scan — Theano中的循环





result = 1
for i in range(k):
    result = result * A

这里有三个事情要处理:分配给result的初始值,result中的结果累加,和不变的变量A。不变的变量以non_sequences传递给scan。Initialization occurs in outputs_info, and the accumulation happens automatically.

The equivalent Theano code would be:

import theano
import theano.tensor as T

k = T.iscalar("k")
A = T.vector("A")

# Symbolic description of the result
result, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda prior_result, A: prior_result * A,

# We only care about A**k, but scan has provided us with A**1 through A**k.
# Discard the values that we don't care about. Scan is smart enough to
# notice this and not waste memory saving them.
final_result = result[-1]

# compiled function that returns A**k
power = theano.function(inputs=[A,k], outputs=final_result, updates=updates)

[  0.   1.   4.   9.  16.  25.  36.  49.  64.  81.]
[  0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.60000000e+01   8.10000000e+01
   2.56000000e+02   6.25000000e+02   1.29600000e+03   2.40100000e+03
   4.09600000e+03   6.56100000e+03]

让我们逐行分析示例。我们做的是首先构造一个函数(使用lambda表达式),给定prior_resultA返回prior_result * A参数的顺序通过scan固定:上一次调用fn的输出(或初始的初始值)为第一个参数,后面则为所有的固定变量(non_sequences)。


Scan返回一个元组,包含我们的结果(result)和updates字典(在这个例子中为空)。Note that the result is not a matrix, but a 3D tensor containing the value of A**k for each step. 我们想要的是最后一个值(k步之后),所以我们编译一个函数来返回该值。注意这里会有一个优化,在编译时会检测到你只使用结果的最后一个值,并确保scan不存储所有使用的中间值。So do not worry if A and k are large.


除了循环固定次数之外,scan还可以在张量的主导维度上迭代(类似于Python的for x in a_list)。


Here’s an example that builds a symbolic calculation of a polynomial from a list of its coefficients:

import numpy

coefficients = theano.tensor.vector("coefficients")
x = T.scalar("x")

max_coefficients_supported = 10000

# Generate the components of the polynomial
components, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda coefficient, power, free_variable: coefficient * (free_variable ** power),
                                  sequences=[coefficients, theano.tensor.arange(max_coefficients_supported)],
# Sum them up
polynomial = components.sum()

# Compile a function
calculate_polynomial = theano.function(inputs=[coefficients, x], outputs=polynomial)

# Test
test_coefficients = numpy.asarray([1, 0, 2], dtype=numpy.float32)
test_value = 3
print(calculate_polynomial(test_coefficients, test_value))
print(1.0 * (3 ** 0) + 0.0 * (3 ** 1) + 2.0 * (3 ** 2))

There are a few things to note here.


Second, there is no accumulation of results, we can set outputs_info to None. 这指示scan它不需要将先前的结果传递给fn

The general order of function parameters to fn is:

sequences (if any), prior result(s) (if needed), non-sequences (if any)





import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T

up_to = T.iscalar("up_to")

# define a named function, rather than using lambda
def accumulate_by_adding(arange_val, sum_to_date):
    return sum_to_date + arange_val
seq = T.arange(up_to)

# An unauthorized implicit downcast from the dtype of 'seq', to that of
# 'T.as_tensor_variable(0)' which is of dtype 'int8' by default would occur
# if this instruction were to be used instead of the next one:
# outputs_info = T.as_tensor_variable(0)

outputs_info = T.as_tensor_variable(np.asarray(0, seq.dtype))
scan_result, scan_updates = theano.scan(fn=accumulate_by_adding,
triangular_sequence = theano.function(inputs=[up_to], outputs=scan_result)

# test
some_num = 15
print([n * (n + 1) // 2 for n in range(some_num)])
[  0   1   3   6  10  15  21  28  36  45  55  66  78  91 105]
[0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105]




location = T.imatrix("location")
values = T.vector("values")
output_model = T.matrix("output_model")

def set_value_at_position(a_location, a_value, output_model):
    zeros = T.zeros_like(output_model)
    zeros_subtensor = zeros[a_location[0], a_location[1]]
    return T.set_subtensor(zeros_subtensor, a_value)

result, updates = theano.scan(fn=set_value_at_position,
                              sequences=[location, values],

assign_values_at_positions = theano.function(inputs=[location, values, output_model], outputs=result)

