版本:1.1.0b2 |发布日期:2016年7月1日

SQLAlchemy 1.1文档

级联¶ T0>




class Order(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'order'

    items = relationship("Item", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
    customer = relationship("User", cascade="save-update")


class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'item'

    order = relationship("Order",
                    backref=backref("items", cascade="all, delete-orphan")

cascade的默认值是save-update merge此参数的典型替代设置是all或更常见的all, delete-orphanThe all symbol is a synonym for save-update, merge, refresh-expire, expunge, delete, and using it in conjunction with delete-orphan indicates that the child object should follow along with its parent in all cases, and be deleted once it is no longer associated with that parent.


保存更新¶ T0>

save-update cascade indicates that when an object is placed into a Session via Session.add(), all the objects associated with it via this relationship() should also be added to that same Session. 假设我们有一个包含两个相关对象address1address2的对象user1

>>> user1 = User()
>>> address1, address2 = Address(), Address()
>>> user1.addresses = [address1, address2]

If we add user1 to a Session, it will also add address1, address2 implicitly:

>>> sess = Session()
>>> sess.add(user1)
>>> address1 in sess

save-update级联还影响已存在于Session中的对象的属性操作。If we add a third object, address3 to the user1.addresses collection, it becomes part of the state of that Session:

>>> address3 = Address()
>>> user1.append(address3)
>>> address3 in sess
>>> True

save-update has the possibly surprising behavior which is that persistent objects which were removed from a collection or in some cases a scalar attribute may also be pulled into the Session of a parent object; this is so that the flush process may handle that related object appropriately. 这种情况通常只能在从一个Session中删除一个对象并添加到另一个时才会出现:

>>> user1 = sess1.query(User).filter_by(id=1).first()
>>> address1 = user1.addresses[0]
>>> sess1.close()   # user1, address1 no longer associated with sess1
>>> user1.addresses.remove(address1)  # address1 no longer associated with user1
>>> sess2 = Session()
>>> sess2.add(user1)   # ... but it still gets added to the new session,
>>> address1 in sess2  # because it's still "pending" for flush


One case where save-update cascade does sometimes get in the way is in that it takes place in both directions for bi-directional relationships, e.g. backrefs, meaning that the association of a child object with a particular parent can have the effect of the parent object being implicitly associated with that child object’s Session; this pattern, as well as how to modify its behavior using the cascade_backrefs flag, is discussed in the section Controlling Cascade on Backrefs.

删除¶ T0>


class User(Base):
    # ...

    addresses = relationship("Address", cascade="save-update, merge, delete")


>>> user1 = sess.query(User).filter_by(id=1).first()
>>> address1, address2 = user1.addresses


>>> sess.delete(user1)
>>> sess.commit()
DELETE FROM address WHERE address.id = ? ((1,), (2,)) DELETE FROM user WHERE user.id = ? (1,) COMMIT

Alternatively, if our User.addresses relationship does not have delete cascade, SQLAlchemy’s default behavior is to instead de-associate address1 and address2 from user1 by setting their foreign key reference to NULL. 使用如下映射:

class User(Base):
    # ...

    addresses = relationship("Address")


>>> sess.delete(user1)
>>> sess.commit()
UPDATE address SET user_id=? WHERE address.id = ? (None, 1) UPDATE address SET user_id=? WHERE address.id = ? (None, 2) DELETE FROM user WHERE user.id = ? (1,) COMMIT

delete cascade is more often than not used in conjunction with delete-orphan cascade, which will emit a DELETE for the related row if the “child” object is deassociated from the parent. deletedelete-orphan级联的组合涵盖了SQLAlchemy必须决定将外键列设置为NULL还是完全删除行的两种情况。


The behavior of SQLAlchemy’s “delete” cascade has a lot of overlap with the ON DELETE CASCADE feature of a database foreign key, as well as with that of the ON DELETE SET NULL foreign key setting when “delete” cascade is not specified. Database level “ON DELETE” cascades are specific to the “FOREIGN KEY” construct of the relational database; SQLAlchemy allows configuration of these schema-level constructs at the DDL level using options on ForeignKeyConstraint which are described at ON UPDATE and ON DELETE.


  • 在关系的多对一一侧有效配置数据库级ON DELETE级联;也就是说,我们将它配置为相对于FOREIGN KEY约束,该约束是关系的“许多”方面。在ORM级别,这个方向是颠倒的SQLAlchemy handles the deletion of “child” objects relative to a “parent” from the “parent” side, which means that delete and delete-orphan cascade are configured on the one-to-many side.

