QPieSeries Class

Pie series API for Qt Charts. More...

Header: #include <QPieSeries>
Instantiated By: PieSeries
Inherits: QAbstractSeries


Public Functions

QPieSeries(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)
virtual ~QPieSeries()
bool append(QPieSlice *slice)
bool append(QList slices)
QPieSlice *append(QString label, qreal value)
void clear()
int count() const
qreal holeSize() const
qreal horizontalPosition() const
bool insert(int index, QPieSlice *slice)
bool isEmpty() const
qreal pieEndAngle() const
qreal pieSize() const
qreal pieStartAngle() const
bool remove(QPieSlice *slice)
void setHoleSize(qreal holeSize)
void setHorizontalPosition(qreal relativePosition)
void setLabelsPosition(QPieSlice::LabelPosition position)
void setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)
void setPieEndAngle(qreal angle)
void setPieSize(qreal relativeSize)
void setPieStartAngle(qreal startAngle)
void setVerticalPosition(qreal relativePosition)
QList slices() const
qreal sum() const
bool take(QPieSlice *slice)
qreal verticalPosition() const
QPieSeries &operator<<(QPieSlice *slice)

Reimplemented Public Functions

virtual QAbstractSeries::SeriesType type() const


void added(QList slices)
void clicked(QPieSlice *slice)
void countChanged()
void doubleClicked(QPieSlice *slice)
void hovered(QPieSlice *slice, bool state)
void pressed(QPieSlice *slice)
void released(QPieSlice *slice)
void removed(QList slices)
void sumChanged()

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 1 public variable inherited from QObject
  • 10 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 9 protected functions inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

Pie series API for Qt Charts.

The pie series defines a pie chart which consists of pie slices which are defined as QPieSlice objects. The slices can have any values as the QPieSeries will calculate its relative value to the sum of all slices. The actual slice size is determined by that relative value.

Pie size and position on the chart is controlled by using relative values which range from 0.0 to 1.0. These relate to the actual chart rectangle.

By default the pie is defined as a full pie but it can also be a partial pie. This can be done by setting a starting angle and angle span to the series. Full pie is 360 degrees where 0 is at 12 a'clock.

See the pie chart example or donut chart example to learn how to use QPieSeries.

Property Documentation

count : const int

Number of slices in the series.

Access functions:

int count() const

Notifier signal:

void countChanged()

endAngle : qreal

This property defines the ending angle of the pie.

Full pie is 360 degrees where 0 degrees is at 12 a'clock.

Default is value is 360.

Access functions:

qreal pieEndAngle() const
void setPieEndAngle(qreal angle)

holeSize : qreal

This property defines the donut hole size.

The value is a relative value to the chart rectangle where:

  • 0.0 is the minimum size (full pie drawn, without any hole inside).
  • 1.0 is the maximum size that can fit the chart. (donut has no width)

The value is never greater then size property. Default value is 0.0.

Access functions:

qreal holeSize() const
void setHoleSize(qreal holeSize)

horizontalPosition : qreal

This property defines the horizontal position of the pie.

The value is a relative value to the chart rectangle where:

  • 0.0 is the absolute left.
  • 1.0 is the absolute right.

Default value is 0.5 (center).

Access functions:

qreal horizontalPosition() const
void setHorizontalPosition(qreal relativePosition)

See also verticalPosition.

size : qreal

This property defines the pie size.

The value is a relative value to the chart rectangle where:

  • 0.0 is the minimum size (pie not drawn).
  • 1.0 is the maximum size that can fit the chart.

When setting this property the holeSize property is adjusted if necessary, to ensure that the hole size is not greater than the outer size.

Default value is 0.7.

Access functions:

qreal pieSize() const
void setPieSize(qreal relativeSize)

startAngle : qreal

This property defines the starting angle of the pie.

Full pie is 360 degrees where 0 degrees is at 12 a'clock.

Default is value is 0.

Access functions:

qreal pieStartAngle() const
void setPieStartAngle(qreal startAngle)

sum : const qreal

Sum of all slices.

The series keeps track of the sum of all slices it holds.

Access functions:

qreal sum() const

Notifier signal:

void sumChanged()

verticalPosition : qreal

This property defines the vertical position of the pie.

The value is a relative value to the chart rectangle where:

  • 0.0 is the absolute top.
  • 1.0 is the absolute bottom.

Default value is 0.5 (center).

Access functions:

qreal verticalPosition() const
void setVerticalPosition(qreal relativePosition)

See also horizontalPosition.

Member Function Documentation

QPieSeries::QPieSeries(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)

Constructs a series object which is a child of parent.