# test
test_locations = numpy.asarray([[1, 1], [2, 3]], dtype=numpy.int32)
test_values = numpy.asarray([42, 50], dtype=numpy.float32)
test_output_model = numpy.zeros((5, 5), dtype=numpy.float32)
print(assign_values_at_positions(test_locations, test_values, test_output_model))
[[[  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.  42.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]]

 [[  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.  50.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
  [  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]]]


使用共享变量 — Gibbs抽样

Another useful feature of scan, is that it can handle shared variables. For example, if we want to implement a Gibbs chain of length 10 we would do the following:

import theano
from theano import tensor as T

W = theano.shared(W_values) # we assume that ``W_values`` contains the
                            # initial values of your weight matrix

bvis = theano.shared(bvis_values)
bhid = theano.shared(bhid_values)

trng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(1234)

def OneStep(vsample) :
    hmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(, W) + bhid)
    hsample = trng.binomial(size=hmean.shape, n=1, p=hmean)
    vmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(, W.T) + bvis)
    return trng.binomial(size=vsample.shape, n=1, p=vmean,

sample = theano.tensor.vector()

values, updates = theano.scan(OneStep, outputs_info=sample, n_steps=10)

gibbs10 = theano.function([sample], values[-1], updates=updates)

第一个,也许最关键的观察是updates字典在这种情况下变得重要。It links a shared variable with its updated value after k steps. 在这种情况下,它告诉随机流如何在10次迭代后更新。If you do not pass this update dictionary to your function, you will always get the same 10 sets of random numbers. 你甚至可以在此之后使用updates字典。Look at this example :

a = theano.shared(1)
values, updates = theano.scan(lambda: {a: a+1}, n_steps=10)


b = a + 1
c = updates[a] + 1
f = theano.function([], [b, c], updates=updates)


We will see that because b does not use the updated version of a, it will be 2, c will be 12, while a.value is 11. If we call the function again, b will become 12, c will be 22 and a.value 21. If we do not pass the updates dictionary to the function, then a.value will always remain 1, b will always be 2 and c will always be 12.

第二个观察是,如果我们使用共享变量(Wbvisbhid),但是我们不迭代它们(即scan不需要真的知道关于它们的任何特别信息,只是它们在应用在每一步的函数中使用),你不需要传递它们作为参数。Scan会自动找到它们,并将它们添加到图中。然而,将它们传递到scan函数是一个好的做法,因为它避免了scan操作一遍又一遍调用任何早期(外部)操作。This results in a simpler computational graph, which speeds up the optimization and the execution. To pass the shared variables to Scan you need to put them in a list and give it to the non_sequences argument. 这里是更新后的Gibbs抽样代码:

W = theano.shared(W_values) # we assume that ``W_values`` contains the
                            # initial values of your weight matrix

bvis = theano.shared(bvis_values)
bhid = theano.shared(bhid_values)

trng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(1234)

# OneStep, with explicit use of the shared variables (W, bvis, bhid)
def OneStep(vsample, W, bvis, bhid):
    hmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(, W) + bhid)
    hsample = trng.binomial(size=hmean.shape, n=1, p=hmean)
    vmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(, W.T) + bvis)
    return trng.binomial(size=vsample.shape, n=1, p=vmean,

sample = theano.tensor.vector()

# The new scan, with the shared variables passed as non_sequences
values, updates = theano.scan(fn=OneStep,
                              non_sequences=[W, bvis, bhid],

gibbs10 = theano.function([sample], values[-1], updates=updates)

使用共享变量 — strict标志

正如我们刚刚看到的,将共享变量传递给scan可以产生更简单的计算图,这加速了优化和执行。记住在scan期间传递用到的每个共享变量的好方法是使用strict标志。When set to true, scan assumes that all the necessary shared variables in fn are passed as a part of non_sequences. This has to be ensured by the user. Otherwise, it will result in an error.


# The new scan, using strict=True
values, updates = theano.scan(fn=OneStep,
                              non_sequences=[W, bvis, bhid],


多个输出、多个点击值 — 用Scan实现循环神经网络

The examples above showed simple uses of scan. However, scan also supports referring not only to the prior result and the current sequence value, but also looking back more than one step.

This is needed, for example, to implement a RNN using scan. Assume that our RNN is defined as follows :

Note that this network is far from a classical recurrent neural network and might be useless. The reason we defined as such is to better illustrate the features of scan.

