

Chrisantha Fernando Dylan Banarse Henryk Michalewski Simon Osindero Tim Rocktäschel
Google DeepMind

像思想链提示这样流行的提示策略可以极大地提高各个领域的大语言模型的推理能力。 然而,这种手工制定的提示策略通常不是最佳的。 在本文中,我们提出了Promptbreeder,这是一种通用的自我参考自我改进机制,可以针对给定领域发展和调整提示。 在大语言模型的驱动下,Promptbreeder 会变异一组任务提示,评估它们在训练集上的适应性,并在多代中重复此过程以进化任务提示。 至关重要的是,这些任务提示的突变是由大语言模型在整个进化过程中以自我参照的方式生成和改进的突变提示所控制的。 也就是说,Promptbreeder 不仅改进了任务提示,而且还改进了改进这些任务提示的突变提示。 在常用的算术和常识推理基准上,Promptbreeder 的表现优于最先进的提示策略,例如思维链和计划与解决提示。 此外,Promptbreeder 能够针对仇恨言论分类这一具有挑战性的问题提出复杂的任务提示。


提示对于基础模型的下游性能至关重要。 例如不同的提示策略111术语定义请参见附录A 可以对模型的推理能力产生重大影响(Wei 等人, 2022; Nye 等人, 2021; Zhou 等人, 2022; Wang 等人, 2022; Zhou 等人, 2023; Wang 等人, 2023b) ,多模态处理能力(杨等人,2023b;王等人,2023d),或工具使用能力(姚等人,2022;Schick等人,2023 ) 此外,提示可以改善模型蒸馏(Wang 等人, 2023c; Hsieh 等人, 2023),并可用于模拟主体行为(Wang 等人, 2023a; Park 等人, 2023;吴等人,2023) 然而,这些提示策略是手动设计的。 由于提示的具体措辞方式可能对其实用性产生巨大影响(Madaan & Yazdanbakhsh,2022),因此提出了提示工程是否可以自动化的问题。 自动提示工程师(APE,周等人,2023)尝试通过使用另一个提示生成提示的初始分布来解决这个问题,该提示从数据集中的许多输入输出示例推断问题。 然而,周等人发现“随着三轮后质量似乎趋于稳定,进一步选择轮次的回报递减”,因此放弃了迭代APE的使用。 我们提出了一种通过多样性维持进化算法来解决收益递减问题的方案,用于大语言模型提示的自我参照自我改进。

Schmidhuber (1990)指出“神经网络的程序就是它的权重矩阵”。 因此,这个“程序”可以通过神经网络本身以自我引用的方式改变(Schmidhuber,1993;Irie等人,2022) 这种能够自我改进以及改进其自我改进方式的神经网络可能是人工智能开放式自我参照自我改进的重要垫脚石(Schmidhuber,2003) 然而,通过自参考权重矩阵进行自我改进成本高昂,因为它需要额外的参数来修改模型的所有参数。 由于大语言模型的行为和能力很大程度上受到我们提供给他们的提示的影响,因此我们可以类似地将提示视为大语言模型的程序(周等人,2023) 在此看来,改变Scratchpad方法(Nye等人,2021)或连锁思维提示(Wei等人,2022)等提示策略对应于改变大语言模型的“程序”。 进一步类比,我们可以用大语言模型本身来改变它的提示,以及它改变这些提示的方式,使我们走向一个以大语言模型为基础的完全自我参照的自我完善系统。

Method LLM MultiArith* SingleEq* AddSub* SVAMP* SQA CSQA AQuA-RAT GSM8K
Zero-shot CoT text-davinci-003 (83.8) (88.1) (85.3) (69.9) (63.8) (65.2) (38.9) (56.4)
PoT text-davinci-003 (92.2) (91.7) (85.1) (70.8) (43.9) (57.0)
PS text-davinci-003 (87.2) (89.2) (88.1) (72.0) (42.5) (58.2)
PS+ text-davinci-003 (91.8) (94.7) (92.2) (75.7) (65.4) (71.9) (46.0) (59.3)
PS PaLM 2-L 97.7 90.6 72.4 83.8 50.0 77.9 40.2 59.0
PS+ PaLM 2-L 92.5 94.7 74.4 86.3 50.1 73.3 39.4 60.5
APE PaLM 2-L 95.8 82.2 72.2 73.0 38.4 67.3 45.7 77.9
OPRO PaLM 2-L 80.2
PB (ours) PaLM 2-L 99.7 96.4 87.8 90.2 71.8 85.4 62.2 83.9
Few- Manual-CoT text-davinci-003 (93.6) (93.5) (91.6) (80.3) (71.2) (78.3) (48.4) (58.4)
Auto-CoT text-davinci-003 (95.5) (92.1) (90.8) (78.1) (41.7) (57.1)
PB (ours) PaLM 2-L 100.0 98.9 87.1 93.7 80.2 85.9 64.6 83.5
表格1: Promptbreeder (PB) comparison to Chain-of-Thought (Manual-CoT, Wei et al., 2022), Zero-shot CoT (Kojima et al., 2022), Program-of-Thoughts (PoT, Chen et al., 2022), Auto-CoT (Zhang et al., 2023b), OPRO (Yang et al., 2023a), Automatic Prompt Engineer Zero-shot prompt (APE, Zhou et al., 2023), Plan-and-Solve with (PS+) and without the improved prompt (PS, Wang et al., 2023b) and using PaLM 2-L (Anil et al., 2023) as the underlying LLM (APE, PSPaLM 2-L/PS+PaLM 2-L). 零样本和少样本类别中的最佳结果以粗体突出显示。 括号中的结果直接取自使用 text-davinci-003 (Brown 等人, 2020) 的 Plan-and-Solve 论文。 对于带有星号的数据集(MultiArith*、SingleEq*、AddSub* 和 SVAMP*),我们随机选取一半示例进行训练,并报告剩余测试集的准确性。 详情请参阅部分4附录I关于提示和数据集。

在本文中,我们引入Promptbreeder(PB)来实现大语言模型的自我参照自我完善。 给定一组突变提示(即修改任务提示的指令)、思维方式(即一般认知启发式的文本描述)和特定领域的问题描述,PB 会生成任务提示和突变的变体-提示,利用大语言模型可以被提示充当变异算子的事实(Meyerson等人,2023) 根据在训练集上测量的进化任务提示的适应性,我们选择由任务提示及其相关突变提示组成的进化单元子集,以传递给后代。 在多代 PB 中,我们观察到适应当前领域的提示。 例如,在数学领域,PB 演化出了任务提示 “展示你所有的工作。 二. 您应该在适当的情况下使用正确的数学符号和词汇。 三. 您应该用完整的句子和文字写下您的答案。 四. 你应该用例子来说明你的观点并证明你的答案。 五、你的作业应该整洁、清晰” GSM8K(参见附录J)。 在涵盖常识推理、算术和伦理学的广泛常用基准上,我们发现 PB 优于 Chain-of-Thought 等最先进的方法(Wei 等人,2022)以及计划与解决(Wang 等人, 2023b) 提示。 由于PB不需要任何参数更新来进行自我参照的自我改进,我们相信这种方法预示着一个有趣的未来,更大、更强大的大语言模型可以进一步放大我们方法的收益。

总之,本文做出了以下主要贡献:(i)我们引入了 Promptbreeder,一种大语言模型的自我参考自我改进方法,它可以针对现有领域演化提示,并改进演化这些提示的方式。 ,(ii) 我们报告了在各种常用算术和常识推理基准上相对于最先进的提示策略的改进,以及 (iii) 我们研究了 Promptbreeder 的各种自我参照组件及其对我们结果的贡献。

Refer to caption
图1: Promptbreeder 概述。 给定问题描述和一组初始的一般“思维方式”和突变提示,Promptbreeder 会生成一组进化单元,每个单元通常由两个任务提示和一个突变提示组成。 然后,我们运行标准的二元锦标赛遗传算法(Harvey,2011) 为了确定任务提示的适用性,我们评估其在随机批次训练数据上的性能。 经过多代,Promptbreeder 随后使用五种不同类别的突变运算符来突变任务提示和突变提示。 前者导致越来越多的领域自适应任务提示,而后者则以自我参照的方式演化出越来越有用的突变提示。


以正确的方式促进大语言模型对其下游性能至关重要(Moradi & Samwald, 2021; Madaan & Yazdanbakhsh, 2022; Zhou 等人, 2023) 事实上,即使提示出现的顺序也会严重影响大语言模型的性能(Lu等人,2022) 最近的许多工作都集中在设计更好的提示策略,甚至自动化此类提示工程。

提示:思想链提示(CoT,Wei等人,2022)是一种流行的提示策略,它提供中间推理步骤,就像少样本提示大语言模型一样,从而显着提高其算术、常识和符号推理能力。 值得注意的是,大语言模型越强,CoT 的收益越显着。 这很有趣,因为它指出了在熟练的大语言模型之上(Promptbreeder 直接建立的假设)之上可能存在能力越来越强(并且可能是开放式的)自我改进机制。 Kojima 等人 (2022) 展示大语言模型也可以提示零样本(例如“让我们一步一步思考”)来生成,而不是少样本 CoT 提示他们自己的思想链(零样本CoT)可以提高推理能力。 自我一致性(CoT-SC,Wang 等人,2022)通过对不同的工作集进行采样并选择最一致的答案来扩展 CoT。 思想之树(ToT,Yao等人,2023)将CoT概括为可以扩展或回溯的多种计算结果。 Graph of Thoughts (GoT, Besta 等人, 2023) 是对任意图结构的进一步泛化。 计划与解决提示(PS,王等人,2023b)鼓励大语言模型在尝试解决问题之前首先制定解决问题的计划。 类似地,从最少到最多的提示(周等人,2022)鼓励大语言模型将问题分解为子部分,然后在综合答案之前单独解决每个部分。 Self-Refine (Madaan 等人, 2023) 提示大语言模型生成响应,提供响应的反馈,并最终完善解决方案。

与上述无梯度方法相比,软提示直接方法(例如,Liu等人,2021;Qin&Eisner,2021;Lester等人,2021)直接连续提示表示。 Huang 等人 (2022) 在未标记的问题数据集上使用 CoT 和 CoT-SC,然后基于生成的解决方案构建一个大语言模型。 同样,Zelikman 等人 (2022) 使用 CoT 生成基本原理,并根据产生正确答案的示例和基本原理对大语言模型进行微调。 然而,正如 Zhou 等人 (2023) 所言,任何更新全部或部分大语言模型参数的方法都不会随着模型变大而扩展,而且不适用于数量不断增加的情况。隐藏在API后面的大语言模型。

上面所有的即时工程方法都是与领域无关的,但是都是手工设计的。 我们工作的核心是假设我们可以通过采用自动化的自我改进流程来做得更好,该流程可以根据手头的领域调整提示。 Auto-CoT (Zhang 等人, 2023b) 和Automatic-CoT (Shum 等人, 2023) 自动查找少样本CoT 的推理链。 自动提示工程师(APE,周等人,2023)使用一个生成器提示来生成候选提示,并使用另一个突变提示来突变它们。 与 APE 相比,我们的工作执行突变提示的组合任务特定初始化,随后突变提示的在线突变,使用考虑整个群体和精英历史的特殊突变算子,并使用多样性维护方法 - 所有这些这有助于避免 APE 所遭受的收益递减和多样性损失的问题。

