Qml Customizations

This example shows a wheel of fortune by customizing a pie series.

Running the Example

To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.

Customizing Chart Views

First we create the ChartView and a couple of series.

  ChartView {
      id: chartView
      anchors.fill: parent
      title: "Wheel of fortune"
      legend.visible: false
      antialiasing: true

      PieSeries {
          id: wheelOfFortune
          horizontalPosition: 0.3

      SplineSeries {
          id: splineSeries

      ScatterSeries {
          id: scatterSeries

The application data is generated in Component.onCompleted of the main rectangle:

  Component.onCompleted: {
      __intervalCoefficient = Math.random() + 0.25;

      for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
          wheelOfFortune.append("", 1);

      var interval = 1;
      for (var j = 0; interval < 800; j++) {
          interval = __intervalCoefficient * j * j;
          splineSeries.append(j, interval);
      chartView.axisX(scatterSeries).max = j;
      chartView.axisY(scatterSeries).max = 1000;

The following customizations are done repeatedly with a timer. To highlight one of the pie slices at time we modify its exploded property:

  wheelOfFortune.at(index).exploded = false;
  index = __activeIndex % wheelOfFortune.count;
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).exploded = true;

Then an animation using a scatter series with one data point:

  scatterSeries.append(__activeIndex, interval);
  scatterSeries.color = Qt.tint(scatterSeries.color, "#05FF0000");
  scatterSeries.markerSize += 0.5;

When the wheel of fortune has stopped, we make the active slice blink by modifying its colors.

  // Switch the colors of the slice and the border
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).borderWidth = 2;
  switchColor = wheelOfFortune.at(index).borderColor;
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).borderColor = wheelOfFortune.at(index).color;
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).color = switchColor;
