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Collect Data Objects

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At this step in the workflow, you collect the data you want to use to build and interpret your conceptual model.


The conceptual modeling workflow is data driven. This means that you first need to "collect" the appropriate data objects in order to use these at a particular step in the workflow. Data objects can be "collected" through several means:






ØImporting Data : Import GIS data (shapefiles, CAD files), Gridded data, images, points/wells in excel spreadsheets, or XYZ points in text format.
ØCreating Data Objects: digitizing new point, polygon, or polyline data objects.
ØCreating Surfaces: Interpolate XYZ points using Krigging, Natural Neighbor, or Inverse Distance. The resulting surfaces can be used to define geological layers or 2D parameter distributions (Kx, Recharge, etc.)




Minimum Data Requirements

In order to build your conceptual model, you require at least the following data objects:

ØTwo Surfaces: One for the top and one for the bottom of a geological unit
ØA polygon that represents the model area



Once you have the data loaded, Click (Next Step) to proceed.


You may return to this step in the workflow at any time during the model process to import or create new data objects.


See the following table for some typical data object types and how they are used in the conceptual model workflow.



If you have...

First you should..

Then you can..

River locations in a shapefile

Import these as Polyline data objects

Select this data object when creating a river boundary condition

Geological layers in a Surfer .GRD or ASCII GRD

Import these as Surface data objects

Select these data objects when defining horizons

Air photo with river location

Import this as a Map image

Then Create a new Polyline data object

Digitize the polyline in a 2D Viewer

Select this new polyline data object when creating a river boundary condition

XYZ points for geological contacts

Import these as Points data objects

Then "Create Surfaces" from these data objects

Select these surfaces when defining horizons or numerical model layers

Raster Grid of Kx or Recharge data (from Surfer, ESRI .GRD)

Import these as surface data objects

Select these data objects when defining properties or Recharge boundary conditions