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VMOD Flex supports the following coordinate systems:


·Geographic coordinate systems (data import only)
·Projected coordinate systems: UTM, StatePlane
·Local Cartesian


Work With Grid-Independent Data


Import spatial and attribute data from a wide variety of data types including:

·Points (.XLS, .TXT, .CSV, .MDB, .SHP, .DXF, .TRP)
·Polygons (.SHP, .DXF)
·Polylines (.SHP, .DXF)
·3D Gridded Data (.HDS, .DAT)
·Raster Images (.BMP, .TIF, .JPG)
·Time Schedules (.XLS)
·Surfaces (.DEM, .GRD, .TXT. ,.ASC)
·Hydro GeoAnalyst (HGA) Cross Sections (.3XS)
·Vertical and Horizontal Wells (.XLS )


View and modify settings for imported data

·View data object meta data including the source file name, field mappings and the native coordinate system
·View raw attribute data in a spreadsheet view
·Apply mathematical operations to data, e.g., set an attribute as a constant value, convert well tops to a points data object, and convert HGA cross section model layers to a points data object
·Drape a raster image over a surface data object, e.g., digital elevation models
·Set symbol properties for points, polygons, polylines and display labels using a variety of style options
·Color render shape features by attribute value using a classified or stretched color scheme
·Show contour lines and set color rendering options for surface layers
·Add, remove and modify wells and associated well data including screens intervals, diver observation points, well tops, well paths (for horizontal only), and pumping schedules


Create surfaces from points data objects

·Using one or more points data objects, generate surface layers using Inverse Distance, Kriging or Natural Neighbor interpolation methods
·Configure the interpolation method by modifying various interpolation settings
·Clip the generated surface to the horizontal extents of a specified polygon data object


Digitize new data objects using 2D Viewer

Using the 2D Viewer editing tools, digitize a new polyline, polygon or points data object


2D & 3D Visualization

·Visualize data objects and conceptual model features using interactive 2D and 3D Viewers
·Use various screen configurations to display multiple 3D or 2D Viewers simultaneously, e.g., cascade, tile horizontally/vertically
·Zoom, rotate and move data within the viewer using your mouse
·Modify viewer settings including the background color and vertical exaggeration (3D Viewer only)
·In 3D Viewers, remove parts of the displayed data by creating cutaways along the X, Y and Z axis
·In 2D Viewers, select individual data object features (points, line, shapes), and then view the corresponding attribute data in spreadsheet view, and vice versa


Edit data object geometry in 2D Viewer

·Modify existing data objects by manually digitizing points, polylines and polygons
·Rotate, scale and delete shapes
·"Undo" all edits and revert back to original shape


Define Multiple Conceptual Models

·Create multiple conceptual models with different interpretations, or copy existing conceptual models
·Define conceptual model geometry using imported data objects
·Define the horizontal model boundary using an imported or digitized polygon data object
·Create vertical horizons from surfaces that are either imported or created by interpolating raw XYZ points
·Select from different horizon types to accommodate various geological conditions (pinchouts, discontinuous layers, etc.)
·Automatically create 3D structural zones from defined horizons


Property Modeling

·Create property zones from imported or digitized polygon data objects, or from generated structural zones
·Assign property values for conductivity, storage and initial heads using various methods:

-Use a constant value

-Map to imported polygon shapefile attributes

-Map to imported 3D Gridded data attributes

-Use surface data object


Boundary Condition Modeling

Automatically generate the simulation domain using the boundaries defined for the conceptual model

Apply boundary conditions to the top, bottom, sides or an intermediate layer of the simulation model domain


Support for the following boundary conditions:

·Pumping Wells
·Specified Head
·General Head
·Specified Flux


·For linear boundary conditions, define local zones from line segments using an interactive 2D Viewer window
·For linear boundary conditions, define parameters at start, end or intermediate vertices along a line, and interpolate values between each vertex
·Set each boundary condition parameter as static or transient
·Define boundary condition parameters using one or more of the following methods:
·Use a constant value
·Map to imported shapefile attributes
·Use a surface data object
·Use a time schedule data object (for transient boundary conditions)
·Use attributes from 3D Gridded data objects



Model Discretization

·Discretize your model using the finite difference method or the finite element method.
·When working with finite difference grids:

 -Specify the number of rows and columns, grid origin, and the angle of rotation

 -Choose from the following finite difference grid types:  Deformed, Uniform, Semi-Uniform

 -Perform horizontal grid refinement/coarsening within a user-defined row/column interval

 -Define a child grid within a numerical grid for running Local Grid Refinement (LGR) simulations using the MODFLOW-LGR        package


·When working with finite elements meshes:

 -Use imported shape data objects to define the superelement mesh

 -Choose from various Delaunay triangulation methods including constrained and conforming

 -Refine areas of the mesh using digitized or imported polygon shapes

 -Fit the mesh to your model domain using deformed or semi-uniform vertical slices


·When working with UnStructured grids:

 -Use imported shape data objects to define the unstructured grid

 -Refine areas of the grid around wells and boundary conditions

 -Accommodate pinchout layers when generating the numerical model, for accurate representation of the true site characteristics