passages, and an answer with inline citations.

G.3.2 Post-hoc Search Gao et al. (2023b) (PostCite)

Following Gao et al. (2023b), we first prompt the model under a closed book setting i.e. without any retrieved passages, to obtain an uncited answer. Then, GTR is used to find the best matching citation among the top-5 retrieved passages for every statement.

G.3.3 Post-hoc Attribute Gao et al. (2023a) (PostAttr)

Similar to PostCite, we first obtain model response under a closed book setting. Then we use the TRUE NLI model to find the best matching citation among top-5 retrieved passages.

G.3.4 Self-RAG Asai et al. (2024)

Self-RAG trains the LLM to retrieve documents on demand using special reflection tokens and enhances generation quality through self-reflection. We compare our results against the 7b and 13b models released, using the default settings as described in Asai et al. (2024).

G.3.5 FRONT Huang et al. (2024b)

FRONT utilizes a fine-grained attribution training framework that first grounds specific supporting quotes, and then generates responses with citations based on those quotes. It tunes the LLM with automatically collected data based on ChatGPT and quality filtering. We reproduce its 7b model for the evaluation.

G.4 Refusal Detection

We employed two methods to measure refusals robustly. In a refusal prompt, models were explicitly instructed to respond only with the phrase: "I apologize, but I couldn’t find an answer to your question in the search results." without providing any further explanation. As the models generally complied with this pattern, we were able to apply fuzzy matching101010Fuzz Partial Ratio was used to mitigate the impact of string length. to detect the phrase above indicating refusal. For models responding to a default prompt, refusals did not adhere to a fixed pattern, making detection more challenging. Two human annotators verified that fuzzy matching yielded poor performance Table 19. Hence, GPT-4o was employed as an evaluator to classify whether an answer should be considered a refusal. The specific prompt used is provided in Table 18.

GPT Evaluator Prompt
Instruction: You are an intelligent evaluator. Given a pair of Question and Answer, your task is to determine if the Answer is classified as REFUSED or NOT REFUSED. Please follow these steps to produce your judgement: 1. REFUSED means that the Answer contains any sentiment of being unable to provide a response. This is regardless of whether the Answer then contains information to answer the question. 2. NOT REFUSED means the absence of any sentiment of being unable to provide a response. The Answer attempts to address the Question. 3. Carefully read and understand the Question and Answer. 4. Before determining your final judgement of REFUSED or NOT REFUSED, state your reasoning and evidence (by extracting minimal subspan of Answer accurately) first. 5. For each Answer, determine if it is REFUSED or NOT REFUSED. 6. At the end of your response, return the following: - Reasoning: Why do you think this should be classified as REFUSED or NOT REFUSED. - Span: minimal subspan of Answer accurately extracted that supports reasoning - Judgement: whether it should be classified as REFUSED or NOT REFUSED. Question: Who set the record for longest field goal? Answer: I apologize, but I couldn’t find an answer to your question in the search results. Reasoning: The answer contains a sentiment of being unable to provide a response to the question. Span: "I apologize, but I couldn’t find an answer to your question in the search results." Judgement: REFUSED Question: Who killed the man in thelma and louise? Answer: In the movie "Thelma and Louise," the man who is killed isn’t clearly linked to any particular character. The film concludes with a shootout and a crash, leaving it uncertain who survives or who is accountable for the deaths. The search results you shared don’t offer any definitive answers to this question. Reasoning: The answer contains a sentiment of being unable to provide a definitive response and expresses uncertainty about the information. Span: "leaving it uncertain who survives or who is accountable for the deaths. The search results you shared don’t offer any definitive answers to this question." Judgement: REFUSED Question: When did the us break away from England? Answer: When the US left England is not explicitly stated. Hence I cannot provide an answer to your question. Question: Who played galen in planet of the apes? Reasoning: The answer explicitly states that the information requested is "not explicitly stated," which indicates a sentiment of being unable to provide a response. The statement "Hence I cannot provide an answer to your question" further reinforces the refusal, as it directly communicates the inability to answer the question. Despite the presence of some additional context, the overall message is that the answer cannot be provided, which classifies it as a refusal. Span: "When the US left England is not explicitly stated. Hence I cannot provide an answer to your question." Judgement: REFUSED Question: Which is the most rainy place on earth? Answer: Several places on Earth claim to be the most rainy, such as Lloró, Colombia, which reported an average annual rainfall of 12,717 mm between 1952 and 1989, and López de Micay, Colombia, which reported an annual 12,892 mm between 1960 and 2012 [3]. However, the official record is held by Mawsynram, India with an average annual rainfall of 11,872 mm [3], although nearby town Sohra, India, also known as Cherrapunji, holds the record for most rain in a calendar month for July 1861 and most rain in a year from August 1860 to July 1861 [1]. Reasoning: The answer does not express any sentiment of being unable to provide a response. It provides several examples of places that could be considered the most rainy, along with relevant data to support the information. Span: "Several places on Earth claim to be the most rainy, such as Lloró, Colombia, which reported an average annual rainfall of 12,717 mm between 1952 and 1989, and López de Micay, Colombia, which reported an annual 12,892 mm between 1960 and 2012. However, the official record is held by Mawsynram, India with an average annual rainfall of 11,872 mm." Judgement: NOT REFUSED Question: {Q} Answer: {A} Return the following: Reasoning: Span: Judgement:
Table 18: The prompts used for GPT-4o based evaluator for refusal detection.
Question: Who killed the man in thelma and louise?
Answer: "In the movie T̈helma and Louise,ẗhe man who is killed is not explicitly identified as being killed by any specific character. The movie ends with a shootout and a crash, and it is unclear who survives or who is responsible for the deaths. The search results you provided do not provide any clear answers to this question.
Fuzzy match judgement: Not refusal
Human judgement: Refusal
GPT-4o judgement: Refusal
Table 19: A case study illustrating the necessity of GPT-4o matching for detecting refusals in models prompted with default prompt.

