


明确了评估的问题和预期用户后,应由提出申请的HTA代理机构或申办者进行审查。The review of the problem by the assessment program may have clarified or focused the problem in a way that differs from the original request. 通过评估流程中对问题的审查,可能会以不同于原始请求的方式对问题进行澄清和集中,This clarification may prompt a reconsideration or restatement of the problem before the assessment proceeds.澄清问题可能导致在继续进行评估之前重新考量问题或重新陈述问题。

1. 问题要素

陈述评估问题没有单一的正确方法,The elements typically include specifying most or all of the following:通常对下列大部分或全部要素进行说明:

  • 感兴趣的卫生问题
  • 患者人群(包括合理的亚组)
  • 感兴趣的技术
  • 比较层次comparator
  • 医疗环境
  • 采取干预措施的医生/医疗人士
  • 性能、影响或结局
  • 时间范围、持续时间或随访期
  • (此行重复了)
  • 纳入HTA的研究设计或证据/数据类型
  • HTA结果的目标受众

一个常用的框架称为PICOTS(有时称PICO或PICOT):P代表人群(population),I代表干预(intervention),C代表比较层次(comparator ),O代表结局(outcome),T代表时间(timing),S代表研究设计(study design)(Counsell 1997)。该框架可用于描述单项研究或考察多项研究中的证据。下面对一个评估问题基本的明确过程进行举例说明。(该案例运用了特定RCT的某些特性 [Stewart 2005]。)

  • 人群(P):55-75岁男性及女性轻中度高血压患者,即舒张压85-99mmHg,收缩压130-159mmHg;无其他严重伴随疾病。
  • 干预(I):标准化、中等量锻炼项目(健身操和耐力训练)。
  • 比较因素(C):一般活动情况和饮食。usual physical routine
  • 结局(O):一般肥胖和腹型肥胖、收缩压、舒张压、有氧运动能力、主动脉弹性(测量主动脉股动脉脉搏波速度) 等指标的变化。changes in: general and abdominal obesity, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, aerobic fitness, aortic stiffness (measured as aortofemoral pulse-wave velocity)
  • 时间(T):6-24个月。
  • 研究设计(S):随机对照试验。

2. 呈现HTA问题的分析框架

“分析框架”(有时称“因果路径”)是评估问题图形化呈现的有效方式,它描述了干预和结局之间直接和间接关系。分析框架经常用于呈现卫生问题的临床干预措施,但也可用于其他类型的卫生保健干预措施。Although often used to present clinical interventions for health problems, they can be used as well for other types of interventions in health care.

分析框架为HTA要阐述的核心问题进行明确定义,并对可能缺乏证据的重要关系进行关注。Analytic frameworks provide clarity and explicitness in defining the key questions to be addressed in an HTA, and draw attention to important relationships for which evidence may be lacking.它可以是形成或缩小评估问题重点的有用工具。临床问题的分析框架通常包括患者人群、一项或多项干预措施、中间结局(如生物指标)、健康结局及其他合理要素。For a clinical problem, an analytic framework typically includes a patient population, one or more alternative interventions, intermediate outcomes (e.g., biological markers), health outcomes, and other elements as appropriate.当一个主题涉及适应症和结局有限的单一干预措施,分析框架可以相对直接。但鉴于某些HTA主题的广度和复杂性,可能要覆盖定义广泛的卫生问题的多项干预措施(如多个人群亚组中骨质疏松的筛查、诊断和治疗),分析框架是非常细节化的。However, given the considerable breadth and complexity of some HTA topics, which may cover multiple interventions for broadly defined health problem (e.g., screening, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis in various population subgroups), analytic frameworks can be detailed.

Box VI-4显示了一个诊断学检测对卫生结局的影响力的分析框架。该框架提出了一系列关键问题,旨在确定对接受选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)治疗的成人抑郁症患者进行某种基因型检测,是否会对健康结局产生影响。该框架的首要问题是检测对结局的影响,还包括了检测的准确度、检测对SSRIs代谢的预测能力、SSRIs的疗效(虽然efficacy在术语表中是效力,但此处效力有些别扭,故改为疗效)和药物不良反应的风险等一系列关联核心问题;检测对治疗决策的影响;以及对健康结局的最终影响。The framework includes an overarching key question about the impact of the test on outcomes, as well as a series of linked key questions about the accuracy of the test; its ability to predict metabolism of SSRIs, efficacy of SSRIs, and risk of adverse drug reactions; the test’s impact on treatment decisions; and the ultimate impact on health outcomes.

Box VI-4. 选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂的CYP450基因型检测的分析框架

ox VI-4\. Analytic Framework: CYP450 Genotype Testing for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.  The numbers above correspond to the following key questions: 1\. Overarching question: Does testing for cytochrome P450  <em>(CYP450)</em>  polymorphisms in adults entering selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment for nonpsychotic depression lead to improvement in outcomes, or are testing results useful in medical, personal, or public health decision-making? 2\. What is the analytic validity of tests that identify key  <em>CYP450</em>  polymorphisms? 3\. Clinical validity:  a: How well do particular  <em>CYP450</em>  genotypes predict metabolism of particular SSRIs? b: How well does  <em>CYP450</em>  testing predict drug efficacy? c: Do factors such as race/ethnicity, diet, or other medications, affect these associations?  4\. Clinical utility:  a: Does  <em>CYP450</em>  testing influence depression management decisions by patients and providers in ways that could improve or worsen outcomes? b: Does the identification of the  <em>CYP450</em>  genotypes in adults entering SSRI treatment for nonpsychotic depression lead to improved clinical outcomes compared to not testing? c: Are the testing results useful in medical, personal, or public health decision-making? 5\. What are the harms associated with testing for  <em>CYP450</em>  polymorphisms and subsequent management options?


  1. 首要问题:对接受选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)治疗的成人非精神病性抑郁患者进行细胞色素酶P450(CYP450)多态性检测能否改善结局?或者说检测结果在医疗、个人或公共卫生决策制定方面是否有用?Overarching question: Does testing for cytochrome P450 (CYP450) polymorphisms in adults entering selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment for nonpsychotic depression lead to improvement in outcomes, or are testing results useful in medical, personal, or public health decision-making?
  2. 识别关键CYP450多态性的检测的分析效度是什么?
  3. 临床效度: a:特定CYP450基因型对某种SSRI代谢的预测性如何?b:CYP450检测对药物疗效的预测性如何?c:种族/人种、饮食、其他药物等是否影响以上情况?
  4. 临床效用: a:CYP450检测是否影响患者和医生对抑郁治疗的决策,以导致结局改善或恶化? testing influence depression management decisions by patients and providers in ways that could improve or worsen outcomes?b:在接受SSRI治疗非精神病性抑郁症的成人中,接受CYP450基因型检测者的临床结局是否优于未接受检测者? genotypes in adults entering SSRI treatment for nonpsychotic depression lead to improved clinical outcomes compared to not testing?c:检测结果在医疗、个人或公共卫生决策中是否有用? Are the testing results useful in medical, personal, or public health decision-making?
  5. CYP450多态性和后续治疗选择相关的危害有哪些?

来源:Teutsch SM, Bradley LA, Palomaki GE, et al.The Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) initiative: methods of the EGAPP Working Group. Genet Med. 2009;11(1):3-14.

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