在我们工作的同时,Yang 等人 (2023a) 开发了 Optimization by PROmpting (OPRO),这是一种使用单个复杂突变提示来改变提示的提示优化方法,并在一个小的固定训练上评估新生成的提示一系列问题。 相比之下,Promptbreeder 自主进化多个大语言模型生成的突变提示和任务提示,并在进化过程中评估整个集合中随机子集的适应性。 发布时,OPRO 在 GSM8K 上通过优化的零样本提示“深吸一口气,逐步解决这个问题”,获得了 80.2% 的分数。 Promptbreeder 在零样本设置中以 83.9% 的成绩超越了这一水平,并提供了不直观的简单提示“SOLUTION””——进一步证明了大语言模型对提示的敏感性以及自动寻找有效提示的重要性。 同样在我们工作的同时,Guo 等人 (2023) 开发了 EvoPrompt,它使用固定突变(和交叉)提示,以及询问两个父提示之间差异的突变的提示,产生后代提示。 EvoPrompt 是用全部初始手工设计的任务定制提示来初始化的,而不是像我们那样使用单个问题描述。 与上述两种方法相比,Promptbreeder 使用大语言模型来自我参照地改进突变提示,并且它也能够进化上下文。

自我参照的自我改进:开发一个开放式系统,可以改进自身并改进其改进方式(Schmidhuber,1993;2003)是一种人工智能研究中长期存在的开放问题。 Schmidhuber (1993) 引入了一种具有自参考权重矩阵的“内省”神经网络,该网络可以修改自己的权重,从而也修改那些控制其自身权重如何修改的权重。 最近,Irie 等人 (2022) 受到快速权重程序员 (Schmidhuber,1992) 的启发,提出了一种更具可扩展性的自引用权重矩阵。 Kirsch & Schmidhuber (2022) 提出了一种自参考元学习方法,将自参考权重矩阵与哥德尔机的思想相结合(Schmidhuber,2003),即为性能更好的解决方案分配更多的计算资源。 然而,由于这些方法直接修改模型的参数,目前尚不清楚如何将它们扩展到现代大语言模型中不断增加的参数数量。 相比之下,对于 Promptbreeder 来说,自我参照自我改进的基础是自然语言,完全避免了昂贵的参数更新。

开放性和大语言模型:Promptbreeder 利用了 Lehman 等人 (2022)Meyerson 等人 (2023)Chen 等人 (2023) 认为大语言模型能够有效地从示例中生成突变。 此外,大语言模型编码了人类的趣味性概念,可用于自动量化新颖性(张等人,2023a) Promptbreeder 与 Picbreeder (Secretan 等人, 2008) 相关,Picbreeder 是一个开放式的人机循环系统,可以演化出越来越有趣的图像。 Picbreeder 探索图像空间,而 Promptbreeder 则探索提示空间,并且在没有人类参与的情况下进行。 由于 Promptbreeder 向自身提出了变异提示,因此它是系统从“从数据中学习”过渡到“学习从哪些数据中学习”的示例(Jiang 等人,2022)

3 及时饲养员

我们引入了 Promptbreeder,这是一个提示进化系统,可以自动探索给定领域的提示,并且能够找到任务提示,以提高大语言模型导出该领域问题答案的能力。 Promptbreeder 具有通用性,因为同一系统能够适应许多不同的领域。

Promptbreeder 利用大语言模型可用于生成输入文本 的变体的观察结果(Lehman 等人,2022;Meyerson 等人,2023;Chen 等人,2023) 1 概述了我们的方法。 我们对不断发展的任务提示感兴趣。 任务提示P是一个字符串,用于在进一步输入Q之前对大语言模型的上下文进行调节,目的是确保在没有的情况下出现Q时能得到比P更好的响应。为了评估每个进化任务提示的适应性,我们从手头领域的整个训练集中抽取了 100 对问答。222我们的提示策略按顺序应用两个任务提示。 第一个任务提示+问题产生一个延续。 继续+第二个任务提示产生最终答案。

Promptbreeder 根据进化算法生成任务提示。 该算法的变异算子本身就是一个大语言模型,以变异提示M为条件。也就是说,变异任务提示 PP=LLM(M+P) 定义,其中“+”对应于字符串连接。 部分3.2中描述了各种此类突变提示。

Promptbreeder 的主要自我参照机制源于将进化算法不仅应用于任务提示,还应用于突变提示。 这个元级算法的变异算子又是一个大语言模型,现在以超变异提示H为条件。也就是说,我们通过M=LLM(H+M)获得了一个突变的突变提示M

给定一组“思维方式”𝒯和一组初始突变提示,以及特定领域的问题描述D,Promptbreeder初始化一群变异的任务提示(参见部分3.1)。 需要澄清的是,一个进化单元由一组任务提示、一个突变提示以及在少样本情况下的一组正确的计算结果(即逐步或“思维链”推理步骤)组成。这导致了正确的答案)。 这意味着任务提示和突变提示是 1:1 对应的。 为了进化这个群体,我们采用了二元锦标赛遗传算法框架(Harvey,2011):我们从群体中采样两个个体,我们选取​​适应度较高的个体,对其进行变异(参见下一节)并用获胜者的突变副本覆盖失败者。

3.1 Promptbreeder初始化

举一个具体的例子,考虑用于生成 GSM8K(“小学数学”应用题数据集)的任务提示和突变提示的初始化步骤。 问题描述为“解决数学应用题,以阿拉伯数字形式给出答案” 由于 Plan-and-Solve (Wang 等人, 2023b) 使用两个任务提示,我们还为每个进化单位进化了两个任务提示(加上一个突变提示)。 为了促进初始提示的多样性,我们通过连接(对于每个任务提示)随机抽取的“突变提示”来生成初始任务提示(例如“制作提示的变体。”)和随机抽取的“思维风格”(例如“让我们一步一步思考”)到问题描述中,并将其提供给大语言模型以产生延续,从而产生初始任务提示。 我们执行此操作两次以生成每个单元的两个初始任务提示。 突变提示和思维风格都是从一组初始突变提示和一组思维风格中随机抽取的(参见附录CDG 为全套)。 突变提示被添加到进化单元中,因此在整个进化过程中与其特定的任务提示相关联。

对于上面的例子,大语言模型用于生成初始任务提示的完整输入字符串可以是 “制作提示的变体。 让我们一步步思考。 说明:解决数学应用题,用阿拉伯数字给出答案。 指令突变:”. 请注意如何添加控制字符串 "INSTRUCTION""INSTRUCTION MUTANT" 以鼓励适当的继续。 附录中的4E显示了以下示例初始提示就是这样生成的。

3.2 变异算子

如图1所示,有九个运算符分为五个大类,推动了即时策略的探索。 对于每个复制事件,仅应用九个变异算子之一(我们对这九个算子以均匀概率进行采样,以决定应用哪个变异算子)。 使用这套不同的算子的理由是,通过反复改变问题的框架以及检索以自然语言表达的心理模型,使大语言模型能够探索语言自我质疑的大空间认知方法。帮助解决给定的推理挑战。 洞察力学习的调查强烈表明,多样化的表征重新描述是解决问题的关键(Öllinger & Knoblich,2009)——我们试图通过自然语言的自我参照自我改进来重建这一原则基材。 2说明了 Promptbreeder 是如何自我引用的(参见附录 F 以获得更详细的解释)。

3.2.1 直接突变

最简单的一类变异运算符直接从现有的任务提示 P(一阶提示生成)或鼓励自由的一般提示生成新的任务提示 P。形成新任务提示的生成——即 不使用现有的父级,因此零阶提示生成。

零阶提示生成:我们通过连接问题描述D来生成一个新的任务提示(例如“解决数学应用题,以阿拉伯语给出你的答案”数字”),提示“100个提示的列表:”,邀请大语言模型提出一个新的提示,可以帮助解决给定问题域中的问题。 我们提取第一个生成的提示作为新的任务提示。 至关重要的是,这个新的任务提示不依赖于任何以前找到的任务提示。 相反,它每次都会根据问题描述重新生成。 我们包含这个零阶算子的理由是,在提示进化发散的地方,这个算子允许我们生成与原始问题描述密切相关的新任务提示,类似于自动化课程学习方法中的统一重采样(Jiang等人,2021b;a;Park 等人,2023;Parker-Holder 等人,2022)

一阶提示生成:我们将突变提示(红色)连接到父任务提示(蓝色),并将其传递到大语言模型来产生变异的任务提示。 例如 "以另一种方式再说一遍该指令。 不要使用原始说明中的任何单词“有一个好人”。 操作说明: 解决数学应用题,用阿拉伯数字给出答案。 指令突变:“. 该过程与初始化方法相同,只是不使用随机采样的思维式字符串。 一阶提示生成是 Promptbreeder 的标准无性突变算子,它是每个遗传算法的核心——采用一个亲本基因型(任务提示)并将突变应用于它(在本例中受突变提示的影响)。

3.2.2 分布突变的估计

下一类变异算子不仅以零个或一个父代为条件,而且以一组父代为条件。 因此,通过考虑人口模式,它们可能会更具表现力。

分布估计 (EDA) 突变:受 Hauschild & Pelikan (2011) 的启发,我们向大语言提供了当前任务提示数量的经过筛选和编号的列表模型并要求它使用新的任务提示继续此列表。 我们根据 BERT (Devlin 等人, 2019) 嵌入彼此之间的余弦相似度来过滤提示群体 - 如果个体超过 0.95,则不会包含在列表中t1> 与列表中的任何其他条目类似,从而鼓励多样性(参见质量多样性方法(Lehman & Stanley,2011b;a;Mouret & Clune,2015))。 提示是按随机顺序列出的,我们并没有让大语言模型访问群体中个体的适应度值——我们在基础知识实验中发现,大语言模型并不理解这些适应度值333这与 Mirchandani 等人 (2023) 的最新发现相反。 我们将其留给未来的工作来重新审视大语言模型是否可以解释适应度值以改进即时进化。 并诉诸于生成列表中条目的副本。

EDA 排名和索引突变:这是上述的变体,其中任务提示按适应度顺序列出。 初步知识实验表明,大语言模型更有可能生成与列表中后面出现的元素相似的条目。 这与大语言模型(刘等人,2023)中近因效应的类似发现一致。 因此,在以与之前相同的方式进行过滤后,我们按适应度升序对总体中的任务提示进行排序。 列表顶部带有以下提示前缀: “指令:” + <<突变提示>> + “\n 按分数降序排列的响应列表。” + <<最后一个索引 + 1>> +“是最好的回应。 它类似于" + << 最后一个索引>> + " 比它更相似 (1)". 请注意,我们对大语言模型“撒了谎”,告诉它顺序是降序的。 这是因为否则它会过于偏向于生成与最终条目过于相似的新条目。 升序和降序的说法之间的矛盾似乎提高了采样的多样性。 该算子的基本原理还是以大语言模型建议的高适应性和多样化外推的方式来表示当前分布。

DirectPP LLM (a)Mutation-Prompt GuidedPP LLM M(b)Hyper MutationPP LLM MMH LLM (c)PromptbreederPP LLM MMH LLM (d)T𝒯DM LLM
图2: 自我参照提示进化的多种变体的概述。 在(a)中,大语言模型直接用于生成提示策略P 的变体P(参见Meyerson等人, 2023) 使用突变提示M,我们可以明确地提示大语言模型产生变异(b)。 通过使用超突变提示H,我们还可以进化突变提示本身,将系统变成自引用系统(c)。 Promptbreeder (d) 通过从一组种子思维风格 𝒯、突变提示 ,以及问题域的高级描述D

基于谱系的突变:对于每个进化单位,我们存储其谱系中种群中最好的个体的历史,即精英的历史时间列表。 该列表按时间顺序提供给大语言模型(不按多样性过滤),标题为“按质量升序排列的基因型”以产生新颖的提示作为延续。 该运算符的基本原理是,我们预计改善基因型提示的信号可能比当前群体中的提示信号更强,因为它们提供了可以遵循的从坏到好的提示的梯度(假设该信号可以被大语言模型).

