24.1. Tkinter - Tcl / Tk的Python接口

Tkinter 模块(也称Tk接口)是pyhton用于处理Tk GUI工具集提供的一个标准接口。大多数Unix平台以及Windows系统都可以使用Tk和Tkinter(Tk本身不是Python的一部分;它在ActiveState中维护。)


在Python 3中,Tkinter已重命名为tkinter当您将源转换为Python 3时,2to3工具将自动调整导入。

See also

Python Tkinter Resources
Python Tkinter主题指南提供了大量关于使用Python的Tk和Tk上其他信息源的链接的信息。
Tkinter reference: a GUI for Python
Tkinter docs from effbot
Tcl/Tk manual
最新的tcl / tk版本的官方手册。
Programming Python
由马克·卢茨(Mark Lutz)撰写,具有很好的覆盖面。
Modern Tkinter for Busy Python Developers
通过Mark Rozerman的书面介绍,使用Python和Tkinter构建有吸引力的现代图形用户界面。
Python and Tkinter Programming
约翰·格雷森(John Grayson)的书(ISBN 1-884777-81-3)。

24.1.1. Tkinter模块



import Tkinter

Or, more often:

from Tkinter import *
class Tkinter.Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=1)



Tkinter.Tcl(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=0)

Tcl()函数是一个工厂函数,它创建一个非常类似于Tk类创建的对象,除了它不初始化Tk子系统。在一个不想创建无关的高层窗口的环境中,或者不能使用(如没有X服务器的Unix / Linux系统)的环境中,驱动Tcl解释器时,这通常很有用。Tcl()对象创建的对象可以通过调用其loadtk()方法创建一个Toplevel窗口(并且Tk子系统已初始化)。

New in version 2.4.


拖放支持Tkinter这是实验性的,当它被替换为Tk DND时,应该被弃用。

这些在Python 3中也被重命名了;它们都是新的tkinter包的子模块。

24.1.2. Tkinter Life Preserver



  • Tkinter由Steen Lumholt和Guido van Rossum撰写。
  • Tk由John Ousterhout在伯克利写的。
  • 这个生命保护者是由弗吉尼亚大学的马特康威(Matt Conway)撰写的。
  • 由Ken Manheimer的FrameMaker版本生成html渲染和一些自由编辑。
  • Fredrik Lundh详细阐述和修改了类接口描述,以便使用Tk 4.2获取它们的最新信息。
  • Mike Clarkson将文档转换为LaTeX,并编制了参考手册的用户界面章节。 如何使用本节



  • 作者强烈建议获取Tk手册页的副本。具体来说,mann目录中的手册页最有用。man3手册页描述了Tk库的C接口,因此对脚本编写者不是特别有用。
  • Addison-Wesley发行了一本名为Tcl的书籍和John Ousterhout的“Tk工具包”(ISBN 0-201-63337-X),这是Tcl和Tk对新手的一个很好的介绍。这本书并不详尽,对于许多细节,它延伸到手册页。
  • Tkinter.py是大多数人的最后手段,但没有其他意义,可以是一个好地方。

See also

ActiveState Tcl Home Page
Tk / Tcl开发主要发生在ActiveState。
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
Tcl发明家John Ousterhout的书。
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
布伦特·韦尔奇的百科全书。 一个简单的Hello World Program

from Tkinter import *

class Application(Frame):
    def say_hi(self):
        print "hi there, everyone!"

    def createWidgets(self):
        self.QUIT = Button(self)
        self.QUIT["text"] = "QUIT"
        self.QUIT["fg"]   = "red"
        self.QUIT["command"] =  self.quit

        self.QUIT.pack({"side": "left"})

        self.hi_there = Button(self)
        self.hi_there["text"] = "Hello",
        self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi

        self.hi_there.pack({"side": "left"})

    def __init__(self, master=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)

root = Tk()
app = Application(master=root)

24.1.3. (非常)快速查看Tcl / Tk



  • 这些类是为了在一个命名空间下组织某些功能而提供的。它们不是要独立实例化。
  • Tk类在应用程序中仅被实例化一次。应用程序员不需要明确实例化,只要任何其他类被实例化,系统就会创建一个。
  • Widget类不是要实例化的,它仅用于子类化以创建“实际”小部件(在C中,这被称为“抽象类”)。




classCommand newPathname options
配置窗口小部件的外观,在某些情况下,它的行为。选项以标志和值列表的形式出现。标志前面带有一个' - ',就像Unix shell命令标志一样,如果它们不止一个字,则它们将被引用。


button   .fred   -fg red -text "hi there"
   ^       ^     \_____________________/
   |       |                |
 class    new            options
command  widget  (-opt val -opt val ...)