In this case we have a sequence over which we need to iterate u, and two outputs x and y. To implement this with scan we first construct a function that computes one iteration step :

def oneStep(u_tm4, u_t, x_tm3, x_tm1, y_tm1, W, W_in_1, W_in_2,  W_feedback, W_out):

  x_t = T.tanh(, W) + \
     ,   W_in_1) + \
     , W_in_2) + \
     , W_feedback))
  y_t =, W_out)

  return [x_t, y_t]

As naming convention for the variables we used a_tmb to mean a at t-b and a_tpb to be a at t+b. Note the order in which the parameters are given, and in which the result is returned. Try to respect chronological order among the taps ( time slices of sequences or outputs) used. For scan is crucial only for the variables representing the different time taps to be in the same order as the one in which these taps are given. Also, not only taps should respect an order, but also variables, since this is how scan figures out what should be represented by what. Given that we have all the Theano variables needed we construct our RNN as follows :

W = T.matrix()
W_in_1 = T.matrix()
W_in_2 = T.matrix()
W_feedback = T.matrix()
W_out = T.matrix()

u = T.matrix() # it is a sequence of vectors
x0 = T.matrix() # initial state of x has to be a matrix, since
                # it has to cover x[-3]
y0 = T.vector() # y0 is just a vector since scan has only to provide
                # y[-1]

([x_vals, y_vals], updates) = theano.scan(fn=oneStep,
                                          sequences=dict(input=u, taps=[-4,-0]),
                                          outputs_info=[dict(initial=x0, taps=[-3,-1]), y0],
                                          non_sequences=[W, W_in_1, W_in_2, W_feedback, W_out],
     # for second input y, scan adds -1 in output_taps by default

Now x_vals and y_vals are symbolic variables pointing to the sequence of x and y values generated by iterating over u. The sequence_taps, outputs_taps give to scan information about what slices are exactly needed. Note that if we want to use x[t-k] we do not need to also have x[t-(k-1)], x[t-(k-2)],.., but when applying the compiled function, the numpy array given to represent this sequence should be large enough to cover this values. Assume that we compile the above function, and we give as u the array uvals = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. By abusing notations, scan will consider uvals[0] as u[-4], and will start scaning from uvals[4] towards the end.

Conditional ending of Scan

Scan can also be used as a repeat-until block. In such a case scan will stop when either the maximal number of iteration is reached, or the provided condition evaluates to True.

For an example, we will compute all powers of two smaller then some provided value max_value.

def power_of_2(previous_power, max_value):
    return previous_power*2, theano.scan_module.until(previous_power*2 > max_value)

max_value = T.scalar()
values, _ = theano.scan(power_of_2,
                        outputs_info = T.constant(1.),
                        non_sequences = max_value,
                        n_steps = 1024)

f = theano.function([max_value], values)

[  2.   4.   8.  16.  32.  64.]

As you can see, in order to terminate on condition, the only thing required is that the inner function power_of_2 to return also the condition wrapped in the class theano.scan_module.until. The condition has to be expressed in terms of the arguments of the inner function (in this case previous_power and max_value).

As a rule, scan always expects the condition to be the last thing returned by the inner function, otherwise an error will be raised.

Reducing Scan’s memory usage

This section presents the scan_checkpoints function. In short, this function reduces the memory usage of scan (at the cost of more computation time) by not keeping in memory all the intermediate time steps of the loop, and recomputing them when computing the gradients. This function is therefore only useful if you need to compute the gradient of the ouptut of scan with respect to its inputs, and shouldn’t be used otherwise.

Before going more into the details, here are its current limitations:

  • It only works in the case where only the output of the last time step is needed, like when computing A**k or in an encoder-decoder setup.
  • It only accepts sequences of the same length.
  • If n_steps is specified, it has the same value as the length of any sequences.
  • It is signly-recurrent, meaning that only the previous time step can be used to compute the current one (ie h[t] can only depend on h[t-1]). In other words, taps can not be used in sequences and outputs_info.

Often, in order to be able to compute the gradients through scan operations, Theano needs to keep in memory some intermediate computations of scan. This can sometimes use a prohibitively large amount of memory. scan_checkpoints allows to discard some of those intermediate steps and recompute them again when computing the gradients. Its save_every_N argument specifies the number time steps to do without storing the intermediate results. For example, save_every_N = 4 will reduce the memory usage by 4, while having to recompute 3/4 time steps of the forward loop. Since the grad of scan is about 6x slower than the forward, a ~20% slowdown is expected. Apart from the save_every_N argument and the current limitations, the usage of this function is similar to the classic scan function.

Optimizing Scan’s performance

This section covers some ways to improve performance of a Theano function using Scan.

