Chapter 9. Running Models at Scale – GPU and Serving

Until now, we have been running code that runs on the host computer's main CPU. This implies that, at most, we use all the different processor cores (2 or 4 for low-end processors, up to 16 in more advanced processors).

In the last decade, the General Processing Unit, or GPU, has become a ubiquitous part of any high performance computing setup. Its massive, intrinsic parallelism is very well suited for the high dimension matrix multiplications and other operations required in machine learning model training and running.

Nevertheless, even having really powerful computing nodes there is a large number of tasks with which even the most powerful individual server can't cope.

For this reason, a distributed way of training and running a model had to be developed. This is the original function of distributed TensorFlow.

In this chapter, you will:

GPU support on TensorFlow

TensorFlow has native support for at least two computing capabilities: CPU and GPU. For this, it implements one version of each operation for each kind of computing device it supports:

GPU support on TensorFlow

Log device placement and device capabilities

Before trying to perform calculations, TensorFlow allows you to log all the available resources. In this way we can apply operations only in existing computing types.

Querying the computing capabilities

In order to obtain a log of the computing elements on a machine, we can use the log_device_placement flag when we create a TensorFlow session, in this way:

>>>Import tensorflow as tf
>>>sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))

This is the output of the commands:

Querying the computing capabilities

Selecting a GPU to run code

This long output mainly shows the loading of the different needed CUDA library, and then the name (GRID K520) and the computing capabilities of the GPU.

Selecting a CPU for computing

If we have a GPU available, but still want to continue working with the CPU, we can select one via the method, tf.Graph.device.

The method call is the following:

tf.Graph.device(device_name_or_function) : 

This function receives a processing unit string, a function returning a processing unit string, or none, and returns a context manager with the processing unit assigned.

If the parameter is a function, each operation will call this function to decide in which processing unit it will execute, a useful element to combine all operations.

Device naming

To specify which computing unit we are referring to when specifying a device, TensorFlow uses a simple scheme with the following format:

Device naming

Device ID format

Example device identification includes:

  • "/cpu:0": The first CPU of your machine
  • "/gpu:0": The GPU of your machine, if you have one
  • "/gpu:1": The second GPU of your machine, and so on

When available, if nothing is indicated to the contrary, the first GPU device is used.

Example 1 - assigning an operation to the GPU

In this example, we will create two tensors, locate the existing GPU as the default location, and will execute the tensor sum on it on a server configured with the CUDA environment (which you will learn to install in Appendix A - Library Installation and Additional Tips).

Example 1 - assigning an operation to the GPU

Here we see that both the constants and the sum operation are built on the /gpu:0 server. This is because the GPU is the preferred computing device type when available.

Example 2 - calculating Pi number in parallel

This example will serve as an introduction of parallel processing, implementing the Monte Carlo approximation of Pi.

Monte Carlo utilizes a random number sequence to perform an approximation.

In order to solve this problem, we will throw many random samples, knowing that the ratio of samples inside the circle over the ones on the square, is the same as the area ratio.

Example 2 - calculating Pi number in parallel

Random area calculation techniques

The calculation assumes that if the probability distribution is uniform, the number of samples assigned is proportional to the area of the figures.

We use the following proportion:

Example 2 - calculating Pi number in parallel

Area proportion for Pi calculation

From the aforementioned proportion, we infer that number of sample in the circle/number of sample of square is also 0.78.

An additional fact is that the more random samples we can generate for the calculation, the more approximate the answer. This is when incrementing the number of GPUs will give us more samples and accuracy.

A further reduction that we do is that we generate (X,Y) coordinates, ranging from (0..1), so the random number generation is more direct. So the only criteria we need to determine if a sample belongs to the circle is distance = d < 1.0 (radius of the circle).

Solution implementation

This solution will be based around the CPU; it will manage the GPU resources that we have in the server (in this case, 4) and then we will receive the results, doing the final sample sum.


Note: This method has a really slow convergence rate of O(n1/2), but will be used as an example, given its simplicity.

Solution implementation

Computing tasks timeline

In the preceding figure, we see the parallel behavior of the calculation, being the sample generation and counting the main activity.

Source code

The source code is as follows:

import tensorflow as tf 
import numpy as np 
c = [] 
#Distribute the work between the GPUs 
for d in ['/gpu:0', '/gpu:1', '/gpu:2', '/gpu:3']: 
    #Generate the random 2D samples 
    i=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=10000), shape=[5000,2]) 
    with tf.Session() as sess: 
        #Calculate the euclidean distance to the origin 
        #Sum the samples inside the circle 
        tempsum =,tf.float64),distances),tf.float64))) 
        #append the current result to the results array 
        c.append( tempsum) 
    #Do the final ratio calculation on the CPU 
    with tf.device('/cpu:0'): 
        with tf.Session() as sess: 
            sum = tf.add_n(c) 
            print (*4.0) 

Distributed TensorFlow

Distributed TensorFlow is a complementary technology, which aims to easily and efficiently create clusters of computing nodes, and to distribute the jobs between nodes in a seamless way.