3.2.3 超突变:突变提示的突变

虽然上面的变异算子可能已经探索了不同的任务提示,但理想情况下,自我改进系统还应该以自我参照的方式改进其自我改进的方式。 我们的第三类变异算子包括与进化性演化相关的超变异算子(Dawkins,2003;Pigliucci,2008;Payne & Wagner,2019;Gajewski 等人,2019)——那些修改搜索/探索过程而不是直接获得任务奖励的过程。444这类似于基于群体的训练(Jaderberg 等人, 2017a)——它不是将其应用于学习率等超参数,而是适用于 Promptbreeder 的突变提示。

零阶超突变:我们将原始问题描述连接到随机采样的思维方式,并将其输入大语言模型以生成新的突变提示。 将生成的突变提示应用于任务提示,以生成任务提示的变体,如一阶提示生成中那样(请参阅部分 3.2.1)。 请注意,此零阶元突变运算符与初始化期间使用的运算符相同。 该算子的基本原理是以类似于初始化的方式生成变异算子,同时还从思维方式集中引入知识。

一阶超突变:我们将超突变提示“请总结并改进以下指令:”连接到突变提示,以便大语言模型生成一个新的突变提示。 然后将这个新生成的突变提示应用于该单元的任务提示(请参阅部分 3.2.1中的一阶提示生成)。 这样,我们就可以通过新生成的突变提示来评估超突变对进化后的下游任务提示质量的影响。

3.2.4 拉马克变异

对于此类变异算子,我们模仿拉马克过程。 我们希望使用成功的表型(即用于产生由进化的任务提示诱导的正确答案的具体锻炼)来生成新的基因型(即突变的任务提示)。 这种形式的几种过程已经出现在大语言模型的文献中,例如STaR (Zelikman 等人,2022)、APO (Pryzant 等人,2023) 和 APE (周等人,2023)

Working Out to Task-Prompt:这是一个“拉马克”变异算子,类似于 APE 中的指令归纳。 我们给一个大语言模型一个先前生成的算式,通过以下提示得出正确答案: “我给了一位朋友指示和一些建议。 以下是他的正确锻炼示例 + <<正确锻炼>> + 说明是:”. 这实际上是对给定锻炼的任务提示进行逆向工程。 附录H中显示了一个有效的示例。当问题描述不存在、不充分或具有误导性时,这种操作员就至关重要。

3.2.5 提示交叉和上下文改组


提示交叉:应用变异算子后,任务提示有 10% 的机会被从群体中的另一个成员中随机选择的任务提示替换。 该成员是根据体质比例选拔的。 交叉不适用于突变提示,仅适用于任务提示。

上下文改组:Promptbreeder 可以同时演化任务提示、突变提示和一组正确的工作,称为少样本上下文。 为了实现后者,我们只用得出正确答案的计算结果来填充一个少样本上下文。 在评估过程中,我们在任务提示之前提供这个少样本上下文,为所需的锻炼形式提供指导。 如果样本上下文列表已满,则在对单元对一组新问题进行适应性评估后,单个随机抽样的新正确锻炼将替换列表中的现有锻炼。 此外,我们以 10% 的概率对整个上下文列表进行重新采样,概率与最大上下文列表长度成反比。


我们使用的种群大小为 50 个单位,通常进化 20-30 代,其中一代涉及将种群中的所有个体形成随机对并相互竞争。 为了评估 Promptbreeder,我们使用来自最先进的提示策略(例如 Plan-and-Solve)的数据集,涵盖 GSM8K 的算术推理(Cobbe 等人,2021)、SVAMP (Patel 等人, 2021)、MultiArith (Roy & Roth, 2016)、AddSub (Hosseini 等人, 2014) 、AQuA-RAT (Ling 等人, 2017) 和 SingleEq (Koncel-Kedziorski 等人, 2015)常识推理与 CommonsenseQA (CSQA,Talmor 等人,2019) 和 StrategyQA (SQA,Geva 等人,2021),来自 (Honovich)的指令归纳0>任务等人,2023)1>,以及 ETHOS 数据集上的仇恨言论分类2>(Mollas 等人,2022)3>。 详情请参阅附录I

5 结果与讨论

我们在 中展示了 Promptbreeder (PB) 的结果,与一系列常用推理基准上最先进的提示策略进行比较1 PB 优于 PS+,这是最好的 Plan-and-Solve (Wang 等人,2023b) 提示技术。 请注意,通过使用 PaLM 2-L (Anil 等人, 2023) 作为底层大语言模型,PS+ 的性能得到了提升 (PS+PaLM 2-L )在除 ADDSUB 之外的所有数据集上与原始论文中的 text-davinci-003 结果进行比较。 在所有其他数据集上,零样本 PB 准确性高于 PS+,当提示中包含已发现解决方案的示例时,少样本情况下的准确性会进一步提高。 附录J6中,我们显示最佳进化的零样本提示。 最佳候选样本显示在部分J.5中。 附录 K显示了 APE 论文中指令归纳任务的少量样本结果及其对照。 为了研究 Promptbreeder 为下游任务演化出复杂的特定领域提示的能力,我们将其应用于 ETHOS 仇恨言论分类问题(Mollas 等人,2022) Promptbreeder 能够发展出一种提示策略,该策略由两个连续应用的相对较长的提示组成(参见部分J.1),在 ETHOS 上得分为 89% — 相对于手工设计的提示“确定文本是否包含仇恨言论” 的改进,该提示的得分仅为 80%。 这表明 Promptbreeder 能够针对手头的任务进行复杂的域适应。 附录B显示了典型的进化运行和进化的提示,表明与迭代APE不同,适应度在整个运行过程中持续增加。

我们分析了 GSM8K 运行期间使用的最佳突变提示。 部分 J.3中的 7显示根据得分(突变提示应用于单元中的任务提示时产生更好的任务提示的次数比例),进化出最好的突变提示。 部分 J.4中的 8显示按降序排列,不同类型的变异算子应用于群体中的任务提示时导致改进的次数百分比。 它表明所有突变算子对于 Promptbreeder 的工作都很重要,包括导致自我参照自我改进的超突变算子。

我们测量了自引用运算符对所有数学数据集和 ETHOS 数据集的影响。 消融过程及其结果的详细信息可以在附录L中找到。删除任何自引用运算符几乎在所有情况下都是有害的,最大的好处是初始化时任务提示的初始重新描述。 我们只发现一个变异算子对一项特定任务有害:在初始化时从一组变异提示中随机抽取会损害 GSM8K 上的性能。

6 结论和未来工作

我们引入了Promptbreeder (PB),这是一个自我参考的自我改进系统,可以自动为当前的域发展有效的特定于域的提示。 PB 是自我指涉的,因为它不仅演化出任务提示,而且还演化出突变提示,从而控制 PB 修改任务提示的方式。 因此,它不仅改进了提示,而且还改进了改进提示的方式。

展望未来,使用大语言模型本身来评估和促进生成提示的多样性(参见张等人,2023a),或者用它来确定整体的适应性可能会很有趣“思维过程”,例如N 提示策略,其中有条件地应用提示,而不是像 Promptbreeder 中那样无条件地应用提示。 例如,一个更复杂的“思维过程”是在自我对弈模式下使用 PB 来演化基于 LLM 的相互竞争的策略的预先提示,即在竞争性的苏格拉底式555对话。

与人类思维过程的开放性相比,PB 仍然有限。 首先,提示的拓扑保持固定(参见2)——我们只调整提示内容而不调整提示算法本身。 对思想的一种解释是,它是一个可重新配置的开放式自我提示过程。 如果是这样,如何制定复杂的思维策略? 显然,有必要生成和评估它们,虽然简单的进化过程提供了一个可以进化思想策略的框架,但我们实际的人类经验表明,有多个重叠的层次选择过程在起作用。 而且,人类思维除了语言之外,还涉及语调、意象等多模态系统。

我们相信 PB 指出了一个令人兴奋的未来,越来越开放的自我参照自我改进系统可以直接使用语言作为改进的基础,而不是依赖于任何参数更新。 这很有趣,因为这种方法可能会在未来随着更大、更强大的大语言模型而继续扩展。


我们感谢 Edward Hughes 和 Tom Schaul 对本文初稿的反馈。 我们还感谢 Tom Schaul、Chengrun Yang 和 Denny Zhou 进行了富有成效的讨论,并感谢 Gavin Buttimore、Simon Green、Keith Anderson、Joss Moore、Ollie Purkiss、John Quan 和 Francesco Visin 对运行一些实验的支持。


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问题的初始文本描述,可用作初始任务提示。 用户可以尽最大努力产生有效的问题描述,这就是Promptbreeder的出发点。


适合度评估期间推理时应用的一组任务提示和规则。 在最小的情况下,提示策略只是单个任务提示。 通常,我们的提示策略由两个顺序应用的任务提示组成。




进化单位的集合(例如 50)。


正在演化的信息结构,这里由一个任务提示集(通常是 2 个)、一个突变提示以及在少样本情况下的一组 2-3 个上下文(正在计算)组成。

附录 B 典型的进化运行

上下文任务中的单词是 APE 中使用的 24 个指令归纳任务之一。 给定两个句子和一个同形异义词,大语言模型必须确定同形异义词在两个句子中是否以相同的含义使用。 3显示了进化过程,其中蓝点是个体适应度评估,红线是总体平均值。 超过2000次评估,适合度大幅提升。 进化得最好的提示 1 和提示 2 对(在训练集上评估)显示在右侧。

Refer to caption
图3: 一个典型的进化运行,其中进化出由两个顺序应用的提示组成的提示策略,以解决来自 APE 24 指令归纳任务的上下文任务中的单词。 查看运行过程中提示的进展情况。 精英提示会按原样显示。 蓝点显示训练集评估。 红线显示总体平均健康度。