Minimizing Scan usage

Scan makes it possible to define simple and compact graphs that can do the same work as much larger and more complicated graphs. However, it comes with a significant overhead. As such, when performance is the objective, a good rule of thumb is to perform as much of the computation as possible outside of Scan. This may have the effect of increasing memory usage but can also reduce the overhead introduces by using Scan.

Explicitly passing inputs of the inner function to scan

It is possible, inside of Scan, to use variables previously defined outside of the Scan without explicitly passing them as inputs to the Scan. However, it is often more efficient to explicitly pass them as non-sequence inputs instead. Section Using shared variables - Gibbs sampling provides an explanation for this and section Using shared variables - the strict flag describes the strict flag, a tool that Scan provides to help ensure that the inputs to the function inside Scan have all been provided as explicit inputs to the scan() function.

Deactivating garbage collecting in Scan

Deactivating the garbage collection for Scan can allow it to reuse memory between executions instead of always having to allocate new memory. This can improve performance at the cost of increased memory usage. By default, Scan reuses memory between iterations of the same execution but frees the memory after the last iteration.

There are two ways to achieve this, using the Theano flag config.scan.allow_gc and setting it to False, or using the argument allow_gc of the function theano.scan() and set it to False (when a value is not provided for this argument, the value of the flag config.scan.allow_gc is used).

Graph optimizations

This one is simple but still worth pointing out. Theano is able to automatically recognize and optimize many computation patterns. However, there are patterns that Theano doesn’t optimize because doing so would change the user interface (such as merging shared variables together into a single one, for instance). Additionaly, Theano doesn’t catch every case that it could optimize and so it remains useful for performance that the user defines an efficient graph in the first place. This is also the case, and sometimes even more so, for the graph inside of Scan. This is because it will be executed many times for every execution of the Theano function that contains it.

The LSTM tutorial on provides an example of an optimization that Theano cannot perform. Instead of performing many matrix multiplications between matrix x_t and each of the shared matrices W_i, W_c, W_f and W_o, the matrices W_*, are merged into a single shared matrix W and the graph performs a single larger matrix multiplication between W and x_t. The resulting matrix is then sliced to obtain the results of that the small individual matrix multiplications would have produced. This optimization replaces several small and inefficient matrix multiplications by a single larger one and thus improves performance at the cost of a potentially higher memory usage.


本模块提供Scan Op。


例如,给定初始状态z=0,通过在一个列表上scan z+x_i函数,可以计算sum()

Special cases:

  • 可以通过仅返回scan的最后一个输出来执行reduce操作。
  • 可以通过应用一个忽略先前步骤输出的函数来执行map操作。

Often a for-loop can be expressed as a scan() operation, and scan is the closest that theano comes to looping. The advantage of using scan over for loops is that it allows the number of iterations to be a part of the symbolic graph.

The Scan Op should typically be used by calling any of the following functions: scan(), map(), reduce(), foldl(), foldr()., sequences, non_sequences=None, truncate_gradient=-1, go_backwards=False, mode=None, name=None)[source]

Similar behaviour as python’s map.

  • fn – The function that map applies at each iteration step (see scan for more info).
  • sequences – List of sequences over which map iterates (see scan for more info).
  • non_sequences – List of arguments passed to fn. map will not iterate over these arguments (see scan for more info).
  • truncate_gradient – See scan.
  • go_backwards (bool) – Decides the direction of iteration. True means that sequences are parsed from the end towards the begining, while False is the other way around.
  • mode – See scan.
  • name – See scan.
theano.reduce(fn, sequences, outputs_info, non_sequences=None, go_backwards=False, mode=None, name=None)[source]

Similar behaviour as python’s reduce.

  • fn – The function that reduce applies at each iteration step (see scan for more info).
  • sequences – List of sequences over which reduce iterates (see scan for more info).
  • outputs_info – List of dictionaries describing the outputs of reduce (see scan for more info).
  • non_sequences
    List of arguments passed to fn. reduce will
    not iterate over these arguments (see scan for more info).
  • go_backwards (bool) – Decides the direction of iteration. True means that sequences are parsed from the end towards the begining, while False is the other way around.
  • mode – See scan.
  • name – See scan.
theano.foldl(fn, sequences, outputs_info, non_sequences=None, mode=None, name=None)[source]

Similar behaviour as haskell’s foldl.