It is the standard way to create distributed computing environments, and to execute the training and running of models at a massive scale, so it's very important to be able to do the main task found in production, high volume data setups.

Technology components

In this section, we will describe all the components on a distributed TensorFlow computing setup, from the most fine-grained task elements, to the whole cluster description.


Jobs define a group of homogeneous tasks, normally aimed to the same subset of the problem-solving area.

Examples of job distinctions are:

  • A parameter server job which will store the model parameters in an individual job, and will be in charge of distributing to all the distributed nodes the initial and current parameter values
  • A worker job, where all the computing intensive tasks are performed


Tasks are subdivisions of jobs, which perform the different steps or parallel work units to solve the problem area of its job, and are normally attached to a single process.

Every job has a number of tasks, and they are identified by an index. Normally the task with the index 0, is considered the main or coordinator task.


Server are logical objects representing a set of physical devices dedicated to implementing tasks. A server will be exclusively assigned to a single task.

Combined overview

In the following figure, we will represent all the participating parts in a cluster computing setup:

Combined overview

TensorFlow cluster setup elements

The figure contains the two jobs represented by the ps and the worker jobs, and the grpc communication channels (covered in Appendix A - Library Installation and Additional Tips) that can be created from the clients for them. For every job type, there are servers implementing different tasks, which solve subsets of the job's domain problem.

Creating a TensorFlow cluster

The first task for a distributed cluster program will be defining and creating a ClusterSpec object, which contains the real server instance's addresses and ports, which will be a part of the cluster.

The two main ways of defining this ClusterSpec are:

  • Create a tf.train.ClusterSpec object, which specifies all cluster tasks
  • Passing the mentioned ClusterSpec object, when creating a tf.train.Server, and relating the local task with a job name plus task index

ClusterSpec definition format

ClusterSpec objects are defined using the protocol buffer format, which is a special format based on JSON.

The format is the following:

    "job1 name": [ 
        "task0 server uri", 
        "task1 server uri" 
    "jobn name"[ 
        "task0 server uri", 
        "task1 server uri" 

So this would be the function call to create a cluster with a parameter server task server and three worker task servers:

    "worker": [ 
    "ps": [ 

Creating tf.Train.Server

After we create the ClusterSpec, we now have an exact idea of the cluster configuration, in the runtime. We will proceed to create the local server instance, creating an instance of tf.train.Server:

This is a sample server creation, which takes a cluster object, a job name, and a task index as a parameter:

server = tf.train.Server(cluster, job_name="local", task_index=[Number of server]) 

Cluster operation - sending computing methods to tasks

In order to begin learning the operation of the cluster, we need to learn the addressing of the computing resources.

First of all, we suppose we have already created a cluster, with its different resources of jobs and tasks. The ID string for any of the resources has the following form:

Cluster operation - sending computing methods to tasks

And the normal invocation of the resource in a context manager is the with keyword, with the following structure.

with tf.device("/job:ps/task:1"): 
  [Code Block] 

The with keyword indicates that whenever a task identifier is needed, the one specified in the context manager directive will be used.

The following figure illustrates a sample cluster setup, with the addressing names of all the different parts of the setup:

Cluster operation - sending computing methods to tasks

Server elements naming

Sample distributed code structure

This sample code will show you the approximate structure of a program addressing different tasks in a cluster, specifically a parameter server and a worker job:

#Address the Parameter Server task 
with tf.device("/job:ps/task:1"): 
  weights = tf.Variable(...) 
  bias = tf.Variable(...) 
#Address the Parameter Server task 
with tf.device("/job:worker/task:1"): 
    #... Generate and train a model 
  layer_1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(input, weights_1) + biases_1) 
  logits = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(layer_1, weights_2) + biases_2) 
  train_op = ... 
#Command the main task of the cluster 
with tf.Session("grpc://worker1.cluster:2222") as sess: 
  for i in range(100): 

Example 3 - distributed Pi calculation

In this example, we will change the perspective, going from one server with several computing resources, to a cluster of servers with a number of resources for each one.

The execution of the distributed version will have a different setup, explained in the following figure:

Example 3 - distributed Pi calculation

Distributed coordinated running

Server script

This script will be executed on each one of the computation nodes, which will generate a batch of samples, augmenting the number of generated random numbers by the number of available servers. In this case, we will use two servers and we suppose we initiate them in the localhost, indicating in the command-line the index number. If you want to run them in separate nodes, you just have to replace the localhost addresses in the ClusterSpec definition (and the name if you want it to be more representative).

The source code for the script is as follows:

import tensorflow as tf"index", "0","Server index") 
print FLAGS.index 
cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec({"local": ["localhost:2222", "localhost:2223"]}) 
server = tf.train.Server(cluster, job_name="local", task_index=int(FLAGS.index)) 

The command lines for executing this script in localhost are as follows:

python -index=0 #Server  task 0
python -index=1 #Server task 1

This is the expected output for one of the servers:

Server script

Individual server starting command line

Client script

Then we have the client script which will send the random number creation tasks to the cluster members, and will do the final Pi calculations, almost in the same way as the GPU example.

