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MODFLOW-USG Numerical Modeling Workflow

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This chapter presents information on editing data in a numerical model workflow; the numerical model for MODFLOW-USG is generated after you run the Conceptual to Numerical conversion step.


The numerical modeling workflow provides the tools for viewing and editing the numerical model (properties and boundaries assigned to grid cells), creating the input files for MODFLOW-USG, running the MODFLOW-USG engine, and analyzing the results. The following sections are covered:



1.View Properties (edit parameter values, display in plan, XS, and 3D views)
2.View Boundary Conditions (constant heads, drains, pumping wells, recharge, etc.)


For more details on how MODFLOW-USG differs from traditional versions of MODFLOW, please see our website

For more details on MODFLOW-USG, and the formats for the packages, please see the USGS website