.fred someAction someOptions


正如你所料,someAction的合法值将取决于小部件的类:.fred disable如果fred是一个按钮(fred变灰),但是如果fred是标签,则不起作用(Tk中不支持禁用标签)。

The legal values of someOptions is action dependent. 某些操作(如disable)不需要任何参数,其他操作(如文本输入框的delete命令)将需要参数来指定要删除的文本范围。

24.1.4. Mapping Basic Tk into Tkinter


button .fred                =====>  fred = Button()


button .panel.fred          =====>  fred = Button(panel)


button .fred -fg red        =====>  fred = Button(panel, fg = "red")
.fred configure -fg red     =====>  fred["fg"] = red
                            OR ==>  fred.config(fg = "red")


.fred invoke                =====>  fred.invoke()


pack .fred -side left       =====>  fred.pack(side = "left")

24.1.6. Handy Reference Setting Options

Options control things like the color and border width of a widget. Options can be set in three ways:

At object creation time, using keyword arguments
fred = Button(self, fg = "red", bg = "blue")
After object creation, treating the option name like a dictionary index
fred["fg"] = "red"
fred["bg"] = "blue"
Use the config() method to update multiple attrs subsequent to object creation
fred.config(fg = "red", bg = "blue")

For a complete explanation of a given option and its behavior, see the Tk man pages for the widget in question.

Note that the man pages list “STANDARD OPTIONS” and “WIDGET SPECIFIC OPTIONS” for each widget. The former is a list of options that are common to many widgets, the latter are the options that are idiosyncratic to that particular widget. The Standard Options are documented on the options(3) man page.

No distinction between standard and widget-specific options is made in this document. Some options don’t apply to some kinds of widgets. Whether a given widget responds to a particular option depends on the class of the widget; buttons have a command option, labels do not.

The options supported by a given widget are listed in that widget’s man page, or can be queried at runtime by calling the config() method without arguments, or by calling the keys() method on that widget. The return value of these calls is a dictionary whose key is the name of the option as a string (for example, 'relief') and whose values are 5-tuples.

Some options, like bg are synonyms for common options with long names (bg is shorthand for “background”). Passing the config() method the name of a shorthand option will return a 2-tuple, not 5-tuple. The 2-tuple passed back will contain the name of the synonym and the “real” option (such as ('bg', 'background')).

0option name'relief'
1option name for database lookup'relief'
2option class for database lookup'Relief'
3default value'raised'
4current value'groove'


>>> print fred.config()
{'relief': ('relief', 'relief', 'Relief', 'raised', 'groove')}

Of course, the dictionary printed will include all the options available and their values. This is meant only as an example. The Packer

The packer is one of Tk’s geometry-management mechanisms. Geometry managers are used to specify the relative positioning of the positioning of widgets within their container - their mutual master. In contrast to the more cumbersome placer (which is used less commonly, and we do not cover here), the packer takes qualitative relationship specification - above, to the left of, filling, etc - and works everything out to determine the exact placement coordinates for you.

The size of any master widget is determined by the size of the “slave widgets” inside. The packer is used to control where slave widgets appear inside the master into which they are packed. You can pack widgets into frames, and frames into other frames, in order to achieve the kind of layout you desire. Additionally, the arrangement is dynamically adjusted to accommodate incremental changes to the configuration, once it is packed.

Note that widgets do not appear until they have had their geometry specified with a geometry manager. It’s a common early mistake to leave out the geometry specification, and then be surprised when the widget is created but nothing appears. A widget will appear only after it has had, for example, the packer’s pack() method applied to it.