Full source code

The source code is as follows:

import tensorflow as tf 
import numpy as np"numsamples", "100","Number of samples per server") 
print ("Sample number per server: " + str(FLAGS.numsamples)  ) 
cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec({"local": ["localhost:2222", "localhost:2223"]}) 
#This is the list containing the sumation of samples on any node 
def generate_sum(): 
        i=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=FLAGS.numsamples*2), shape=[FLAGS.numsamples,2]) 
        return (tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(tf.cast(1.0,tf.float64),distances),tf.int32))) 
with tf.device("/job:local/task:0"): 
        test1= generate_sum() 
with tf.device("/job:local/task:1"): 
        test2= generate_sum() 
#If your cluster is local, you must replace localhost by the address of the first node 
with tf.Session("grpc://localhost:2222") as sess: 
      result = + test2,tf.float64)/FLAGS.numsamples*2.0) 

Example 4 - running a distributed model in a cluster

This very simple example will serve us as an example of how the pieces of a distributed TensorFlow setup work.

In this sample, we will do a very simple task, which nevertheless takes all the needed steps in a machine learning process.

Example 4 - running a distributed model in a cluster

Distributed training cluster setup

The Ps Server will contain the different parameters of the linear function to solve (in this case just x and b0), and the two worker servers will do the training of the variable, which will constantly update and improve upon the last one, working on a collaboration mode.

Sample code

The sample code is as follows:

import tensorflow as tf 
import numpy as np 
from sklearn.utils import shuffle 
# Here we define our cluster setup via the command line"ps_hosts", "", 
                           "Comma-separated list of hostname:port pairs")"worker_hosts", "", 
                           "Comma-separated list of hostname:port pairs") 
# Define the characteristics of the cluster node, and its task index"job_name", "", "One of 'ps', 'worker'")"task_index", 0, "Index of task within the job") 
def main(_): 
  ps_hosts = FLAGS.ps_hosts.split(",") 
  worker_hosts = FLAGS.worker_hosts.split(",") 
  # Create a cluster following the command line paramaters. 
  cluster = tf.train.ClusterSpec({"ps": ps_hosts, "worker": worker_hosts}) 
  # Create the local task. 
  server = tf.train.Server(cluster, 
  if FLAGS.job_name == "ps": 
  elif FLAGS.job_name == "worker": 
    # Assigns ops to the local worker by default. 
    with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter( 
        worker_device="/job:worker/task:%d" % FLAGS.task_index, 
      #Define the training set, and the model parameters, loss function and training operation 
      trX = np.linspace(-1, 1, 101) 
      trY = 2 * trX + np.random.randn(*trX.shape) * 0.4 + 0.2 # create a y value 
      X = tf.placeholder("float", name="X") # create symbolic variables 
      Y = tf.placeholder("float", name = "Y") 
      def model(X, w, b): 
        return tf.mul(X, w) + b # We just define the line as X*w + b0  
      w = tf.Variable(-1.0, name="b0") # create a shared variable 
      b = tf.Variable(-2.0, name="b1") # create a shared variable 
      y_model = model(X, w, b) 
      loss = (tf.pow(Y-y_model, 2)) # use sqr error for cost function 
      global_step = tf.Variable(0) 
      train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.8).minimize( 
          loss, global_step=global_step) 
    #Create a saver, and a summary and init operation 
      saver = tf.train.Saver() 
      summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries() 
      init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() 
    # Create a "supervisor", which oversees the training process. 
    sv = tf.train.Supervisor(is_chief=(FLAGS.task_index == 0), 
    # The supervisor takes care of session initialization, restoring from 
    # a checkpoint, and closing when done or an error occurs. 
    with sv.managed_session( as sess: 
      # Loop until the supervisor shuts down 
      step = 0 
      while not sv.should_stop() : 
        # Run a training step asynchronously. 
        # See `tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer` for additional details on how to 
        # perform *synchronous* training. 
        for i in range(100): 
          trX, trY = shuffle (trX, trY, random_state=0) 
          for (x, y) in zip(trX, trY): 
              _, step =[train_op, global_step],feed_dict={X: x, Y: y}) 
          #Print the partial results, and the current node doing the calculation 
          print ("Partial result from node: " + str(FLAGS.task_index) + ", w: " + str(w.eval(session=sess))+ ", b0: " + str(b.eval(session=sess))) 
    # Ask for all the services to stop. 
if __name__ == "__main__": 

In the parameter server current host:

python  --ps_hosts=localhost:2222   --worker_hosts=localhost:2223,localhost:2224   --job_name=ps -task_index=0
he first

In the worker host number one:

python  --ps_hosts=localhost:2222   --worker_hosts=localhost:2223,localhost:2224   --job_name=worker -task_index=0

In the worker host number two:

python  --ps_hosts=localhost:2222   --worker_hosts=localhost:2223,localhost:2224   --job_name=worker --task_index=1


In this chapter, we have reviewed the two main elements we have in the TensorFlow toolbox to implement our models in a high performance environment, be it in single servers or a distributed cluster environment.

In the following chapter, we will review detailed instructions about how to install TensorFlow under a variety of environments and tools.