Single object mixins


class django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectMixin


Methods and Attributes


此视图将显示数据的模型。 指定model = Foo与指定queryset = Foo.objects.all(),其中objects代表Foo默认manager


用于表示对象的QuerySet 如果提供,queryset的值将取代为model提供的值。


queryset是一个具有可变值的类属性,因此在直接使用它时必须小心。 在使用它之前,要么调用它的all()方法,要么使用get_queryset()检索它,它将负责幕后的克隆。


包含slug的模型上的字段名称。 By default, slug_field is 'slug'.


包含slug的URLConf关键字参数的名称。 默认情况下,slug_url_kwarg'slug'


包含主键的URLConf关键字参数的名称。 默认情况下,pk_url_kwarg'pk'




如果True,则导致get_object()使用主键和slug执行查找。 默认为False

此属性可以帮助缓解不安全的直接对象引用攻击。 当应用程序允许通过顺序主键访问单个对象时,攻击者可以强制猜测所有URL;从而获得应用程序中所有对象的列表。 如果应阻止有权访问单个对象的用户获取此列表,则将query_pk_and_slug设置为True将有助于防止猜测URL,因为每个URL都需要两个正确的,非顺序参数。 简单地使用一个独特的slug可能会起到同样的作用,但这种方案允许你拥有非独特的slu ..


Returns the single object that this view will display. 如果提供了queryset,则该查询集将用作对象的源;否则,将使用get_queryset() get_object()在视图的参数中查找pk_url_kwarg参数;如果找到此参数,则此方法使用该值执行基于主键的查找。 如果未找到此参数,则会查找slug_url_kwarg参数,并使用slug_field执行段塞查找。

query_pk_and_slug True时,get_object()将使用主键和slug执行查找。


Returns the queryset that will be used to retrieve the object that this view will display. By default, get_queryset() returns the value of the queryset attribute if it is set, otherwise it constructs a QuerySet by calling the all() method on the model attribute’s default manager.


Return the context variable name that will be used to contain the data that this view is manipulating. If context_object_name is not set, the context name will be constructed from the model_name of the model that the queryset is composed from. For example, the model Article would have context object named 'article'.


Returns context data for displaying the object.

The base implementation of this method requires that the self.object attribute be set by the view (even if None). Be sure to do this if you are using this mixin without one of the built-in views that does so.

It returns a dictionary with these contents:

  • object: The object that this view is displaying (self.object).
  • context_object_name: self.object will also be stored under the name returned by get_context_object_name(), which defaults to the lowercased version of the model name.

Context variables override values from template context processors

Any variables from get_context_data() take precedence over context variables from context processors. For example, if your view sets the model attribute to User, the default context object name of user would override the user variable from the django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth() context processor. Use get_context_object_name() to avoid a clash.


Returns the name of a slug field to be used to look up by slug. By default this simply returns the value of slug_field.


class django.views.generic.detail.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin

一个mixin类,它为对单个对象实例进行操作的视图执行基于模板的响应呈现。 Requires that the view it is mixed with provides self.object, the object instance that the view is operating on. self.object will usually be, but is not required to be, an instance of a Django model. It may be None if the view is in the process of constructing a new instance.


Methods and Attributes


The field on the current object instance that can be used to determine the name of a candidate template. If either template_name_field itself or the value of the template_name_field on the current object instance is None, the object will not be used for a candidate template name.


The suffix to append to the auto-generated candidate template name. Default suffix is _detail.


Returns a list of candidate template names. Returns the following list:

  • the value of template_name on the view (if provided)
  • the contents of the template_name_field field on the object instance that the view is operating upon (if available)
  • <app_label>/<model_name><template_name_suffix>.html