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cv::stereo::Matching Class Reference

#include <opencv2/stereo/matching.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Matching (void)
 Matching (int maxDisp, int scalling=4, int confidence=6)
 ~Matching (void)
template<typename T >
void Median1x9Filter (const Mat &originalImage, Mat &filteredImage)
template<typename T >
void Median9x1Filter (const Mat &originalImage, Mat &filteredImage)
 9x1 median filter More...

Protected Member Functions

void blockAgregation (const Mat &partialSums, int windowSize, Mat &cost)
 The aggregation on the cost volume. More...
void costGathering (const Mat &hammingDistanceCost, Mat &cost)
void dispartyMapFormation (const Mat &costVolume, Mat &mapFinal, int th)
double getConfidence ()
int getMaxDisparity ()
 method for getting the disparity More...
int getScallingFactor ()
 method for getting the scalling factor More...
void hammingDistanceBlockMatching (const Mat &leftImage, const Mat &rightImage, Mat &cost, const int kernelSize=9)
void setConfidence (double val)
 setter for the confidence check More...
void setMaxDisparity (int val)
 method for setting the maximum disparity More...
void setScallingFactor (int val)
 a number by which the disparity will be multiplied for better display More...
template<typename T >
void smallRegionRemoval (const Mat &currentMap, int t, Mat &out)
 remove small regions that have an area smaller than t, we fill the region with the average of the good pixels around it More...

Protected Attributes

Mat_< int > puss
Mat_< int > speckleX
Mat_< int > speckleY

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ Matching() [1/2]

cv::stereo::Matching::Matching ( void  )

constructor for the matching class maxDisp - represents the maximum disparity

§ ~Matching()

cv::stereo::Matching::~Matching ( void  )

§ Matching() [2/2]

cv::stereo::Matching::Matching ( int  maxDisp,
int  scalling = 4,
int  confidence = 6 

Member Function Documentation

§ blockAgregation()

void cv::stereo::Matching::blockAgregation ( const Mat &  partialSums,
int  windowSize,
Mat &  cost 

The aggregation on the cost volume.

§ costGathering()

void cv::stereo::Matching::costGathering ( const Mat &  hammingDistanceCost,
Mat &  cost 

§ dispartyMapFormation()

void cv::stereo::Matching::dispartyMapFormation ( const Mat &  costVolume,
Mat &  mapFinal,
int  th 

Method responsible for generating the disparity map function for generating disparity maps at sub pixel level

§ getConfidence()

double cv::stereo::Matching::getConfidence ( )

§ getMaxDisparity()

int cv::stereo::Matching::getMaxDisparity ( )

method for getting the disparity

§ getScallingFactor()

int cv::stereo::Matching::getScallingFactor ( )

method for getting the scalling factor

§ hammingDistanceBlockMatching()

void cv::stereo::Matching::hammingDistanceBlockMatching ( const Mat &  leftImage,
const Mat &  rightImage,
Mat &  cost,
const int  kernelSize = 9 

Hamming distance computation method leftImage and rightImage are the two transformed images the cost is the resulted cost volume and kernel Size is the size of the matching window

§ Median1x9Filter()

template<typename T >
void cv::stereo::Matching::Median1x9Filter ( const Mat &  originalImage,
Mat &  filteredImage 

a median filter of 1x9 and 9x1 1x9 median filter

§ Median9x1Filter()

template<typename T >
void cv::stereo::Matching::Median9x1Filter ( const Mat &  originalImage,
Mat &  filteredImage 

9x1 median filter

§ setConfidence()

void cv::stereo::Matching::setConfidence ( double  val)

setter for the confidence check

§ setMaxDisparity()

void cv::stereo::Matching::setMaxDisparity ( int  val)

method for setting the maximum disparity

§ setScallingFactor()

void cv::stereo::Matching::setScallingFactor ( int  val)

a number by which the disparity will be multiplied for better display

§ smallRegionRemoval()

template<typename T >
void cv::stereo::Matching::smallRegionRemoval ( const Mat &  currentMap,
int  t,
Mat &  out 

remove small regions that have an area smaller than t, we fill the region with the average of the good pixels around it

Member Data Documentation

§ puss

Mat_<int> cv::stereo::Matching::puss

§ speckleX

Mat_<int> cv::stereo::Matching::speckleX

§ speckleY

Mat_<int> cv::stereo::Matching::speckleY

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