1.2. Python语言

Authors: Chris Burns, Christophe Combelles, Emmanuelle Gouillart, Gaël Varoquaux

Python for scientific computing

We introduce here the Python language. 这里只讨论了开始使用Numpy和Scipy所需的最低要求。要详细了解语言,请考虑通读优秀教程https://docs.python.org/tutorial还有专门的书籍,例如http://www.diveintopython.net/


Python是一种编程语言,C、Fortran、BASIC、PHP等也是如此。Some specific features of Python are as follows:

  • 解释型(与编译型相反)语言。于C或Fortran不同,Python在执行之前不会编译代码。此外,Python可以交互地使用:有许多可用的Python解释器,从中可以执行命令和脚本。
  • a free software released under an open-source license: Python can be used and distributed free of charge, even for building commercial software.
  • 多平台:Python适用于所有主流操作系统,Windows、Linux/Unix、MacOS X,你的手机操作系统也很可能等。
  • 一种非常可读的语言,清晰而不冗长的语法
  • 从web框架到科学计算的各种应用程序可用的各种高质量软件包的语言。
  • 一种非常容易与其他语言,特别是C和C++接口的语言。
  • Some other features of the language are illustrated just below. For example, Python is an object-oriented language, with dynamic typing (the same variable can contain objects of different types during the course of a program).