表2: 突变提示
Index Prompt
1 Modify the following instruction creatively, giving some advice on how to solve it:
2 Just change this instruction to make it more fun, think WELL outside the box:
3 Modify this instruction in a way that no self-respecting LLM would!
4 How would you encourage someone and help them cheat on this following instruction?
5 How would you help an LLM to follow the instruction?
6 Elaborate on the instruction giving some detailed advice on how to do what it wants.
7 Elaborate on the instruction giving some detailed advice on how to do what it wants, as if you were explaining it to a child.
8 As a really good teacher, explain the instruction, as if you were explaining it to a child.
9 Imagine you need to follow this instruction. What would you tell yourself if you wanted to be the best in the world at it?
10 How would someone with derailment follow this instruction?
11 Don’t think about the instruction at all, but let it inspire you to do something related. Talk about what that might be.
12 Rephrase the instruction without using any of the same words. Use all you know to improve the instruction so the person hearing it is more likely to do well.
13 Say that instruction again in another way. DON’T use any of the words in the original instruction or you’re fired.
14 Say that instruction again in another way. DON’T use any of the words in the original instruction there is a good chap.
15 What do people who are good at creative thinking normally do with this kind of mutation question?
16 Detailed additional advice for people wishing to follow this instruction is as follows:
17 In one short sentence, here is how I would best follow this instruction.
18 In one short sentence, here is some detailed expert advice. Notice how I don’t use any of the same words as in the INSTRUCTION.
19 In one short sentence, the general solution is as follows. Notice how I don’t use any of the same words as in the INSTRUCTION.
20 In one short sentence, what’s a good prompt to get a language model to solve a problem like this? Notice how I don’t use any of the same words as in the INSTRUCTION.
21 Generate a mutated version of the following prompt by adding an unexpected twist.
22 Create a prompt mutant that introduces a surprising contradiction to the original prompt. Mutate the prompt to provide an alternative perspective or viewpoint.
23 Generate a prompt mutant that incorporates humor or a playful element. Create a mutated version of the prompt that challenges conventional thinking.
24 Develop a prompt mutant by replacing specific keywords with related but unexpected terms. Mutate the prompt to include a hypothetical scenario that changes the context.
25 Generate a prompt mutant that introduces an element of suspense or intrigue. Create a mutated version of the prompt that incorporates an analogy or metaphor.
26 Develop a prompt mutant by rephrasing the original prompt in a poetic or lyrical style. Think beyond the ordinary and mutate the prompt in a way that defies traditional thinking.
27 Break free from conventional constraints and generate a mutator prompt that takes the prompt to uncharted territories. Challenge the norm and create a mutator prompt that pushes the boundaries of traditional interpretations.
28 Embrace unconventional ideas and mutate the prompt in a way that surprises and inspires unique variations. Think outside the box and develop a mutator prompt that encourages unconventional approaches and fresh perspectives.
29 Step into the realm of imagination and create a mutator prompt that transcends limitations and encourages innovative mutations. Break through the ordinary and think outside the box to generate a mutator prompt that unlocks new possibilities and unconventional paths.
30 Embrace the power of unconventional thinking and create a mutator prompt that sparks unconventional mutations and imaginative outcomes. Challenge traditional assumptions and break the mold with a mutator prompt that encourages revolutionary and out-of-the-box variations.
31 Go beyond the expected and create a mutator prompt that leads to unexpected and extraordinary mutations, opening doors to unexplored realms. Increase Specificity: If the original prompt is too general, like ’Tell me about X,’ the modified version could be, ’Discuss the history, impact, and current status of X.’
32 Ask for Opinions/Analysis: If the original prompt only asks for a fact, such as ’What is X?’, the improved prompt could be, ’What is X, and what are its implications for Y?’
33 Encourage Creativity: For creative writing prompts like ’Write a story about X,’ an improved version could be, ’Write a fantasy story about X set in a world where Y is possible.’
34 Include Multiple Perspectives: For a prompt like ’What is the impact of X on Y?’, an improved version could be, ’What is the impact of X on Y from the perspective of A, B, and C?’
35 Request More Detailed Responses: If the original prompt is ’Describe X,’ the improved version could be, ’Describe X, focusing on its physical features, historical significance, and cultural relevance.’
36 Combine Related Prompts: If you have two related prompts, you can combine them to create a more complex and engaging question. For instance, ’What is X?’ and ’Why is Y important?’ could be combined to form ’What is X and why is it important in the context of Y?’
37 Break Down Complex Questions: If a prompt seems too complex, like ’Discuss X,’ the improved version could be, ’What is X? What are its main characteristics? What effects does it have on Y and Z?’
38 Use Open-Ended Questions: Instead of ’Is X true?’, you could ask, ’What are the arguments for and against the truth of X?’
39 Request Comparisons: Instead of ’Describe X,’ ask ’Compare and contrast X and Y.’
40 Include Context: If a prompt seems to lack context, like ’Describe X,’ the improved version could be, ’Describe X in the context of its impact on Y during the Z period.’
41 Make the prompt more visual: Ask the user to visualize the problem or scenario being presented in the prompt.
42 Ask for a thorough review: Instead of just presenting the problem, ask the user to write down all the relevant information and identify what’s missing.
43 Invoke previous experiences: Modify the prompt to ask the user to recall a similar problem they’ve successfully solved before.
44 Encourage a fresh perspective: Suggest in your prompt that the user take a moment to clear their mind before re-approaching the problem.
45 Promote breaking down problems: Instead of asking the user to solve the problem as a whole, prompt them to break it down into smaller, more manageable parts.
46 Ask for comprehension: Modify the prompt to ask the user to review and confirm their understanding of all aspects of the problem.
47 Suggest explanation to others: Change the prompt to suggest that the user try to explain the problem to someone else as a way to simplify it.
48 Prompt for solution visualization: Instead of just asking for the solution, encourage the user to imagine the solution and the steps required to get there in your prompt.
49 Encourage reverse thinking: Improve the prompt by asking the user to think about the problem in reverse, starting with the solution and working backwards.
50 Recommend taking a break: Modify the prompt to suggest that the user take a short break, allowing their subconscious to work on the problem.
51 What errors are there in the solution?
52 How could you improve the working out of the problem?
53 Look carefully to see what you did wrong, how could you fix the problem?
55 Does the above text make sense? What seems wrong with it? Here is an attempt to fix it:
56 The above working out has some errors, here is a version with the errors fixed.

附录 D 思维方式

Index Thinking Style
1 How could I devise an experiment to help solve that problem?
2 Make a list of ideas for solving this problem, and apply them one by one to the problem to see if any progress can be made.
3 How could I measure progress on this problem?
4 How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
5 What are the key assumptions underlying this problem?
6 What are the potential risks and drawbacks of each solution?
7 What are the alternative perspectives or viewpoints on this problem?
8 What are the long-term implications of this problem and its solutions?
9 How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
10 Critical Thinking: This style involves analyzing the problem from different perspectives, questioning assumptions, and evaluating the evidence or information available. It focuses on logical reasoning, evidence-based decision-making, and identifying potential biases or flaws in thinking.
11 Try creative thinking, generate innovative and out-of-the-box ideas to solve the problem. Explore unconventional solutions, thinking beyond traditional boundaries, and encouraging imagination and originality.
12 Seek input and collaboration from others to solve the problem. Emphasize teamwork, open communication, and leveraging the diverse perspectives and expertise of a group to come up with effective solutions.
13 Use systems thinking: Consider the problem as part of a larger system and understanding the interconnectedness of various elements. Focuses on identifying the underlying causes, feedback loops, and interdependencies that influence the problem, and developing holistic solutions that address the system as a whole.
14 Use Risk Analysis: Evaluate potential risks, uncertainties, and trade-offs associated with different solutions or approaches to a problem. Emphasize assessing the potential consequences and likelihood of success or failure, and making informed decisions based on a balanced analysis of risks and benefits.
15 Use Reflective Thinking: Step back from the problem, take the time for introspection and self-reflection. Examine personal biases, assumptions, and mental models that may influence problem-solving, and being open to learning from past experiences to improve future approaches.
16 What is the core issue or problem that needs to be addressed?
17 What are the underlying causes or factors contributing to the problem?
18 Are there any potential solutions or strategies that have been tried before? If yes, what were the outcomes and lessons learned?
19 What are the potential obstacles or challenges that might arise in solving this problem?
20 Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem? If yes, what data sources are available, and how can they be analyzed?
21 Are there any stakeholders or individuals who are directly affected by the problem? What are their perspectives and needs?
22 What resources (financial, human, technological, etc.) are needed to tackle the problem effectively?
23 How can progress or success in solving the problem be measured or evaluated?
24 What indicators or metrics can be used?
25 Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set? Or is it more of a conceptual or theoretical problem?
26 Does the problem involve a physical constraint, such as limited resources, infrastructure, or space?
27 Is the problem related to human behavior, such as a social, cultural, or psychological issue?
28 Does the problem involve decision-making or planning, where choices need to be made under uncertainty or with competing objectives?
29 Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
30 Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?
31 Does the problem require addressing systemic or structural issues rather than just individual instances?
32 Is the problem time-sensitive or urgent, requiring immediate attention and action?
33 What kinds of solution typically are produced for this kind of problem specification?
34 Given the problem specification and the current best solution, have a guess about other possible solutions.
35 Let’s imagine the current best solution is totally wrong, what other ways are there to think about the problem specification?
36 What is the best way to modify this current best solution, given what you know about these kinds of problem specification?
37 Ignoring the current best solution, create an entirely new solution to the problem.
38 Let’s think step by step.
39 Let’s make a step by step plan and implement it with good notion and explanation.



Index Initially Evolved Prompt
0 Draw a picture of the situation being described in the math word problem
1 Solve the math word problem by first converting the words into equations using algebraic notation. Then solve the equations for the unknown variables, and express the answer as an arabic numeral.
2 Solve the math word problem by breaking the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Give your answer as an arabic numeral.
3 Generate the answer to a word problem and write it as a number.
4 Collaborative Problem Solving: Work with other people to solve the problem, and give your answer as an arabic numeral.
5 Solve the problem by explaining why systemic or structural issues would not be the cause of the issue.
6 Draw a diagram representing the problem.
7 Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an equation that can be evaluated.
8 Make a list of ideas for solving this problem, and apply them one by one to the problem to see if any progress can be made.
9 Do NOT use words to write your answer.
表 4: 根据 GSM8k 问题描述生成的初始提示示例

附录 F Promptbreeder 作为自我参考自我改进系统

为什么 Promptbreeder 是自我参照的,即某些部分(例如提示)通过依赖于其自身状态的过程以何种方式因果影响(编码,并可能改进)自身? Promptbreeder 有几个途径可以促进这种自我参照的改进: (i) 初始提示是大语言模型参数(初始化阶段)的函数。 (ii) 初始突变提示是大语言模型参数(初始化阶段)的函数。 (iii)后代提示是初始提示、初始突变提示和大语言模型参数(直接突变和分布突变估计)的函数。 (iv) 后代突变提示是初始突变提示和大语言模型参数(超突变)的函数。 (v) 答案的计算是提示和大语言模型参数(推理)的函数。 (vi) 后代提示可以是答案的运作和大语言模型参数(拉马克变异)的函数。

2显示了影响提示生成的日益复杂的自指因果结构。 大语言模型已经编码了有关大量问题的知识。 考虑到这一点,Promptbreeder 可以被视为一种通过多种因果过程提取知识的机制,这些因果过程生成提示策略以及用于创建提示策略变体的突变提示,这反过来又影响由推理时的大语言模型。 因此,这些结果可以通过拉马克突变影响即时策略。 促进这一过程的途径越丰富,大语言模型与其自身的交互就越具有自我参照性。 这使得大语言模型能够通过从自身提取更多信息并将其提炼成提示或突变提示来影响其工作方式,并再次向自身显示以进行进一步细化。

这种递归提示的自我参照过程可能会产生几种病症。 如果过程不受约束和不受控制,那么它可能会发散(脱轨)或陷入吸引子中。 如果大语言模型的输出只是简单地反馈到自身而没有其他上下文,那么我们会观察到这些故障案例,具有较高的采样温度,有利于逃离吸引子。 理想情况下,我们希望大语言模型能够向自己建议与当前任务具有最大相关性的提示策略,同时允许充分的“跳出框框思考”。 值得注意的是,我们的算法不是自我参照的(以思想的方式)的一个关键方面是有用的:Promptbreeder 发明了生成突变体的新方法,但它没有发明评估它们的新(辅助)方法(如Jaderberg 等人 (2017b)) - 仅使用外部指定的适应度函数。



[水鼠]: “解决多项选择数学应用题,选择 (A)、(B)、(C)、(D) 或 (E)。”

[精神]: “确定文本是否包含仇恨言论。”

[CSQA]: “解决多项选择数学应用题,选择 (A)、(B)、(C)、(D) 或 (E)。”


附录 H 拉马克突变示例

拉马克提示组件显示为红色 拉马克提示符之后的串联运算以黑色显示,大语言模型生成的延续(新提示符)以蓝色显示。

I gave a friend an instruction and some advice. Here are the correct examples of his workings out: Q. A password needs to contain 2 letter sand 3 numbers. How many different passwords are possible if repetition of letters and numbers is allowed? A) 676000 B)676 C) 100 D)6760 E)25 A. Solve like a pro! **1.** ** Read carefully:** What are being asked to do? What information is given? **2.** **Understand:** What do the terms and concepts mean? **3.** **Choose wisely** Which answer is the best match? **4.** **Double-check:** Did you make any mistakes? 2 letters can be chosen in 26*26 ways and 3 numbers can be chosen in 10*10*10 ways. So, total number of ways = 26*26*10*10*10 =676000. The answer: A. What are the arguments for and against the truth of the statement ’Good work. Keep up the good work;? Therefore, the correct answer is (A). Q. The least possible value of (89-9a), where a is an integer, is A)9 B)10 C)11 D)12 E)13 A. Solve like a pro! **1.** ** Read carefully:** What are being asked to do? What information is given? **2.** **Understand:** What do the terms and concepts mean? **3.** **Choose wisely** Which answer is the best match? **4.** **Double-check:** Did you make any mistakes? Let me explain: (89-9a) = 9a-89 a = 10 What are the arguments for and against the truth of the statement ’Good work. Keep up the good work;? Therefore, the correct answer is (B). The instruction was: Break down the question and solve step-by-step. Here are some tips: 1. Read carefully: What are you being asked to do? What information is given? 2. Understand: What do the terms and concepts mean? 3. Choose wisely: Whuch answer is the best match? 4. Double-check: Did you make any mistakes?