The pack() method can be called with keyword-option/value pairs that control where the widget is to appear within its container, and how it is to behave when the main application window is resized. Here are some examples:

fred.pack()                     # defaults to side = "top"
fred.pack(side = "left")
fred.pack(expand = 1) Packer Options

For more extensive information on the packer and the options that it can take, see the man pages and page 183 of John Ousterhout’s book.

Anchor type. Denotes where the packer is to place each slave in its parcel.
Boolean, 0 or 1.
Legal values: 'x', 'y', 'both', 'none'.
ipadx and ipady
A distance - designating internal padding on each side of the slave widget.
padx and pady
A distance - designating external padding on each side of the slave widget.
Legal values are: 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'. Coupling Widget Variables

The current-value setting of some widgets (like text entry widgets) can be connected directly to application variables by using special options. These options are variable, textvariable, onvalue, offvalue, and value. This connection works both ways: if the variable changes for any reason, the widget it’s connected to will be updated to reflect the new value.

Unfortunately, in the current implementation of Tkinter it is not possible to hand over an arbitrary Python variable to a widget through a variable or textvariable option. The only kinds of variables for which this works are variables that are subclassed from a class called Variable, defined in the Tkinter module.

There are many useful subclasses of Variable already defined: StringVar, IntVar, DoubleVar, and BooleanVar. To read the current value of such a variable, call the get() method on it, and to change its value you call the set() method. If you follow this protocol, the widget will always track the value of the variable, with no further intervention on your part.

For example:

class App(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)

        self.entrythingy = Entry()

        # here is the application variable
        self.contents = StringVar()
        # set it to some value
        self.contents.set("this is a variable")
        # tell the entry widget to watch this variable
        self.entrythingy["textvariable"] = self.contents

        # and here we get a callback when the user hits return.
        # we will have the program print out the value of the
        # application variable when the user hits return

    def print_contents(self, event):
        print "hi. contents of entry is now ---->", \
              self.contents.get() The Window Manager

In Tk, there is a utility command, wm, for interacting with the window manager. Options to the wm command allow you to control things like titles, placement, icon bitmaps, and the like. In Tkinter, these commands have been implemented as methods on the Wm class. Toplevel widgets are subclassed from the Wm class, and so can call the Wm methods directly.

To get at the toplevel window that contains a given widget, you can often just refer to the widget’s master. Of course if the widget has been packed inside of a frame, the master won’t represent a toplevel window. To get at the toplevel window that contains an arbitrary widget, you can call the _root() method. This method begins with an underscore to denote the fact that this function is part of the implementation, and not an interface to Tk functionality.

Here are some examples of typical usage:

from Tkinter import *
class App(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)

# create the application
myapp = App()

# here are method calls to the window manager class
myapp.master.title("My Do-Nothing Application")
myapp.master.maxsize(1000, 400)

# start the program
myapp.mainloop() Tk Option Data Types

Legal values are points of the compass: "n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw", and also "center".
There are eight built-in, named bitmaps: 'error', 'gray25', 'gray50', 'hourglass', 'info', 'questhead', 'question', 'warning'. To specify an X bitmap filename, give the full path to the file, preceded with an @, as in "@/usr/contrib/bitmap/gumby.bit".
You can pass integers 0 or 1 or the strings "yes" or "no".

This is any Python function that takes no arguments. For example:

def print_it():
        print "hi there"
fred["command"] = print_it
Colors can be given as the names of X colors in the rgb.txt file, or as strings representing RGB values in 4 bit: "#RGB", 8 bit: "#RRGGBB", 12 bit” "#RRRGGGBBB", or 16 bit "#RRRRGGGGBBBB" ranges, where R,G,B here represent any legal hex digit. See page 160 of Ousterhout’s book for details.
The standard X cursor names from cursorfont.h can be used, without the XC_ prefix. For example to get a hand cursor (XC_hand2), use the string "hand2". You can also specify a bitmap and mask file of your own. See page 179 of Ousterhout’s book.
Screen distances can be specified in either pixels or absolute distances. Pixels are given as numbers and absolute distances as strings, with the trailing character denoting units: c for centimetres, i for inches, m for millimetres, p for printer’s points. For example, 3.5 inches is expressed as "3.5i".
Tk uses a list font name format, such as {courier 10 bold}. Font sizes with positive numbers are measured in points; sizes with negative numbers are measured in pixels.
This is a string of the form widthxheight, where width and height are measured in pixels for most widgets (in characters for widgets displaying text). For example: fred["geometry"] = "200x100".
Legal values are the strings: "left", "center", "right", and "fill".
This is a string with four space-delimited elements, each of which is a legal distance (see above). For example: "2 3 4 5" and "3i 2i 4.5i 2i" and "3c 2c 4c 10.43c" are all legal regions.
Determines what the border style of a widget will be. Legal values are: "raised", "sunken", "flat", "groove", and "ridge".
This is almost always the set() method of some scrollbar widget, but can be any widget method that takes a single argument. Refer to the file Demo/tkinter/matt/canvas-with-scrollbars.py in the Python source distribution for an example.
Must be one of: "none", "char", or "word". Bindings and Events