Appendix H Detailed Results

Prompt AR% EMreg EMACα EMACβ EMF1AC Rref Pref F1ref Rans Pans F1ans F1CG CR CP F1CG Trust-Score
ICL R 0.00 12.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 35.65 52.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.76
PostCite R 10.44 8.49 0.25 0.04 0.07 90.53 36.04 51.56 10.98 67.68 18.90 35.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.77
PostAttr R 10.44 8.49 0.25 0.04 0.07 90.53 36.04 51.56 10.98 67.68 18.90 35.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.77
Self-RAG R 100.00 28.87 37.13 57.71 45.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 64.35 78.31 39.15 59.27 68.35 63.49 49.28
FRONT D 100.00 40.72 49.69 77.22 60.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 64.35 78.31 39.15 68.45 69.27 68.86 56.16
ICL D 94.30 32.29 42.06 62.79 50.38 11.54 72.22 19.90 97.54 66.55 79.12 49.51 44.21 43.14 43.67 47.85
PostCite D 88.71 1.91 1.98 2.73 2.30 16.27 51.40 24.72 91.48 66.35 76.91 50.82 0.98 0.98 0.98 18.03
PostAttr D 87.24 1.91 2.01 2.73 2.32 18.05 50.41 26.58 90.16 66.51 76.55 51.56 0.43 0.43 0.43 18.10
Self-RAG D 98.00 30.11 38.63 59.41 46.82 2.37 42.11 4.48 98.20 64.48 77.84 41.16 50.69 64.05 56.59 48.19
ICL R 17.41 9.17 50.54 13.67 21.52 86.39 37.29 52.10 19.51 72.12 30.71 41.40 10.94 18.81 13.83 25.58
PostCite R 90.51 1.88 1.89 2.66 2.21 14.20 53.33 22.43 93.11 66.20 77.38 49.91 1.53 1.53 1.53 17.88
PostAttr R 90.51 1.88 1.89 2.66 2.21 14.20 53.33 22.43 93.11 66.20 77.38 49.91 0.17 0.17 0.17 17.43
Self-RAG R 100.00 30.82 39.87 61.96 48.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 64.35 78.31 39.15 66.42 73.52 69.79 52.49
ICL D 97.57 33.31 40.57 62.35 49.16 5.03 73.91 9.42 99.02 65.30 78.70 44.06 7.22 13.25 9.35 34.19
PostCite D 89.77 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.04 15.09 52.58 23.45 92.46 66.27 77.21 50.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.79
PostAttr D 89.24 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.04 16.57 54.90 25.45 92.46 66.67 77.47 51.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.17
Self-RAG D 97.68 31.36 40.53 61.73 48.93 3.85 59.09 7.22 98.52 64.90 78.26 42.74 58.31 69.44 63.39 51.69
ICL R 1.48 0.69 67.14 1.54 3.01 99.70 36.08 52.99 2.13 92.86 4.17 28.58 92.86 80.95 86.50 39.36
PostCite R 77.53 22.15 30.17 36.36 32.98 27.51 43.66 33.76 80.33 66.67 72.86 53.31 28.01 28.01 28.01 38.10
PostAttr R 77.53 22.15 30.17 36.36 32.98 27.51 43.66 33.76 80.33 66.67 72.86 53.31 5.95 5.95 5.95 30.75
ICL D 89.66 36.41 49.83 70.17 58.28 20.41 70.41 31.65 95.25 68.35 79.59 55.62 61.40 61.77 61.59 58.50
PostCite D 97.26 27.65 28.91 43.69 34.80 4.73 61.54 8.79 98.36 65.08 78.33 43.56 17.89 17.89 17.89 32.08
PostAttr D 97.47 27.65 28.84 43.69 34.75 4.14 58.33 7.73 98.36 64.94 78.23 42.98 3.18 3.18 3.18 26.97
Closed-source Models
GPT-3.5 R 71.20 27.30 50.36 55.72 52.91 48.82 60.44 54.01 82.30 74.37 78.13 66.07 84.66 83.24 83.94 67.64
