QAbstractTexture Class


A base class to be used to provide textures. More...

Public Types

enum ComparisonFunction { CompareLessEqual, CompareGreaterEqual, CompareLess, CompareGreater, ..., CompareNever }
enum ComparisonMode { CompareRefToTexture, CompareNone }
enum CubeMapFace { CubeMapPositiveX, CubeMapNegativeX, CubeMapPositiveY, CubeMapNegativeY, CubeMapPositiveZ, CubeMapNegativeZ }
enum Filter { Nearest, Linear, NearestMipMapNearest, NearestMipMapLinear, LinearMipMapNearest, LinearMipMapLinear }
enum Status { None, Loading, Ready, Error }
enum Target { TargetAutomatic, Target1D, Target1DArray, Target2D, ..., TargetBuffer }
enum TextureFormat { NoFormat, Automatic, R8_UNorm, RG8_UNorm, ..., LuminanceAlphaFormat }


Public Functions

void addTextureImage(QAbstractTextureImage *textureImage)
ComparisonFunction comparisonFunction() const
ComparisonMode comparisonMode() const
QTextureGeneratorPtr dataGenerator() const
int depth() const
TextureFormat format() const
bool generateMipMaps() const
int height() const
int layers() const
Filter magnificationFilter() const
float maximumAnisotropy() const
Filter minificationFilter() const
void removeTextureImage(QAbstractTextureImage *textureImage)
void setSize(int w, int h = 1, int d = 1)
void setWrapMode(const QTextureWrapMode &wrapMode)
Status status() const
Target target() const
QVector textureImages() const
int width() const
QTextureWrapMode *wrapMode()

Public Slots

void setComparisonFunction(ComparisonFunction function)
void setComparisonMode(ComparisonMode mode)
void setDepth(int depth)
void setFormat(TextureFormat format)
void setGenerateMipMaps(bool gen)
void setHeight(int height)
void setLayers(int layers)
void setMagnificationFilter(Filter f)
void setMaximumAnisotropy(float anisotropy)
void setMinificationFilter(Filter f)
void setWidth(int width)


void comparisonFunctionChanged(ComparisonFunction comparisonFunction)
void comparisonModeChanged(ComparisonMode comparisonMode)
void depthChanged(int depth)
void formatChanged(TextureFormat format)
void generateMipMapsChanged(bool generateMipMaps)
void heightChanged(int height)
void layersChanged(int layers)
void magnificationFilterChanged(Filter magnificationFilter)
void maximumAnisotropyChanged(float maximumAnisotropy)
void minificationFilterChanged(Filter minificationFilter)
void statusChanged(Status status)
void widthChanged(int width)

Protected Functions

QAbstractTexture(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
QAbstractTexture(Target target, Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
QAbstractTexture(QAbstractTexturePrivate &dd, Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
void setStatus(Status status)

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 public variable inherited from QObject
  • 10 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

A base class to be used to provide textures.

The QAbstractTexture class shouldn't be used directly but rather through one of its subclasses. Each subclass implements a given texture target (2D, 2DArray, 3D, CubeMap ...) Each subclass provides a set of functors for each layer, cube map face and mipmap level. In turn the backend uses those functor to properly fill a corresponding OpenGL texture with data.

Member Type Documentation

enum QAbstractTexture::ComparisonFunction

enum QAbstractTexture::ComparisonMode

enum QAbstractTexture::CubeMapFace

enum QAbstractTexture::Filter

enum QAbstractTexture::Status

enum QAbstractTexture::Target

enum QAbstractTexture::TextureFormat

Property Documentation

comparisonFunction : ComparisonFunction

Holds the comparison function of the texture provider.

Access functions:

ComparisonFunction comparisonFunction() const
void setComparisonFunction(ComparisonFunction function)

Notifier signal:

void comparisonFunctionChanged(ComparisonFunction comparisonFunction)

comparisonMode : ComparisonMode

Holds the comparison mode of the texture provider.

Access functions:

ComparisonMode comparisonMode() const
void setComparisonMode(ComparisonMode mode)

Notifier signal:

void comparisonModeChanged(ComparisonMode comparisonMode)

depth : int

Holds the depth of the texture provider.

Access functions:

int depth() const
void setDepth(int depth)

Notifier signal:

void depthChanged(int depth)

format : TextureFormat

Holds the format of the texture provider.

Access functions:

TextureFormat format() const
void setFormat(TextureFormat format)

Notifier signal:

void formatChanged(TextureFormat format)

generateMipMaps : bool

Holds whether the texture provider should auto generate mipmaps.

