OpenCV  3.4.8
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cv::ocl::ProgramSource Class Reference

#include <opencv2/core/ocl.hpp>

Public Types

typedef uint64 hash_t

Public Member Functions

 ProgramSource ()
 ProgramSource (const String &module, const String &name, const String &codeStr, const String &codeHash)
 ProgramSource (const String &prog)
 ProgramSource (const char *prog)
 ProgramSource (const ProgramSource &prog)
 ~ProgramSource ()
Impl * getImpl () const
hash_t hash () const
ProgramSource & operator= (const ProgramSource &prog)
const String & source () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ProgramSource fromBinary (const String &module, const String &name, const unsigned char *binary, const size_t size, const cv::String &buildOptions=cv::String())
 Describe OpenCL program binary. Do not call clCreateProgramWithBinary() and/or clBuildProgram(). More...
static ProgramSource fromSPIR (const String &module, const String &name, const unsigned char *binary, const size_t size, const cv::String &buildOptions=cv::String())
 Describe OpenCL program in SPIR format. Do not call clCreateProgramWithBinary() and/or clBuildProgram(). More...

Protected Attributes

Impl * p


struct Impl

Member Typedef Documentation

§ hash_t

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ ProgramSource() [1/5]

cv::ocl::ProgramSource::ProgramSource ( )

§ ProgramSource() [2/5]

cv::ocl::ProgramSource::ProgramSource ( const String &  module,
const String &  name,
const String &  codeStr,
const String &  codeHash 

§ ProgramSource() [3/5]

cv::ocl::ProgramSource::ProgramSource ( const String &  prog)

§ ProgramSource() [4/5]

cv::ocl::ProgramSource::ProgramSource ( const char *  prog)

§ ~ProgramSource()

cv::ocl::ProgramSource::~ProgramSource ( )

§ ProgramSource() [5/5]

cv::ocl::ProgramSource::ProgramSource ( const ProgramSource &  prog)

Member Function Documentation

§ fromBinary()

static ProgramSource cv::ocl::ProgramSource::fromBinary ( const String &  module,
const String &  name,
const unsigned char *  binary,
const size_t  size,
const cv::String &  buildOptions = cv::String() 

Describe OpenCL program binary. Do not call clCreateProgramWithBinary() and/or clBuildProgram().

Caller should guarantee binary buffer lifetime greater than ProgramSource object (and any of its copies).

This kind of binary is not portable between platforms in general - it is specific to OpenCL vendor / device / driver version.

modulename of program owner module
nameunique name of program (module+name is used as key for OpenCL program caching)
binarybuffer address. See buffer lifetime requirement in description.
sizebuffer size
buildOptionsadditional program-related build options passed to clBuildProgram()
created ProgramSource object

§ fromSPIR()

static ProgramSource cv::ocl::ProgramSource::fromSPIR ( const String &  module,
const String &  name,
const unsigned char *  binary,
const size_t  size,
const cv::String &  buildOptions = cv::String() 

Describe OpenCL program in SPIR format. Do not call clCreateProgramWithBinary() and/or clBuildProgram().

Supports SPIR 1.2 by default (pass '-spir-std=X.Y' in buildOptions to override this behavior)

Caller should guarantee binary buffer lifetime greater than ProgramSource object (and any of its copies).

Programs in this format are portable between OpenCL implementations with 'khr_spir' extension: (but they are not portable between different platforms: 32-bit / 64-bit)

Note: these programs can't support vendor specific extensions, like 'cl_intel_subgroups'.

modulename of program owner module
nameunique name of program (module+name is used as key for OpenCL program caching)
binarybuffer address. See buffer lifetime requirement in description.
sizebuffer size
buildOptionsadditional program-related build options passed to clBuildProgram() (these options are added automatically: '-x spir' and '-spir-std=1.2')
created ProgramSource object.

§ getImpl()

Impl* cv::ocl::ProgramSource::getImpl ( ) const

§ hash()

hash_t cv::ocl::ProgramSource::hash ( ) const

§ operator=()

ProgramSource& cv::ocl::ProgramSource::operator= ( const ProgramSource &  prog)

§ source()

const String& cv::ocl::ProgramSource::source ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

§ Impl

friend struct Impl

Member Data Documentation

§ p

Impl* cv::ocl::ProgramSource::p

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