OpenCV  3.4.8
Open Source Computer Vision
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
cv::bgsegm Namespace Reference


class  BackgroundSubtractorCNT
 Background subtraction based on counting. More...
class  BackgroundSubtractorGMG
 Background Subtractor module based on the algorithm given in [77] . More...
class  BackgroundSubtractorGSOC
 Implementation of the different yet better algorithm which is called GSOC, as it was implemented during GSOC and was not originated from any paper. More...
class  BackgroundSubtractorLSBP
 Background Subtraction using Local SVD Binary Pattern. More details about the algorithm can be found at [83]. More...
class  BackgroundSubtractorLSBPDesc
 This is for calculation of the LSBP descriptors. More...
class  BackgroundSubtractorMOG
 Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm. More...
class  SyntheticSequenceGenerator
 Synthetic frame sequence generator for testing background subtraction algorithms. More...


enum  LSBPCameraMotionCompensation {


Ptr< BackgroundSubtractorCNT > createBackgroundSubtractorCNT (int minPixelStability=15, bool useHistory=true, int maxPixelStability=15 *60, bool isParallel=true)
 Creates a CNT Background Subtractor. More...
Ptr< BackgroundSubtractorGMG > createBackgroundSubtractorGMG (int initializationFrames=120, double decisionThreshold=0.8)
 Creates a GMG Background Subtractor. More...
Ptr< BackgroundSubtractorGSOC > createBackgroundSubtractorGSOC (int mc=LSBP_CAMERA_MOTION_COMPENSATION_NONE, int nSamples=20, float replaceRate=0.003f, float propagationRate=0.01f, int hitsThreshold=32, float alpha=0.01f, float beta=0.0022f, float blinkingSupressionDecay=0.1f, float blinkingSupressionMultiplier=0.1f, float noiseRemovalThresholdFacBG=0.0004f, float noiseRemovalThresholdFacFG=0.0008f)
 Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorGSOC algorithm. More...
Ptr< BackgroundSubtractorLSBP > createBackgroundSubtractorLSBP (int mc=LSBP_CAMERA_MOTION_COMPENSATION_NONE, int nSamples=20, int LSBPRadius=16, float Tlower=2.0f, float Tupper=32.0f, float Tinc=1.0f, float Tdec=0.05f, float Rscale=10.0f, float Rincdec=0.005f, float noiseRemovalThresholdFacBG=0.0004f, float noiseRemovalThresholdFacFG=0.0008f, int LSBPthreshold=8, int minCount=2)
 Creates an instance of BackgroundSubtractorLSBP algorithm. More...
Ptr< BackgroundSubtractorMOG > createBackgroundSubtractorMOG (int history=200, int nmixtures=5, double backgroundRatio=0.7, double noiseSigma=0)
 Creates mixture-of-gaussian background subtractor. More...
Ptr< SyntheticSequenceGenerator > createSyntheticSequenceGenerator (InputArray background, InputArray object, double amplitude=2.0, double wavelength=20.0, double wavespeed=0.2, double objspeed=6.0)
 Creates an instance of SyntheticSequenceGenerator. More...