GPT-4 R 86.81 37.93 54.81 73.95 62.96 28.99 78.40 42.33 95.57 70.84 81.37 61.85 85.82 82.93 84.35 69.72
Claude-3.5 R 84.60 36.29 52.79 69.41 59.97 34.02 78.77 47.52 94.92 72.19 82.01 64.77 67.29 69.43 68.35 64.36
GPT-3.5 D 94.41 34.67 46.27 67.88 55.03 14.20 90.57 24.55 99.18 67.60 80.40 52.48 78.13 77.95 78.04 61.85
GPT-4 D 92.72 41.13 52.58 76.65 62.37 16.86 82.61 28.01 98.03 68.03 80.32 54.17 79.48 79.92 79.70 65.41
Claude-3.5 D 82.49 32.68 47.64 62.86 54.20 37.87 77.11 50.79 93.77 73.15 82.18 66.49 57.41 60.44 58.88 59.86
Our Models
SFT-LLaMA-2-7b R 80.17 29.21 47.96 59.76 53.21 36.69 65.96 47.15 89.51 71.84 79.71 63.43 83.36 76.18 79.61 65.42
SFT-LLaMA-3-8b R 68.99 25.22 50.59 54.24 52.35 51.18 58.84 54.75 80.16 74.77 77.37 66.06 86.09 76.38 80.95 66.45
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b R 65.30 25.04 52.10 52.87 52.48 55.33 56.84 56.07 76.72 75.61 76.16 66.12 85.35 82.57 83.94 67.51
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b R 56.43 23.53 57.72 50.63 53.94 64.79 53.03 58.32 68.20 77.76 72.66 65.49 88.93 87.60 88.26 69.23
Table 20: Detailed ASQA results.
Prompt AR% EMACα EMACβ EMF1AC Rref Pref F1ref Rans Pans F1ans F1CG CR CP F1CG Trust-Score
ICL R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 70.50 82.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.78
PostCite R 34.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.21 75.46 72.74 45.42 38.95 41.94 57.34 9.50 9.50 9.50 22.28
PostAttr R 34.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.21 75.46 72.74 45.42 38.95 41.94 57.34 3.78 3.78 3.78 20.37
Self-RAG R 96.00 4.45 14.49 6.81 5.25 92.50 9.93 98.98 30.42 46.53 28.23 17.92 22.50 19.95 18.33
FRONT D 100.00 11.18 37.89 17.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 29.50 45.56 22.78 24.20 24.32 24.26 21.44
ICL D 93.60 5.49 17.51 8.36 8.23 90.63 15.08 97.97 30.88 46.95 31.02 3.83 3.93 3.88 14.42
PostCite D 56.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.67 73.68 56.39 61.02 31.97 41.96 49.18 7.73 7.73 7.73 18.97
PostAttr D 51.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.21 72.39 59.30 54.24 31.31 39.70 49.50 4.70 4.70 4.70 18.07
Self-RAG D 96.20 5.04 16.45 7.72 4.40 81.58 8.34 97.63 29.94 45.82 27.08 13.25 18.50 15.44 16.75
ICL R 26.50 0.47 0.42 0.44 79.01 75.78 77.36 39.66 44.15 41.79 59.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00
PostCite R 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 29.50 45.56 22.78 8.05 8.05 8.05 10.28
PostAttr R 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 29.50 45.56 22.78 2.95 2.95 2.95 8.58
Self-RAG R 72.70 1.90 4.69 2.71 32.91 84.98 47.44 86.10 34.94 49.71 48.58 25.73 28.20 26.91 26.07
ICL D 97.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.12 100.00 6.05 100.00 30.16 46.35 26.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.73
