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Making Changes after a PEST Run

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After PEST has been run to completion, you may need to make changes to the defined PEST inputs, and/or the numerical model.  Please follow the steps below in the case of these changes:


Numerical Model


If you change the model engine, you must go back to the start of the PEST workflow, and click Apply and Next at each step right up to the Run PEST step


If you change the Translation settings (eg. Solver, Package settings) and or the property package (LPF vs BCF), just go back to the Define Kriging parameters step, click [Apply] button, then you can go directly to Run PEST.


If you need to change the parameter zonation (eg. add or remove Conductivity zones), this is something that is not yet updated in the PEST workflow.  Please make a clone of the model run, change the parameter zonation in this clone, then launch a PEST run from this model clone.


PEST Inputs


If you change the Observations and/or Weights:


·Return to this step in the PEST workflow and make the necessary changes
·Click [Apply] button at the top of the workflow toolbar
·Go to the Run PEST step


If you change the Property Zone parameter min/max values


·Make the changes at this step in the workflow
·Click [Apply] button
·Go to Define Kriging Variograms, and click [Apply] to re-generate these PEST input files.
·Go to the desired regularization step, and Regenerate the PEST Control file.
·Go to the Run PEST step and Run PEST.



If you change the pilot point values, or add new pilot points


·Make the changes at this step in the workflow
·Click [Apply] button
·Go to Define Kriging Variograms, and click [Apply] to re-generate these values
·Go to the Run PEST step.