Getting Started with Qt

Install Qt

您可以使用在线或离线安装程序或自己构建源程序包来安装Qt Framework和工具。

In the online installer, you can select commercial or open source versions of Qt, tools, and Add-On components to install. Using the online installer requires signing in to your Qt Account. The installer retrieves the license attached to the account from a server and provides a list of available components corresponding to the license.

An offline installer is a single package that contains all of Qt and Add-Ons relevant for a target platform. Users with a commercial license can either sign in with their Qt account or with their Qt license key during the installation process. The license key is available in the Qt Account Web portal.

You can download Qt 5 installers from the Downloads page.

You can use the Qt installers to download and install the following components:

  • Qt libraries, prebuilt for a particular development platform (operating system and compiler)
  • Qt Creator integrated development environment (IDE)
  • Reference Documentation and examples
  • Qt in source code form (needed only if you want to build the framework and tools yourself)
  • Add-On components that are relevant for different platforms

After downloading, start the installer like any executable on the development platform.

To run the installer, you need a Qt Account. You can use your Qt Account credentials to sign-in to all Qt services, including the forums and wiki. If you do not already have a Qt Account, you can create one during the installation process.

To complete the installation, select the components that you want to install and follow the instructions of the installation program.

Use the Maintenance Tool under <install_dir> to add components and to update or remove installed components.

Platform Requirements


For more information, visit the supported platforms page.

Create Your First Applications

通过遵循两个教程来学习Qt和Qt Quick开发的基础知识,这两个教程说明了如何创建简单的应用程序以及如何在目标平台上构建和运行它们:

有关使用Qt 5开发应用程序的不同方面的更详尽的演练,请参见QML手册 它着重于Qt Quick,还提供了将QML与C结合使用所需的信息。


我们邀请您探索Qt的其余部分。 我们准备了概述,可帮助您决定使用哪些API,并且我们的示例演示了如何使用它们。


Setting Up Projects

Developing with Qt Creator

Reference Documentation

Qt Project Community

Qt's vibrant and active community site, houses a wiki, a forum, and additional learning guides and presentations.