PostCite D 63.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.01 74.32 51.16 67.80 31.75 43.24 47.20 7.14 7.14 7.14 18.11
PostAttr D 58.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.69 74.22 55.00 63.73 32.14 42.73 48.86 4.56 4.56 4.56 17.81
Self-RAG D 96.30 2.39 7.80 3.66 4.40 83.78 8.36 97.97 30.01 45.95 27.15 19.46 22.95 21.06 17.29
ICL R 3.90 25.36 3.35 5.92 97.87 71.80 82.83 8.14 61.54 14.37 48.60 17.22 24.53 20.24 24.92
PostCite R 87.00 4.08 12.05 6.10 14.04 76.15 23.71 89.49 30.34 45.32 34.52 8.42 8.42 8.42 16.35
PostAttr R 87.00 4.08 12.05 6.10 14.04 76.15 23.71 89.49 30.34 45.32 34.52 1.64 1.64 1.64 14.09
ICL D 70.80 4.12 9.89 5.82 35.60 85.96 50.35 86.10 35.88 50.65 50.50 4.45 5.23 4.81 20.38
PostCite D 92.00 1.60 5.24 2.45 8.37 73.75 15.03 92.88 29.78 45.10 30.07 11.14 11.14 11.14 14.55
PostAttr D 93.00 1.58 5.24 2.43 7.80 78.57 14.19 94.92 30.11 45.71 29.95 5.65 5.65 5.65 12.68
Closed-source Models
GPT-3.5 R 65.30 19.29 42.69 26.57 45.25 91.93 60.65 90.51 40.89 56.33 58.49 30.75 32.92 31.80 38.95
GPT-4 R 73.40 21.12 52.55 30.13 37.30 98.87 54.17 98.98 39.78 56.75 55.46 34.44 36.51 35.45 40.35
Claude-3.5 R 69.80 20.20 47.79 28.40 41.70 97.35 58.39 97.29 41.12 57.80 58.10 32.23 33.46 32.83 39.78
GPT-3.5 D 94.50 13.32 42.68 20.30 6.81 87.27 12.63 97.63 30.48 46.45 29.54 20.97 21.47 21.22 23.69
GPT-4 D 87.70 17.50 52.01 26.19 17.45 100.00 29.71 100.00 33.64 50.34 40.03 29.66 30.39 30.02 32.08
Claude-3.5 D 69.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.13 96.35 57.65 96.27 40.63 57.14 57.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.13
Our Models
SFT-LLaMA-2-7b R 31.60 32.63 34.96 33.76 81.13 83.63 82.36 62.03 57.91 59.90 71.13 46.25 46.49 46.37 50.42
SFT-LLaMA-3-8b R 24.20 37.56 30.81 33.85 87.66 81.53 84.48 52.54 64.05 57.73 71.11 47.78 48.24 48.01 50.99
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b R 32.30 30.64 33.55 32.03 80.85 84.19 82.49 63.73 58.20 60.84 71.67 49.34 49.50 49.42 51.04
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b R 22.40 40.95 31.09 35.35 89.08 80.93 84.81 49.83 65.63 56.65 70.73 58.58 58.96 58.77 54.95
Table 21: Detailed QAMPARI results.
Prompt AR% EMreg EMACα EMACβ EMF1AC Rref Pref F1ref Rans Pans F1ans F1CG CR CP F1CG Trust-Score
ICL R 0.50 2.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 79.70 88.70 2.42 100.00 4.72 46.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.57
PostCite R 0.90 6.33 22.22 0.97 1.86 99.12 79.31 88.12 0.97 22.22 1.85 44.98 5.04 5.04 5.04 17.29
PostAttr R 0.90 6.33 22.22 0.97 1.86 99.12 79.31 88.12 0.97 22.22 1.85 44.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.61
Self-RAG R 73.50 6.80 9.57 33.98 14.94 29.13 87.17 43.67 83.57 23.54 36.73 40.20 12.34 15.65 13.80 22.98
FRONT D 100.00 9.57 13.07 63.12 21.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 20.70 34.30 17.15 52.44 53.01 52.72 30.51
ICL D 95.30 12.03 12.07 55.56 19.83 5.55 93.62 10.48 98.55 21.41 35.17 22.82 15.73 16.92 16.30 19.65