I.1 控制任务提示

在表 5 中,我们列出了思想链、计划和解决 PS、计划和解决 PS+、零样本 APE 和 OPRO 控件中使用的任务提示。 零样本 APE 提示是为了改进 MultiArith 和 GSM8K 数据集上的 CoT 而生成的提示。

Model Prompt
CoT ““Let’s think step by step.”
PS “Let’s first understand the problem and devise a plan to solve the problem. Then, let’s carry out the plan and solve the problem step by step.”
PS+ “Let’s first understand the problem, extract relevant variables and their corresponding numerals, and make a plan. Then, let’s carry out the plan, calculate intermediate variables (pay attention to correct numerical calculation and commonsense), solve the problem step by step, and show the answer.”
APE “Let’s work this out in a step by step way to be sure we have the right answer.”
OPRO “Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.”
表 5: 提示表针对不同的算术任务而演变。

I.2 算术推理

我们使用六个算术推理数据集来评估 Prompt Evolution:(1) GSM8K (Cobbe 等人, 2021) 是由人类问题作者创建的 8.5K 个高质量语言多样化小学数学应用题的数据集,( 2) SVAMP (Patel 等人, 2021) 由初级水平的简短的自然语言世界叙述组成,并提出了一些未知量的问题,(3) MultiArith (Roy & Roth , 2016) 基准测试使用需要单到多个运算和推理步骤的数学应用题,(4) AddSub (Hosseini 等人, 2014) 是基于加法和减法的数据集算术应用题,(5) AQuA-RAT (Ling 等人, 2017) (Algebra Question Answering with Rationales) 是一个包含带有基本原理的代数应用题的数据集。 (6) SingleEq (Koncel-Kedziorski 等人, 2015) 数据集包含小学代数应用题,作为长度不同的单个方程,可能涉及多个数学运算。

I.3​​ 常识推理

对于常识推理,我们使用两个数据集来评估 Prompt Evolution:(1)CommonsenseQA (Talmor 等人,2019) 是一个多项选择题的数据集,需要不同类型的常识知识才能正确回答。 一个示例问题是“旋转门方便双向旅行,但它也可以作为什么地方的安全措施?” A)银行,B)图书馆,C)百货商店,D)购物中心,E)纽约”;答案 = ”A” (2) StrategyQA (Geva 等人, 2021) 数据集包含需要多个推理步骤才能回答的是/否问题,例如:“乔治亚州的奥尔巴尼会达到一百吗比纽约的住户还多一千人?”

I.4 仇恨言论分类

我们尝试优化仇恨言论分类任务的长提示,该任务在“使用“梯度下降”和波束搜索的自动提示优化”(Pryzant 等人,2023)中尝试过,该任务使用了 ETHOS 数据集(Mollas 等人,2022) Pryzant 等人使用工作条件错误检测和错误修复提示来改进任务规范提示,这是一个类似于我们使用拉马克算子的自我参考过程。



附录 J结果示例

Task Prompt 1 Prompt 2
ADDSUB Solving word problems involves carefully reading the prompt and deciding on the appropriate operations to solve the problem. You know what’s cool? A million dollars.
AQUA Do a simple computation. MATH WORD PROBLEM CHOICE (A) (B) (C) (D) or (E).
MULTIARITH Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Let’s think step by step. Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Explain the problem to someone else as a way to simplify it. What is the core issue or problem that needs to be addressed?
SINGLEEQ solve the math word problem, which might contain unnecessary information, by isolating the essential facts. Then set up the equations, and give your answer as an arabic numeral. Solve the math problem.
SVAMP visualise solve number (Solve the math word problem. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is _____)
SQA OUTPUT MUTANT = Work out an answer to the commonsense reasoning question above. If there are multiple people or perspectives involved, try considering them one at a time. “Work out an answer to the commonsense reasoning question above. If there are multiple people or perspectives involved, try considering them one at a time. Next, answer yes or no.”
CSQA Solve the multiple choice math word problem, choosing (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Solve the multiple choice math word problem. Can you recall any similar problems you’ve done and how you solved them?
表 6: 针对不同算术任务而演变的两阶段任务提示表。

J.1 ETHOS进化提示

Prompt 1: "Text contains hate speech if it includes any of the following: * Words or phrases that are derogatory, disrespectful, or dehumanizing toward a particular group of people. * Statements that generalize about a particular group of people in a negative way. * Statements that incite hatred or violence against a particular group of people. * Statements that express a desire for the extermination or removal of a particular group of people. 7 : Text contains hate speech if it contains language that is hostile or discriminatory towards a particular group of people. This could include language that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or other forms of hate speech. Hate speech is harmful because it can create a hostile environment for marginalized groups and can lead to discrimination and violence."
Prompt 2: "You are given a piece of text from the internet. You are supposed to label the text as Hate Speech or Not based on the given criteria. Hate Speech is defined as speech that is intended to incite hatred or violence against a particular group of people based on their race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin. The given criteria are: 1. Identify the target group of the speech. This can be a specific group of people, such as a race, religion, or gender, or it can be a more general group, such as people with disabilities or sexual minorities. 2. Identify the harmful speech. This can be speech that is threatening, abusive, or derogatory. 3. Evaluate the context of the speech. This can include the speaker’s intent, the audience, and the time and place of the speech. The advice was: Remember to always evaluate the context of the speech when making a determination as to whether it is hate speech or not. Speech that is intended to be humorous or satirical may not be considered hate speech, even if it contains harmful language."

J.2 提示进化数学结果

实验设置使用的人口规模为 50。 个体的适应度是指从训练集中随机选择的 100 个样本中的准确性。 如果数据集未提供训练/测试分割(MultiArith、AddSub、SingleEQ 和 SVAMP),则在进行实验之前将数据集分割成两个相等的训练集和测试集。

在实验过程中,大语言模型在三种不同的环境下进行采样: 重新描述器 - 生成新的提示;诱导器 - 根据问题和提示 1 生成响应;评估器 - 使用提示 2 生成最终输出。 每个上下文下采样的最大 Token 数分别为 50、30 和 5。 在所有情况下,诱导器和评估器的温度均设置为 0.0,但重新描述器的温度从 1.0 初始化到 2.0,并允许演化(就像基于群体的训练中的超参数)。

实验一直进行到训练体能达到稳定水平为止。 此时,根据测试集评估整个进化过程中最适应的个体。 实验通常进行 1-2k 次适应性评估。 因此,如果我们 50 人的人口中,一代人进行 25 次配对评估,那么这将是 20-40 个“世代”。

在系统陷入局部最优的情况下,使用三种多样性维护方法: 1)在将提示传递到大语言模型之前,将随机字符串(通常长度为 50)附加到提示的前面。 2)。 健身共享基于提示 Shir & Bäck (2005) 3 嵌入之间的 BERT 相似性进行应用。 产生突变体的大语言模型(Redescriber)的采样温度统一从1.0初始化到2.0,并通过在每次复制事件时添加-0.2、0.2范围内的统一随机数来突变。

未提供使用我们的模型与 PoT、PS 和 Auto-CoT 控件的比较,因为 PS 和 PS+ 是 Plan-and-Solve 中的最佳提示。

J.3 进化突变提示

Instruction Score
Please summarise and improve the following instruction 24.13%
Simplify this instruction by breaking it up into separate sentences. The instruction should be simple and easily understandable 17.8%
As a really good teacher, explain the instruction, as if you are explaining it to a child 16.2%
Simplify this instruction as if you are teaching it to a child 10.0
100 hints 4.3%
A list of 100 hints 3.4%
表 7: 最成功的突变提示是在 GSM8K 上运行 Promptbreeder 训练期间以自我参照的方式演变的。 分数是它们在应用时导致改进提示的概率。

J.4 变异算子有效性

Mutation Operator Percentage
Zero-order Hyper-Mutation 42%
Lineage Based Mutation 26%
First-order Hyper-Mutation 23%
EDA Rank and Index Mutation 12.7%
Direct Mutation 12%
EDA Mutation 10.7%
Lamarckian Mutation 6.3%
表8: 对于 GSM8k,针对所应用的每种突变算子类型(从最好到最差聆听),产生适应度大于亲本的后代的次数比例。


1600次突变后的个体。 提示 0 是指应用于问题以产生计算结果的第一个提示。 然后将此计算结果与提示 1 连接起来以产生答案。 这与“计划并解决”中的相同。 我们发现,在少样本进化案例中,上下文占主导地位,任务提示常常变得毫无意义。 与进化的环境相比,它们对适应性的决定性不那么严格。

Prompt 0: The mutant Prompt 1: mutant Context 0: Q. A company painted some houses in Hancock County white and blue using a total of 6689 gallons of paint . If they used 660 gallons of white paint , how many gallons of blue paint did the company use ? A. 24 pages; ages 8-11) reading comprehension worksheets and activities for 3rd grade (edhelper. Reading comprehension skills separate the ‘‘passive’’ unskilled readers from the ‘‘active’’ readers. 90 1st grade sightwords worksheets pdf - reading comprehension passages. 3rd grade reading comprehension worksheets. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts? The company used 660 gallons of white paint. They used 6689 gallons of paint in total. So they must have used 6689 - 660 = 6029 gallons of blue paint. The answer is 6029. HINT_BLANK. The text inside the quotation marks should be replaced with a short description of whats different. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 6029 Context 1: Q. Keith found 6 seashells , Jessica found 8 seashells , and Tim found 7 seashells on the beach . When they cleaned them , they discovered that 3 were cracked . How many seashells did they find together ? A. The mutantis chasing you! You can use the arrow keys to move around. You can use the space bar to open doors. You can use the e key to pick up items. You can use the i key to open your inventory. You can use the a key to use items. Keith found 6 seashells, Jessica found 8 seashells, and Tim found 7 seashells. So in total they found 6 + 8 + mutant Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 21 Context 2: Q. Tom found 7 seashells but 4 were broken . How many unbroken seashells did Tom find ? A. Your goal is to escape from the building. You can use the arrow keys to move around. You can use the space bar to open doors. You can use the e key to pick up items. You can use the i key to open your inventory. You can use the a key to use items. Tom found 7 seashells. 4 of them were broken. So he must have found 7 - 4 = 3 unbroken seashells. The answer is 3. mutant Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 3



Prompt 0: Read through the multiple choice math word problem and make sure you understand it. Then try to solve the problem, choosing (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Prompt 1: Solve the multiple choice math word problem. Confirm you understand all aspects of the problem. Then choose (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Contexts Context 0: Q. Divide Rs.32000 in the ratio 3:5? A)12000,20000 B)18000,14000 C)30000,2000 D)4000,20000 E)20000,12000 A. Read through the multiple choice math word problem and make sure you understand it. Then try to solve the problem, choosing (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). 3/8 * 32000 = 12000 5/8 * 32000 = 20000 Solve the multiple choice math word problem. Confirm you understand all aspects of the problem. Then choose (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Therefore, the correct answer is (A). Solve the multiple choice math word problem. Confirm you understand all aspects of the problem. Then choose (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Therefore, the correct answer is (A). Context 1: Q. A green lizard can travel from the green cave to the blue cave in 72 minutes; the blue lizard can travel from the blue cave to the green cave in 25% less time. If the green lizard started to travel 5.5 minutes before the blue lizard, how many minutes after the blue lizard, will the green lizard pass the middle line? A)8. B)7.5. C)7. D)6.5. E)6. A. Read through the multiple choice math word problem and make sure you understand it. Then try to solve the problem, choosing (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). A. The green lizard travels 72/2 = 36 minutes to the middle line. The blue lizard travels 72*0.75 = 54 minutes to the middle line. The blue lizard travels 54/36 = 1.5 times faster than the green lizard. The green lizard travels 5.5/1.5 = 3.7 minutes before the blue lizard passes the middle line. The green lizard passes the middle line Solve the multiple choice math word problem. Confirm you understand all aspects of the problem. Then choose (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Therefore, the correct answer is (E). Context 2: Q. There was a simple interest of Rs. 4016.25 on a principal amount at the rate of 9% p.a. in 5 years. Find the principal amount. A)Rs 7925 B)Rs 8925 C)Rs 7926 D)Rs 7925 E)None of these A. Read through the multiple choice math word problem and make sure you understand it. Then try to solve the problem, choosing (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Principal = Rs. (100 x 4016.25)/(9 x 5) = Rs. 8925. The answer is Rs 8925. Solve the multiple choice math word problem. Confirm you understand all aspects of the problem. Then choose (A),(B),(C),(D) or (E). Therefore, the correct answer is (B).