Access functions:

bool generateMipMaps() const
void setGenerateMipMaps(bool gen)

Notifier signal:

void generateMipMapsChanged(bool generateMipMaps)

height : int

Holds the height of the texture provider.

Access functions:

int height() const
void setHeight(int height)

Notifier signal:

void heightChanged(int height)

layers : int

Holds the maximum layer count of the texture provider. By default, the maximum layer count is 1.

Note: this has a meaning only for texture providers that have 3D or array target formats.

Access functions:

int layers() const
void setLayers(int layers)

Notifier signal:

void layersChanged(int layers)

magnificationFilter : Filter

Holds the magnification filter of the texture provider.

Access functions:

Filter magnificationFilter() const
void setMagnificationFilter(Filter f)

Notifier signal:

void magnificationFilterChanged(Filter magnificationFilter)

maximumAnisotropy : float

Holds the maximum anisotropy of the texture provider.

Access functions:

float maximumAnisotropy() const
void setMaximumAnisotropy(float anisotropy)

Notifier signal:

void maximumAnisotropyChanged(float maximumAnisotropy)

minificationFilter : Filter

Holds the minification filter of the texture provider.

Access functions:

Filter minificationFilter() const
void setMinificationFilter(Filter f)

Notifier signal:

void minificationFilterChanged(Filter minificationFilter)

status : const Status

Holds the current status of the texture provider.

Access functions:

Status status() const

Notifier signal:

void statusChanged(Status status)

target : const Target

Holds the target format of the texture provider.

Note: The target format can only be set once.

Access functions:

Target target() const

width : int

Holds the width of the texture provider.

Access functions:

int width() const
void setWidth(int width)

Notifier signal:

void widthChanged(int width)

wrapMode : Qt3DRender::QTextureWrapMode * const

Holds the wrap mode of the texture provider.

Access functions:

QTextureWrapMode *wrapMode()

Member Function Documentation

[protected] QAbstractTexture::QAbstractTexture(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

Default constructs an instance of QAbstractTexture.

[protected] QAbstractTexture::QAbstractTexture(Target target, Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

Default constructs an instance of QAbstractTexture.

[protected] QAbstractTexture::QAbstractTexture(QAbstractTexturePrivate &dd, Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

Copy constructor.

void QAbstractTexture::addTextureImage(QAbstractTextureImage *textureImage)

Adds a new Qt3DCore::QAbstractTextureImage textureImage to the texture provider.

Note: Qt3DRender::QAbstractTextureImage should never be shared between multiple Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture instances.

ComparisonFunction QAbstractTexture::comparisonFunction() const

Returns the current comparison function.

Note: Getter function for property comparisonFunction.

See also setComparisonFunction().

ComparisonMode QAbstractTexture::comparisonMode() const

Returns the current comparison mode.

Note: Getter function for property comparisonMode.

See also setComparisonMode().

QTextureGeneratorPtr QAbstractTexture::dataGenerator() const

Returns the current data generator.

int QAbstractTexture::depth() const

Returns the depth of the texture

Note: Getter function for property depth.

See also setDepth().

TextureFormat QAbstractTexture::format() const

Returns the texture provider's format.

Note: Getter function for property format.

See also setFormat().

int QAbstractTexture::height() const

Returns the height of the texture

Note: Getter function for property height.

See also setHeight().

int QAbstractTexture::layers() const

Returns the maximum number of layers for the texture provider.

Note: this has a meaning only for texture providers that have 3D or array target formats.

Note: Getter function for property layers.

See also setLayers().

float QAbstractTexture::maximumAnisotropy() const

Returns the current maximum anisotropy

Note: Getter function for property maximumAnisotropy.

See also setMaximumAnisotropy().

void QAbstractTexture::removeTextureImage(QAbstractTextureImage *textureImage)

Removes a Qt3DCore::QAbstractTextureImage textureImage from the texture provider.

void QAbstractTexture::setSize(int w, int h = 1, int d = 1)

Sets the size of the texture provider to width w, height h and depth d.

[protected] void QAbstractTexture::setStatus(Status status)

See also status().

void QAbstractTexture::setWrapMode(const QTextureWrapMode &wrapMode)

See also wrapMode().

Status QAbstractTexture::status() const

Returns the current status

Note: Getter function for property status.

See also setStatus().

QVector<QAbstractTextureImage *> QAbstractTexture::textureImages() const

Returns a list of pointers to QAbstractTextureImage objects contained in the texture provider.

int QAbstractTexture::width() const

Returns the width of the texture

Note: Getter function for property width.

See also setWidth().