  • fn – The function that foldl applies at each iteration step (see scan for more info).
  • sequences – List of sequences over which foldl iterates (see scan for more info).
  • outputs_info – List of dictionaries describing the outputs of reduce (see scan for more info).
  • non_sequences – List of arguments passed to fn. foldl will not iterate over these arguments (see scan for more info).
  • mode – See scan.
  • name – See scan.
theano.foldr(fn, sequences, outputs_info, non_sequences=None, mode=None, name=None)[source]

Similar behaviour as haskell’ foldr.

  • fn – The function that foldr applies at each iteration step (see scan for more info).
  • sequences – List of sequences over which foldr iterates (see scan for more info).
  • outputs_info – List of dictionaries describing the outputs of reduce (see scan for more info).
  • non_sequences – List of arguments passed to fn. foldr will not iterate over these arguments (see scan for more info).
  • mode – See scan.
  • name – See scan.
theano.scan(fn, sequences=None, outputs_info=None, non_sequences=None, n_steps=None, truncate_gradient=-1, go_backwards=False, mode=None, name=None, profile=False, allow_gc=None, strict=False)[source]

This function constructs and applies a Scan op to the provided arguments.

  • fn

    fn is a function that describes the operations involved in one step of scan. fn should construct variables describing the output of one iteration step. 它应该期望输入的theano变量表示输入序列的所有切片和输出的初始值,并且其它所有传递给scan的参数为non_sequencesscan将这些变量传递到fn的顺序如下:

    • 第一个序列的所有切片
    • 第二个序列的所有切片
    • ...
    • 最后一个序列的所有切片
    • 第一个输出的所有初始切片
    • 第二个输出的所有初始切片
    • ...
    • 最后一个输出的所有初始切片
    • 所有其他参数(作为non_sequences给出的列表)

    序列的顺序与传递给scan的列表sequences中的顺序相同。The order of the outputs is the same as the order of outputs_info. For any sequence or output the order of the time slices is the same as the one in which they have been given as taps. For example if one writes the following :

    scan(fn, sequences = [ dict(input= Sequence1, taps = [-3,2,-1])
                         , Sequence2
                         , dict(input =  Sequence3, taps = 3) ]
           , outputs_info = [ dict(initial =  Output1, taps = [-3,-5])
                            , dict(initial = Output2, taps = None)
                            , Output3 ]
           , non_sequences = [ Argument1, Argument2])


    1. Sequence1[t-3]
    2. Sequence1[t+2]
    3. Sequence1[t-1]
    4. Sequence2[t]
    5. Sequence3[t+3]
    6. Output1[t-3]
    7. Output1[t-5]
    8. Output3[t-1]
    9. Argument1
    10. Argument2

    The list of non_sequences can also contain shared variables used in the function, though scan is able to figure those out on its own so they can be skipped. 为了代码清晰,我们建议尽量将它们提供给scan。在某种程度上,scan也可以计算出其他non sequences(不是共享变量),甚至即使它们没有传递给scan(但由fn使用)。A simple example of this would be :

    import theano.tensor as TT
    W   = TT.matrix()
    W_2 = W**2
    def f(x):

    预期该函数返回两个东西。One is a list of outputs ordered in the same order as outputs_info, with the difference that there should be only one output variable per output initial state (even if no tap value is used). Secondly fn should return an update dictionary (that tells how to update any shared variable after each iteration step). 这个字典是可选的,可以用元组组成的列表给出。对这两个列表的顺序没有约束,fn可以返回(outputs_list, update_dictionary)(update_dictionary, outputs_list)或只是其中一个(如果另一个为空)。

    To use scan as a while loop, the user needs to change the function fn such that also a stopping condition is returned. To do so, he/she needs to wrap the condition in an until class. The condition should be returned as a third element, for example:

    return [y1_t, y2_t], {x:x+1}, theano.scan_module.until(x < 50)

    注意,即使条件被传递(并且如果需要它被用于分配内存),仍然需要多个步骤(在这里被视为最大步骤数)。= {}):

  • sequences

    sequences is the list of Theano variables or dictionaries describing the sequences scan has to iterate over. If a sequence is given as wrapped in a dictionary, then a set of optional information can be provided about the sequence. The dictionary should have the following keys:

    • input必需的)— 表示序列的Theano变量。
    • tapsfn所需序列的temporal taps。它们作为整数列提供,其中值k暗示在迭代步骤t,scan将传递切片t+kfnDefault value is [0]

    Any Theano variable in the list sequences is automatically wrapped into a dictionary where taps is set to [0]

  • outputs_info

    outputs_info是Theano变量或字典的列表,描述重复计算的输出的初始状态。当该初始状态以字典给出时,可以提供关于与这些初始状态相对应的输出的可选信息。The dictionary should have the following keys:

    • initial — Theano变量,表示给定输出的初始状态。In case the output is not computed recursively (think of a map) and does not require an initial state this field can be skipped. 由于fn(仅)使用上一次的输出,初始状态应当与输出具有相同的形状,并且不应该涉及downcast到输出的数据类型。如果用到多个time taps,则初始状态应当具有一个额外维度来覆盖所有可能的taps。例如,如果我们使用-5, -2 and -1作为过去的taps,在步骤0,fn将需要(通过滥用符号)output[-5], output[-2] and output[-1]这将由初始状态给出,在这种情况下应该具有shape (5,)+output.shape。If this variable containing the initial state is called init_y then init_y[0] corresponds to output[-5]. init_y[1]对应于output[-4]init_y[2]对应于output[-3]init_y[3]对应于output[-2]init_y[4]对应于output[-1]While this order might seem strange, it comes natural from splitting an array at a given point. Assume that we have a array x, and we choose k to be time step 0. Then our initial state would be x[:k], while the output will be x[k:]. Looking at this split, elements in x[:k] are ordered exactly like those in init_y.
    • taps – Temporal taps of the output that will be pass to fn. They are provided as a list of negative integers, where a value k implies that at iteration step t scan will pass to fn the slice t+k.

    scan will follow this logic if partial information is given:

    • 如果输出不包含在字典中,则scan会将它封装在一个字典中,并假设你只使用输出的最后一步(即它使你的tap值的列表等于[-1]) 。
    • 如果你将一个输出封装在一个字典中,并且你不提供任何tap,但是你提供一个初始状态,它将假设你只使用一个tap值-1。
    • 如果你将一个输出封装在一个字典中,但你不提供任何初始状态,它假定你没有使用任何形式的tap。
    • 如果你提供None而不是变量或空字典,scan假设你不会对这个输出使用任何tap(例如在map的情况下)。


  • non_sequencesnon_sequences is the list of arguments that are passed to fn at each steps. One can opt to exclude variable used in fn from this list as long as they are part of the computational graph, though for clarity we encourage not to do so.
  • n_stepsn_steps is the number of steps to iterate given as an int or Theano scalar. If any of the input sequences do not have enough elements, scan will raise an error. If the value is 0 the outputs will have 0 rows. If the value is negative, scan will run backwards in time. 如果go_backwards标记已设置,并且n_steps为负,则scan将按时间向前运行。If n_steps is not provided, scan will figure out the amount of steps it should run given its input sequences.
  • truncate_gradienttruncate_gradient is the number of steps to use in truncated BPTT. If you compute gradients through a scan op, they are computed using backpropagation through time. By providing a different value then -1, you choose to use truncated BPTT instead of classical BPTT, where you go for only truncate_gradient number of steps back in time.
  • go_backwardsgo_backwards is a flag indicating if scan should go backwards through the sequences. If you think of each sequence as indexed by time, making this flag True would mean that scan goes back in time, namely that for any sequence it starts from the end and goes towards 0.
  • name — 当profiling scan时,为scan的任何实例提供名称至关重要。The profiler will produce an overall profile of your code as well as profiles for the computation of one step of each instance of scan. The name of the instance appears in those profiles and can greatly help to disambiguate information.
  • mode – It is recommended to leave this argument to None, especially when profiling scan (otherwise the results are not going to be accurate). If you prefer the computations of one step of scan to be done differently then the entire function, you can use this parameter to describe how the computations in this loop are done (see theano.function for details about possible values and their meaning).
  • profile — 标志或字符串。If true, or different from the empty string, a profile object will be created and attached to the inner graph of scan. In case profile is True, the profile object will have the name of the scan instance, otherwise it will have the passed string. Profile object collect (and print) information only when running the inner graph with the new cvm linker ( with default modes, other linkers this argument is useless)
  • allow_gc – Set the value of allow gc for the internal graph of scan. If set to None, this will use the value of config.scan.allow_gc.
  • strict — 如果为真,则fn中使用的所有共享变量必须作为non_sequencessequences

(outputs, updates)形式的元组; outputs是一个Theano变量或一个Theano变量列表表示scan的输出(按照与outputs_info中相同的顺序)。updates是字典的一个子类,指定在scan中使用的所有共享变量的更新规则。This dictionary should be passed to theano.function when you compile your function. 与正常字典相比的变化是,我们验证字典的键是SharedVariable,并且这些字典的相加被验证为一致。

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