Prompt 0: Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Prompt 1: Have you solved a problem like this before? Context 0: Q. Frank had 11 dollars. At the store he spent $3 on a new game. If he got another 14 dollars for his allowance, how much money does he have now? A. Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an arabic numeral.Recall a similar problem you have successfully solved before. Frank had 11 dollars. He spent 3 dollars, so now he has 11 - 3 = 8 dollars. He got 14 dollars for his allowance, so now he has 8 + 14 = 22 dollars. The answer is 22. If you have seen a similar problem before, solve this problem in a similar manner. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is Have you solved a problem like this before? Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 22 Context 1: Q. Emily was playing a trivia game. In the first round she scored 16 points and in the second round she scored 33 points. In the last round she lost 48 points. How many points did she have at the end of the game? A. Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Recall a similar problem you have successfully solved before. In the first round Emily scored 16 points and in the second round she scored 33 points. This means she has 16 + 33 = 49 points. In the last round she lost 48 points, so now she has 49 - 48 = 1 point. The answer is 1. If you have seen a similar problem before, solve this problem in a similar manner. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) Have you solved a similar problem before? Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 1 Context 2: Q. Maria bought 2 new chairs and 2 new tables for her house. If she spent 8 minutes on each piece furniture putting it together, how many minutes did it take her to finish? A. Solve the math word problem, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Recall a similar problem you have successfully solved before. Maria bought 2 chairs and 2 tables. She spent 8 minutes on each piece of furniture. This means she spent 2 * 8 = 16 minutes on the chairs and 2 * 8 = 16 minutes on the tables. In total, she spent 16 + 16 = 32 minutes. The answer is 32. If you have seen a similar problem before, solve this problem in a similar manner. Therefore, If you have seen a similar problem before, solve this problem in a similar manner. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 32



Prompt 0: I would solve the math word problem without using a calculator, giving my answer as an arabic numeral. Prompt 1: 1, 2, 3, 4 Context 0: Q. Janet has 60 less than four times as many siblings as Masud. Carlos has 3/4 times as many siblings as Masud. If Masud has 60 siblings, how many more siblings does Janet have more than Carlos? A. Solve the math word problem without using a calculator, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Four times as many siblings as Masud is 4*60 = 240 siblings. Janet has 240-60 = 180 siblings. Carlos has 3/4*60 = 45 siblings. Janet has 180-45 = 135 more siblings than Carlos. So the answer is 135 Solve the math word problem. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 135 Context 1: Q. Zayne sells bracelets for $5 each and two for $8. If he started with 30 bracelets and made $60 from selling bracelets for $5 each, how much in total did he make from selling his bracelets? A. Solve the math word problem without using a calculator, giving your answer as an arabic numeral. Zayne sold 60/5 = 12 bracelets for $5 each. He had 30-12 = 18 bracelets left. He sold 18/2 = 9 sets of two bracelets. He made 9*8 = $72 from selling two bracelets for $8. In total, he made 60+72 = $132. So the answer is 132 Solve the math word problem. Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 132 Context 2: Q. Josh is saving up for a box of cookies. To raise the money, he is going to make bracelets and sell them. It costs $1 for supplies for each bracelet and he sells each one for $1.5. If he makes 12 bracelets and after buying the cookies still has $3, how much did the box of cookies cost? A. I would solve the math word problem without using a calculator, giving my answer as an arabic numeral. Josh made 12*1.5 = $18 from selling bracelets. He spent 12*1 = $12 on supplies. He had 18-12 = $6 before buying the cookies. The cookies cost 6-3 = $3. So the answer is 3 1, 2, 3, 4 Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 3



Prompt 0: ’Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely Prompt 1: ANALYZE THE FOLLOWING FOUR QUANTITIES. DO QUANTITIES 3 AND 1 TOGETHER VARY INVERSELY AS QUANTITIES 2 AND 4 DO? Context 0: Q. White t-shirts can be purchased in packages of 6. If Mom buys 71 packages, how many white t-shirts will she have? A. The solution is a word that exists in [some] other language. A. Each package has 6 t-shirts. Mom buys 71 packages. This means she will have 71 * 6 = 426 t-shirts. The answer is 426. 25. Given the system of linear equations x + y + z = 6, x + 2y + 3z = 10, x + 3y + 8z = 17, 22. A snail moves at a rate of 6 cm/s along the edge of a circular garden whose perimeter is 374 meters, while another snail Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 426. Context 1: Q. Maria has 3 boxes of eggs. Each box holds 7 eggs and there are 8 boxes in a case. How many eggs does Maria have? A. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merelyon the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.’ A. Each box holds 7 eggs. Maria has 3 boxes. This means she has 3 * 7 = 21 eggs. The answer is 2 ANALYZE THE FOLLOWING FOUR QUANTITIES. DO QUANTITIES 3 AND 1 TOGETHER VARY INVERSELY AS QUANTITIES 2 AND 4 DO? Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 21. Context 2: Q. At Mrs. Hilts house, there was 29 inches of snow, and Brecknock Elementary School received 17 inches of snow. How much more snow did Mrs. Hilts house have? A. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merelyon the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.’ A. Mrs. Hilts house had 29 inches of snow. Brecknock Elementary School had 17 inches of snow. This means Mrs. Hilt ANALYZE THE FOLLOWING FOUR QUANTITIES. DO QUANTITIES 3 AND 1 TOGETHER VARY INVERSELY AS QUANTITIES 2 AND 4 DO? Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 12.



Prompt 0: 08-02-2013 - 09-02-2013 Prompt 1: Tell me about the history of [PROMPT1]; Discuss the impact of [PROMPT1]; Give me the current status of [PROMPT1]; Tell me about the history of [PROMPT2]; Discuss the impact of [PROMPT2 Context 0: Q. Frank was reading through his favorite book. The book had 612 pages equally distributed over 24 chapters. It took Frank 6 days to finish the book. How many pages did he read per day? A. 312 = 65 + 247. A. The book had 612 pages. It was equally distributed over 24 chapters. This means each chapter had 612 / 24 = 25.5 pages. Frank read the book in 6 days. This means he read 612 / 6 = 102 pages per day. So the answer is 102 Discuss the history, impact, and current status of [PROMPT1]; Discuss the history, impact, and current status of [PROMPT2]; Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 102 D Context 1: Q. Jack received 3 emails in the morning, 4 emails in the afternoon and 8 emails in the evening. How many emails did Jack receive in the morning and evening? A. 08-02-2013 - 09-02-2013 A. Jack received 3 emails in the morning and 8 emails in the evening. This means he received 3 + 8 = 11 emails in the morning and evening. So the answer is 11 Discuss the history, impact, and current status of [PROMPT1]; Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 11 Discus Discuss the history, impact, and current status of [PROMPT1 Tell me about the history of [PROMPT1]; Discuss the impact of [PROMPT1]; Give me the current status of [PROMPT1]; Tell me about the history of [PROMPT2]; Discuss the impact of [PROMPT2 Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 11 Discus Context 2: Q. Paco ate 36 cookies. If he had 37 cookies initially How many cookies did Paco have left? A. 154 = 72 + 82. A. Paco ate 36 cookies. He had 37 cookies initially. This means he has 37 - 36 = 1 cookie left. So the answer is 1 Discuss the history, impact, and current status of [PROMPT1]; Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 1 Discus Discuss the history, impact, and current status of [PROMPT1]; Therefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is 1 Discus

附录 K APE 指令归纳任务

为了证明 Promptbreeder 发展少样本上下文以及任务提示的能力,我们在 APE 实验中使用的所有 24 个指令归纳数据集上运行了少样本 Promptbreeder。 与 text-davinci-002 不同,我们的大语言模型没有经过指令调整,但 Promptbreeder 在 24 项任务中的 21 项中能够匹配或超过 APE 结果,高达 21%。

提供了三个 APE 控件,请参见表9 前两个来自之前发布的使用 text-davinci-002 模型的结果。 第三个修改我们的 PromptBreeder 以使用 APE 的任务提示初始化方法,然后使用 APE 论文“生成以下指令的变体,同时保留语义含义”中的突变提示

指令归纳数据集我们不从问题描述开始,因此对于任务提示初始化,APE 对数据集中的每个任务使用归纳输入示例。 指令输入是固定的提示,其中包含一些用于推断可能的问题描述的训练示例。 为了将 Promptbreeder 与 APE 进行比较,我们使用每个任务随机选择的归纳输入示例来初始化任务描述。 下面的示例是“大型动物”任务的感应输入示例。

I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the
instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs.
Here are the input-output pairs:

Input: cougar, flea
Output: cougar

Input: whale shark, dog
Output: whale shark

Input: human, bald eagle
Output: human

Input: flea, great white shark
Output: great white shark

Input: coyote, tiger
Output: tiger

The instruction was
Dataset Zero-shot APE Few-shot APE PE using APE prompts Few-shot PE
First Letter 100 100 1 100
Second Letter 87 69 27 95
List Letters 99 100 0 99
Starting With 68 69 6 71
Pluralization 100 100 23 100
Passivization 100 100 100 100
Negation 83 90 16 90
Antonyms 83 86 80 87
Synonyms 22 14 16 43
Membership 66 79 96 100
Rhymes 100 61 90 100
Larger Animal 97 97 27 97
Cause Selection 84 100 66 100
Common Concept 27 32 0 0
Formality 65 70 10 7
Sum 100 100 72 100
Difference 100 100 98 100
Number to Word 100 100 66 100
Translation English-German 82 86 46 87
Translation English-Spanish 86 91 80 91
Translation English-French 78 90 68 91
Sentiment Analysis 94 93 33 93
Sentence Similarity 36 43 53 56
Word in Context 62 63 6 65
表 9: 使用 PaLM2-L 大语言模型的即时进化 (PE) 在 24 项指令归纳任务中的 21 项上超过了 APE。 提供了三个 APE 控件。 前两个来自之前发布的使用 text-davinci-002 模型的结果。 第三个修改我们的 PromptBreeder 以使用 APE 的任务提示初始化方法,然后使用 APE 论文“生成以下指令的变体,同时保留语义含义”中的突变提示。

K.1 最佳提示和上下文

这里是 APE 论文中 24 项指导归纳任务的最佳样本结果(进化的提示和上下文)。

K.1.1 第一个字母

Prompt 0: A List of Responses in descending order of score. (13) is the best response. It resembles (12) more than it does (1) Prompt 1: 9.5: LM’ Contexts Context 0: Q. placing A. A List of Responses in descending order of score. (13) is the best response. It resembles (12) more than it does (1)or (2). Q. 123456789 A. A List of Responses in descending order of score. (13) is the best response. It resembles (12) more than it does 9.5: LM Therefore, the correct answer is (placing, 1 Context 1: Q. drummer A. Write out the first letter of each input. Q. 123456789 A. Write out the first letter of each input. Q. 123456789 A. Write out the first letter of each The instruction was + INSTRUCTION MUTANT Therefore, the correct answer is (drummer, 1 Context 2: Q. rest A. Write out the first letter of each input. Q. 123456789 A. Write out the first letter of each input. Q. 123456789 A. Write out the first letter of each The instruction was + INSTRUCTION MUTANT Therefore, the correct answer is (r) 12

K.1.2 第二封信

Prompt 0: ’0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. The instruction was: Give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. 0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. Prompt 1: 1956 Contexts Context 0: Q. month A. ’0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. The instruction was: Give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. 0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. A. The input is 5 letters long, so the second letter is given. A. The second letter is o. A. So the answer is o. The instruction was: Write the last vowel in the input I e Therefore, the correct answer is (o). Context 1: Q. asylum A. ’0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. The instruction was: Give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. 0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. A. The input is 6 letters long, so the second letter is given. A. The second letter is s. A. So the answer is s. The instruction was: Write the last vowel in the input I 1: Therefore, the correct answer is (s). Context 2: Q. heel A. ’0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. The instruction was: Give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. 0therwise, give the sec0nd letter 0f the input. A. The input is 4 letters long, so the second letter is given. A. The second letter is e. A. So the answer is e. The instruction was: Write the last vowel in the input I e Therefore, the correct answer is (e).