  • Database level foreign keys with no ON DELETE setting are often used to prevent a parent row from being removed, as it would necessarily leave an unhandled related row present. 如果在一对多关系中需要此行为,则SQLAlchemy将外键设置为NULL的默认行为可以通过以下两种方式之一来捕获:

    • 最简单也是最常见的就是在数据库模式级别将外键保存列设置为NOT NULLSQLAlchemy将列设置为NULL的尝试将失败并出现简单的NOT NULL约束异常。
    • 另一种更特殊的方式是将passive_deletes标志设置为字符串"all"这具有完全禁用SQLAlchemy将外键列设置为NULL的行为的效果,并且即使子行存在于内存中,也会为父行发出DELETE,而不会影响子行。在数据库级外键触发(特殊的ON DELETE设置或其他情况)需要全部激活的情况下,这可能是需要的父行被删除的情况。
  • Database level ON DELETE cascade is vastly more efficient than that of SQLAlchemy. 数据库可以一次跨多个关系链接一系列级联操作;例如如果删除行A,则可以删除表B中的所有相关行,并且所有与这些B行中的每一行相关的C行以及on和on都在单个DELETE语句的范围内。另一方面,SQLAlchemy为了完全支持级联删除操作,必须单独加载每个相关集合,以便定位所有可能具有更多相关集合的行。也就是说,SQLAlchemy不够复杂,无法在此上下文中一次为所有相关行发出DELETE。

  • SQLAlchemy doesn’t need to be this sophisticated, as we instead provide smooth integration with the database’s own ON DELETE functionality, by using the passive_deletes option in conjunction with properly configured foreign key constraints. 在这种行为下,SQLAlchemy只会为Session中已存在的行发出DELETE;对于任何被卸载的集合,它将它们留给数据库来处理,而不是为它们发出SELECT。Using Passive Deletes部分提供了此用法的示例。

  • 虽然数据库级 ON T1> 删除 T2> T0>功能只适用于关系的“多”方,SQLAlchemy的的“删除”梯级具有有限还可以在reverse方向上操作,这意味着它可以在“多”侧配置,以删除“一侧”上的对象,当“多”方被删除。然而,如果有其他对象从“many”引用这个“one”一侧,这很容易导致违反约束,所以它通常只在关系实际上是“一对一”时才有用。应该使用single_parent标志为这种情况建立一个Python内断言。

当使用relationship()时,也使用secondary选项包含多对多表,SQLAlchemy的删除级联会自动处理此多对多表中的行。就像正如Deleting Rows from the Many to Many Table中所描述的那样,从多对多集合中添加或删除对象会导致INSERT或DELETE行中的many-当由于父对象删除操作而激活时,delete级联会删除“child”表中的行,但也会删除多对多表中的行。

删除-孤儿¶ T0>

delete-orphan级联会将行为添加到delete级联中,以便将子对象从父级中解除关联时标记为删除,而不仅仅是父级被标记为删除。在处理由其父代“拥有”的相关对象时,这是一个常见功能,使用NOT NULL外键,因此从父集合中删除项目会导致其删除。

delete-orphan cascade implies that each child object can only have one parent at a time, so is configured in the vast majority of cases on a one-to-many relationship. 将其设置为多对一或多对多的关系更为尴尬;对于这个用例,SQLAlchemy要求使用single_parent参数配置relationship(),建立Python端验证,确保该对象仅与一个父对象关联时间。

合并¶ T0>

merge cascade指示Session.merge()操作应该从作为Session.merge()主题的父级传播引用对象。这个级联也是默认的。

刷新-到期¶ T0>


抹去¶ T0>

expunge cascade indicates that when the parent object is removed from the Session using Session.expunge(), the operation should be propagated down to referred objects.



mapper(Order, order_table, properties={
    'items' : relationship(Item, backref='order')

If an Order is already in the session, and is assigned to the order attribute of an Item, the backref appends the Item to the items collection of that Order, resulting in the save-update cascade taking place:

>>> o1 = Order()
>>> session.add(o1)
>>> o1 in session

>>> i1 = Item()
>>> i1.order = o1
>>> i1 in o1.items
>>> i1 in session


mapper(Order, order_table, properties={
    'items' : relationship(Item, backref='order',

如上所述,i1.order = o1的分配将会附加i1 o1items集合,但不会将i1添加到会话中。You can, of course, add() i1 to the session at a later point. 此选项可能有助于在对象需要在会话结束之前保持在会话之外的情况,但仍需要将对象关联到目标会话中已经存在的对象。