[virtual] QPieSeries::~QPieSeries()

Destroys the series and its slices.

[signal] void QPieSeries::added(QList<QPieSlice *> slices)

This signal is emitted when slices have been added to the series.

See also append() and insert().

bool QPieSeries::append(QPieSlice *slice)

Appends a single slice to the series. Slice ownership is passed to the series.

Returns true if append was succesfull.

bool QPieSeries::append(QList<QPieSlice *> slices)

Appends an array of slices to the series. Slice ownership is passed to the series.

Returns true if append was successful.

QPieSlice *QPieSeries::append(QString label, qreal value)

Appends a single slice to the series with give value and label. Slice ownership is passed to the series. Returns NULL if value is NaN, Inf or -Inf and no slice is added to the series.

void QPieSeries::clear()

Clears all slices from the series.

[signal] void QPieSeries::clicked(QPieSlice *slice)

This signal is emitted when a slice has been clicked.

See also QPieSlice::clicked().

int QPieSeries::count() const

returns the number of the slices in this series.

Note: Getter function for property count.

[signal] void QPieSeries::countChanged()

Emitted when the slice count has changed.

Note: Notifier signal for property count.

See also count.

[signal] void QPieSeries::doubleClicked(QPieSlice *slice)

This signal is emitted when a slice has been doubleClicked.

See also QPieSlice::doubleClicked().

[signal] void QPieSeries::hovered(QPieSlice *slice, bool state)

This signal is emitted when user has hovered over or away from the slice. state is true when user has hovered over the slice and false when hover has moved away from the slice.

See also QPieSlice::hovered().

bool QPieSeries::insert(int index, QPieSlice *slice)

Inserts a single slice to the series before the slice at index position. Slice ownership is passed to the series.

Returns true if insert was successful.

bool QPieSeries::isEmpty() const

Returns true is the series is empty.

qreal QPieSeries::pieEndAngle() const

Returns the end angle of the pie.

Full pie is 360 degrees where 0 degrees is at 12 a'clock.

Note: Getter function for property endAngle.

See also setPieEndAngle(), pieStartAngle(), and setPieStartAngle().

[signal] void QPieSeries::pressed(QPieSlice *slice)

This signal is emitted when a slice has been pressed.

See also QPieSlice::pressed().

[signal] void QPieSeries::released(QPieSlice *slice)

This signal is emitted when a slice has been released.

See also QPieSlice::released().

bool QPieSeries::remove(QPieSlice *slice)

Removes a single slice from the series and deletes the slice.

Do not reference the pointer after this call.

Returns true if remove was successful.

[signal] void QPieSeries::removed(QList<QPieSlice *> slices)

This signal is emitted when slices have been removed from the series.

See also remove().

void QPieSeries::setLabelsPosition(QPieSlice::LabelPosition position)

Sets the all the slice labels position

Note that this affects only the current slices in the series. If user adds a new slice the default label position is LabelOutside

See also QPieSlice::labelPosition() and QPieSlice::setLabelPosition().

void QPieSeries::setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)

Sets the all the slice labels visible or invisible.

Note that this affects only the current slices in the series. If user adds a new slice the default label visibility is false.

See also QPieSlice::isLabelVisible() and QPieSlice::setLabelVisible().

void QPieSeries::setPieEndAngle(qreal angle)

Sets the end angle of the pie.

Full pie is 360 degrees where 0 degrees is at 12 a'clock.

angle must be greater than start angle.

Note: Setter function for property endAngle.

See also pieEndAngle(), pieStartAngle(), and setPieStartAngle().

QList<QPieSlice *> QPieSeries::slices() const

Returns a list of slices that belong to this series.

qreal QPieSeries::sum() const

Returns the sum of all slice values in this series.

Note: Getter function for property sum.

See also QPieSlice::value(), QPieSlice::setValue(), and QPieSlice::percentage().

[signal] void QPieSeries::sumChanged()

Emitted when the sum of all slices has changed.

Note: Notifier signal for property sum.

See also sum.

bool QPieSeries::take(QPieSlice *slice)

Takes a single slice from the series. Does not destroy the slice object.

Note: The series remains as the slice's parent object. You must set the parent object to take full ownership.

Returns true if take was successful.

[virtual] QAbstractSeries::SeriesType QPieSeries::type() const

Reimplemented from QAbstractSeries::type().

Returns QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePie.

QPieSeries &QPieSeries::operator<<(QPieSlice *slice)

Appends a single slice to the series and returns a reference to the series. Slice ownership is passed to the series.