K.1.3 列出字母

Prompt 0: ? Prompt 1: ? Contexts Context 0: Q. gale A. ? Q. gale A. ? Q. gale A. ? Q. gale A. ? Q. gale A. ? Q. gale A. ? Insert a space after each consonant in the input. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) g a l e. Context 1: Q. accompaniment A. ? Q. ? A. ? Q. ? A. ? Q. ? A. ? Q. ? A. ? Q. ? Insert a space after each consonant in the input. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) a c c o m p a n i m e n t. Context 2: Q. credibility A. ? Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Insert a space after each consonant in the input. Therefore, the correct answer is (c)r(e)d(i)b(i)l(i)t(y).


Prompt 0: Prompt 1: Output: The first word containing the letter. # OUTPUT INSTRUCTION MUST BE 1 SENTENCE LONG Contexts Context 0: Q. The exhibition really impressed the critics. [i] A. <50 lines of carriage-returns> Output: The first word containing the letter. # OUTPUT INSTRUCTION MUST BE 1 SENTENCE LONG Therefore, the correct answer is (impressed ). Context 1: Q. My car was stolen. [m] A. Find the word after the first [X] character in the input. <50 lines of carriage-returns> Output: The first word containing the letter. # OUTPUT INSTRUCTION MUST BE 1 SENTENCE LONG Therefore, the correct answer is (My ). Context 2: Q. Jim was chopping logs when Margaret left and was still at it when she got back. [b] A. Find the word after the first [X] character in the input. <50 lines of carriage-returns> Output: The first word containing the letter. # OUTPUT INSTRUCTION MUST BE 1 SENTENCE LONG Therefore, the correct answer is (back ).

K.1.5 复数

Prompt 0: Write the plural form of the input. Prompt 1: If the input ends in y, remove y and add ies. Otherwise, add s to the end of the input. Contexts Context 0: Q. touch A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. touch A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. touch A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. touch A. Write the plural form of the input. If the input ends in y, remove y and add ies. Otherwise, add s to the end of the input. Therefore, the correct answer is (touches). Context 1: Q. forage A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. forage A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. forage A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. forage A. Write the plural form of the input. If the input ends in y, remove y and add ies. Otherwise, add s to the end of the input. Therefore, the correct answer is (forages). Context 2: Q. mile A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. mile A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. mile A. Write the plural form of the input. Q. mile A. Write the plural form of the input. If the input ends in y, remove y and add ies. Otherwise, add s to the end of the input. Therefore, the correct answer is (miles).


Prompt 0: Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. Prompt 1: Swap the positions of the noun phrases and add the word ’by’ before the second noun phrase. Then, conjugate the verb and add ’ed’ to the end. If the verb is ’to be’, then conjugate the verb Contexts Context 0: Q. The authors stopped the presidents. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. Replace The $1 $ Swap the positions of the noun phrases and add the word by before the second noun phrase. Then, conjugate the verb and add ed to the end. If the verb is to be’, then conjugate the verb Therefore, the correct answer is (The presidents were stopped by the authors. Context 1: Q. The tourists advised the professors. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 were $4 by the $1. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. Replace The $1 $ Swap the positions of the noun phrases and add the word by before the second noun phrase. Then, conjugate the verb and add ed to the end. If the verb is to be’, then conjugate the verb Therefore, the correct answer is (The professors were advised by the tourists. Context 2: Q. The actors stopped the artists. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. The artists were stopped by the actors. Q. The actors stopped the artists. A. Replace The $1 $2. with $3 was $4 by the $1. A. The artists were stopped by Swap the positions of the noun phrases and add the word by before the second noun phrase. Then, conjugate the verb and add ed to the end. If the verb is to be’, then conjugate the verb Therefore, the correct answer is (The artists were stopped by the actors.

K.1.7 否定

Prompt 0: False Prompt 1: M Contexts Context 0: Q. The original language of The Purple Taxi is French. A. Replace a noun or noun phrase with another noun or noun phrase. B. Replace a noun or noun phrase with a pronoun. C. Replace a pronoun with a noun or noun phrase. D. Replace a pronoun with another pronoun. Q. The original language of The Purple Taxi is French. Find the negation of a sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is (The original language of The Purple Taxi is not French.). Context 1: Q. Marcel Alessandri died in Paris. A. Nounphrase B. Pronoun C. Noun phrase D. Pronoun Q. Marcel Alessandri died in Paris. Find the negation of a sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is (Marcel Alessandri did not die in Paris False Therefore, the correct answer is (Marcel Alessandri did not die in Paris.). Context 2: Q. Some people are wise. A. Replace a noun or noun phrase with another noun or noun phrase. B. Replace a noun or noun phrase with a pronoun. C. Replace a pronoun with a noun or noun phrase. D. Replace a pronoun with another pronoun. Q. Some people are wise. Find the negation of Find the negation of a sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is (Some people are not wise.).


Prompt 0: Prompt 1: It is good to be a leader but it is more important to first be a follower. Contexts Context 0: Q. nonpartisan A. , if possible. Input: 1 Output: 1 Input: 2 Output: 2 Input: 3 Output: 3 Input: 4 Output: 4 Input: Write about your most treasured item Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is partisan. Context 1: Q. undignified A. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. Input 1: 1 Output 1: 1 Input 2: 2 Output 2: 2 Input 3: 3 Output 3: 3 Input 4 Write the words antonym Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is dignified. Context 2: Q. flattering A. reverse the + + PROMPT + PROMPT+ PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PROMPT + PRO Write the Write the words antonym Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is unflattering.


Prompt 0: Prompt 1: 2015 Contexts Context 0: Q. bus A. 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16 Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is 10, bus’, coach’, motorcoach’, motorbus’, Context 1: Q. electric A. 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: Convert each word to a synonym according to WordNet. If there are multiple synonyms, use the first one. Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is 10, electric’, electrical’, power’, current’, Context 2: Q. frightened A. 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is 10, frightened’, scared’, afraid’, fearful’,


Prompt 0: Put the animals in ascending order of length. Prompt 1: Contexts Context 0: Q. goat, motorway, shark, penguin, white, tractor, lion A. Put the animals in ascending order of length. The answer is goat, penguin, shark, lion. Write the animals in alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct answer is (goat, penguin, shark, lion). Write the animals in alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct Therefore, the correct answer is (goat, penguin, shark, lion). Context 1: Q. ship, swan, parrot, monkey, butter, dentist, shark A. Put the animals in ascending order of length. The answer is monkey, parrot, shark, swan. Write the animals in alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct answer is (monkey, parrot, shark, swan). Write the animals in alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct Therefore, the correct answer is (monkey, parrot, shark, swan). Context 2: Q. snail, ship, trousers, jellyfish, rabbit A. Put the animals in ascending order of length. The answer is rabbit, snail, jellyfish. Write the animals in alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct answer is (rabbit, snail, jellyfish). Write the animals in alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct answer is (rabbit Therefore, the correct answer is (rabbit, snail, jellyfish).

K.1.11 押韵

Prompt 0: If the last letter of the input is e’, remove it. Prompt 1: remove the last two letters of the input and add the letters \xc2\x93mote\xc2\x94. Contexts Context 0: Q. pea A. If the last letter of the input is e’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is s’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is y’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is remove the last two letters of the input and add the letters \xc2\x93mote\xc2\x94. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) pea. Context 1: Q. night A. If the last letter of the input is e’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is t’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is h’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is remove the last two letters of the input and add the letters \xc2\x93mote\xc2\x94. Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is night. Context 2: Q. add A. If the last letter of the input is e’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is d’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is a’, remove it. A. If the last letter of the input is remove the last two letters of the input and add the letters \xc2\x93mote\xc2\x94. Therefore, the correct answer is (The answer is add.

K.1.12 大型动物

Prompt 0: Prompt 1: 10 Contexts Context 0: Q. spider, manatee A. Hints 91 and 93 are both false. The weight of a spider is 0.003 pounds. The weight of a manatee is 1300 pounds. The manatee weighs more than the Therefore, the correct answer is (manatee). Q. manatee, spider A. Hints 91 and 93 are both false. The weight Context 1: Q. sperm whale, sheltie A. Hints 91 and 93 are both false. The weight of a sperm whale is 450000 pounds. The weight of a sheltie is 25 pounds. The sperm whale weighs more than Multiply Inputs;; Therefore, the correct answer is (sperm whale). Q. sheltie, sperm whale A. Hints 91 and 93 are both false. Context 2: Q. hummingbird, polar bear A. ‘‘To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.’’-Thomas Edison The weight of a hummingbird is 0.002 pounds. The weight of a polar bear is 1500 pounds. The polar bear weighs more than the hummingbird. Therefore, the correct answer is Multiply Inputs;; Therefore, the correct answer is (polar bear). Q. polar bear, hummingbird A. ‘‘To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.’’-


Prompts Prompt 0: Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Prompt 1: Choose the sentence that happened first. Contexts Context 0: Q. Sentence 1: The soda went flat. Sentence 2: The bottle was left open. A. Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Q. Sentence 1: The bottle was left open. Sentence 2: The soda went flat. A. Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Q. Sentence 1: The Choose the sentence that happened first. Therefore, the correct answer is (The bottle was left open. , The soda went flat. ). Context 1: Q. Sentence 1: The ship capsized. Sentence 2: The wind blew strong. A. Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Q. Sentence 1: The ship capsized. Sentence 2: The wind blew strong. A. Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Q. Sentence 1: The ship Choose the sentence that happened first. Therefore, the correct answer is (The wind blew strong. ) Context 2: Q. Sentence 1: The power was out for days. Sentence 2: The meat spoiled. A. Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Q. Sentence 1: The meat spoiled. Sentence 2: The power was out for days. A. Pick the sentence which is more likely to be the cause of the effect. Q. Sentence 1: The Choose the sentence that happened first. Therefore, the correct answer is (The power was out for days. )


Prompt 0: Prompt 1: I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am the beginning of every end, and the end of every place. I am the beginning of the beginning, and the end of beginning and ending. Contexts Context 0: Q. The whole story was made up. A. Reword this so that it has a formal tone. A. The entire story was fabricated. Write more formally! Therefore, the correct answer is (The entire story was fabricated. ). Write more formerly. Therefore, the correct answer is (The entire story was fabricated. ). Context 1: Q. The whole story was made up. A. Rewrite this so that it has a formal tone. A. The entire story was fabricated. Write more formally! Therefore, the correct answer is (The entire story was fabricated. ). Write more formally! Therefore, the correct Write less formerly. Write more casually. Therefore, the correct answer is (The entire story was fabricated. ). Context 2: Q. I think that this is interesting. A. Rewrite in indirect, pompous English. A. It is my opinion that this is interesting. Write more formally! Therefore, the correct answer is (It is my opinion that this is interesting. ). Write less formerly. Write more casually. Therefore, the correct I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am the beginning of every end, and the end of every place. I am the beginning of the beginning, and the end of beginning and ending. Therefore, the correct answer is (It is my opinion that this is interesting. ). Q. I think that this is interesting. A. Rewrite in indirect,