The bind method from the widget command allows you to watch for certain events and to have a callback function trigger when that event type occurs. The form of the bind method is:

def bind(self, sequence, func, add=''):


is a string that denotes the target kind of event. (See the bind man page and page 201 of John Ousterhout’s book for details).
is a Python function, taking one argument, to be invoked when the event occurs. An Event instance will be passed as the argument. (Functions deployed this way are commonly known as callbacks.)
is optional, either '' or '+'. Passing an empty string denotes that this binding is to replace any other bindings that this event is associated with. Passing a '+' means that this function is to be added to the list of functions bound to this event type.

For example:

def turnRed(self, event):
    event.widget["activeforeground"] = "red"

self.button.bind("<Enter>", self.turnRed)

Notice how the widget field of the event is being accessed in the turnRed() callback. This field contains the widget that caught the X event. The following table lists the other event fields you can access, and how they are denoted in Tk, which can be useful when referring to the Tk man pages.

Tk      Tkinter Event Field             Tk      Tkinter Event Field
--      -------------------             --      -------------------
%f      focus                           %A      char
%h      height                          %E      send_event
%k      keycode                         %K      keysym
%s      state                           %N      keysym_num
%t      time                            %T      type
%w      width                           %W      widget
%x      x                               %X      x_root
%y      y                               %Y      y_root The index Parameter

A number of widgets require”index” parameters to be passed. These are used to point at a specific place in a Text widget, or to particular characters in an Entry widget, or to particular menu items in a Menu widget.

Entry widget indexes (index, view index, etc.)

Entry widgets have options that refer to character positions in the text being displayed. You can use these Tkinter functions to access these special points in text widgets:

refers to the last position in the text
refers to the point where the text cursor is
indicates the beginning point of the selected text
denotes the last point of the selected text and finally
At(x[, y])
refers to the character at pixel location x, y (with y not used in the case of a text entry widget, which contains a single line of text).
Text widget indexes
The index notation for Text widgets is very rich and is best described in the Tk man pages.
Menu indexes (menu.invoke(), menu.entryconfig(), etc.)

Some options and methods for menus manipulate specific menu entries. Anytime a menu index is needed for an option or a parameter, you may pass in:

  • an integer which refers to the numeric position of the entry in the widget, counted from the top, starting with 0;
  • the string 'active', which refers to the menu position that is currently under the cursor;
  • the string "last" which refers to the last menu item;
  • An integer preceded by @, as in @6, where the integer is interpreted as a y pixel coordinate in the menu’s coordinate system;
  • the string "none", which indicates no menu entry at all, most often used with menu.activate() to deactivate all entries, and finally,
  • a text string that is pattern matched against the label of the menu entry, as scanned from the top of the menu to the bottom. Note that this index type is considered after all the others, which means that matches for menu items labelled last, active, or none may be interpreted as the above literals, instead. Images

Bitmap/Pixelmap images can be created through the subclasses of Tkinter.Image:

  • BitmapImage can be used for X11 bitmap data.
  • PhotoImage can be used for GIF and PPM/PGM color bitmaps.

Either type of image is created through either the file or the data option (other options are available as well).

The image object can then be used wherever an image option is supported by some widget (e.g. labels, buttons, menus). In these cases, Tk will not keep a reference to the image. When the last Python reference to the image object is deleted, the image data is deleted as well, and Tk will display an empty box wherever the image was used.