OpenCV  3.4.8
Open Source Computer Vision
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
linemod.hpp File Reference
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include <map>


struct  cv::linemod::QuantizedPyramid::Candidate
 Candidate feature with a score. More...
class  cv::linemod::ColorGradient
 Modality that computes quantized gradient orientations from a color image. More...
class  cv::linemod::DepthNormal
 Modality that computes quantized surface normals from a dense depth map. More...
class  cv::linemod::Detector
 Object detector using the LINE template matching algorithm with any set of modalities. More...
struct  cv::linemod::Feature
 Discriminant feature described by its location and label. More...
struct  cv::linemod::Match
 Represents a successful template match. More...
class  cv::linemod::Modality
 Interface for modalities that plug into the LINE template matching representation. More...
class  cv::linemod::QuantizedPyramid
 Represents a modality operating over an image pyramid. More...
struct  cv::linemod::Template




void cv::linemod::colormap (const Mat &quantized, Mat &dst)
 Debug function to colormap a quantized image for viewing. More...
Ptr< linemod::Detector > cv::linemod::getDefaultLINE ()
 Factory function for detector using LINE algorithm with color gradients. More...
Ptr< linemod::Detector > cv::linemod::getDefaultLINEMOD ()
 Factory function for detector using LINE-MOD algorithm with color gradients and depth normals. More...