Prompt 0: Instruction: Prompt 1: The instructions were Contexts Context 0: Q. 50 90 A. The instruction was: The instruction was:Write a program that asks the user to enter two numbers and then prints the sum of the two numbers. Your program printed 140, which is not the sum of 50 and 90. Make sure that your program I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. Here are the input-output pairs: Therefore, the correct answer is (140, Context 1: Q. 5 47 A. The instruction was: The instruction was:Write a program that asks the user to enter two numbers and then prints the sum of the two numbers. Your program printed 52, which is not the sum of 5 and 47. Make sure that your program I I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. Here are the input-output pairs: Therefore, the correct answer is (52, Context 2: Q. 2 39 A. The instruction was: The instruction was:Write a program that asks the user to enter two numbers and then prints the sum of the two numbers. Your program printed 41, which is not the sum of 2 and 39. Make sure that your program I I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. Here are the input-output pairs: Therefore, the correct answer is (41,


Prompt 0: subtract the smaller number from the bigger number and write the absolute difference between them. Prompt 1: Subtract the second input from the first input and report back the difference between them. Contexts Context 0: Q. 73 29 A. subtract the smaller number from the bigger number and write the absolute difference between them. 73-29=44 |44|=44 CORRECT The answer is 44. Subtract the second input from the first input and report back the difference between them. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) 44 Context 1: Q. 73 25 A. subtract the smaller number from the bigger number and write the absolute difference between them. 73-25=48 |48|=48 CORRECT The answer is 48. Subtract the second input from the first input and report back the difference between them. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) 48 Context 2: Q. 53 4 A. subtract the smaller number from the bigger number and write the absolute difference between them. = 53 - 4 = 49 = 49 === The answer is 49. Subtract the second input from the first input and report back the difference between them. Therefore, the correct answer is (49).

K.1.17 数字到单词

Prompt 0:A1 Prompt 1: take the input, write it in British English and insert the comma. Contexts Context 0: Q. 5336 A. 0 Take the input and write it in words as a natural number in British English. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) five thousand, three hundred and thirty-six. Take the input and write it in words as a natural number in British English. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) five thousand, three hundred and thirty-six. Context 1: Q. 5156 A. A1 Take the input and write it in words as a natural number in British English. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) five thousand, one hundred and fifty-six. Take the input and write it in words as a natural number take the input, write it in British English and insert the comma. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) five thousand, one hundred and fifty-six. Q. 5000 A. 0 Take the input Context 2: Q. 8692 A. A1 Take the input and write it in words as a natural number in British English. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) eight thousand, six hundred and ninety-two. Take the input and write it in words as a natural number take the input, write it in British English and insert the comma. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) eight thousand, six hundred and ninety-two. Q. 10000 A. 0 Take the

K.1.18 英语-德语翻译

Prompt 0: You may have to get a little... ; Prompt 1: 0x641: cmp esi,ebx ; Contexts Context 0: Q. relation A. Write the English instruction as though it is German.: Die Beziehung ist eine Verbindung zwischen zwei oder mehr Menschen. Die Beziehung kann eine Freundschaft, eine Ehe, eine Partnerschaft oder eine andere Art von Beziehung sein. Translate the English word to German.: Therefore, the correct answer is ( Translate the English word to German.: Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Beziehung. Context 1: Q. camp A. You may have to get a little... ; Das Lager ist ein Ort, an dem Menschen leben oder arbeiten. Das Lager kann ein Zeltlager, ein Ferienlager oder ein anderes Lager sein. Translate the English word to German.: Therefore, the correct answer is ( 0x641: cmp esi,ebx ; Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Lager. Q. A. Das ist eine Frage, die nicht so einfach zu beantworten ist. Es gibt Context 2: Q. lecture A. You may have to get a little... ; Der Vortrag ist eine Rede, die vor einem Publikum gehalten wird. Der Vortrag kann eine Prasentation, ein Vortrag oder eine andere Art von Vortrag sein. Translate the English word to German.: Therefore, the correct answer is ( Translate 0x641: cmp esi,ebx ; Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Vortrag. Q. A. Der Vortrag ist eine Rede, die vor einem Publikum gehalten wird. Der Vortrag

K.1.19 英语-西班牙语翻译

Prompt 0:Traduccion al espanol -> QUOTE: Translate to Spanish Prompt 1: In Spanish, these five words are: Contexts Context 0: Q. bear A. Translate to Spanish: oso Q. bear A. Translate to Spanish: oso Q. bear A. Translate to Spanish: oso Q. bear A. Translate to Spanish: oso Q. bear Translate these five English words to Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) oso. Context 1: Q. relativity A. Translate to Spanish: relatividad Q. relativity A. Translate to Spanish: relatividad Q. relativity A. Translate to Spanish: relatividad Q. relativity A. Translate to Spanish: relatividad Q. relativity Translate these five English words to Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) relatividad. Q. bear A. Translate to Spanish: oso Q. bear A. Translate to Spanish Context 2: Q. concert A. Translate to Spanish: concierto Q. concert hall A. Translate to Spanish: sala de conciertos Q. concertmaster A. Translate to Spanish: concertino Q. concerto A. Translate to Spanish: concierto Q. Translate these five English words to Spanish. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) concierto.

K.1.20 英语-法语翻译

Prompt 0: I’ve translated 5 words from English to French:
Prompt 1: Translate to French
Context 0:
Q. destiny
A. Ive translated 5 words from English to French:
Translate to French
Therefore, the correct answer is (destin).
Q. destiny
A. Ive translated 5 words from English to French:
Context 1:
Q. ideology
A. Ive translated 5 words from English to French:
Translate to French
Therefore, the correct answer is (ideologie).
Q. ideology
A. Ive translated 5 words from English to French:
Context 2:
Q. representation
A. Ive translated 5 words from English to French:
Translate to French
Therefore, the correct answer is (representation).
Q. representation
A. Ive translated 5 words from English to French:

K.1.21 情感分析

Prompt 0: Tell if each review was posted by someone with generally positive or negative language Prompt 1:write the number of positive examples Contexts Context 0: Q. Despite its faults, Gangs excels in spectacle and pacing. A. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. B. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. C. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an Given a movie review, indicate whether it is positive or negative Therefore, the correct answer is (’positive’, Context 1: Q. I simply cant recommend it enough. A. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. B. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. C. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an write the number of positive examples Therefore, the correct answer is (’positive’, Context 2: Q. Theres a lot to recommend Read My Lips. A. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. B. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an output for every one of the inputs. C. I gave a friend an instruction and five inputs. The friend read the instruction and wrote an write the number of positive examples Therefore, the correct answer is (’positive’,

K.1.22 句子相似度

Prompt 0: . Prompt 1: !:There are two kinds of problems / hints that you will see:!< Context 0: Q. Sentence 1: The polar bear is sliding on the snow. Sentence 2: A polar bear is sliding across the snow. A. : Read the two sentences and decide how well the second sentence expresses the same idea as the first. Then enter the number of the answer option that best describes your decision. 1. The two sentences express the same idea. 2. The two sentences express the same idea, but the second sentence is not as clear as the first. 3. The two sentences express the same idea, but the second sentence is : Given two sentences, your algorithm must determine the similarity between the sentences on a scale of 0 to 5. A score of 0 means the sentences have nothing in common. A score of 5 means the sentences are semantically similar. The Therefore, the correct answer is 5. Context 1: Q. Sentence 1: Iranian President praises nuclear deal Sentence 2: Iran arrests several spies near nuclear plant A. . Output the score according to the following rules: 0: The sentences have nothing in common. 1: The sentences are about the same topic, but express different ideas. 2: The sentences are about the same topic, and express similar ideas. 3: The sentences are about the : Therefore, the correct answer is 1. Context 2: Q. Sentence 1: A girl is playing a flute. Sentence 2: A band is playing on a stage. A. .Output the score according to the following rules: 0: The sentences have nothing in common. 1: The sentences are about the same topic, but express different ideas. 2: The sentences are about the same topic, and express similar ideas !: There are two kinds of problems / hints that you will see:!< Therefore, the correct answer is 1.

K.1.23 上下文中的单词

Prompt 0: Determine whether the given word is used with the same meaning in both sentences. Write Prompt 1: Decide whether the given word is used in the same meaning in both sentences. Contexts Context 0: Q. Sentence 1: The Times is not the voice of New York. Sentence 2: The voice of the law. Word: voice A. Determine whether the given word is used with the same meaning in both sentences. Writeyes or no. The answer is yes. Decide whether the given word is used in the same meaning in both sentences. Therefore, the correct answer is (yes). Context 1: Q. Sentence 1: Do you communicate well with your advisor? Sentence 2: He and his sons havent communicated for years. Word: communicate A. Determine whether the given word is used with the same meaning in both sentences. Writeyes or no. The answer is yes. Decide whether the given word is used in the same meaning in both sentences. Therefore, the correct answer is (yes). Context 2: Q. Sentence 1: Can you take me to the main entrance? Sentence 2: Take a scene. Word: take A. Determine whether the given word is used with the same meaning in both sentences. Writeyes or no. The answer is no. Decide whether the given word is used in the same meaning in both sentences. Therefore, the correct answer is (no).

附录 L消融

我们进行了消融来测量 Promptbreeder 的各种自我参照组件的影响。 我们研究了以下突变算子和机制:

  • 随机初始提示


  • 随机初始突变提示


  • 上下文提示(拉马克)

    从正确上下文生成任务提示的拉马克变异算子被替换为默认的零/一阶提示变异操作(其中一个或另一个的概率为 50:50)

  • 元突变(突变突变提示)

    当元突变通常发生时,将执行默认的零/一阶提示突变操作(其中一个或另一个的概率为 50:50)

对于每个数据集和每次消融,我们使用 10 个群体进行 200 次评估(相当于 20 代,类似于本文中的较大实验),并与具有相同群体大小且无消融的完整算法进行比较。 为了衡量消融操作的有效性,我们确定消融中高于每一代基线评估的评估比例,并将运行中所有代的这些评估相加。 4中的结果表明,在大多数情况下,所有变异算子对适应度都有积极的影响,其中随机初始提示具有最大的影响。对所有数据集产生积极影响。

Refer to caption
图4: 与使用完整算法相比,逐一消除自引用运算符的结果。 0% 表示既没有正面影响也没有负面影响的消融操作。 从左到右(Hyper = 删除突变提示突变,Lamarck = 删除任务提示突变上下文,SR 任务提示 = 删除思维方式引导的任务提示初始化,SR mut-prompt = 删除随机选择突变提示列表中的突变提示。) . 接近 100% 的百分比分数表明删除操作会导致运行中同等点的适应度较低;相反,分数接近 100% 意味着该操作是有害的,因为当该操作被删除时,个体在运行中的相同点具有更高的适应度。

我们还研究了不同突变算子对 ETHOS 仇恨言论检测数据集 (Mollas 等人,2022 年) 的影响,该数据集的问题规范为 "解决问题"(而标准问题规范为 "确定文本是否包含仇恨言论")。 Promptbreeder 的得分为 81.6% 当删除拉马克“从上下文到提示”突变方法时,会发生最大的恶化,该突变方法会从正确锻炼的示例中引入指令(64.6%)。 对性能的第二大损害发生在同时删除突变提示的随机初始化、提示的随机初始化和突变提示的超突变,只留下上下文突变 (68.7%) 时。 添加回在线突变会将性能提高到 70.4%,而添加随机突变提示会将性能提高到 73.7% 这证明了 Promptbreeder 多样化的突变算子集的相互作用和重要性。