文档 翻译语句数目 最后翻译时间
RFC 8650: Dynamic Subscription to YANG Events and Datastores over RESTCONF 61 2024/05/12 23:03
RFC 8664: Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Segment Routing 18 2024/05/13 10:19
RFC 8652: A YANG Data Model for the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) 18 2024/05/12 22:48
RFC 8667: IS-IS Extensions for Segment Routing 15 2024/05/13 13:30
RFC 8670: BGP Prefix Segment in Large-Scale Data Centers 13 2024/05/13 15:56
NuNER: Entity Recognition Encoder Pre-training via LLM-Annotated Data 10 2024/05/13 11:38
RFC 8653: On-Demand Mobility Management 10 2024/05/12 23:08
RFC 8697: Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Establishing Relationships between Sets of Label Switched Paths (LSPs) 6 2024/05/14 18:59
RFC 8689: SMTP Require TLS Option 4 2024/05/14 11:13
RFC 8692: Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Additional Algorithm Identifiers for RSASSA-PSS and ECDSA Using SHAKEs 3 2024/05/14 14:27
The Flan Collection: Designing Data and Methods for Effective Instruction Tuning 1 2024/05/14 17:23
RFC 8677: Name-Based Service Function Forwarder (nSFF) Component within a Service Function Chaining (SFC) Framework 1 2024/05/13 22:51
RFC 8673: HTTP Random Access and Live Content 1 2024/05/13 18:44