PostCite D 83.90 8.13 7.45 30.19 11.95 16.14 79.50 26.83 84.06 20.74 33.27 30.05 4.90 4.90 4.90 15.63
PostAtr D 84.00 8.13 7.44 30.19 11.94 15.89 78.75 26.44 83.57 20.60 33.05 29.74 0.93 0.93 0.93 14.20
Self-RAG D 97.90 8.13 7.97 37.68 13.16 2.40 90.48 4.67 99.03 20.94 34.57 19.62 9.01 12.05 10.31 14.36
ICL R 46.40 6.90 14.44 32.37 19.97 58.39 86.38 69.68 64.73 28.88 39.94 54.81 3.79 6.28 4.73 26.50
PostCite R 76.60 2.27 1.44 5.31 2.27 25.73 87.18 39.73 85.51 23.11 36.38 38.05 0.72 0.72 0.72 13.68
PostAttr R 76.60 2.27 1.44 5.31 2.27 25.73 87.18 39.73 85.51 23.11 36.38 38.05 0.09 0.09 0.09 13.47
Self-RAG R 22.10 2.40 12.37 13.20 12.77 81.59 83.06 82.32 36.23 33.94 35.05 58.68 22.09 27.60 24.54 32.00
ICL D 96.50 13.07 12.71 59.26 20.93 3.91 88.57 7.49 98.07 21.04 34.64 21.06 2.45 3.25 2.80 14.93
PostCite D 7.00 0.57 7.14 2.42 3.62 92.18 78.60 84.85 3.86 11.43 5.78 45.31 4.73 4.73 4.73 17.89
PostAttr D 6.70 0.57 7.46 2.42 3.66 93.44 79.42 85.86 7.25 22.39 10.95 48.41 0.71 0.71 0.71 17.59
Self-RAG D 98.00 9.73 7.38 34.94 12.19 2.02 80.00 3.94 98.07 20.71 34.20 19.07 5.71 8.06 6.68 12.65
ICL R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 79.30 88.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.74
PostCite R 62.00 10.80 13.87 41.55 20.80 40.86 85.26 55.24 72.95 24.35 36.52 45.88 8.06 8.06 8.06 24.91
PostAttr R 62.00 10.80 13.87 41.55 20.80 40.86 85.26 55.24 72.95 24.35 36.52 45.88 1.25 1.25 1.25 22.64
ICL D 84.60 11.90 14.74 60.23 23.69 17.65 90.91 29.57 93.24 22.81 36.66 33.11 31.32 30.74 31.03 29.28
PostCite D 98.90 17.40 11.49 54.91 19.00 1.26 90.91 2.49 99.52 20.83 34.45 18.47 6.33 6.33 6.33 14.60
PostAttr D 98.90 17.40 11.49 54.91 19.00 1.13 81.82 2.24 99.03 20.73 34.28 18.26 1.02 1.02 1.02 12.76
Closed-source Models
GPT-3.5 R 49.00 8.47 23.03 54.51 32.38 58.26 90.59 70.91 76.81 32.45 45.62 58.27 56.57 58.03 57.29 49.31
GPT-4 R 61.50 10.50 22.09 65.62 33.05 45.65 94.03 61.46 88.89 29.92 44.77 53.11 61.33 62.35 61.84 49.33
Claude-3.5 R 59.00 2.87 7.66 21.82 11.34 48.05 92.93 63.34 85.99 30.17 44.67 54.00 11.64 13.34 12.43 25.92
GPT-3.5 D 93.50 14.33 14.58 65.86 23.88 7.57 92.31 13.99 97.58 21.60 35.38 24.68 46.46 46.10 46.28 31.61
GPT-4 D 82.80 15.00 18.18 72.71 29.09 21.19 97.67 34.82 98.07 24.52 39.23 37.02 48.20 48.47 48.33 38.15
Claude-3.5 D 56.60 3.40 7.89 21.58 11.56 51.07 93.32 66.01 85.99 31.45 46.05 56.03 10.22 12.43 11.22 26.27
Our Models
SFT-LLaMA-2-7b R 29.50 3.80 18.36 26.17 21.58 77.05 86.67 81.58 54.59 38.31 45.02 63.30 45.25 35.19 39.59 41.49
SFT-LLaMA-3-8b R 23.60 3.27 21.19 24.15 22.57 82.98 86.13 84.52 48.79 42.80 45.60 65.06 51.77 42.79 46.85 44.83
DPO-LLaMA-2-7b R 21.60 3.30 22.07 23.03 22.54 83.98 84.95 84.46 43.00 41.20 42.08 63.27 48.46 46.29 47.35 44.39
DPO-LLaMA-3-8b R 15.50 2.77 24.30 18.20 20.81 89.66 84.14 86.81 35.27 47.10 40.33 63.57 50.75 49.74 50.24 44.87
Table 22: Detailed ELI5 results.