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Importing VMOD/MODFLOW Models

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Importing Visual MODFLOW Classic Projects


Before You Start!

If you need to modify or maintain a model that utilizes any of the following features, you must continue to use Visual MODFLOW Classic interface for this:


ØTransport Engines (MT3D99, RT3D, PHT3D, SEAWAT)
ØMNW Package
ØETS1 Package



To import your Visual MODFLOW project, select the .VMF file and click OK to continue.  The .VMF file must be from VMOD v.2009.1 and later.


If your VMOD Classic project contains Transport Boundary condition parameters, then please refer to the section "Transport Boundary Condition parameters" for more details on the differences in which VMOD Flex handles point source concentrations over VMOD Classic.


While the model is created, you will see the corresponding inputs added to the Model Explorer.


Importing MODFLOW-2000, 2005 Data Sets


Often you may need to import an existing MODFLOW data set into VMOD Flex in order to review the model, or evaluate different scenarios. VMOD Flex can import existing MODFLOW data sets provided they are in MODFLOW-2000 or MODFLOW-2005 format.


Note: VMOD Flex currently imports MODFLOW-2000 and MODFLOW-2005 Groundwater Flow process files only. As a result, it will ignore files associated with the Sensitivity Process, the Parameter Estimation Process, and the Transport Process. Support for these additional processes may be added to future versions of VMOD Flex.


To import a MODFLOW-2000 model data set, select the .NAM file (or .MODFLOW.IN) at the Import Grid screen.


Note: The .NAM file (or .MODFLOW.IN file) is an ASCII file containing a list of the input and output data files for the model, and their location (folder and pathname) on the computer. If the model files have been moved to a new location, the file must be manually updated to reflect the new file location(s).


Once you have selected the desired model data file, click on the [Open] button to continue.


For more details on the Import MODFLOW process and limitations, please refer to s.2.2 of the Visual MODFLOW User Documentation.