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Polygons are closed shapes consisting of vertices, line segments and have at least 3 sides. Polygons can be used in VMOD Flex in the following ways:


·To define the horizontal boundary of a conceptual model
·To define the geometry and attributes of horizontal boundary conditions, e.g., recharge, specified-head.
·To define the geometry and attributes of property zones.
·To visualize spatial variation of geographic features using various style settings.
·VMOD Flex supports the following file types for polygon data.


Shapefile, *.SHP

AutoCAD, *.DXF

To import polygon data, follow the steps below:

Right-click in the Data Explorer and select Import Data... from the pop-up menu.


Select Polygon from the Data Type drop down list box.

Click the [...] button and locate the source file.

Enter a Name and a Description for the imported data, and click [Next] to continue.


The remaining workflow for importing polygon data is very similar to that of importing Polylines. For more information on how to import polygons, please see Importing Polylines