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MODFLOW-2000/2005/NWT/LGR Numerical Modeling Workflow

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This chapter presents information on editing data in a numerical model workflow; the numerical model can originate from:

·Importing a Visual MODFLOW or MODFLOW project, or
·Executing a Conceptual to Numerical Model conversion


The numerical modeling workflow provides the tools for building the numerical model (properties and boundaries assigned to grid cells), running the MODFLOW engines, and analyzing the results.


The following sections are covered;




2.Define/Edit Grid (through importing or creating)
3.View/Edit Properties (geometry and parameter edits)
4.View/Edit Boundary Conditions (constant heads, drains, pumping wells, recharge, etc.)


Before You Start!

If you need to create, modify, or maintain a model that utilizes any of the following features, you must continue to use Visual MODFLOW Classic interface for this:


ØTransport Engines (MT3D99, RT3D, PHT3D, SEAWAT)
ØMNW Package
ØETS1 Package
ØStreams Package